siren 发音
英:[ˈsaɪrən] 美:[ˈsaɪrən]
英: 美:
siren 中文意思翻译
siren 网络释义
n. 汽笛;迷人的女人;歌声动人的女歌手adj. 迷人的vi. 响着警报器行驶vt. 引诱
siren 短语词组
1、ring dome siren ─── 环形穹顶警报器
2、siren showcase ─── 警报器展示
3、beguiling siren darkest dungeon ─── 最黑暗的地牢
4、compressed-air siren ─── 压缩空气报警器
5、siren song mv ─── 汽笛之歌mv
6、monster siren ─── 怪物警报器
7、genus Siren ─── [网络] 属于警笛
8、siren head ─── 汽笛头
9、siren head vs long horse ─── 警笛头vs长马
10、warning siren ─── 警笛
11、siren-limb ─── [医] 并腿畸形
12、beguiling siren ─── 迷人的汽笛
13、siren call ─── [网络] 诱人的召唤;魅惑的呼唤;迷人的女王
14、Greater Siren ─── 大西伦
15、siren song ─── [网络] 塞壬之歌;海妖之歌;诱惑
16、siren head song ─── 女妖头歌
17、siren head movie ─── 警笛头电影
18、thunderbolt siren ─── 霹雳警报器
19、Gao Siren ─── 高斯仁
siren 词性/词形变化,siren变形
siren 相似词语短语
1、sirenic ─── 警报器
2、sires ─── n.(Sires)人名;(西)西雷斯
3、siree ─── n.先生(等于sirree)
4、sirens ─── n.[铁路][船]汽笛,警报器(siren的复数);v.引诱;鸣笛行驶(siren的第三人称单数)
5、sien ─── n.(Sien)人名;(柬)暹
6、sire ─── n.陛下;大人;男性祖先;雄性亲畜;vt.做…的父亲;生产;n.(Sire)人名;(芬、挪)西雷;(法)西尔
7、sired ─── v.做……的父亲;生产(sire的过去式和过去分词);n.(Sired)(英、加)赛雷德(人名)
8、silen ─── 打开视频设备%s时出错
9、Viren ─── n.(Viren)人名;(芬)维伦
siren 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"The ten o'clock siren's just gone. ─── “十点的汽管刚刚放过。”
2、Line lips in Siren Lip/Cheek Pencil. Fill in entire lip with Siren. ─── 先用蓓蕾彩妆两用笔(0363)划上唇线及将双唇填满口红。
3、TWO SIREN BLASTS draw their attention to the main gate. It swings open, revealing a prison bus waiting outside. ─── 两声急促的笛声把他们的注意力转移到监狱大门,大门摇晃着打开,显现出在外面等着的囚车。
4、He was reaching down to untie his sneaker when, in the distance, he heard a glorious sound: an ambulance siren. ─── 他低下头去解鞋带,这时候,听到远远传来一个伟大的声音:救护车的警报。
5、Immediately ensue the puffing off of chimney smoke in the air, the blending of laughter with neigh, and the wailing out of siren. ─── 一群群多情的蜜蜂,哼着轻快的恋歌,飞入绿丛之中与可心的花儿喁喁私语。
6、We are professional manufacture of security parts ,such as alarm,siren,motion detecter,smoke detecter,magnetic contact,parking sensor and center door lock system. ─── 你可以点击"公司信息"和"联系我们"浏览和看宁波万赢网站的其它信息。
7、"Haven from brigands and the siren world, the monasteries of Meteora in central Greece still uphold the Orthodox tradition of monasticism, once the chaste soul of a gilded Byzantium. ─── 希腊中心的迈泰奥拉修道院是远离强盗和妖妇的天堂,它始终保持着正统的修道院制度,一度是镀金拜占庭的纯净灵魂之所。
8、Qiandian high 1.85 Zhang, in Siren Zunwang, Zonta worship next to Hou, in-you Hou, Wong Tai Wei, Chen General, in his meritorious Wang. ─── 前殿高1.85丈,中祀尊王,旁祀崇德侯、显佑侯、黄太蔚、陈将军,以其有功于王。
9、In 1984 Breathe began working on a few demo tapes.Some of the tunes made it to Siren Records, and the young men landed a recording contract. ─── 1984年,乐队开始制作了一些--寄给各大唱片公司,最终--公司给了他们一次机会,得到了一个合同。
10、When they hear the police siren,they all set about saving their own skin. ─── 听到警车号笛,他们便纷纷逃窜。
11、The siren went off in the middle of the night to warn that there was going to be an air attack. ─── 半夜响起了警报,警告人们将有空袭。
12、He succumbed to the siren call of the wilderness. ─── 他屈从于自然对他的迷人诱惑。
13、An Avedon portrait of 1950s and 1960s French screen siren Brigitte Bardot sold for $US181,000 ($A194,352). ─── 其中一张由阿维顿拍摄的照片以18.1万美元的高价拍出,照片中的人物是法国上世纪五六十年代的著名影星布里吉特?巴多特。
