antihelix 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 对耳轮
antihelix 短语词组
1、antihelix skin ─── 反螺旋皮肤
2、crura of antihelix ─── 对耳轮脚
3、antihelix crura ─── 反螺旋交叉
4、antihelix fold ─── 反螺旋褶皱
5、antihelix crux ─── 反螺旋症结
antihelix 相似词语短语
1、antihelices ─── 反螺旋
2、anthelixes ─── n.对耳轮
3、antihero ─── n.非英雄主角;反英雄
4、antimeric ─── 反式
5、anthelix ─── n.对耳轮
6、antigenic ─── adj.抗原的
7、antielite ─── 反精英
8、antihelixes ─── [解剖]对耳轮
9、antiheroic ─── 反英雄的
antihelix 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Subcutaneous tissue of antihelix ─── 对耳轮皮下组织
2、Locations:at the tip of the helix, at the level with the upper border of the superior antihelix crus. ─── 定位:在耳轮顶端,与对耳轮上脚后缘相对的耳轮。
3、transverse groove of antihelix ─── 对耳轮横沟
4、upper crus of antihelix ─── 对耳轮上脚
5、crura of antihelix ─── 对耳轮脚
6、In contrast to prominent ear with underdeveloped antihelix fold, over-convex-antihelix ear reveals a sharp acute angle of antihelix and over-concaved scapha. ─── 摘要相对于“朝风耳”的对耳轮过度平坦且外翻,对耳轮过度前凸则是厉害的对耳轮前凸及舟状部内陷。
7、The basic deformity is a lack of development of the antihelix. ─── 主要的畸形为对耳轮未发育。
8、deformity is a lack of development of the antihelix. ─── 的畸形为对耳轮未发育。
9、Skin of crura of antihelix ─── 对耳轮脚皮肤
10、Contrary to a prominent ear, the deformity of the over-convex antihelix shows a very acute antihelix angle and helix depression and retreat. ─── 对耳轮过度前突为对耳轮的角度过锐,致使耳轮的位置相应后移,表现为与招风耳完全相反的畸形。
11、The basic deformity is a lack of development of the antihelix. ─── 主要的畸形为对耳轮未发育。
12、Elastotic nodules of antihelix ─── 对耳轮弹性组织变性性结节
13、Subcutaneous tissue of crura of antihelix ─── 对耳轮脚皮下组织
14、angle of helix, protracting crus of helix, and repairing auricular tubercle, antitragus and defects, the frameworks of helix and antihelix were cohered to form the cartilage framework. ─── 通过拼接矫正耳轮上角及延长耳轮脚,点补形成耳轮结节、对耳屏及修整欠缺处,然后,耳轮与对耳轮支架进行粘合,形成胶合软骨支架。
15、Contrary to a prominent ear, the deformity of the over-convex antihelix shows a very acute antihelix angle and helix depression and retreat. ─── 对耳轮过度前突为对耳轮的角度过锐,致使耳轮的位置相应后移,表现为与招风耳完全相反的畸形。
16、fossa of antihelix ─── 对耳轮窝
17、scratching method of formation of antihelix ─── 软骨擦刮法形成对耳轮
18、Skin of antihelix ─── 对耳轮皮肤
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