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08-09 投稿


rags 发音

英:[ræɡz]  美:[ræɡz]

英:  美:

rags 中文意思翻译




rags 词性/词形变化,rags变形

动词过去式: ragged |动词第三人称单数: rags |动词现在分词: ragging |动词过去分词: ragged |

rags 常用词组

rags to riches ─── 白手起家

rags 短语词组

1、cast-off rags ─── 破布

2、dorsal rags ─── 背部抹布

3、glad rags ( ─── 某人的)最考究衣服, 晚礼服

4、in rags indeed ─── 衣衫褴褛

5、rags to rings ─── 从破布到戒指

6、bank rags ─── [经] 钞票

7、wiping rags ─── [化] 拭布

8、tree bark and rags ─── 树皮和破布

9、rags to riches insder ─── 从穷到富

10、jack-the-rags n. ─── 旧货商

11、rags calender ─── [化] 碎布胶料压光机

12、rags-to-riches ─── 贫穷到富裕的;白手起家的

13、workaday rags ─── 普通的破布

14、oily rags ─── 含油破布

15、part brass rags with sb ─── 不再同某人保持亲密关系

16、be cooked to rags ─── 煮烂, ─── 煮得烂熟

17、rags mixing ─── [化] 碎布胶料

18、in rags ─── 穿着破衣服,衣衫褴褛

19、mixed rags ─── 混合抹布

rags 相似词语短语

1、Jags ─── n.缺口;突出端;小量负荷(jag的复数);v.把…切得参差不齐;使成缺口(jag的第三人称单数)

2、drags ─── n.铸锭列车;拖曳的东西;拖累物;阻力锚(drag的复数);v.拖;费劲地移动;使人厌烦(drag的三单形式)

3、ragas ─── n.(Ragas)人名;(意)拉加斯

4、raggs ─── n.(Ragg)人名;(匈)劳格;(英)拉格

5、rages ─── v.肆虐;发怒(rage的第三人称单数);n.狂怒;凶猛;激情(rage的复数)

6、crags ─── n.峭壁(crag的复数)

7、frags ─── v.(用爆炸装置)蓄意杀伤;n.碎片弹;手榴弹;n.(Frag)(美、英、俄、埃、希、波、墨)弗拉格(人名)

8、brags ─── 自夸(brags是brag的第三人称单数);吹嘘(brags是brag的第三人称单数)

9、-ags ─── abbr.中断飞行引导系统(abortguidancesystem);飞机通用标准(AircraftGeneralStandards);美国地理学会(AmericanGeographicalSociety)

rags 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He stood for a moment, and dived into his rags as if looking for something. ─── 他站了一会儿,把手插入破衣服里,仿佛在找什么似的。

2、Don't attaint the electric appliance when clean them with rag. ─── 使用碎布擦内部时,要特别注意不要损坏电器部品。

3、I threw that piece of shit around like a rag doll. ─── 俺把这块狗屎周围就像一个玩具娃娃。

4、Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidering. ─── 与其锦衣裹身下地狱,不如衣衫褴褛上天堂。

5、They spurned the worthless rags. ─── 他们根本看不起这些不值钱的小玩意儿。

6、He is working while others are chewing the rag. ─── 他在工作,而其他人在聊天。

7、There were men, women, and small children, some dressed in rags. ─── 有男人、女人和孩子,其中一些人穿着破烂的衣服。

8、Villus child to be placed in a carton, the middle cushion some rags, fed after Add to Waterloo, Waterloo will be placed in the dark. ─── 绒毛雏可先安置在一只纸盒内,中间垫些碎布,喂过后放入窝中,将窝置于暗处。

9、There is not a rag to cover him. ─── 他赤身裸体。

10、He used to rag at the volume of paperwork he had to do. ─── 他以前老是因为不得不做大量文牍工作而发牢骚。

11、His clothes hung in rags, and some of them had sloughed off. ─── 他身上的衣服破破烂烂,有些碎布已经脱落。

12、There is no need to get your rag out every time your maid comes a bit late. ─── 你的女仆迟到一会儿,你用不着每次都发脾气。

13、Child actors have always been popular with audiences and child stars have always been a favourite of tabloids and gossip rags . ─── 儿童演员总会受到观众的欢迎,而童星总是受到小报和八卦报纸的追捧。