14、He was siren the first piazza by them. ─── 他们带领他去广
15、Kratos finds and destroys the first Siren. ─── 克瑞托斯发现并且消灭了第一个塞壬。
16、Israelis throughout the country stopped to stand at attention for two minutes while the midmorning siren blared. Traffic halted, and most motorists stood beside their cars. ─── 当上午十点警笛拉响时,全国所有的以色列人都站立默哀两分钟,许多驾驶员就站立在他们的汽车旁。
17、Respect for the siren is nearly universal among Israel's Jews. However, a work crew of young Palestinian men continued repairing the street, throwing up a cloud of orange-tinted dust. ─── 在以色列的犹太人几乎都对这一警笛声寄予敬意。然而,一队巴勒斯坦年青工人仍在修路,扬起了一团团桔黄色的烟尘。
18、Blue Stone's sound resonates with ambrosial melodies, opulent piano interludes and seductive siren vocals; interweaving a tapestry of enigmatic story-telling. ─── 在青石的音乐中,优美的旋律、富的钢琴插曲和媚惑人心的嗓音相互共鸣,交织成一匹华丽的织锦,倾诉着神秘的故事。
19、But not the flashing light, and the siren. ─── 但不是闪光灯,和警报器。
20、Dance of Siren (?): Increases party members' magic critical rate. Must be equipped with duals. ─── 幽灵之舞:增加队员的魔法爆击率。必须被装备双刀。
21、They're sounding a siren. ─── 为什么拉汽笛?
22、Miss Sun gave a screech like an ambulance siren reduced several thousand times in magnitude and reached out to grab Hung-chien's right arm as though seeking his protection. ─── 孙小姐嘤然像医院救护汽车的汽笛声缩小了几千倍,伸手拉鸿渐的右臂,仿佛求他保护。
23、Just then, a siren went off - an ambulance, a cop car, or maybe a fire engine, mixing with the usual downtown racket - a cable car bell and a street musician playing Christmas carols on a sax. ─── 就在那时,一声警笛声响起-一辆救护车,一辆警车,或也许一辆救火车,和通常的商业区嘈杂声相混合-一辆缆车鸣钟和在一萨克斯管上演奏耶诞颂歌的一名街头音乐家.
24、We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. ─── 我们易于闭起眼睛不愿正视痛苦的现实,并倾听海妖惑人的歌声,让她把我们化作禽兽。
25、He strove to tear himself away from the noxious siren that had bewitched him. ─── 他极力想从这个蛊惑了他的有害无益的海妖身边挣脱开。
26、A breeze jostled the leaves of ancient ginkgoes.Here and there, the whine of a distant siren pierced the tranquillity. ─── 古老的银杏树的叶子在微风煽动,远处汽车的鸣笛声打破了这里宁静。
27、As soon as they heard the siren, they ran for it. ─── 他们一听到警报声就奔跑躲避。
28、He turned a deaf ear to the siren of ambulance. ─── 他对救护车的呼叫声置若罔闻。
29、What I remember most about my one visit to New York was the fact that I could always hear a siren somewhere in the distance. ─── 关于我到纽约的一次访问,我记得最多的是我经常听到从远处不知名的地方传来的警笛声。
30、Two treatises by the Swedish art historian Oswald Siren on the city walls, gates, and palaces of Peking appeared in 1924 and 1926. ─── 二个论文藉着在北京的城市墙壁,门和宫殿上的瑞典艺术历史学家奥斯瓦德女海妖出现在1924和1926。
31、The crowd panicked at the ringing of the siren. ─── 听到警报器响,人群惊慌失措。
32、As a special hydrodynamic sound generator, ultrasonic siren has applicative effects on viscosity reduction, scale removal on electric pump well. ─── 作为一种特殊的流体动力式声波发生器,超声旋笛在电泵井防垢降粘方面有着显著的使用效果。
33、The road panoram, is in the prospect in roadside Peter, a row police vehicle squawk calls the police siren to howl. ─── 公路的全景,在路边的彼得处于前景中,一队警车尖声鸣着警笛呼啸而过。
34、W.Bahr collection /by Osvald Siren. ─── 书名 :Early Chinese paintings from A.
