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hyaline 发音

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hyaline 中文意思翻译



hyaline 词性/词形变化,hyaline变形

异体字: hyaline |

hyaline 短语词组

1、hyaline layer ─── [医] 透明层(内胚乳残体)

2、hyaline tubercles ─── [医] 玻璃样结核节

3、hyaline arteriosclerosis ─── [医]透明性动脉硬化

4、hyaline protoplasm ─── 透明原生质

5、hyaline cylindroma ─── [医] 透明性圆柱瘤, 玻璃样圆柱瘤

6、hyaline necrosis ─── [医] 透明坏死, 玻璃样坏死, 岑克尔氏变性

7、hyaline leukocyte ─── [医] 单核细胞

8、hyaline cast ─── [医] 透明管型

9、hyaline droplet ─── 玻璃样小滴

10、hyaline degeneration ─── [医] 透明变性, 玻璃样变性

11、hyaline membrane disease ─── 透明膜病

12、hyaline membranes ─── [医] 透明膜(毛根)

13、hyaline carcinoma ─── [医] 胶样癌

14、hyaline cartilage ─── [医] 透明软骨

15、pulmonary hyaline membranes ─── [医] 肺透明膜

16、hyaline cap ─── 透明冠

17、hyaline tissue ─── [医] 透明组织

18、hyaline thrombus ─── [医] 透明血栓

19、hyaline excrescence ─── [医] 透明赘疣

hyaline 相似词语短语

1、headline ─── n.大标题;内容提要;栏外标题;头版头条新闻;vt.给……加标题;使成为注意中心;大力宣传

2、hyalite ─── n.玻璃蛋白石;玉滴石

3、hyalinise ─── 透明酶

4、hyalinize ─── vi.变透明

5、byline ─── n.标题下署名之行;铁路支线;副业;vt.署名

6、hyalin ─── 透明素;透明蛋白

7、hyalines ─── n.镜似的海;蓝天;adj.透明的;玻璃似的

8、by-line ─── 精密地,准确地,正确地

9、phialine ─── 菲林

hyaline 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、adult type hyaline membrane disease ─── 成人型透明膜病

2、Note also the markedly thickened arteriole at the lower right which is typical for the hyaline arteriolosclerosis that is seen in diabetic kidneys as well. ─── 图右下的小动脉管壁显著增厚,是糖尿病肾病的玻璃样变性的小动脉的典型表现。

3、Kidney histological change was occurred. The kidney tubules degenerative necrosis was found in all the ten cases of kidney failure, and the hyaline cast, mesenchyme hemorrhagic necrosis, and inflammatory cell infltration were seen. ─── 共 10例肾衰鼠均出现肾小管变性坏死 ,可见透明管型 ,间质出血坏死、炎细胞浸润。

4、hyaline tubercles ─── [医] 玻璃样结核节

5、We report a case of eosinophilic or hyaline true intranuclear inclusion bodies in a melanocytic nevus. ─── 我们报告一个真正的嗜酸性粒细胞或透明的痣核内包涵体的情况。

6、The alveoli collapse, and a "glassy" (hyaline) membrane develops in the alveolar ducts. ─── 肺泡萎陷,同时肺泡管中出现「玻璃样」透明质膜。

7、The hyperpltaic degree of collagenous fibers(except for the fegion of hyaline degeneration) was positively relevant to the amount ofmyofibroblasts in experimental group

8、Objective: To improve recognition of imaging diagnosis for hyaline membrane disease (HMD) in neonatal. ─── 摘要目的:探讨新生儿肺透明膜病(HMD)的影像表现特征。

9、At the far right is pink hyaline material with the appearance of amyloid. ─── 最右边呈现粉红色透明样,为淀粉样变性。

10、hyaline membrane disease of newborn ─── 新生儿肺透明膜病, 新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征

11、Keywords Premature;Hyaline membane disease(HMD);Etiologic factors;Correlation analysis; ─── 早产儿;肺透明膜病;发病因素;相关分析;

12、Application of double tube nasal continuous positive airway pressure ventilation combined with Ambroxol Hydrochloride in treatment of preterm infants with hyaline membrane disease ─── 双管鼻塞式持续气道正压通气联合盐酸氨溴索在早产儿肺透明膜病中的应用

13、Hyaline necrosis of aorta ─── 主动脉玻璃样坏死

14、Keywords Hyaline Membrane Disease;Diagnose;Assisted ventilation; ─── 新生儿肺透明膜病;早期诊断;呼吸支持;

