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08-09 投稿


insoluble 发音

英:[ɪn'sɒljʊb(ə)l]  美:[ɪn'sɑljəbl]

英:  美:

insoluble 中文意思翻译



insoluble 网络释义

adj. 不能解决的;[化学] 不能溶解的;难以解释的

insoluble 词性/词形变化,insoluble变形

副词: insolubly |名词: insolubility |

insoluble 同义词

indissoluble | intricate | inexplicable | impenetrable | abstruse | indecipherable | difficult |unsolvable | unfathomable | enigmatic | unexplainable | mysterious

insoluble 短语词组

1、insoluble amidin ─── [医] 淀粉不溶素

2、insoluble proteins ─── [医] 不溶蛋白

3、acetone-insoluble lipoids ─── [医] 丙酮不溶性脂类

4、insoluble anode ─── [机] 不溶性阳极

5、insoluble amidine ─── [医] 淀粉不溶素, 淀粉经络质

6、benzene-insoluble ─── [建] 不溶于苯的

7、insoluble residue ─── [化] 不溶残渣

8、insoluble bromide number ─── [化] 不溶溴值

9、water-insoluble ─── 水不溶物

10、insoluble monolayer ─── [化] 不溶性单层

11、insoluble tar ─── [化] 沉淀焦油; 沉淀木焦油

12、acetone-insoluble antigen ─── [医] 丙酮不溶性抗原

13、insoluble tannal ─── [医] 不溶性鞣酸铝, 硷性鞣酸铝(收敛剂)

14、insoluble sludge ─── [化] 不溶残渣

15、benzene insoluble ─── 苯不溶物

16、insoluble bromide ratio ─── [化] 不溶溴值

17、insoluble enzyme ─── [化] 固相酶; 固定化酶

18、insoluble soap ─── [医] 不溶性皂

19、insoluble bromide value ─── [化] 不溶溴值

insoluble 反义词


insoluble 相似词语短语

1、insolubly ─── 不溶解地;不溶地;(问题等)不能解决地;无法解释地

2、insolubilise ─── 无力偿债

3、insolvable ─── adj.不能解决的;不能溶解的

4、dissoluble ─── adj.可分解的;可溶解的;可解除的

5、indissoluble ─── adj.不能分解的;不能溶解的;坚固的;牢固持久的

6、insolubilize ─── 不溶解

7、irresoluble ─── adj.不能解决的;无法解决的

8、resoluble ─── adj.可分解的,可溶解的;[数]可解决的

9、soluble ─── adj.[化学]可溶的,可溶解的;可解决的

insoluble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But these mineral scales act as a trap for lead only as long as they remain insoluble; a sudden shift in water chemistry can change that. ─── 但这些矿物质积垢只有在本身不溶解的状态下,才具有抓住铅的能力;水中化学性质的突然变化,就可能改变这一点。

2、On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called 'Scented Shadow' or for 'insoluble bath cubes'. ─── 他走进商店后,会提出要一种名叫“香影”的新型香水或什么“不溶浴皂”。

3、The amaranthine powder is soluble in water, alcohol and solution of water and alcohol, but insoluble in oil and absolute alcohol. ─── 产品为紫红色粉末,易溶于水及乙醇水溶液,不溶于油脂、无水乙醇;

4、Life was a dark, insoluble mystery, but whatever it was, strength and weakness were its two constituents. ─── 人生是玄妙的,不可分解的秘密,但是不管怎么样,强和弱就是它的两种组织成份。

5、DESCRIPTION: Light yellow powder insoluble in water and difficult to soluble in mineral acids. ─── 形状颜色特征:淡黄色粉末,不溶于水,难溶于无机酸。

6、Callose An insoluble polysaccaride that is laid down around the perforations in sieve plates, at wound or infection sites, and by growing pollen tubes. ─── callose胼胝质:在植物筛管的筛域上存在的一种由不溶性的多糖物质积聚而形成的结构。

7、Layer of insoluble powder is needed to absorb wound exudate. ─── 不溶性药粉层用于吸收疮面渗出液。

