interpretation 发音
英:[ɪnˌtɜːrprəˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[ɪnˌtɜːprəˈteɪʃ(ə)n]
英: 美:
interpretation 中文意思翻译
interpretation 短语词组
1、command interpretation ─── [计] 命令解释
2、authoritative interpretation ─── [法] 有权威的解释, 有权解释
3、Herbrand interpretation ─── [计] 海尔勃朗解释
4、administrative interpretation ─── [法] 行政机关对法令的解释
5、grammatical interpretation ─── [法] 字义解释
6、authentic interpretation ─── [法] 可信解释, 权威解释
7、close interpretation ─── [法] 严格的解释
8、arbitrary interpretation ─── [法] 任意解释
9、comparative interpretation ─── [法] 比较解释
10、academic interpretation ─── [法] 文理解释
11、domain of interpretation ─── [计] 解释域
12、intended interpretation ─── [计] 预期解释
13、amplified interpretation ─── [法] 扩大解释, 引伸的解释
14、extensive interpretation ─── [法] 扩充解释, 扩张解释
15、geometric interpretation ─── [计] 几何解释
16、extravagant interpretation ─── [法] 扩大解释
17、dream-interpretation ─── 梦的解释 释 ─── 梦
18、broad interpretation ─── [法]广义解释
19、functional interpretation ─── [法] 功能解释, 职能说明
interpretation 常用词组
simultaneous interpretation ─── 同声传译
judicial interpretation ─── 司法解释
image interpretation ─── 图像判读,影像判读
interpretation 词性/词形变化,interpretation变形
interpretation 相似词语短语
1、misinterpretation ─── n.误解;误释
2、interpretative ─── adj.解释的;作为说明的
3、interrelation ─── n.相互关系
4、intergradation ─── n.间渡;逐渐融合;过渡形式;中间形式
5、interpenetration ─── n.渗透;[劳经]互相贯通
6、interpretational ─── 解释的
7、interpretations ─── n.[计]解释
8、interpretating ─── 解释
9、reinterpretation ─── n.重新解释
interpretation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Welcome to Interpretation Team of Wuhan University. ─── 姜羽佳,武汉大学外语学院,翻译专业硕士。
2、The pitfall is that the results will be difficult to interpret. ─── 困难在于试验的结果将是难以解释的。
3、What interpretation would you put on these facts? ─── 对于这些事实你作何解释?
4、Have a passion for interpretation ,foreign trade . ─── 对英语翻译和外贸实务有浓厚兴趣。
5、She interpret his silence as arrogance. ─── 她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。
6、At all His interpretation of life was intended as a joke. ─── 他对人生的意义作这番阐述,只是想开个玩笑罢了。
7、The students were asked to interpret the poem. ─── 学生们被要求诠释那首诗的意义。
8、You may disagree with ome of our choice o elling or interpretation. ─── 你可能不同意我们选择的拼写或解释。
9、Van Til, as we have seen, does not believe that the presence of human interpretation relativizes the authority of the Word of God. ─── 我们也看到,范泰尔不相信人的解释可以相对化上帝话语的权柄。
10、His statement admits of only one interpretation. ─── 他的这番言论只可能有一种解释。
11、I must cross swords with him on one or two points in his interpretation of the text. ─── 对他就论文的一两处所作的解释,我要与他辩论。
12、The fact allows of only one interpretation. ─── 事实只有一种解释。
13、The negative index interpretation was soon challenged, however. ─── 不过这项对于负折射率的诠释很快就受到质疑。
14、To practice interview interpretation techniques. ─── 实践访谈口译技巧。
15、So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things. ─── 他就告诉我,将那事的讲解给我说明。
16、His arrival can be given more than one interpretation. ─── 对他的到来可作出不止一种解释。
17、Her interpretation of the music was too literal. ─── 她演奏的音乐太平淡乏味。
18、To put an interpretation on something. ─── 对某事提出一种解释。
19、A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or automatic means. ─── 事实、概念或指令按某一规格化方式的一种表示,适于人或自动装置进行通信、解释或处理。
20、The interpretation of this fauna is still in flux. ─── 对这一生物群的解释仍处于不断变化之中。
21、Can you interpret the meaning of these passages? ─── 你能解释一下这几篇文章的意思吗?
