drawn 发音
英:[[drɔːn]] 美:[[drɔn]]
英: 美:
drawn 中文意思翻译
drawn 词性/词形变化,drawn变形
drawn 短语词组
1、drawn out ─── 抽出,拉长
2、bill drawn to order ─── [经] 指定收款人的汇票
3、deep-drawn a. ─── 深长的
4、drawn tube ─── [化] 拉制管; 冷拔管
5、drawn up ─── 草拟; 停住; 使靠近
6、draft drawn against securities ─── [经] 抵押汇票
7、cold drawn ─── [化] 冷拉; 冷拔
8、animal-drawn ─── 畜力牵引的
9、bard-drawn ─── [化] 硬抽的; 硬拉的
10、cold drawn steel tube ─── [机] 冷拉钢管
11、cold drawn-stress relief ─── [化] 冷拔-应力消除
12、at daggers drawn ─── 势不两立
13、cold drawn tube ─── [化] 冷拉管
14、a drawn battle ─── 不分胜负的战斗
15、cold drawn oil ─── [建] 冷榨油
16、cold drawn weldless tube ─── [建] 冷延无终管
17、bill drawn payable to bearer ─── [经] 无记名汇票
18、drawn object ─── [计] 图形对象
19、drawn butter ─── 流散奶油
drawn 相似词语短语
1、draws ─── n.铸件孔穴;图画(draw的复数);v.吸引;拉动;绘图(draw的第三人称单数)
2、draw ─── vt.画;拉;吸引;vi.拉;拖;n.平局;抽签;n.(Draw)(英)德劳(人名)
3、-drawn ─── adj.(通常指面容)憔悴的,苍白的;(人或脸部)扭歪的,拉长的;v.画,绘制;拖,拉;拔出;排出(液体);引出;以(平局)结束比赛(draw的过去分词)
4、brawn ─── n.发达的肌肉;膂力;腌制好的野猪肉
5、dawn ─── n.黎明;开端;vt.破晓;出现;被领悟;n.(Dawn)人名;(西)道恩
6、Arawn ─── n.安努恩(古凯尔特人传说中的冥府之王)
7、drain ─── v.排水;流干;喝光;(感情)变淡;使精疲力竭;(非正式)将(球)轻击入穴;n.排水沟;下水道;负担;消耗;n.(Drain)(美、英、法、加)德兰(人名)
8、drown ─── vt.淹没;把…淹死;vi.淹死;溺死;n.(Drown)人名;(英)德朗
9、drawl ─── v.(拉长调子)慢吞吞地说;n.慢吞吞拉长调子的说话方式(或口音、拖腔)
drawn 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、We have to draw off because of losses of forces. ─── 伤亡太大,我们不得不撤退。
2、He went to the post office to draw his pension. ─── 他到银行去取退休金了。
3、She is always drawn to the loveless and unfriended. ─── 她一向同情得不到爱和没有朋友的人。
4、These are mostly drawn as dendrograms. ─── 其中大多数绘成树枝状图。
5、It's stupid trying to draw in customer with prize and gift! ─── 想用奖品和礼品引来顾客是愚蠢的事!
6、Nick had a rough time in his first fight. He was drawn opposite a real old person who took him apart inside two rounds. ─── 尼克在第一场拳击比赛中就吃尽了苦头,他抽签碰上了一名真正的老手,不到两个回合他就给彻底打败了。
7、He was drawn in to purchase it by flattery. ─── 他被诌媚诱骗买下了它。
8、There was a drawn and haggard look about his eyes. ─── 他的眼睛露出疲劳而又憔悴的神色。
9、Little by little workers of other shops were also drawn in. ─── 其它车间的工人也一点点地被卷了进来。
10、Do you have any tools to draw out the cork? ─── 你有工具把软木塞拔开吗?
11、Because of your compassion and being such a good listener, people feel drawn to you and look to you for advice. ─── 因为你的同情心,以及能做一个很好的听众,人们经常会寻求你的帮助,并征求你的建议。
12、May my last breath be drawn through a pipe and exhaled in a pun. ─── 希望我的最后一口气能够通过烟斗吸进来,然后呵成双关语。
13、Is that a fair inference to draw from his statement? ─── 从他的说法中推出这种结论恰当吗?