8、Soluble in water and methyl alcohol,slightly soluble in ethanol,insoluble in acetone and aether. ─── 在水、甲醇中溶解;在乙醇中微溶,在丙酮和乙醚中几乎不溶。

9、At another table next to them, four Caucasians, two men and two women, were also talking.Frowning, they seemed faced with some insoluble problem. ─── 在他们一侧的另一桌,有两男两女四个白人也在谈话,而且个个愁眉锁眼的,好像有什麽不能解决的事。

10、The insoluble sulfide has no influence on the method, and this method just can determine dissolvable sulfide. ─── 难溶性硫化物对测定不产生影响,本文方法只测定可溶性硫化物。

11、Status: Black powder, soluble in diluted acid, ammonium chloride, salvolatile, potassium cyanide solution, insoluble in water and alcohol. ─── 性状:黑色粉末,溶于稀酸、氯化铵、碳酸铵和氰化钾溶液,不溶于水和醇。

12、Properties:White powder,insoluble in water ,but soluble in alcohol.It will decompose when meeting strong acid. It has hygroscopic property in air. ─── 性质:白色粉末,不溶于水,溶于酒精,遇到强酸分解,在空气中有吸湿性。

13、In the young cheese, all nitrogen is present in the form of insoluble protein. ─── 在未成熟的干酪中,全部氮都以不溶性蛋白质状态存在。

14、A white crystal powder, very freely soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether. ─── 性状Characters:白色结晶颗粒或粉末,极易溶于水,略溶于酒精,不溶于乙醚。

15、the dark purple powder color is soluble in water and solution of water and alcohol , but insoluble in oil and absolute alcohol. ─── 产品为暗紫色粉末,易溶于水及乙醇水溶液,不溶于油脂、无水乙醇。

16、The dark purple powder color is soluble in water and solution of water and alcohol, but insoluble in oil and absolute alcohol. ─── 产品为暗紫色粉末,易溶于水及乙醇水溶液,不溶于油脂、无水乙醇。

17、DESCRIPTION: Dankish white powder ,clean, insoluble in water, soluble in mineral acids. ─── 形状颜色特征:湿的白色粉末,产品洁净,可溶于酸,不溶于水。

18、Then, far away used cerebella muscle- - is Shui Runzi raised insoluble dry problem? ─── 于是,迢迢动了小脑筋--水润滋养岂不能解决干燥问题?

19、Cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents. ─── 乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。

20、DESCRIPTION: Reddish violet powder insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids. ─── 形状颜色特性:淡紫色粉末,易受潮,不溶于水,易溶于无机酸。

21、Since 1996, she has veered between the joy of the truth and despair at an "insoluble situation". ─── 1996年以后,她一直不知道应该为真相大白而高兴还是为一种“无法解决的情况”而绝望。

22、The addition of LMW-GS could increase tensile strain and tensile strength;insoluble glutenin could in... ─── 低相对分子质量麦谷蛋白亚基能增强熟面条的硬度、粘合性、咀嚼性、回复性、拉断力和拉伸应变.

23、The recovery ratios of Cr2O3 and 4mol/L HC1 insoluble ash were 101.4% and 96.3% respectively. ─── Cr_2O_3和4mol/L盐酸不溶灰分的回收率分别为101.4%和96.3%。

24、Status Black powder, soluble in diluted acid, ammonium chloride, salvolatile, potassium cyanide solution, insoluble in water and alcohol. ─── 性状黑色粉末,溶于稀酸、氯化铵、碳酸铵和氰化钾溶液,不溶于水和醇。

25、Insoluble in water but soluble in hot ammonium acetate. ─── 不溶于水,能溶于热的醋酸铵。

26、Is water repellent, insoluble in alcohol or acetone. ─── 圈内切片或细胞可用醛类,乙醇或丙酮固定。

27、Solubility:Insoluble in water, part of it soluble in acids. ─── 性质:不溶于水,部分溶解于酸类.

