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08-09 投稿


needlelike 发音


英:  美:

needlelike 中文意思翻译



needlelike 网络释义

adj. 针状的

needlelike 短语词组

1、needlelike threads of spongy bone are called ─── 针状的海绵状的线被称为

2、needlelike threads of spongy bone ─── 针状海绵状的线

3、needlelike definition ─── 针状定义

4、needlelike crossword clue ─── 针状纵横字谜线索

needlelike 相似词语短语

1、needle time ─── n.针动时间

2、needle flies ─── 针蝇

3、reedlike ─── 芦苇状

4、needle times ─── n.针动时间

5、wedgelike ─── adj.楔状的

6、seedlike ─── 种子状

7、eellike ─── adj.似鳗的;行动似鳗的

8、needlefish ─── n.[鱼]颌针鱼(一种长嘴便鳞海鱼)

9、weedlike ─── 周型

needlelike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leaves spirally arranged, needlelike to broadly ovate or triangular, varied in shape and size even on same tree. ─── 叶螺旋状排列,针状的到宽卵形或三角形,在相同的乔木上甚至改变形状和大小。

2、bracts leaflike, ovate, lanceolate, or needlelike, margin sometimes spinose. ─── 苞片叶状,卵形,披针形,或针状的,边缘有时具刺。

3、"F engle Brand" Menthol Crystal is color less needlelike or hexagonal crystal, having a characteristic odor of Mentha Arvensis, and tastes scorching hot then cool. ─── 丰 乐牌天然薄荷脑为无色针状或棱柱状结晶体,具有亚洲薄荷的特殊香气,味初灼热后清凉;

4、At the design luminosity, as many as 20 events will occur with each crossing of the needlelike bunches of protons.A mere 25 nanoseconds pass between one crossing and the next (some have larger gaps). ─── 在设计的亮度下,每次针状质子团块互相穿过时,将产生多达20个事件,两次穿过的时间间隔通常仅有25奈秒。

5、8. The stiletto was nine inches long, with an engraved handle and a stubby little cross piece, Its needlelike point was extremely sharp. ─── 那把短剑长九英寸,剑柄上刻着花纹,而且有个小小的横档。针状的剑锋非常锋利。

6、The stiletto was nine inches long, with an engraved handle and a stubby little cross piece, Its needlelike point was extremely sharp. ─── 那把短剑长九英寸,剑柄上刻着花纹,而且有个小小的横档。针状的剑锋非常锋利。

7、needlelike leaves usually present on young trees, in whorls of 3, ascending, 3-8 mm, apex acuminate; ─── 针状的叶通常在幼树上提出,3轮生,上升,3-8毫米,先端渐尖;

8、Shuji Kanamaru of Purdue University and his colleagues found that the bacteriophage T4 virus takes over a cell using a needlelike structure protruding from its base. ─── 美国普渡大学的金丸周司及同事发现,噬菌体T4病毒从其底部伸出注射针一样的构造,来控制细菌。

9、The evergreen tree symbolizes strength and perseverance and is characterized by needlelike leaves. ─── 常青树象征力量和坚持,且以针叶为特征。

10、Needlelike, as the leaves of pine; acerate. ─── 似针的,针状的似针的,如同松树的叶子;针状的

11、needlelike coke ─── 针焦

12、Having broad or relatively broad leaves rather than needlelike or scalelike leaves. ─── (有)阔叶的有宽或相当宽的叶,而非针叶或鳞叶的

13、This species' large fruit with few needlelike prickles is unique in the section. The distribution report from Anhui has not been confirmed. ─── 本种的大的果具很少针状的皮刺,这在本组中是唯一的。分布于安徽的报告还没被确认。

14、Bracteoles 2, needlelike, near apex of pedicel. ─── 小苞片2,针状,花梗的近先端。

15、The Pacific viperfish has jagged, needlelike teeth so outsized it can't close its mouth. ─── 太平洋蝰鱼那锯齿状的针一样的牙齿是如此之大,以至于它不能合上自己的嘴巴。

16、bracteoles yellow-white, needlelike, 2-15 mm, sparsely white ciliate, margin glabrescent. ─── 小苞片黄白色,针状,2-15毫米,稀少白色的纤毛虫,边后脱落。

17、Any of several marine fishes of the family Belonidae, having slender bodies, needlelike teeth, and narrow jaws. ─── 颌针鱼一种颌针鱼类的海洋鱼,有细长的身躯,似针的牙齿和狭窄的鄂

18、An evergreen shrub,(Adenostoma fasciculatum) in the rose family, native to California, having small needlelike leaves in fascicles and clusters of small white flowers. ─── 蔷薇属灌木:一种蔷薇科常绿灌木(手杖木),原产于加利福尼亚州,有聚成伞状的小针叶和簇生的白色小花

