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08-09 投稿


applicant 发音

英:[ˈæplɪkənt]  美:[ˈæplɪkənt]

英:  美:

applicant 中文意思翻译



applicant 短语词组

1、applicant for the credit ─── [经] 申请开信用证人

2、consigned to order applicant ─── 委托订单申请人

3、applicant for the importation ─── [经] 输出(进口)许可申请人

4、insurance applicant ─── [经] 申请保险人

5、applicant signature ─── 申请人签名

6、particular of applicant ─── [法] 申请人详细说明

7、applicant portal ─── 申请人门户

8、applicant for the exportation ─── [经] 输出(出口)许可申请人

9、applicant for a discount ─── [经] 贴现人

10、applicant for registration ─── [法] 申请登记人, 注册申请人

11、notifying applicant ─── 通知开状人 ─── 通知申请人

12、applicant city ─── 申请城市

13、loan applicant ─── [经] 申请借款人

14、job applicant ─── 求职人员

15、Applicant Qualification Test ─── 申请人资格考试

16、applicant for insurance ─── [法] 要保人, 投保人

17、applicant for shares ─── [经] 入股申请人

18、consigned to applicant ─── 委托申请人

19、applicant creditor ─── [法] 请求还款的债权人

applicant 词性/词形变化,applicant变形


applicant 常用词组

job applicant ─── 求职人员

applicant 相似词语短语

1、applecarts ─── n.苹果小贩手推车

2、supplicant ─── n.恳求者,乞求者

3、applecart ─── n.苹果小贩手推车

4、applicants ─── n.[专利]申请人,应征人(applicant的复数形式)

5、alicant ─── 阿利坎特

6、replicant ─── 复制杀人魔(电影名,Replicant);复制人

7、supplicants ─── n.恳求者,乞求者

8、apple cart ─── n.苹果小贩手推车

9、applicate ─── 应用

applicant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He dismissed the applicant with a contemptuous sneer. ─── 他以鄙视的嘲笑让申请者离开。

2、The applicant was interviewed and found (to be) wanting. ─── 应征者经过面谈后被认为不合格。

3、As the wages is low,there is few applicant for the job. ─── 因为工资低,没有什么人申请这份工作。

4、Section IIA while company / organisation applicant please complete Section IIB. ─── 个别申请人请填写IIA部分;公司/机构申请人则请填写IIB部分。

5、He gave every new applicant the once-over. ─── 他匆匆地看一下每一个新来的申请人。

6、In what aspects do you think the applicant should further improve? ─── 你认为申请人在哪些方面有待进一步提高?

7、For company applicant, it must be signed by a authorized by the company concerned and stamped with the company's chop. ─── 如属公司申请人,须由该公司所指定的授权人士签署及加盖该公司印章。

8、The appropriately dressed job applicant indicates his sound judgment. ─── 得体的穿着表明了一个求职者有着良好的判断力;

9、The applicant smelled his armpits on the way to the interview room. ─── 应聘者闻着腋窝走进面试房间.

10、Premium charges will depend on each applicant’s evidence of insurability. ─── 保费计算将基于每个投保人提供的资料所证明的可保性。

11、She couldn't restrain her annoyance at the attitude of the applicant. ─── 对于申请人的态度,她控制不住要生气。

12、The only difference is that the applicant borrows from his own savings. ─── 区别只是申请者跟自己借。

13、He was the hundredth applicant for the job. ─── 他是第100个申请这项工作的人。

14、The same requirement holds good for any applicant wishing to study natural sciences. ─── 在同一条件对任何想学习自然科学的申请人都适用。

15、Was visa for Pakistan ever refused to applicant? ─── 以前申请是否被拒签?