14、Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull: he was furious with her. ─── 她的话惹得他对她暴跳如雷。

15、The highest quality paper is made mostly from rags. ─── 上好的纸多半是用破布制造的。

16、He wore his glad rags for the party. ─── 他穿上他最好的衣服去参加宴会。

17、The children were dressed in rags. ─── 孩子们穿着破衣烂衫。

18、They can manufacture rags into paper. ─── 他们能用破布造纸。

19、He cleaned the car with a rag. ─── 他用一块破布擦汽车。

20、Yeah. It's a rag. But it's a popular rag. ─── 哦。它是一堆垃圾。但是它却是受欢迎的垃圾。

21、He has not a rag to his back. ─── 他衣不蔽体。

22、She bought old rags which were sold for making paper. ─── 她收买旧碎布,然后卖了去造纸。

23、The two ladies began to chew the rag. ─── 两位女士开始了马拉松式的谈话。

24、For drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. ─── 因为好酒贪食的,必至贫穷;好睡觉的,必穿破烂衣服。

25、"Could you see the rags by the light of the cigars? ─── “雪茄的火光能让你看清他衣衫褴褛吗?”

26、To tear up (cloth or rags) in a toothed machine. ─── 在有齿的机器上拆碎布或(破布).

27、Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery. ─── [谚]宁可空而有志,不可富而失节。

28、The man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years. ─── 在短短的大约5年时间内, 那个人就由贫致富。

29、His clothes were torn to rags. ─── 他的衣服破烂不堪了。

30、After two and a half-hours, the rags have been stripped of their natural oils. ─── 两个半小时以后,碎布中的天然油份已被剥离,仅剩下原纤维。

31、She's gone from rags to riches. ─── 她一路从赤贫走过暴富。

32、A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags. ─── 她那件酸臭破烂的衣衫下面,是魔女般的白皙肌肤。

33、Instead of a handkerchief he had an old (piece of) rag . ─── 他拿一块旧布当作手绢用.

34、The King said, "Remove these rags." ─── 国王说:“给我脱下这些破布。”

35、Paul has tracked down an early recording of Scott Joplin playing one of his rags. ─── 保罗已找到了斯科特·乔普林所演奏过的一个散拍乐曲的早期录音。

36、What are they chewing the rag about now? ─── 他们现在又在嘟囔些什么?

37、She saw Dick huddled there in his rags, and roused him up with her broom. ─── 她发现迪克穿着破衣服,缩成一团,待在那里,便用扫帚把他捅了起来。

38、"I've often wondered what they do with all their dirty old rags," said Dhilpot. ─── “我真不知道他们要那些肮脏陈旧的破烂贷干什么用,”菲尔波特说。

39、He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle. ─── 他把一小块乾净的布缠住脚腕。

40、He twisted a rag round his cut finger . ─── 他在割破的手指土缠了一块破布。

41、Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches. ─── 她的经历是从赤贫到富有的一个典型例子。

42、The floors were covered with matting and the hall laid with a thin rag carpet. ─── 地板上铺的是草席,只有起居间铺了一块薄薄的破地毯。

43、She hated books and the sight of one in a drawingroom was a red rag to a bull. ─── 她痛恨书籍,只要一看到客厅中有一本书就会暴跳如雷。

44、And drowsiness will clothe them with rags. ─── 好睡觉的,必穿破衣服。

45、She wiped her boots with a rag. ─── 她用破布擦她的靴子。

46、A red rag hangs from an open mouth. ─── 一块红布衔在张开的口中。

47、He was wiping his hands on a rag. ─── 他正用破布揩着双手。

48、A group of students chewed the rag and formed a protest committee. ─── 一群学生谈论着要进行抗议,并组成了一个抗议委员会。

49、He is a brilliant young footballer whose talent took him from rags to riches. ─── 他是一名凭天分从赤贫一跃成为巨富的年轻足球运动员.

50、She washed the floor with a rag. ─── 她用一块旧布擦地板。

51、But in the morning he had to go out in his rags to beg. ─── 但到了早晨,他不得不穿着破衣服外出乞讨。

52、Do you dress in finery or tattered rags? ─── 你貂裘华服还是衣衫褴褛?