22、If all this is accepted there remains for discussion the question of the interpretation of the analyst's hate to the patient. ─── 如果所有这些都能被接受的话,那么还遗留下来一个讨论的问题,那就是有关分析师对他病人的恨的解析。
23、Division arose over the interpretation of the idea. ─── 对这个观点的解释产生了分歧。
24、A new interpretation of this phenomenon has been presented. ─── 对这一现象给予了一种新的解释。
25、With such a brilliant interpretation and emotions, Sungha no doubt has what it takes to be one of the best guitarists. ─── 那样的情感与表演,成河无疑的会在将来成为世界上最优秀的吉他演奏家之一。
26、The interpretation of facts is often colored by prejudices. ─── 对事实的解释往往由于偏见而被歪曲
27、In terms of the contents of his theory, Lukacs' re-interpretation is in Marx's conception in many respects. ─── 就具体内容而言,卢卡奇的重新理解在很多方面走进了马克思的哲学历史观。
28、No simultaneous interpretation service is available for observers. ─── 大会不会向旁听者提供即时传译服务。
29、You can interpret this term in many ways. ─── 你可以对这个术语作多种解释。
30、BII extension is an acronym for Binary Interactive Interpretation. ─── 天地互连扩展的缩写二元互动释义。
31、To interpret simultaneously is extremely difficult. ─── 同声翻译是极困难的。
32、On a communications link, noise or unwanted signals that impair the receipt or correct interpretation of speech or data. ─── 在通信链路上出现的噪音或无用的信号,它损害语音、数据的接收或正确的解释。
33、How far do we come to quantitative interpretation? ─── 定量地震解释离我们有多远?
34、Open to more than one interpretation. ─── 多种含义的可有多于一种解释的
35、DNS server unable to interpret format. ─── dns 服务器无法解释格式。
36、Good speaker should interpret his point clearly. ─── 优秀的讲演者应该清晰地阐明自己的观点。
37、In today's lecture I'd like to interpret this problem broadly rather than in depth. ─── 在今天的讲课中我想把这个问题阐述得广泛些而不是深入透彻些。
38、What Is Called the Constitutional Interpretation? ─── 何谓宪法解释?
39、She gave the delegation a strict interpretation of the speech. ─── 她把这段话准确地向代表团作了翻译。
40、A plaintiff's interpretation in a libel suit of allegedly libelous or slanderous material. ─── 对被告诽谤言辞的解释在诽谤案件中,原告对所称的诽谤的或谣言的材料的解释
41、History is always a matter of interpretation. ─── 历史总是一个诠释的问题。
42、A translation, after all, is only an interpretation. ─── 一种翻译,终究不过是一种解释。
43、Miss Liu, could you interpret this sentence for me? ─── 刘**,你能帮我翻译一下这句话吗?
44、The interpretation of facts is often colored by prejudices. ─── 对事实的解释往往由于偏见而被歪曲。
45、His interpretation is coherent and intelligible. ─── 他的翻译通顺易懂。
46、He made a literal interpretation. ─── 他逐字解释。
47、Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation. ─── 合同中的某些条文容有不同诠释。
48、Article written by author has the ultimate power of interpretation. ─── 作者所写的所有文章有最终的解释权。
49、Field Interpretation System for HCS-87 Computerized Logging System. ─── HCS-87数控测井仪的井场解释系统
50、It's just that the interpretation was flawed. ─── 只是这一解释是有缺陷的。
51、Excessive adherence to a literal interpretation of the Bible. ─── 《圣经》崇拜对《圣经》文字解释的极度忠实
52、They put a false interpretation on events. ─── 他们对事件进行了错误的解释
53、Andrea: Interpret the character as you see it. ─── 以自己的理解来诠释角色。
54、His statement is susceptible of another interpretation. ─── 他的陈述可以有另一种解释。
55、They are social sounds, by one interpretation. ─── 从某种意义上去理解它能算是社交辞令。
56、He is good at interpretation. ─── 他擅长口译。
57、To interpret at the UN is a difficult task. ─── 在联合国做口译是件难 度很大的差事.
58、The practice of predicting the future through interpretation of dreams. ─── 占梦一种通过解释梦境去预测未来的做法
59、Of or relating to the interpretation of such roles by an actor. ─── 对这种角色的表演的,或与其相关的.