16、It studies the applic ation of the system. ─── 并且对该体系的应用性进行了探讨。

17、I hereby recommend the applicant for The Rover Scout Award. ─── 兹推荐申请人获取乐行童军奖章。

18、The charges for L/C opening should be for the account of the applicant. ─── 开证费用由申请人承担。

19、The applicant was interviewed and found wanting. ─── 应徵者经过面谈後被认为不合格。

20、Nobody in the first lot of applicant is suitable for the job. ─── 在第一批求职者中无人适合做那份工作。

21、Where it was disc1osed by any person without the consent of the applicant. ─── 他人未经申请人同意而泄露其内容的。

22、She have interview most of the applicant for the job. ─── 她已和大部分申请这份工作的人面谈过。

23、As the wages is low, there is few applicant for the job. ─── 因为工资低,没有什麽人申请这份工作。

24、How well do you know the applicant? ─── 你了解申请人的程度?

25、I agree to issue Temporary GI License to the applicant. ─── 同意签发地面教员执照。

26、Applicant must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language fluently and can be nationals of any country. ─── 申请人国籍不限,但要会一种以上外语,能说会写,表达流畅。


28、The applicant was irredeemably incompetent. ─── 申请人无可救药地不合格。

29、The applicant must pass our institute's written test before she/he is accepted. ─── 必须通过艺术史研究所举行的外籍生硕士班入学笔试。

30、The applicant should then have to comply within a time limit (being not less than two months from the date of the notification). ─── 之后,申请人应在期限内补正(从通知之日起不短于两个月)。

31、How would you rate the abilities of the applicant? ─── 你如何评估申请人的能力?

32、The German groom applicant has to give me his unmarried/single proof paper. ─── 德国新郎报名者,需申请单身证明给我.

33、Asking an applicant about his qualifications and intention, etc. ─── 向申请人了解他的资格条件及意图等

34、Against Beneficiary's Draft Drawn on applicant at sight. ─── 开证申请人即期限付款。

35、As Jobs cracked up, the applicant stood up to leave, adding: "I guess I'm not the right guy. " ─── 眼看乔布斯没有刹住的意思,那个应征者干脆说:“我想我并不适合这份工作”,然后起身就走了。

36、Has the applicant abused this dominant position? ─── 原告有滥用其优势地位吗?

37、The remitter's name must be the same as the applicant's. ─── 匯款人姓名需與申請者姓名相同。

38、The applicant and the respondent may sum up their case if they so wish. ─── 如果他们愿意,申请人和被告可以概述他们的案情。

39、the united states company must file a petition with the u . s . department of homeland security ( dhs ) for a work permit for the applicant. ─── 在美国的公司(呈请人)必须为签证申请人(受益人)到美国国土安全部申报工作许可纸。

40、Issue Letter of Intent for applicant to accept. ─── 发出意向书给申请人签署接受。

41、Are the product ingredients set by applicant independently? ─── 产品的配料是否由被保险人独立设计?

42、How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate. ─── 你如何推荐申请者?(请在适当的地方打勾)

43、The job applicant must have good verbal skills. ─── 应聘这份工作的人必须具有良好的语言表达技能。

44、Work with HR manager to interview and assess the applicant. ─── 与人力资源经理共同面试、估应聘者。

45、Is teacher training offered in matters relating to the Applicant? ─── 与申请公园相关的内容,是否提供教师培训?

46、He is the applicant for Party membership. ─── 他是入党申请人。

47、Applicant refused to sit down and insisted on being interviewed standing up. ─── 应聘者拒绝坐下来,坚持要站着进行面试。

48、An applicant will then be notified of a day for audition. ─── 其后申请者将获通知试音日期。

49、I hereby approve the applicant for The Rover Scout Award. ─── 兹批准申请人获取乐行童军奖章。

50、The applicant has experience in teaching and, more relevantly, in industry. ─── 这名申请者有教学经验,更重要的是,也有企业工作的经验。

51、Earlier today, J?Eric Humphrey was summoned as the applicant's first witness. ─── 今天早些时候,约?埃里克?汉弗莱被传来做申请者的第一个证人。

52、I hereby recommend the applicant for The Baden-Powell Award. ─── 兹推荐申请人获取贝登堡奖章。

53、I hereby approve the applicant for the Chief Scout Award. ─── 兹批准申请人获取总领袖奖章。

54、A job applicant challenged the interviewer to an arm wrestle. ─── 一个职位申请者向面试官挑战臂力。



57、Can the Applicant for Re-discount of the Trade Acceptance Defense? ─── 商业承兑汇票转贴现申请人的抗辩是否成立?