15、Head of fetal bone still made of hyaline cartilage. ─── 染色方法同前。胎儿骨的一端,可见仍为通明软骨组成。

16、Investigation the effects of nasal continuous positive airways pressure on hyaline membrane disease ─── 应用鼻塞式持续气道正压治疗新生儿肺透明膜病的疗效分析

17、Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils. ─── 玻璃品掺合了嗜中性粒细胞。

18、The solid cellular areas were usually focally intersected by fibrous bands and hyaline plaques reminiscent of thecoma. ─── 实性细胞区通常局灶性地被纤维组织带和透明斑块分割,貌似卵泡膜瘤。

19、hyaline membranes ─── [医] 透明膜(毛根)

20、Multiple risk factors analysis of episode and prognosis of neonatal hyaline membrane disease ─── 影响新生儿肺透明膜病发病及预后的多因素分析

21、In Group P0,massive inflammatory cells infiltrated in the glomeruli and nephric tubules and hyaline degeneration and necrosis were seen in the nephric tubules. ─── P0组中呈现典型休克病理改变,肾小管可见明显玻璃样变性、坏死,肾小球和肾小管周围可见大量炎性细胞浸润。

22、hyaline necrosis ─── 岑克尔氏坏死透明坏死横纹肌透明变性

23、acute sclerosing hyaline necrosis ─── 急性硬化透明坏死

24、Background: Synovial chondromatosis is a benign lesion characterized by synovial proliferation and metaplastic change of hyaline cartilage. ─── 背景:滑膜软骨瘤病变是一种良性的疾病,而滑膜增生与透明软骨的化生病变为其特色。

25、Clinical Study of MR Imaging Sequence in Hyaline Cartilage ─── 关节软骨MR成像方法的临床研究

26、hyaline tissue ─── [医] 透明组织

27、hyaline excrescence ─── [医] 透明赘疣

28、hyaline cylindroma ─── [医] 透明性圆柱瘤, 玻璃样圆柱瘤

29、giant cell hyaline angiopathy ─── 巨细胞透明血管病

30、hyaline membrane syndrome ─── (肺)透明膜综合征

31、The histologic findings were of a hyaline cartilage-like mass consisting of mature chondrocytes and an extracellular matrix. ─── 组织学研究结果的透明软骨样群众组成的成熟软骨细胞和细胞外基质。

32、Vessel disappeared in casesous necrosis region.Angiitis obliterans and narrowment in cavity?hyaline degradation in wall took place in proliferation region at middle-advanced stage.Conclusio... ─── 干酪坏死区内血管消失,增殖区内发生血管闭塞性脉管炎,管腔狭窄甚至消失,管壁玻璃样变、硬化。

33、Fibrocartilage, at the point of junction between hyaline cartilage (lavender) above and dense collagenous tissue (pink) below. ─── 纤维软骨,位于关节部位,图中所示的通明软骨(上方紫色区域)和致密结缔组织(下方粉红区域)之间。

34、meonatal hyaline membrane disease ─── 新生儿肺透明膜病

35、Note that this spleen also shows irregular tan-white fibrous plaques over the purple surface.This "sugar icing" has the name hyaline perisplenitis. ─── 图示脾的紫色表面上也显示有不规则的苍白色纤维性斑片,称为玻璃样脾周围炎。

36、to master the pathogenesis and pathologic changes of hydropic degeneration, fatty degeneration, hyaline degeneration, mucoid degeneration, amyloidosis. ─── 掌握细胞水肿、脂肪变性、玻璃样变性、粘液变性和淀粉样变的发生机理和形态变化。

37、Nodules of pink hyaline material form in regions of glomerular capillary loops in the glomerulus. ─── 在肾小球内可见结节状的粉红色玻璃样物质环形分布在肾小球。

38、Keywords Preterm infant;gestational age;Hyaline membrane disease;pulmonary surfactant;prophylaxis;treatment;curative effect; ─── 早产儿;胎龄;新生儿肺透明膜病;肺表面活性物质;预防;治疗;疗效;

39、hyaline carcinoma ─── [医] 胶样癌

40、Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils. ─── 玻璃品掺合了嗜中性粒细胞。

41、"Respiratory distress syndrome(or hyaline membrane disease):Common complication in newborns, especially after premature Birth." ─── 呼吸窘迫症候群 (亦称特发性呼吸窘迫症候群):婴儿常见的并发症,尤其是早产与过期产后。