19、13(12) Plants usually thorny; twigs thornlike, bearing leaves and flowers, or twigs with needlelike thorns; leaf blade small, usually shorter than 7 cm. ─── 植株通常多刺;小枝刺状,着生叶和花,或小枝具刺;小的叶片,通常短于7厘米

20、any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves. ─── 每年落叶针叶属植物。

21、leaves of pine; acerate. ─── 的,针状的似针的,如同松树的叶子;针状的。

22、genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white. ─── 一个多分枝树状或灌木般的仙人掌属,有显著的棱,棱上有圆形针状刺,夜间开花,常为白色。

23、Study on Eliminating Needlelike Structural Inheritance of Low Chromium Iron ─── 消除低铬白口铸铁中针状组织遗传性的研究

24、prickles blackish, needlelike, 4--5 mm. ─── 皮刺微黑,针状的,4-5毫米。

25、Leaves usually dimorphic: juvenile leaves spreading, not 2-ranked, linear to needlelike or subulate, rarely falcately curved; ─── 叶通常的二形:幼叶平展,并非2列,线形与或者钻形,很少弯刀形;

26、A slender, needlelike part or structure, such as the spines or bristles of some plants and animals and the crystals of certain minerals. ─── 针,刺针状物,如动物和植物上的脊椎或刺毛和某些矿物的结晶体

27、lower lip 4-toothed, teeth awned to needlelike, anterior teeth longer than lateral ones; ─── 4齿的下唇,齿对针状,前面齿长于侧生的;

28、Keywords heredity;low chromium cast iron;needlelike structures;re-melt;overheat;electromagnetic stirring; ─── 遗传性;低铬铸铁;针状组织;重熔;过热;电磁搅拌;

29、Anthers lanceolate, tapering to a slender subulate apex; plants with coarse, straight simple hairs, armed with needlelike prickles. ─── 花药披针形,渐狭对一纤细先端;种植具粗糙,直接单毛,用武装皮刺。(21

30、profusely branching and chiefly evergreen trees and some shrubs having narrow or needlelike leaves. ─── 分支较多,主要是常绿乔木,和一些窄叶或针叶灌木。

31、internodes with dense, needlelike spines. ─── 节间的具紧密的,针状的脊骨。

32、one of a bundle of needlelike crystals of calcium oxalate occurring in many plant cells ─── 酒椰叶纤维;出现在酒椰叶上的针状透明体群中的任何一枝,常出现于多种植物上

33、A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold area. ─── 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。

34、Taxaceae A family of evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs, the yews, with needlelike or linear leaves. ─── 紫杉科:包括常绿针叶树、常绿灌木、紫杉在内,具针叶或线性叶的一个植物科。

35、Calyx tubular-campanulate, urceolate, or obconical, becoming enlarged, lobes erect or spreading, needlelike. ─── 花萼管状钟状,瓶形,或倒锥状,放大,裂片直立或开展,。

36、tall European tree having a slender conic crown, flat needlelike leaves, and hairy cone scales. ─── 欧洲一种长有细长圆锥树冠的高大松树,扁平的针形叶,被毛球果。

37、branches tenuous, black when dry, short branches spiny, 5-10 mm, thorns needlelike. ─── 枝纤细,黑色的干燥时,短枝刺,5-10毫米,针状的刺。

38、Branchlets glabrous;nodal spines 3-7, verticillate, needlelike, to 1 cm; ─── 小枝无毛节的刺3-7,轮生,针状,对1厘米;

39、nodal spines numerous, verticillate, robust, needlelike, to 1 cm; ─── 节的刺多数,轮生,粗壮,针状,对1厘米;

40、a slender,needlelike part or structure,such as the spines or bristles of some plants and animals and the crystals of certain minerals ─── 细长的刺针状物,如动物和植物上的脊椎或刺毛和某些矿物的结晶体

41、Any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Juniperus, having needlelike or scalelike, often pointed leaves and aromatic, bluish-gray, berrylike, seed-bearing cones. ─── 桧属植物,杜松任何一种桧属的常青乔木或灌木,有针状或鳞状的尖叶和气味芳香、色泽蓝灰、形状象浆果、含种子的球果

42、Any of several deciduous, coniferous trees of the genus Larix, having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy, durable wood. ─── 落叶松属植物一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质

43、A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas. ─── 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。

44、Scientists now generally agree that chlamydiae have everything they need to form a versatile, needlelike projection called a type III secretion apparatus. ─── 如今科学家已有共识,披衣菌具备所有必要条件,可形成一根多功能的针状突起,称为第三型分泌器。

45、The needlelike leaves of the giant redwood tree are diminutive, each scarcely a quarter of an inch long. ─── 巨大的红木有着很小的针叶,每片长度不足四分之一英寸。

46、Study on Eliminating Needlelike Structural Inheritance of Low Chromium Iron ─── 消除低铬白口铸铁中针状组织遗传性的研究