58、I hereby approve the applicant for The Venture Scout Award. ─── 兹批准申请人获深资童军奖章。

59、A negative vote, especially one that blocks the admission of an applicant to an organization. ─── 反对票反对票,尤指妨碍了吸收某组织的申请人的一票

60、Evidence of primary applicant's custodial, access or guardianship rights. ─── 主申请人的保护,接近及监护人的权利,如有。

61、Upon a negative decision, the applicant loses the protection offered by Belgian law. ─── 一旦得到否定裁决,申请人就失去了比利时法律所给予的保护。

62、Has the applicant used addiction or mood alerting drugs? ─── 上瘾药物和兴奋剂?

63、Is Manufacturer same as the Applicant? ─── 制造商和申请人相同吗?

64、Female applicant pregnant if yes, date of L.M.P. ─── 女申请者是否怀孕?

65、In applicant's own language Passport No. ─── 原文护照号码。

66、In such a case, however, the bank would be required to let the applicant see the browsing data and correct it if in accurate . ─── 不过,在这种情况下,银行应该让申请人看到这些上网记录,并在数据不准确时予以纠正。

67、The successful applicant bid 7,500 dollars (5,790 US) last week to become Holt. ─── 上周,一位竞拍者以7500美元的价格将“霍尔特”成功拍下。

68、Agreed to employ the job applicant. ─── 同意雇佣这位求职者

69、Two recent two-inch frontal colorful photos of the applicant. ─── 两张二寸近期个人正面免冠彩色照片;

70、Any applicant for this position must have practised for five years. ─── 对于这个职位的任何申请人,必须曾经实习过5年。

71、Their first reaction to the applicant is negative. ─── 他们对申请工作者的第一反应不佳。

72、He looked the applicant up and down. ─── 他上上下下地打量那个求职者。

73、Interview between Applicant and School or Employer. ─── 学校或雇主面试申请人。

74、Was Pakistan visa ever refused to applicant? ─── 以前申请签证是否被拒签?

75、I hereby recommend the applicant for the Chief Scout Award. ─── 兹推荐申请人获取总领袖奖章。

76、I agree to issue Temporary FI License to the applicant. ─── 同意签发飞行教员执照。

77、You should assume, in trying for jobs, that you will not be the only applicant. ─── 你应该想到,在求职时你不是惟一的人选。

78、All banking charges, if any, are to be borne by the applicant. ─── 如有经由银行收取的手续费,须由申请人支付。

79、I hereby approve the applicant for The Baden-Powell Award. ─── 兹批准申请人获取贝登堡奖章。

80、J ob Offer provided by School or Employer. Applicant accept Job Offer. ─── 学校或雇主提供工作录用函。申请人接受工作录用。

81、The applicant will work from our office in central Ningbo. ─── 将在宁波市区办公。

82、How does an applicant know whether his bank is participating in the Scheme? ─── 如何知道申请人的银行有没有参与本计划?

83、The choice of body or agency shall be at the discretion of the applicant. ─── 对机构或部门的选择应由申请人决定。

84、The company gives every job applicant a trial. ─── 公司对每位求职者均进行测试。

85、Do you operate programs of environmental education in your Applicant area? ─── 在申请公园内是否开展环境教育活动?

86、The company denies to have practiced discrimination against any applicant. ─── 公司否认对申请者存在任何歧视行为。


88、How do you think you can support our school and the applicant? ─── 家长认为可以给学校和申请人怎么的支持?

89、Applicant is encouraged to bear part of the project cost. ─── 委员会鼓励申请者负担计划的部分费用。

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