53、There on the floor were rag rugs Ellen had dyed and woven herself. ─── 地板上那条百纳地毯是艾伦亲手染了织成的。

54、"You see, sir, " said the man in rags, "I came out to see if I can get a breakfast for my appetite. " ─── “你知道的,先生,”穿破衣服的男人说,“我出来是看看我能否为我的胃口找顿早餐。”

55、He glared at me like a bull at a red rag. ─── 他对我怒目而视,好似(斗牛时)牛对红布的怒视一样。

56、He was vaulted from a rag man to a Boss of a large hotel. ─── 他从一个收废品的人一跃成为一家大饭店的老板。

57、Use a rag soaked in linseed oil. ─── 使用浸过亚麻籽油的抹布。

58、Any complaint about the president is like a red rag to a bull. ─── 像激怒公牛的红布;使人大发雷霆的。

59、One by one they stood up, twitching rags into place. ─── 他们一个接一个站起来,急忙套上破衣烂衫。

60、Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags. ─── 她们的脑袋里装的都是棉花、乾草跟破布。

61、Why are you reading that rag? ─── 你怎么看那种无聊的小报?

62、You will disgrace yourself if you dress in rags. ─── 假如你穿得邋邋遢遢的,你将有损自己的形象。

63、She twisted a rag round my hand. ─── 她用一块破布包住我的手。

64、The phrase "secret diplomacy" has long been a red rag to American public opinion. ─── “秘密外交政策”的说法长期以来引起了美国公众的愤怒。

65、There was not a rag of decency about him. ─── 他丝毫没有高雅之处。

66、Somewhere,under those rags...are you still the greatest geisha in Miyako? ─── 伸俊和:你在这深褴褛衣衫之下,仍是宫古市最美的艺伎吗?

67、Oh, what sight this is for a country girl born in rags and dirt and misery! ─── 啊,对一个生在破烂、肮脏和苦难中的乡下姑娘来说,这是怎样的一番景象啊!

68、O, Tom Canty, born in rags and dirt and misery, what sight is this! ─── 啊,汤姆,生在破烂、肮脏和苦难中,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!

69、There is not a rag of evidence. ─── 一点证据也没有。

70、He cleaned the car with an oily rag. ─── 他用一块沾油的抹布擦干净汽车。

71、He lost his head / rag yesterday. ─── 他昨天大发雷霆。

72、The little boy in rags cast his eyes on a cake in the shop window and his mouth was watering. ─── 这个衣衫褴褛的小男孩把目光投向橱窗里的一块蛋糕,嘴里流着口水。

73、Her favourite toy was a rag doll. ─── 她心爱的玩具是一个布娃娃。

74、Two rags proceeding from the same point form an angle. ─── 从同一点出发的两条射线形成一只角。

75、The fire started when a pile of oily rags spontaneously combusted. ─── 大火从一堆有油的破布自燃时开始的

76、Does to Rags the Heavens tear. ─── 作为天堂泪水的散拍曲。

77、He was certain that the fluorescent effect was not due to cathode rags. ─── 他确信,荧光效应不是起因于阴极射线.

78、Today, gay bars routinely make local bar rags and gay newspapers available, but that tends to be the extent of their engagement. ─── 如今,同性恋酒吧还是会日常地销售本地的酒吧小报和同性恋报纸,但这已经成了他们所能做到的最大程度了。

79、What's he chewing the rag about now? ─── 他现在又在嘟嚷什么?

80、It was like a rag to a bull. ─── 像拿红布给牛看一样(越发使它发火)。

81、The deal has been done, and not for the overinflated prices quoted in the rags. ─── 交易完成,交易价格不是以前提到的那些。

82、I stand shivering in my thin rags, still in disbelief that this nightmare is happening. I am just a young boy. ─── 我站在我颤抖薄衣衫褴褛,在仍然不相信,这噩梦正在发生。

83、Why do you read that worthless rag? ─── 你为什么看这种没有价值的报纸?

84、He was clad in rags. ─── 他衣衫褴褛。

85、Any statement against the government is like a red rag to a bull to that minister. ─── 任何反对政府的言论都会使那位部长大发雷霆。

86、He went from rags to riches in only three years. ─── 他在短短的三年中从赤贫一跃而成巨富。

87、He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag. ─── 他用一块旧破布把管子上的那个洞塞住了。

88、He cleaned his bicycle with a rag. ─── 他用一块破布擦自行车。

89、He was walking through the streets dressed in rags. ─── 他身着鹑衣,在大街上穿行。

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