28、Rich nations have in almost all cases been rich for a long time, but even in those nations the problem of residual poverty has become an insoluble one. ─── 富裕的国家在富裕化的过程中,已经经历了所有的问题。但是即使在这样的国家,原有的贫困问题还是未能解决的顽症。

29、Properties:White powder,nontoxic,insoluble in water ,slightly soluble in hot alcohol.It will decompose when meeting strong acid. It has hygroscopic property in air. ─── 性质:白色粉末,无毒,不溶于水,微溶于热的乙醇,遇到强酸分解,在空气中有吸湿性。

30、The question of what is human's essence is the core of hominology,and is insoluble riddle too. ─── “斯芬克司之谜”的核心是“人是什么”的问题,即人的本质问题。

31、Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats. ─── 胡萝卜素不溶于水,但溶于油和脂肪。

32、In your life,be sure to make yourself more magnanimous,for a person like that won't be puzzled with insoluble problems and can be optimistic. ─── 在生活中,一定要让自己豁达些,因为豁达的自己才不至于钻入牛角尖,也才能乐观进取。

33、Differential soluble phases and insoluble phases in the solid matrix two differene group of morphology,after that will be dealt with separately. ─── 即按相的形态特征,分为固态可溶于基体相和不溶于基体相两个组群,然后分别处理。

34、The question about what is human's essence is the core of hominology,and it is also an insoluble riddle. ─── “人是什么”一直是哲学家们追问而未解的“斯芬克司之谜”。

35、Since 1996,she has veered between the joy of the truth and despair at an " insoluble situation". ─── 1996年以后,她一直不知道应该为真相大白而高兴,还是为一种“无法解决的情况”而绝望。

36、DESCRIPTION: Greenish powder, insoluble in water, soluble in mineral acids. ─── 形状颜色特征:淡绿色粉末,可溶于酸,不溶于水。

37、Properties:White powder,insoluble in water ,but soluble in alcohol.It will decompose into stearic acid and metal salt when meeting strong acid. ─── 性质:白色粉末,不溶于水,溶于酒精,遇到强酸则分解成硬脂酸和金属盐。

38、So long as the earth's population keeps growing at this cancerous rate, all of the other problems appear virtually insoluble. ─── 只要地球上的人口持续地按这个可怕的速度增长,其他所有问题都将无法解决。

39、Bare Theism would be to me a bleak creed and one subject to a standing limitation the insoluble problem of evil. ─── 对我而言,光秃秃的壹神论只是没有内涵的教条,而且面临无法克服的限制——不能解决邪恶问题。

40、Package:Pale violet powder, hydroscopic, insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids. ─── 包装:产品内包装用双层薄膜袋密封,装入塑料桶中,每桶净重25公斤。

41、Would you expect this substance to be hard and insoluble in liquids? ─── 你是否认为这种物质质地坚硬并且不溶于液体?

42、Philosophy: unintelligible answers to insoluble problems. ─── 哲学:是对难以解释的问题作出的难以理解的答案。

43、An insoluble material formed as a result of either deterioration reactions in an oil or by contamination of an oil, or both. ─── 由于润滑油的惰化反应或者油里含有杂质所形成的不溶解的物质。

44、It catalyzes the oxidation of dopa rapidly to dopaquinone, which in turn polymerize non-enzymetically into insoluble melanin. ─── 它是一种含铜的酶,能够催化单酚羟化成二酚(如多巴),把二酚氧化成醌;

45、In Hesse this has created an almost insoluble coalition conundrum. ─── 但是黑森的情况却非常复杂难辨方向。

46、It is insoluble in carbon disulphide, soluble in hot aniline and phenol. ─── 它不溶于二硫化碳,溶于热苯胺和苯酚。

47、It is sparingly soluble in water, less soluble in ethanol and cyclohexane, insoluble in fats and fat solvents. ─── 它少量溶于水,较小溶于乙醇和环已烷,不溶于脂肪和脂肪剂。

48、DESCRIPTION: Dark brown powder, insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids. ─── 形状颜色特征:黑褐色粉末,不溶于水,易溶于无机酸。

49、Except sodium ferric EDTA, all other iron sources added to the proces produced a large amounts of insoluble iron. ─── 发现除乙二胺四乙酸铁钠外,添加其他铁源,经焙烤制成面包后,最终都产生了大量不溶性铁。

50、Poly (DBTM) was a white ahd brittle solid, and is insoluble in common organic solvents. ─── Poly(DBTM)为白色脆性固体,不溶于普通的有机溶剂.

