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08-09 投稿


palmyra 发音


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palmyra 中文意思翻译




palmyra 词性/词形变化,palmyra变形

形容词比较级: palmier |形容词最高级: palmiest |

palmyra 短语词组

1、farmstead market palmyra ─── 帕尔米拉农庄市场

2、palmyra palm ─── 糖椰

palmyra 相似词语短语

1、palmar ─── adj.掌中的,手掌的;n.(Palmar)人名;(塞、葡)帕尔马尔

2、palmer ─── n.朝圣者;变戏法的人;毛虫(尤指北美的小舌麦蛾幼虫);n.(Palmer)人名;(英、德、挪)帕尔默;(法)帕尔梅

3、palmers ─── n.(Palmers)人名;(瑞典)帕尔默斯

4、palabra ─── n.词

5、palmary ─── adj.杰出的;卓越的

6、palmy ─── adj.繁荣的;多棕榈的

7、palm crab ─── 棕榈蟹

8、Palmyra ─── n.扇叶树头榈;n.(Palmyra)巴尔米拉(叙利亚城市);帕米拉(美国城市);n.(Palmyra)(美)帕尔米拉(人名)

9、palmyras ─── n.扇叶树头榈;n.(Palmyra)巴尔米拉(叙利亚城市);帕米拉(美国城市);n.(Palmyra)(美)帕尔米拉(人名)

palmyra 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Palmyra was in the ancient times an important city of central Syria. ─── 在古代,帕尔米拉是叙利亚中部的一个重要城市。

2、Roman forces sacked Palmyra in A.D. 273 after its powerful queen Zenobia challenged imperial rule. ─── 公元273年,罗马势力强大的季诺碧亚女皇掌权后,帕尔米拉王国沦陷。

3、To judge from the rains of Palmyra, it must once have been a beautiful city. ─── 根据它的古迹来判断,巴尔米拉过去一定是一座美丽的城市。

4、To judge from the ruins of Palmyra, it must once have been a beautiful city ─── 根据它的古迹判断,帕尔迈拉曾是一座美丽的城市。

5、Palmyra was in the ancient times an important city of central Syria. ─── 在古代,帕尔米拉是叙利亚中部的一个重要城市。

6、Palmyra Island ─── 巴尔米拉岛

7、The castle was surrounded by a moat, with access only available through a drawbridge The city of Palmyra was kept intact. ─── 城堡被护城河环绕,只有通过吊桥才能进入。帕尔米拉城完好无损的保存下来。

8、The sweet sap of several tropical Asian palm trees, especially palmyra and Caryota urens, used as a beverage. ─── 棕榈汁几种亚洲热带棕榈树,尤其是扇叶树头榈和椰子树棕榈上的甜汁液,用作饮料

9、C. kingdom of Palmyra, Syria, an oasis and trade crossroads in the Syrian desert. ─── 当时这里还是叙利亚沙漠上的绿洲和集散地。

10、Food is not the high point of our stay at Palmyra, the oasis in Syria's northeastern desert. ─── 在叙利亚东北部的沙漠绿洲帕尔迈拉,最令我们心动的不是食物。

11、Caption : Palmyra Ruins: In the heart of Syrian Desert it is hidden Palmyra, often described as the bride of the desert. ─── 描述:叙利亚的帕尔米拉废墟:叙利亚沙漠中心是神秘的帕尔米拉废墟,她经常被描述为“沙漠新娘”。

12、For the final leg of our journey, from Palmyra to Damascus, we decide to brave the coach. ─── 我们旅行的最后一程是从帕尓迈拉到大马士革,我们决定尝试乘长途汽车。

13、But those round Palmyra are not merely smaller, they are smaller than they would be if they were not hunted. ─── 但是帕尔米拉周围海里的鱼并不只是较小的鱼类,它们如果不被捕猎将会更小。

14、coarse leaf fiber from palmyra palms used in making brushes and brooms. ─── 扇叶树头榈粗造的树叶纤维,用于制刷子和扫帚。

15、Palmyra Golf Hotel: Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

16、Caption :Palmyra Ruins (Syria):In the heart of Syrian Desert it is hidden Palmyra, often described as the bride of the desert. ─── 描述:叙利亚的帕尔米拉废墟:叙利亚沙漠中心是神秘的帕尔米拉废墟,她经常被描述为“沙漠新娘”。

17、In other words, in a state of nature, for that is pretty much what Palmyra is, the apex fishes' prey seems to be in a permanently stressed condition. ─── 换句话说,在自然状态下,因为这一状态几乎全都是象帕尔米拉岛那种情况,因此食物链顶端鱼类的猎物似乎持久地处于应力状态。

18、Food is not the high point of our stay at Palmyra, the oasis in Syria's northeastern desert. ─── 在叙利亚东北部的沙漠绿洲帕尔迈拉,最令我们心动的不是食物。

19、The Palmyra Hotel in Baalbek has doubles from $107, including breakfast. ─── 巴勒贝克的帕尔迈拉酒店有双人间,价格为107美元起,包含早餐。

20、Palmyra's strategic location and prosperity attracted the interest of the Romans, who took control of the city in the first century A. ─── 帕尔米拉的战略位置和繁荣吸引了罗马人,他们在公元1世纪占领了该城。

21、Site of Palmyra ─── 巴尔米拉

22、Reefs, islands, and the ocean around the Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll and Rose Atoll will be covered. ─── 保护区将覆盖玛丽安娜岛、巴尔米拉环礁和罗斯环礁周边的珊瑚礁、岛屿和海洋。

23、coarse leaf fiber from palmyra palms used in making brushes and brooms ─── 粗糙的树叶纤维,用于制刷子和扫帚

24、December, 2003, Christopher was living in the town of Palmyra. ─── 12月,克里斯托弗住在巴尔米拉城。

25、Its annexation caused the prosperity of the above-mentioned Palmyra, whose aristocracy and dynasty were likewise descended from the Aribi. ─── 其吞并造成的繁荣,上面提到的巴尔米拉,其贵族与王朝,同样是从阿里比。

26、Reefs, islands, and the ocean around the Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll and Rose Atoll will be covered. ─── 保护区将覆盖玛丽安娜岛、巴尔米拉环礁和罗斯环礁周边的珊瑚礁、岛屿和海洋。

27、It will remain so over time, even recovering from shocks like the bleaching Palmyra experienced in 1998, if it is not unduly disturbed. ─── 随着时间过去,如果这种状态不被过度破坏,它将维持下去,甚至可以从象1998年帕尔米拉岛被漂白那样的打击中恢复。

28、This city was called both Northern Venice and Russian Amsterdam and Northern Palmyra. ─── 圣彼得堡,有着“北方威尼斯”、“俄罗斯的艾姆斯特丹”和“北方棕榈海滩”之称。

29、palmyra palm ─── 糖椰

30、To judge from the rains of Palmyra, it must once have been a beautiful city. ─── 根据它的古迹来判断,巴尔米拉过去一定是一座美丽的城市。

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