60、Interpretation of the cryoscopic and other data is often complicated. ─── 对冰点的下降和其它数据的解释通常是复杂的。
61、He only spoke Chinese so someone had to interpret. ─── 他只会说中文,所以得有人翻译。
62、These colors are an electronic interpretation of the actual color. ─── 上列所有颜色都是经过计算机解析的实际颜色。
63、His statement admits of one interpretation only. ─── 他的话只有一种解释。
64、I'm not quite sure how to interpret that question. ─── 对于怎样解释这个问题我不十分有把握。
65、Interpret Scripture literally and grammatically. ─── [1] 按字意和文法解释《圣经》。
66、Religious thinkers may work out a new interpretation of life. ─── 宗教思想家也许想重新解释生活的真谛。
67、To interpret(utterances) by lip reading. ─── 唇读通过观察口形来理解(话)
68、Do basic English and Chinese interpretation and translation. ─── 基本的中英文口译和笔译。
69、She stamped her own interpretation on the role. ─── 她给那个角色注入了她自己的诠释。
70、He's always putting a wrong interpretation on what I say. ─── 他总是曲解我的话。
71、Her interpretation of the facts may be open to doubt. ─── 她对事实的解释可能有待质疑。
72、How do you interpret this sentence? ─── 你如何解释这一句?
73、Unified Exposition And Multics Interpretation. ─── 2、 题目: Secure Computer System.
74、He likes to take liberties with the interpretation of the law. ─── 他喜欢对法律作随心所欲的解释。
75、His interpretation struck home. ─── 他的解释得当。
76、Yet people still seem to be unsure how to interpret it. ─── 但对其如何界定人们似乎还不大有把握。
77、Eg: His interpretation of the screenplay is unique. ─── 他对剧本的解释很独特。
78、An interpretation would not undermine judicial independence. ─── 寻求解释也不会损害司法独立。
79、The predetermined mandatory order, organization or position of symbols in a computer instruction, data or word, data transmission message, etc. The order is mandatory so that the computer can understand and interpret the information. ─── 对计算机的指令、数据或字以及数据传输所预先确定的且必须遵循的各种符号的次序、结构或位置。次序必须遵循,否则计算机不能理解和解释信息。
80、You can interpret the term in several ways. ─── 你可以对这个术语作很多的解释。
81、His ruling put quite a different interpretation on the responsibility of trustee. ─── 他的裁定对受托人的责任提出很不相同的解释。
82、What's your interpretation of these statistics? ─── 你对这些统计资料如何解释
83、To interpret utterances by lip reading. ─── 唇读通过观察口形来理解话
84、On the strictest interpretation, a Catholic is only marrying out of the faith if his partner is a non-Catholic and refuses to be married according to the rites of the Catholic Church. ─── 严格地说,天主教徒的配偶如果不是天主教徒而又拒绝按照天主教的仪式结婚,那么这个天主教徒才是脱离了原属教派与其他教派的人结了婚。
85、They take their stand on the strict interpretation of the law. ─── 他们严格地照法律办事。
86、Third-year students begin to practise simultaneous interpretation. ─── 三年级学生开始练习同声翻译。
87、That the result of segmentation is better or not has a strong influence on the following recognition and interpretation. ─── 图象分割质量的好坏直接影响到后续识别和理解的成败。
88、The meaning of the poem doesn't really come out in his interpretation. ─── 他并没有把这首诗的意义真正揭示出来。
学理解释是指国家宣传机构、社会组织、教学科研单位或学者、专家、法律工作者等非官方主体对法律规范所作的阐明与解释。对应英文翻译为academic interpretation. 相对于立法解释和司法解释,学理解释因缺乏法律上的授权,故不具有法律的约束力,因此又称“无权解释”,前两种解释称“有权解释”。
1、同声传译(Simultaneous interpretation),简称“同传”,又称“同声翻译”、“同步口译”,是指译员在不打断讲话者讲话的情况下,不间断地将内容口译给听众的一种翻译方式,[1]同声传译员通过专用的设备提供即时的翻译,这种方式适用于大型的研讨会和国际会议,通常由两名到三名译员轮换进行。
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