35、With siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St.Mary's Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. ─── 伴着晚上警报器的鸣叫声,救护车把婴儿送到田纳西州诺克斯维尔市的圣玛丽医院,新生儿重病特护区。
36、or of all those who stop work as soon as soon as the siren goes, no matter how much waste and damage is caused. ─── 或所有那些停止工作,他们很快就会尽快警报器走,不管多少浪费和造成损坏的。
37、Suddenly I heard a siren behind us. ─── 、突然我听到警笛在后面响起来。
38、She played the siren in many early movies. ─── 她在早期电影中扮演妖冶的女人。
39、The two-minute siren at 10 a.m. is an annual tradition in observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day. ─── 上午10点开始的两分钟鸣笛每年大屠杀纪念日的传统。
40、Some research like SIREN in IRTF (research department of IETF) had some considerations for extending the DNS's navigation function to web pages search function. ─── 一些研究易购,比如IRTF(IETF的研究机构)中的SIREN机构,就提出扩展DNS的导航功能到网络页面搜索功能。
41、Hearing the siren from the mine, all the miners' wives were greatly alarmed. ─── 听到矿上的警报后,所有的矿工的妻子都受到极大的惊吓。
42、TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS issue from the main tower, drawing everybody's attention to the loading dock. The outer gate swings open. Revealing a gray prison bus outside. ─── 两声急促的警报从主哨塔响起,所有人的注意力转向停车处。外面的大门旋开,露出一辆灰色的囚车。
43、In this case, it was the swell of an emergency siren, like those used for air raids or tornadoes , which I've never heard before in Beijing. ─── 此刻,声嘶力竭的是在城市上空不断膨胀的警笛声,就像遭遇袭击或龙卷风时的警报,我之前从来没在北京听到过。
44、He cleared off when he heard the police siren. ─── 他听到警笛便逃之夭夭。
45、His voice is drowned by the dissonant scream of a siren outside. ─── 她的声音被外面杂乱刺耳的警报声吞没了。
46、You'll defeatrivals for bonuses, such as armor plating or a siren, and can be as dare-devilish as you like. ─── 在游戏当中你将击败竞争对手从而获得奖励,诸如装甲防护或者一个警报器,并且如果你原意还可以挑战恶魔。
47、A friend of Mariah's laughed when I asked if the singing siren was knitting baby booties. ─── 当我问道是否这位天后已经在准备孩子的尿布时,玛利亚的一个朋友笑了。
48、The crowd waved and the liner responded with a blast on its siren. ─── 人群挥手相送,大客轮鸣响汽笛作答。
49、Sounding her deep, resonant siren, the S. S. Jiangjin forges ahead. ─── “江津”号昂奋而深沉的鸣响着汽笛向前方航进。
50、From the sound of that siren, the police car was right on our tail. ─── 从警笛的声音判断,警车已经紧跟我们后面。
51、They switch on a loud siren and fall from the sky, and this howling tears your guts out! ─── 它们打开大声的警报器从天上冲下来。那嚎声直能把你的肠子给吼出来!