14、A structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway. ─── 大门一种构造,可被摇晃、牵引或降低,从而堵塞一出口或一过道
15、From that day the two men were drawn closer together. ─── 从那天起这两人就更加亲近了。
16、The plan is drawn up by our group. ─── 我们小组草拟了这计划。
17、If you go on behaving like that, you'll draw down blame on our heads. ─── 你如果再这样胡闹,就会招惹我们生气的。
18、The water can be drawn off with a catheter. ─── 可以用导管把水吸出。
19、The cold winter has finally drawn to a close. ─── 寒冷的冬季终于结束了。
20、The world lives at daggers drawn in a cold war. ─── 世界在冷战中剑拨弩张。
21、I'm sorry but that's where I draw the line; I won't help him to cheat. ─── 对不起,我只能做到这一步,我不能帮助他行骗。
22、He had drawn a derogatory statement from George. ─── 他已经逗出乔治一句毁贬的话。
23、Draw not your bow before your arrow is fixed. ─── [谚]箭未搭好别先拉弓; 三思而后行。
24、He will not draw back from what he has promised. ─── 他允诺过的事是不会收回去的。
25、We'll notify her to draw up a contract. ─── 我们将通知她起草一份合同。
26、The cart was drawn by two horses. ─── 大车由两匹马拉著。
27、The reserve pieces, cards, chips, or play money in some games, such as poker, from which the players may draw. ─── 发剩的牌在某些游戏如扑克牌游戏中保留的张、卡、片或纸钱,游戏者可以从中抽牌
28、Italy had been drawn to play Spain in the world cup. ─── 在世界杯足球赛中意大利队抓到斗龟儿定与西班牙队比赛。
29、He has drawn up a vacation plan. ─── 他已拟出假期计划。
30、In making plans we must draw on workers' suggestions. ─── 在定计划时要吸收工人的意见。
31、It also demonstrates that swift reform is often more effective than drawn-out and painful adjustments. ─── 它还表明,快速改革往往比拖拖拉拉的痛苦调整更有效。
32、She is always a great draw at social parties. ─── 她在社交聚会上总是引人瞩目。
33、The meeting was drawn out to a great length. ─── 会议持续了很长时间。
34、From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words. ─── 这个孩子从一开始就表现出对写作和声韵的出类拔萃。
35、Draw an outline before you fill in the details. ─── 先画轮廓,再画细部。
36、It is not enough only to draw on fire fighters in case of fire. We should know what to do when a fire breaks out. ─── 万一失火,光依靠消防队员是不够的,我们应知道发生火灾时该怎么做。
37、He instructed a new will to be drawn up. ─── 他请律师立了一个新遗嘱。
38、She used to draw funny pictures of everybody during lessons. ─── 从前她常在上课时画每个人的滑稽相。
39、He has drawn out the subject into three volumes. ─── 他把题目拖长,写了3卷。
40、He picked a winning number on the first draw. ─── 他第一次便抽到一个中奖号码。
41、Draw wells have sweet water. ─── 常汲之井涌甘泉。
42、There is a lesson to be drawn from all this but it has nothing to do with cheese, moons or quarks. ─── 从所有这些内容中确实可以学到一个教训,但它与奶酪、卫星和夸克毫无关系。
43、No hard and fast line can be drawn between the two. ─── 二者不能截然分开。
44、A line drawn on a weather map or chart linking all points of equal or constant temperature. ─── 恒温线; 等温线气象地图或图表上所画的一条连结同温或恒温各点的线
45、Hoped to draw a lucky number. ─── 希望抽到一个幸运数字
46、He draw off a pint of beer from the barrel. ─── 他从酒桶里抽出一品脱啤酒。
47、The death of their child had drawn them together. ─── 孩子的死亡使他们结合在一起。
48、A Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast. ─── 三驾马车由三匹马并肩拉的俄国式马车
49、Having the newest car in your group is sure to draw fire. ─── 你有你们组里最新的车定会招来别人的议论或批评。
50、As usual the minister's speech, although drawn out, contained noting new. ─── 同往常一样,牧师的演说尽管拖得很长但没有新鲜内容。
51、Graph paper is drawn with a series of small square. ─── 座表纸是用一系列小方格绘制而成的。
52、I want an end of being drawn like a badger. ─── 我不想象一头畜生那样被人摆弄。
53、He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem. ─── 他将像埋驴一样被埋葬,要拉出去扔在耶路撒冷的城门之外。
54、They had orders to draw off the army. ─── 他们接到命令撤走部队。