42、Lateral sepals 2, broadly ovate or suborbicular, ca. 1 cm, hyaline margined, margin entire, apex cuspidate, abaxial midvein slightly thickened, carinate. ─── 侧生萼片2,宽卵形或近圆形,约1厘米,透明的边缘,边缘全缘,先端骤尖,背面的中脉的稍加厚,具龙骨状隆起。

43、All of the long bones and many others of the body, are preformed embryologically in hyaline cartilage and then replaced by bone by endochondral ossification. ─── 人体内的所有长骨和许多其它骨都来自于胚胎时期的透明软骨发生的软骨内成骨。

44、At the far right is pink hyaline material with the appearance of amyloid. ─── 最右边呈现粉红色透明样,为淀粉样变性。

45、It is characterized by recurrent and progressive destruction of both elastic and hyaline cartilages as well as connective tissue. ─── 其特徵为反覆性及进行性的破坏弹性软骨,透明软骨及结缔组织。

46、However, they are anastomosing and not collapsed, and are accompanied by atypical endothelial cells, eosinophilic hyaline globules, plasma cells and fascicles of spindle cells. ─── 然而,它们的血管网是吻合的,不塌陷,伴不典型内皮细胞、嗜碱性玻璃样小球、浆细胞和梭形细胞束。

47、hyaline leukocytes ─── 单核细胞

48、Application of synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation in pulmonary hyaline membrane disease of neonate ─── 同步间歇指令通气治疗新生儿肺透明膜病

49、"Respiratory distress syndrome(or hyaline membrane disease): Common complication in newborns, especially after premature birth." ─── 呼吸窘迫症候群(亦称特发性呼吸窘迫症候群):婴儿常见的并发症,尤其是早产与过期产后。

50、glumes much shorter than floret, unequal, lower glume sometimes very small or vestigial, upper glume lanceolate, margins broadly hyaline, apex acuminate; ─── 有时不等长,下部颖片,颖片远短于小花残迹,上面的很小或披针形,宽透明的边缘,先端渐尖;

51、Analysis of risk factors of short - term prognosis for preterm infants with hyaline membrane disease requiring mechanical ventilation ─── 影响早产儿肺透明膜病机械通气短期预后的危险因素分析

52、hyaline capsule ─── 晶状体囊

53、Imaging analysis of pulmonary hyaline membrane disease and its complications in newborns ─── 新生儿肺透明膜病及并发症的影像分析

54、Clinical and X-ray analysis of pulmonary hyaline membrane disease in newborns ─── 新生儿肺透明膜病的临床X线分析

55、crooke's hyaline degeneration ─── 克鲁克斯(氏)透明变性:腺垂体嗜碱性细胞胞浆发生的进行性透明变, 在血浆皮质醇升高时可见到, 但也见于Addison病

56、Keywords Preterm infants;Prenatal therapy;Hyaline membrane disease; ─── 早产儿;产前治疗;新生儿肺透明膜病;

57、second-stage juvenile rectum usually not dilated, tail hyaline terminus definite or not,digitate, with bluntly-round tip. ─── 二龄幼虫直肠有的膨大明显,但在大多数标本中看不到膨大,尾透明末端界限明显或不太明显,指状,末端钝圆。

58、The Comparison of the Ambroxol and the Pulmonary Surfactant Therapy on Clinical Effects of Premature Infant Hyaline Membrane Disease ─── 沐舒坦与固尔苏治疗新生儿肺透明膜病的临床疗效对比

59、Risk factors for pulmonary air leak in neonatal hyaline membrane disease ─── 新生儿肺透明膜病合并肺气漏相关因素分析

60、MR Imaging Sequences in Hyaline Cartilage Defects: An Experimental Study ─── 关节软骨损伤MR成像序列的实验研究

61、clinical hyaline membrane disease ─── 临床透明膜病

62、Abundant cancellous bone graft in the residual bone cavity can support the round shape of the femoral head.CPM is very important in the repair of hyaline cartilage and prevention of joint stiffness. ─── 早期髋关节持续被动功能锻炼对关节软骨的修复和预防关节粘连是极为有利的。

63、Monitoring and nursing of premature with hyaline membrane disease at the early stage ─── 早产儿肺透明膜病的早期监测及护理

64、Lateral sepals 2, obliquely ovate, ca. 4 mm, inequilateral, base subcordate, hyaline margined, apex stoutly mucronulate, abaxial midvein carinate or cristate. ─── 侧生萼片2,斜卵形,长约4毫米,不等侧,基部近心形,边缘,略胖具小短尖的先端,背面中脉龙骨状突起或鸡冠状的。