52、It sounds like an air raid siren. ─── 这听起来像是空袭警报。
53、Their party looks ever more susceptible to the siren call of protectionism. ─── 他们的聚会看起来越来越易受到保守党的警报。
54、A police car raced past with its siren wailing. ─── 一辆警车鸣着警报器飞驰而过。
55、They stayed underground for twenty minutes and waited for the siren to sound again. ─── 他们在地下呆了二十分钟,等候警报器再一次响起。
56、Dance of Siren (78): Increases party members' magic critical rate. Must be equipped with duals. ─── 幽灵之舞(78):增加队员的魔法爆击率。必须被装备双刀。
57、Second, there is a strange sound coming from the printer when it prints. It sounds like a siren and often becomes loud suddenly, which is very annoying. ─── 再来,印表机列印时会发出奇怪的声音,听起来像是警报器,而且常会突然变得很大声,真的很烦人。
58、Just as the legendary siren LORELEY lured men to behold her from her rock on the Rhine, this elegant bottle seal will catch the eye of any true wine connoiseur. ─── 就如同传说中的海妖塞妊用她美妙的歌声迷惑海员一样,LORELEY这个产于莱茵的瓶塞品牌毫无疑问会立即吸引任何一个真正的行家。
59、For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury. ─── 因为在舞台上,爱情只是喜剧和悲剧的素材。而在人生中,爱情却常常招来不幸。它有时像那位诱惑人的魔女,有时又像那位复仇的女神。
60、Then I drilled two holes in my first project box, one is just smaller than the photocell, and one for the wiring of the siren. ─── )然后我在一个塑料盒上打两个孔(具体见文章最后的链接,或根据自己的情况确定孔的位置),一个孔是刚刚小于光敏电阻,另一个孔给鸣蜂器(警报器)穿线。
61、An order was issued to black out at the sound of the air-raid siren. ─── 已下令听到警报声就实行灯火管制。
62、We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth,and listen to the song of that siren,till she transforms us into beasts. ─── 我们总是闭上眼睛,不去正视痛苦的现实,而倾听海妖的美妙的歌声,直到她把我们变成动物。
63、horse spooked at the siren. ─── 警报器一响,马受惊了。
64、They is about to leave when they hear a siren screaming behind them. ─── 他们正要离开时,突然听到警报器在背後尖叫起来。
65、'I had to ignore traffic signs and turn on the siren, ' he said. 'It was a bit risky, but I tried my best. ' ─── 他说,我不得不一路闯红灯,还打开了警笛。这有点危险,但我尽力了。
66、As they entered the deserted park, the agent reached under the dash and turned off the blaring siren. ─── 当他们开进这片废弃的公园的时候,探员伸手摸向车内的仪表盘,关掉了刺耳的警报。
67、He hit sixty coming out of the business district with that siren coming closer behind us. With a sudden turn we left the pavement and roared up a rain-soaked gravel street. ─── 从商业区冲出来的时候他的车速达到了60英里,尾后的警笛仍然步步逼近。一个急转之后,我们离开了人行道,轰叫着开上了浸透雨水的碎石路。
68、He made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren . ─── 他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。
69、She gazed and gazed, wondering, delighting, longing, and all the while the siren voice of the unrestful was whispering in her ear. ─── 她那不安份的心灵就像海上女妖塞伦富有惑力的歌声在耳边不断地低诉。
70、Pull over to the side of the road when you hear a siren. ─── 听到警笛时立刻靠边停车;
71、The moment siren sounded, tightly we seize each other's hands, hug with our hearts. ─── 当汽笛响起,让我们紧握彼此的手,拥抱彼此的心。
72、He got up to about 85 mph and all of a sudden he saw this highway patrolman with his blue lights and siren blaring coming toward him. ─── 他把时速加到85英里/小时,突然他公路巡逻警察鸣着警笛向他靠近。
73、Kratos finds and destroys the second Siren. ─── 克瑞托斯发现并且消灭了第二个塞壬。