51、The crystal from insoluble particles increases the stabilization of emulsion again, and then the interfacial crud forms. ─── 可溶性无机盐在乳化液界面结晶出来,进一步稳定了乳化液,形成比较稳定的界面乳化物。

52、Property: Sibutramine hydrochloride is a white to off-white powder, insoluble in water. Function:... ─── 发布者:陈鹏燕所在地:云南昆明市行业:医药、保养职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

53、Cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents. ─── 乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。

54、White crystal or white crystalline powder, insoluble in water or alcohol, It should be kept in sealed containers because it is deliquescent. ─── 性状Properties:无色结晶或白色结晶性粉末。易潮解,溶于水和醇。

55、However, there is a flaw in the argument that the evolution of wheeled animals was thwarted by the insoluble joint problem. ─── 不过,动物未能进化出轮子是受阻于无法解决接头问题的说法有一个缺陷。

56、An insoluble white protein that is the essential component of raw silk and spider-web filaments. ─── 丝蛋白一种不能溶解的白色蛋白质,是生丝及蜘蛛网丝的基本成分

57、The insoluble lead oxide is remained in the residue. ─── 不溶性氧化物相留存在残渣中。

58、Desflurane is a clear nonflammable liquid that is extremely insoluble and requires a specially designed, heated aporizer for administration. ─── 地氟醚是一种非常难溶的不可燃液体,使用时需要特殊设计可以加热的挥发罐才行。

59、The almost pure cellulose obtained from the seed thready of cotton is tough, fibrous, and completely insoluble in water. ─── 从棉花种子纤维中获得的几乎是纯的纤维素,是强硬的、纤维状的,完全不溶于水。

60、Philosophy: unintelligible answer to insoluble problem. ─── 哲学:是对难以解释的问题作出难以理解的答案。

61、Overexpression of recombinant proteins in \%E.coli\% often results in formation of insoluble, inactive inclusion bodies. ─── 外源基因在大肠杆菌中高水平表达时,通常会形成无活性的蛋白聚集体即包涵体。

62、At elevated humidities mixtures of soluble and insoluble material are often readily discernible in single particles. ─── 在大湿度时,可溶的和不可溶的物质的混合物很容易在单个粒子中辨认出来。

63、Various membrane systems and modes of operation have been used with the biocatalyst either in soluble or insoluble form. ─── 人工膜用于固定化生物催化剂近年来引起了人们的极大关注并获得了广泛地研究。

64、Phosphating: in steel on the surface of product form a layer of phosphate insoluble protective film processing. ─── 磷化:在钢铁制件表面上形成一层不溶解的磷酸盐保护膜的处理过程。

65、At a later stage there arose new problem swhich seemed insoluble. ─── 在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题。

66、The standards for the total ash content,acid insoluble ash content and water content in Fructus Amomi have been set up. ─── 制订了砂仁药材中总灰分、酸不溶性灰分和水分含量的标准。

67、The common nutrient ingredient, insoluble dietary fiber, amino acid, fatty acid and mineral element in Codium fragile Hariot were analyzed. ─── 对刺松藻的常规营养成分、不溶性膳食纤维、氨基酸、脂肪酸及矿质元素进行了分析测定。

68、If intake of lactose, wheat, and/or insoluble fiber appears to be aboe aerage for the population, trial exclusion of these foods may be helpful. ─── 如果摄入乳糖、小麦和/或不可溶性纤维比一般人群更高,那么排除这些食物则可能有所帮助。

69、They can also improve dissolutions or solubilization of insoluble materials. ─── 他们也可改善溶解力或使原本不溶的原料溶解。

70、A dye that is applied by reducing the dye to a base-soluble form,applying the dye,then regenerating the insoluble dye by oxidation in the material. ─── 一种染料,用法是将其还原成可溶状态,敷涂后通过在材料中氧化重新生成不可溶的染料。

71、Would you expect this substance to be hard and insoluble in most liquids? ─── 你是否认为这种物质会很硬,并且不溶于大多数液体中?