65、The mycelia obtained by fruit body tissue method were hyaline and filamentous, some mycelia composed of circular cell became bead-like, dark brown or yellowish. ─── 从子实体组织分离培养的菌丝状,无色,其中生有黑褐色或黄棕色的圆形细胞,呈念珠状。

66、Hyaline dystrophy of Bruch's membrane ─── Bruch膜玻璃样变性

67、hyaline leukocyte ─── [医] 单核细胞

68、Keywords severe acute respiratory syndrome;acute non specific interstitial pneumonia;hyaline membrane; ─── 关键词严重急性呼吸综合征;急性非特异性间质性肺炎;透明膜;

69、ovules numerous. Style filiform; pistil head with a cylindric base and reflexed hyaline frill. ─── 胚珠多数花柱丝状雌蕊头状花序具一圆筒状的基部和反折的透明的褶边。

70、inner 2: narrowly linear, ca. 8 mm, hyaline margined. ─── 内部2:狭线形,约8毫米,透明的边缘。

71、Keywords Infant;Hyaline membrane disease; ─── 新生儿;肺透明膜病;

72、Keywords premature;hyaline membrane disease;high-frequency oscillatory ventilation;pulmonary surfactants; ─── 早产儿;高频通气;透明膜病;肺表面活性剂;

73、hyaline layer ─── 晶膜层

74、Damages respiratory epithelial cells causing pulmonary edema, hyaline membranes resulting in emphysema and expiratory dyspnea ─── 损伤呼吸上皮细胞导致肺水肿、透明性细胞膜导致肺气肿和出气性呼吸困难

75、3.To master the following concepts: degeneration, hydropic degeneration, fatty degeneration, hyaline degeneration, mucoid degeneration, amyloidosis; ─── 3.掌握如下概念:变性、细胞水肿、脂肪变性、玻璃样变性、粘液变性和淀粉样变性。

76、Differences of very low birth weight infants with hyaline membrane disease between small for gestational age and appropriate for gestational age ─── 小于与适于胎龄的极低出生体重儿患肺透明膜病差异的探讨

77、Clinical analysis and X-ray diagnosis of pulmonary hyaline membrane disease in newborns ─── 新生儿肺透明膜病的X线诊断与临床分析

78、juvenile hyalin fibromatosis ─── 幼年透明蛋白纤维瘤病

79、In early DAD, there are hyaline membranes, as seen here, lining alveoli. ─── 在DAD的早期,可见在肺泡的内表面有肺泡透明膜的形成。

80、Keywords Severe acute respiratory syndrome Actue non - specific interstitial pneumonia Hyaline membrane formation; ─── 关键词严重急性呼吸综合征;急性非特异性间质性肺炎;透明膜形成;

81、Two chondrocytes completely filling their lacunae. If the cells were to drop out, you would see spaces in the matrix. The matrix appears very smooth, clear, and glassy (or "hyaline"). ─── 图示两个软骨细胞和其陷窝紧紧相贴。如果取出细胞来,你可以看到基质中的小腔。基质显得均质样,入玻璃般(或通明样)。

82、X-ray Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hyalin Membrane Disease of Newborn ─── 小儿肺透明膜病的X诊断

83、m,conidiophores hyaline, simple or usually branched,septate, 3. ─── 分生孢子梗透明,单生通常有分支,有隔,3。

84、Lateral sepals 2, subovate, long cuspidate, inequilateral, hyaline margined, denticulate on one side. ─── 侧生萼片2,近卵形,长骤尖,不等侧,透明边缘,在一侧。

85、Clinical analysis of mechanical ventilation treatment for pulmonary hyaline membrane disease in newborn ─── 机械通气治疗新生儿肺透明膜病的临床分析

86、Keywords Premature;Pulmonary hyaline membrane;Continuous positive airway pressure; ─── 关键词早产儿;肺透明膜;持续呼吸道正压;

87、hyaline degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus ─── 子宫平滑肌瘤玻璃样变

88、After injury,arti -cular cartilage has limited self-repair ability.The injury tissue cannot form normal hyaline cartilage. ─── 关节软骨损伤后自我修复能力有限,不能形成正常透明软骨。

89、lodicules (small scales representing perianth) 2, rarely 3 or absent, 3 to many in bamboos, hyaline or fleshy; ─── 浆片(小鳞片,实际为花被)2,很少3或者无,在竹子内为3到多数,透明或者肉质;

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