47、any of several deciduous,coniferous trees of the genus Larix,having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy,durable wood ─── 落叶松属植物,一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质

48、any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves ─── 每年落叶针叶属植物

49、One of a bundle of needlelike crystals of calcium oxalate occurring in many plant cells. ─── 酒椰叶纤维出现在酒椰叶上的针状透明体群中的任何一枝,常出现于多种植物上

50、3.One of a bundle of needlelike crystals of calcium oxalate occurring in many plant cells. ─── 针晶体:在一些植物细胞中发现的成束存在的草酸钙形成的针状晶体。

51、branchlets loosely arranged, spreading, straight, stout, terete, 1-2 mm in diam.Leaves both scalelike and needlelike; ─── 小枝松弛安排,传播,直,坚固,圆柱状,1-2毫米直径离开鳞片状和针状;

52、any of numerous evergreen trees or shrubs having red cup-shaped berries and flattened needlelike leaves. ─── 常绿灌木,红色杯状浆果,扁平针叶。

53、Bracts ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate, to needlelike, generally shorter than flowers; calyx 2-lipped; nutlets sparsely netted rarely pitted with small depressions. ─── 苞片卵状披针形,披针形,对针状,通常是短于花;花萼二唇形;很少布满小的沮丧的稀少地得到的小坚果。(6

54、Branchlets pubescent;nodal spines 3-7, verticillate, needlelike, to 1 cm; ─── 小枝具短柔毛节的刺3-7,轮生,针状,对1厘米;

55、Branches with dense, brownish, slender needlelike prickles 5-20 mm. ─── 枝具紧密,带褐色,纤细的针状的皮刺5-20毫米。

56、bracts 7-12 mm, needlelike, densely white villous. ─── 苞片7-12毫米,针状,浓密白色长柔毛。

57、10. Abscission of the tightly rolled, needlelike tips of the injured leaves quite often occurred. ─── 受毒害叶片经常出现针状的叶尖从蜷缩部分脱落下来。

58、In polar and cold temperate regions many of the evergreens are shrubs or trees with needlelike or scalelike leaves, adaptations that prevent water loss by transpiration. ─── 在两极或寒温带,多数常绿植物是灌木或具针状、鳞状叶片的树,这是一种防止因蒸腾而散失水分的适应机制。

59、branchlets densely arranged, ascending, slender, 0.8-1 mm in diam.Leaves both scalelike and needlelike; ─── 小枝浓密安排,上升,细长,0.8-1毫米直径离开鳞片状和针状;

60、genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white ─── 一个多分枝树状或灌木般的仙人掌属,有显著的棱,棱上有圆形针状刺,夜间开花,常为白色

61、"Their eggs are toxic to predators. They are highly voracious predators, with long rows of needlelike teeth. The alligator gar of the southern U.S. reaches a length of about 10 ft (3 m) and is one of the largest freshwater fishes" ─── 它们的卵有很强的毒性。雀鳝是贪婪的掠食者,牙针状,排成数长行,适于掠获猎物。产于美国南部的钝吻鳄雀鳝(L. spatula)长约3公尺,是淡水鱼中最大的种之一。

62、needlelike leaves. ─── 针叶

63、The needlelike leaves of the giant redwood tree are diminutive, each scarcely a quarter of an inch long. ─── 巨大的红木有着很小的针叶,每片长度不足四分之一英寸。

64、tall European tree having a slender conic crown,flat needlelike leaves,and hairy cone scales ─── 欧洲一种长有细长圆锥树冠的高大松树,扁平的针形叶,被毛球果

65、Leaves needlelike, scalelike, or both, base of needlelike leaves not jointed, decurrent; cones terminal; seed cones with 3-8 decussate or whorled cone scales. ─── 针状的叶,鳞片状,都或,基部的针状叶不具关节,;孢子叶球顶生;球果具3-8交互对生的或轮生珠鳞。(4

66、"Juvenile leaves are needlelike; mature leaves are awl-shaped, spreading, and arranged in pairs or in whorls of three. " ─── 幼叶呈针状,成熟叶呈锥状,成对或3叶轮生。

67、needlelike leaves usually present on young trees, in whorls of 3, ascending, 3-8 mm, apex acuminate; ─── 针状的叶通常在幼树上提出,3轮生,上升,3-8毫米,先端渐尖;

68、needlelike leaves of pine ─── 松树外状叶

69、gymnosperms with simple persistent needlelike or scalelike leaves. ─── 裸子植物带有细小坚韧针状或鳞状叶。

70、needlelike leaves present on young plants, in whorls of 3, 4. 5-6 mm, ridged abaxially, apex sharply pointed; ─── 针状的叶子在幼嫩植株上提出,3轮生,4.5-6毫米,在背面脊,顶锐尖;



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