72、Insoluble waste should not be put into the sink. ─── 不溶解的固体废物不得扔进洗涤槽.

73、The theory of condensation on insoluble particles depends qualitatively on the reduced liquid surface area. ─── 定性地说,在不可溶粒子上的凝结理论是与这减少的液体表面积有关的。

74、Is used for surking air or other a little corrosive, insoluble gasses which containing dust. ─── 主要用来抽除空气和其它有一定腐蚀性、不溶于水、允许含有少量固体颗粒的气体。

75、The problem seemed insoluble at first glance. ─── 乍一看,这个问题似乎解决不了。

76、DESCRIPTION: white powder, insoluble in water, soluble in mineral acids, It should be kept in sealed containers. ─── 形状颜色特性:白色粉末,不溶于水,易溶于无机酸,极易潮解,应置于密封器内。

77、The inner anode includes insoluble carbon and phosphorous-copper bar. ─── 内阳极有两种材质,分别为不溶性碳精棒和含磷铜棒。

78、I pushed the problem aside; at present it was insoluble. ─── 我把这个问题放到了一边;目前它是无法解决的。

79、Both insoluble plant cell-wall materials, primarily cellulose and lignin, and nonstarch water-soluble polysaccharides are components of dietary fiber. ─── 不溶性植物细胞壁材料,主要是纤维素和木质素和非淀粉水溶性多糖都是膳食纤维的组成部分。

80、Another insoluble problem: how to request the repair service without a telephone to place the call? ─── 又一个解决不了的问题出现了:电话打不出去了,怎么请求维修服务呢?

81、Thrombin is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to the insoluble protein fibrin. ─── 凝血酶能催化可溶性血浆纤维蛋白转化为不溶性的纤维蛋白。

82、If Americans could only free themselves from their antigovernment doctrine, they would begin to see that American's problems are not insoluble. ─── 如果美国人能把自己从反政府主义中解放出来,他们就会开始认识到美国的问题并不是无法解决的。

83、Status: Green or black powder, insoluble in acids and ammonia, soluble in hot perchloric acid and vitriol, ins.... ─── 性状:灰黑色或绿色粉末,溶于酸和氨水,溶于热的过氯酸和热硫酸,不溶于水和液氨。

84、In gravimetry, an analyzer (in most cases ionic) is precipitated in the form of an insoluble compound of defined stoichiometry. ─── 在重量法中,分析物(通常是离子)以确定的化学计量配比的不溶化合物沉淀,

85、DDT is very stable, relatively insoluble in water, but highly soluble in fats. ─── DDT非常的稳定,相对不溶于水,但易溶于脂肪中。

86、A white crystal powder, odorless, tasteless, freely soluble in glacial acetic acid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol or chloroform. ─── 性状Characters:本品为白色结晶;无臭,无味。在冰醋酸中易溶,在水中溶解,在乙醇或氯仿中不溶。

87、To him, the ugly, insoluble gunk in his glassware was a sign of a dead end. ─── 在他看来,玻璃器皿中这种令人讨厌的不易溶解的黏东西毫无研究价值可言。

88、Cupric azide is insoluble in water. ─── 叠氮化铜不溶于水。

89、Pigment: Pigment is the ingredient that gives paint its color. It is an insoluble powder, as opposed to dyes, which are soluble liquids. ─── 压缩混合化学物:使得喷漆内部颜料与其他化学液体互融更好的效果..达到全天候创作的可能..(翻译不能





d o n o t h i n g是什么意思?

意思就是什么都没做,别这样。d o n o t h i n g是什么都没做的意思。

名词 do-nothing:

person who does no work.

形容词 do-nothing:

characterized by inability or unwillingness to work toward a goal or assume responsibility.

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