74、To be honest, if I were on a reading retreat at the Castello di Galeazzo, I doubt I'd be able to resist the siren song of nearby Bologna. ─── 老实说,如果我是在一个加莱亚扎城堡阅读闭关,我怀疑我是否能够抵挡博洛尼亚附近迷人的歌声。
75、Blue uniforms are worn by the police in many countries.And the siren lights on ambulance are red and blue, so sometimes blue can denote the emergency. ─── 在很多国家,警察都是穿蓝色制服的,救护车上的警报灯也是红色和蓝色的,所以有时候蓝色有紧急事件的意思。
76、They were about to leave when they heard a siren screaming behind them. ─── 他们正要离开时,突然听到警报器在背后尖叫起来。
77、Then ordinary Japanese, sick of political gridlock and increasingly worried about pocketbook issues, will hear the opposition's siren call and vote for the DPJ in large numbers. ─── 到那时,对政治锁局不满和对经济前景担忧的一般民众恐怕将大量倒向民主党。
78、Ms Zhang, boss of a food store on Guozijian Street, said: “This morning, I wasn't sleeping too well, I heard a police car siren, and a loudspeaker calling a car up ahead to pull over and stop. ─── 国子监街一副食店老板张女士称:“今天早上,我正睡得迷迷糊糊的,听到有警车声,还有喇叭的喊话,叫前面的车停住、靠边。”
79、A car highballed passing me with ringing siren. ─── 一辆汽车响着警报器从我的身边飞驰而去。
80、The siren went off in the middle of the night to warn that there was going to be an air attack. ─── 半夜响起了警报,警告人们将有空袭。
81、A siren from a nearby factory sounded; it must have been midnight. I stood up and changed into my shabby old gown, blew the candle out and went out for my walk. ─── 听见工厂的汽笛,好像在报十二点钟了,我就站了起来,换上了白天脱下的那件破绵袍子,仍复吹熄了蜡烛,走出外面去散步去。
82、He hit sixty coming out of the business district with that siren coming closer behind us. ─── 从商业区冲出来的时候他的车速达到了60英里,尾后的警笛仍然步步逼近。
83、If there was one thing that Kang Xueji could not stand about the old days, working in a production brigade on an agricultural collective, it was the siren. ─── 中国,沙里(音)村。在为集体农庄生产大队工作的那段岁月里,如果还有一件事情是康学吉无法忍受的,那就是汽笛声。
84、Once he was barreling down an Arkansas highway at ninety-five miles per hour when a state police car, with siren screaming, gave chase. ─── 一次,他在阿肯色州公路上飙车,开到了每小时95英里,这时,一辆州警车拉响警报追来。
85、Mary heard the penetrating siren of an ambulance. ─── 玛丽听到了救护车刺耳的警报声。
86、Notice that the graphic designer removed the belly button, the unattractive shading around the bulging tummy of the 15th century siren and merged the tail-legs to remove the suggestion of naughty bits. ─── 我们注意到设计师去掉了腹部的脐带,15世纪美人鱼那凸起的肚子造成难看的阴影并且合并了分开的尾巴从而去掉了不必要的约束所产生的联想。
87、The shriek of a baby, an ambulance's siren, or a violin sonata are all essentially the same thing: waves of pressure traveling through the air. ─── 声音依靠介质粒子碰撞传递能量,声波的传播速率与衰减决定于介质的状态与种类。
88、There was a fire this morning. I was woke up by the siren of the fire trucks. ─── 今天早上有场火灾,救火车的警笛声把我给吵醒了。
89、Lopez effectively brought her television career to an end in 1993,with a role as a heroic nurse in Nurses on the Line:The Crash of Flight 7;the siren call of the big screen could no longer be ignored. ─── 1993年,洛佩兹成功地结束了她的电视生涯,在《当班护士:7号航班空难》中扮演一名英勇的护士。银幕充满诱惑的召唤令她再也不能无动于衷。
他们安装的是重低音警报器系统,美国只有3家公司在做:FEDERAL SIGNAL公司(国内翻译为联邦信号,也有人叫道奇)的Rumbler,WHELEN公司(威伦)的Howler,VS SIGNAL公司的V0-1 Low Frequency Siren,都是配1个功率放大器,喇叭是那种很大的圆圆的象地雷麽样的,声音相当的震撼,号称“不是给人听的警报器,而是给人感受的“,貌似是一种具备攻击性的声波,刺激人的心脏,老美的警察过红路灯路口时经常使用
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