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08-09 投稿


crystallizable 中文意思翻译



crystallizable 短语词组

1、crystallizable fragment ─── 可结晶分段

2、non-crystallizable ─── 不结晶的

3、crystallizable polymer ─── 可结晶聚合物

crystallizable 相似词语短语

1、crystallization ─── n.结晶化;具体化

2、crystallise ─── vt.使…结晶;使具体化(等于crystallize)

3、crystalline ─── adj.透明的;水晶般的;水晶制的

4、crystalizable ─── 可结晶的

5、crystallize ─── vt.使结晶;明确;使具体化;做成蜜饯;vi.结晶,形成结晶;明确;具体化

6、crystalisable ─── 可结晶的,

7、crystallizability ─── n.可结晶性

8、crystalize ─── vt.使结晶;使成形;使具体化;vi.结晶;成形;具体化

9、crystallisable ─── 结晶

crystallizable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、CRYSTAL: How about some Chinese food, Santa? ─── 吃点中国饭怎么样,圣诞老人?

2、I lost my crystal necklace at the party. ─── 我在晚会上丢失了水晶项链。

3、Conveying crystallizable materials, in the front cover and pump body can be designed with heat preservation jacket, work through steam heat melt. ─── 输送易结晶物料时,在前盖和泵体上可设计带有保温夹套,工作时通过蒸汽保温融化。

4、is proved by practice and tests that crystallizable erosion of concrete by sulfates in water and soil is one of the most serious ones influenced by macroclimate. ─── 水、土中硫酸盐对混凝土结晶腐蚀,经工程实践和实验研究证明是受宏观气候影响最大的一类腐蚀。

5、Can you fit me up with a new watch crystal? ─── 你能给装一块新的表蒙玻璃吗?

6、Asymmetrical at the axial ends. Used of a crystal. ─── 异极的轴线终端不对称的。用于晶体

7、How Do I Migrate Crystal Reports Projects from Previous Versions? ─── 如何从先前版本中迁移Crystal Reports项目?

8、His style is as clear as crystal. ─── 他的文体极其清晰明白。

9、Any of several forms of crystal with trapeziums as faces. ─── 偏方三八面体任一种各面均为不规则四边形的水晶体

10、Shanghai Amzda Silicon Crystal Inc. ─── 上海广济硅材料有限公司。

11、Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. ─── 后来水晶宫迁到伦敦南郊。

12、That Jake was the first guy that brought her crystal meth. ─── Jake是第一个给她带兴奋剂的人。

13、In 1880 Mr Lalique began to make crystal works in Paris. ─── 1880年莱俪先生在巴黎开始生产水晶饰品。

14、People imitate diamonds with crystal. ─── 人们用水晶仿造钻石。

15、High gloss, used as the upscale crystal paint. ─── 具有非常高的光泽度,可以做成高档水晶漆。

16、Climate and Evaluation of Crystallizable Erosion of Concrete by Sulfates in Water and Soil ─── 论水、土中硫酸盐对混凝土结晶腐蚀的气候与评价

17、Ningbo julia crystal ornaments co., Ltd. ─── 宁波杰利雅水晶制品有限公司。

18、Crystal chandeliers glittered brightly above them. ─── 他们头顶的水晶吊灯闪闪发亮。

19、Your memory of it will be crystal clear. ─── 你对它的记忆将会很清晰。

20、The product is rhombohedral or flaky crystal. ─── 包装说明:无色菱形或片状结晶。

21、He drank from a crystal wine glass. ─── 他用水晶酒杯喝酒。

22、Crystal temples all over the Earth held up the Firmament. ─── 地球各地的水晶寺庙负责支撑冰天。

23、The crying boy tries to fry the dry crystal. ─── 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体。

24、There was a crystal chandelier above their heads. ─── 他们头顶上方有一个水晶枝形吊灯。

25、Law is the crystal of social habitude and mind. ─── 1法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。

26、granular aggregates containing sugar microcrystals and crystallizable syrup are produced by spray-crystallization process. ─── 喷雾结晶技术,得到含有糖微晶体以及可结晶糖溶液的颗粒团。

27、To smooth the surface of a wafer or semiconductor crystal. ─── 使晶片或半导体晶体的表面光滑的过程。

28、Mom wore a crystal necklace to the party. ─── 妈妈带了一条水晶项链去参加派对。

29、She takes the crystal as her amulet. ─── 她把水晶作为护身符。

30、On the north side of Crystal Pond. ─── 在水晶池塘的北面。

31、The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of1851. ─── `水晶宫'是为1851年的`世界博览会'在海德公园建造的。

32、Even the glowing crystal was beginning to flicker. ─── 即使是水晶球的光亮现在也开始闪烁起来。

33、In the film, Zara has to find a magic crystal. ─── 在影片中,扎拉必须找到一块魔法水晶。

34、The product is a thin and yellow powdery crystal. ─── 产品的性状为淡黄色粉末状晶体。

35、And the world is clear like a crystal. ─── 世界也如同水晶一般晶莹剔透。

36、It's crystal clear to me. ─── 再清楚不过了。

37、A dimorphic crystal;dimorphic organisms. ─── 双晶晶体;二形有机体

38、Why when I find my crystal shoes for love. ─── 为什么当我找到爱情水晶鞋的时候.