55、The girl was drawn to the cartoon as by a magnet. ─── 动画片强烈地吸引着那个小姑娘。
56、If their luck had been as good as Turkey's they might have drawn against both Croatia and Germany and beaten Poland. ─── 如果他们的运气像土耳其一样好,他们是可以打败克罗地亚,德国和波兰的。
57、His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger. ─── 他那语重心长的话语终于使对方说出了实情。
58、He's a nice lad, but a bit slow on the draw. ─── 他是个挺不错的小伙子,就是头脑欠灵活。
59、We've had several drawn matches this year. ─── 今年我们有几次比赛不分胜负。
60、I think you can draw on this account by cheque in payment of goods. ─── 我以为你可用支票提款支付购物费用。
61、She looked pale and drawn after weeks of sleepless nights. ─── 她经历了数周不眠之夜,看上去脸色苍白,形容憔悴。
62、A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an animal and used in farm work and for transporting goods. ─── 农用两轮车一种在农场中使用并用于运送货物的由牲畜拉两轮车
63、A soldier came up to her with a drawn saber. ─── 一个士兵拔出马刀向她走来。
64、He draw on his cigarette and blow out a stream of smoke. ─── 他吸了一口香烟,吐出来一股烟雾。
65、They were reluctant to be drawn into the conflict. ─── 他们不愿卷入这场冲突。
66、He do not know the true story, so he draw on his imagination. ─── 他不知道事情的真相,于是乎就凭空捏造了。
67、Her bedroom curtains were drawn. ─── 她卧室的窗帘拉上了。
68、He was drawn on by the hope of improving his own social position and that of his family. ─── 出人头地,提高他及其家庭的社会地位的希望促使他继续向前。
69、He was drawn to the monastic life. ─── 他向往僧侣的生活。
70、What inferences can we draw from these facts? ─── 从这些事实中我们可以推出什么结论?
71、People can draw a moral from tales. ─── 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
72、Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots. ─── 多数植物是靠着根吸收水分来维持生命的。
73、Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing. ─── 就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。
74、they were drawn as they resonated with the destructive paradigm that was the result of incomplete inner-Earth ascensions. ─── 他们是被与他们共鸣的破坏性范例所吸引的,而这是地内不完全提升的结果。
75、Her face was pinched and drawn. ─── 他的脸看起来病怏怏的而又很憔悴。
76、The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure. ─── 从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。
77、The oil drawn off from the oil tank is gasoline. ─── 从油箱抽出的油是汽油。
78、She's at daggers drawn with her colleagues. ─── 她与同事们水火不相容。
79、How did you manage to draw out so much information about the affair? ─── 关于这件事你怎么会弄到这么多消息的?
80、Do not draw the map, just write the answer. ─── 不要画地图,只写答案。
81、A device, such as a respirator or an inhaler, by which a gas, vapor, or air is drawn in. ─── 吸入器用来吸入气体,蒸汽或空气的仪器,如呼吸器或吸气器
82、He and his partner are at daggers drawn. ─── 他和伙伴势不两立。
83、I draw the line at singing a solo in public. I'll tell jokes but I won't sing. ─── 我不再公开表演独唱。我将讲讲笑话但不会再唱歌。
84、You may draw your own moral from it. ─── 你可以从中得出自己的教训。
85、Provided we draw useful lessons from them, we may turn them to good account. ─── 只要我们从中吸取有益的教训,我们可以把它们变成好事。
86、Children are drawn to visiting museums. ─── 孩子都喜欢参观博物馆。
87、Provided we draw useful lessons from them, we may turn difficulties to good account. ─── 只要我们从中吸取有益的教训,困难可以变成好事。
88、He's very shy and needs to be drawn out. ─── 他很腼腆,需要鼓励才肯说话。
89、We have several drawn matches this year. ─── 今年我们打和了几场比赛。
what conclusion can be drawn 翻译一下 谢谢
To formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand:
draw a comparison.
what conclusion can be drawn 翻译一下 谢谢
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