39、The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded. ─── 基质,脉石嵌有化石或水晶的固体物质

40、The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers. ─── 影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。

41、The Crystal Palace which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of1851 remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in1936. ─── 为1851年举办博览会而在海德公园建造的水晶宫到1936年烧毁之前,一直是世界上最著名的建筑之一。

42、She wears a crystal ornament on her chest. ─── 她的前胸戴了一个水晶饰品。

43、L.L Crystal Lover Light > Interlude P.P.P. ─── 您当前的位置:首页 > Crystal Kay(克莉丝朵.凯儿) > C.

44、CRYSTAL: Oh, you're so lucky, you got a good one. ─── 噢,你真走运,你的运气不错。

45、Pupu: I'm here, help, help.I can't get the crystal. ─── 我不能拿到水晶。

46、Nanjing Huari Liquid Crystal Display Technical Co., Ltd. ─── 南京华日液晶显示技术有限公司。

47、The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal. ─── 她的眼神依旧清纯,仿佛水晶般纤尘不染。

48、Later,the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. ─── 后来“水晶宫”搬到了伦敦南郊。

49、A toddlerwho was a menace in a shop full of crystal. ─── 对放满水晶制品的商店构成威胁的蹒跚学步的孩子。

50、The workers imitate a diamond with crystal. ─── 工人们用水晶仿造钻石。

51、How Do I Use Crystal Reports in a Web Farm or Web Garden? ─── 如何在Web场或Web园中使用Crystal Reports?

52、Handled the crystal bowl with care. ─── 小心谨慎地拿着水晶碗

53、Shanghai Juan Yu Yuan Crystal Arts And Crafts Giet Co., Ltd. ─── 上海镌钰苑水晶工艺礼品有限公司。

54、The crying map boy tries to fry the dry crystal. ─── 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体.

55、Various crystal stuff also are famous souvenirs in this village. ─── 各式各样的水晶制品也是这个村里有名的纪念品。

56、A toddler who was a menace in a shop full of crystal. ─── 对放满水晶制品的商店构成威胁的蹒跚学步的孩子

57、Tears dropped on the paper and formed lucid patterns, like crystal. ─── 女孩泪滴在纸上形成晶莹的花朵。

58、Do you happen to know where I can found bohemia crystal? ─── 你知道我在哪儿可以买到波希米亚车料玻璃器皿?

59、Brice J C. J. Crystal Growth, 1977, 42: 427--430. ─── 张克从,张乐惠.晶体生长科学与技术,第二版.北京:科学出版社,1997.472--484.

60、Snowflake[snoufleik] n. A single flake or crystal of snow. ─── (单片的雪或结晶的雪)雪花;雪片。

61、Be careful of the crystal plate. ─── 小心这水晶碟。

62、It is crystal clear what we must do. ─── 我们该做什么是很明显的。

63、We've made our position crystal clear. ─── 我们已经清楚地表明了我们的立场。

64、You wouldn't want to touch the LG Crystal. ─── 你不会想触摸LG电子晶体。

65、He wants to make it crystal clear that he do not agree with us. ─── 他想表明清楚他不同意我们的意见。

66、Download and install the Crystal Reports Update Service. ─── 下载并安装Crystal Reports更新服务。

67、They sparkle in the light like tiny crystal chips. ─── 它们闪闪发光,像微小的水晶片。

68、Having only one form, as one crystal form. ─── 只有单一形式的,如单晶形式

69、Faceted clear crystal ornament with beige ribbon. ─── 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶装饰品与米黄丝带。

70、It contains optical mineralogy and crystal optics. ─── 其中包括晶体光学和光性矿物学两部分。

71、We'll grind the emblem into the crystal. ─── 我们将把这块徽章镶嵌到这块晶体中。

72、She made her meaning crystal clear. ─── 她把她的意思解释得清清楚楚。

73、A close similarity in the crystal forms of unlike compounds. ─── 异质同形不同化合物组成的晶体在形状上的极其类似

74、Her style is clear as crystal. ─── 她的文体极其清晰明白。

75、Because of its bulk, the crystal is external. ─── 因晶体笨重,所以只能外接。

76、Crystal of China popular handwork. ─── 中国民间手工艺品的结晶。

77、Images sent from the satellite were crystal clear. ─── 卫星传回的图象很清楚。

78、He doesn't have to bring crystal shoes and ride a Horse White. ─── 我并不期盼他会有玻璃鞋和白马。

79、Crystal: My stomach's growling again! ─── 克莉丝:我的肚子又在叫了!

80、Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system. ─── 全面的,全对称晶形的具有在给定的晶体系统中全面对称的全部平面的

81、Having one direction along which double refraction of light does not take place. Used of a crystal. ─── 单轴晶体的有一个方向的,沿此方向不发生光的双折射。用于晶体

82、I work in this dome protecting and working with the crystal. ─── 我在这座拱顶建筑中保护水晶,并与其一起工作。

83、Beside the stream is a still deep pool of crystal clear water. ─── 在小溪的旁边有一个平静深沉的池塘,里面充满了清澈的水。

84、Charlize Theron: "Mrs.Billy Crystal. ─── "(见到美女就收之。

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