odoriferous 发音
英:[,əʊdə'rɪf(ə)rəs] 美:[,odə'rɪfərəs]
英: 美:
odoriferous 中文意思翻译
odoriferous 网络释义
adj. 臭的,散发气味的;芬芳的
odoriferous 短语词组
1、odoriferous homing ─── [电] 气味追踪
2、sexual odoriferous glands ─── [医] ─── [性]臭腺
3、odoriferous means ─── 有气味的手段
4、perianal odoriferous glands ─── [医] 香腺
5、odoriferous ness ─── 气味
6、odoriferous define ─── 有气味的
7、odoriferous gland ─── 气味腺
8、odoriferous def ─── 有气味的定义
9、odoriferous glands ─── [医] ─── [性]臭腺, 太森氏腺
10、odoriferous meaning ─── 气味意义
11、odoriferous collection dcuo ─── 气味收集
odoriferous 词性/词形变化,odoriferous变形
名词: odoriferousness |副词: odoriferously |
odoriferous 相似词语短语
1、ozoniferous ─── adj.含臭氧的
2、doloriferous ─── 疼痛的
3、sudoriferous ─── adj.发汗的;分泌汗的
4、poriferous ─── adj.海绵动物的;有孔的,多孔的
5、odoriferously ─── 气味
6、floriferous ─── adj.多花的;开花的;有花的
7、soporiferous ─── adj.催眠的,致睡的
8、dorsiferous ─── adj.背生的,生于背面的
9、odiferous ─── 可憎的
odoriferous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、* The odoriferous spices stimulated her jaded appetite. ─── *香料的芬芳刺激她疲惫的胃口。
2、The odoriferous spices stimulated her jaded appetite. ─── 香料的芬芳刺激她疲惫的胃口。
3、odoriferous homing ─── 气味跟踪
4、Bouquet. Odoriferous quality of a wine, particularly the odour of fine wines acquired during aging. ─── 陈香、酒香:葡萄酒的香气质量,尤其指高档葡萄酒在陈酿过程中所获得的香气。
5、odoriferous gland ─── 气味腺
6、sexual odoriferous glands ─── [医] [性]臭腺
7、odoriferous blossoms ─── 芳香的花朵
8、This is an amusement park on the edge of the city, hemmed in between an odoriferous river and a clamorous overhead expressway. ─── 这是一个位在城市边缘,被发臭的河道与紊乱的高架桥包围的儿童乐园。
9、odoriferous scale ─── 香鳞
10、odoriferous blossoms; odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack. ─── 芳香的花朵;有气味的咸肉和长满虫子的硬面饼。
11、glandular odoriferous ─── 臭腺
12、An odoriferous yellow oil found in orange flowers and used in perfumery and as a flavoring. ─── 见于橙花中的一种香的黄色的油,用于香水中,亦作调味品。
13、Analysis of fuel gases - Methods for non-manufactured gases - Determination of sulfur compounds in natural gas - Odoriferous sulfur compounds by gas chromatography using an electrochemical detector ─── 燃气分析。天然气分析方法。天然气中硫化合物的测定。用电化学检测器气相光谱法分析有气味硫化合物
14、an odoriferous yellow oil found in orange flowers and used in perfumery and as a flavoring. ─── 见于橙花中的一种香的黄色的油,用于香水中,亦作调味品。
15、Winnetka, Illinois theater managers can kick out any patron who has "odoriferous feet. " ─── 在美国伊利诺伊州,温尼特卡法律规定,影剧院经理有权拒绝任何“脚臭”的顾客入内。
16、Some things to remember odoriferous memory is better than the voice and image. ─── 部分人记忆有气味的东西要胜于记忆声音和图像。
17、an odoriferous yellow oil found in orange flowers and used in perfumery and as a flavoring. ─── 见于橙花中的一种香的黄色的油,用于香水中,亦作调味品。
18、This is an amusement park on the edge of the city, hemmed in between an odoriferous river and a clamorous overhead expressway. ─── 这是一个位在城市边缘,被发臭的河道与紊乱的高架桥包围的儿童乐园。
19、Now new research is beginning to unlock the secrets of the odoriferous bulb. ─── 而现在,一项新的研究即将揭开这种散发着臭味的球茎的秘密。
20、Hydrogeological Features and Genesis of Odoriferous Springs in Liupan Mountain Area ─── 六盘山区臭水泉群的水文地质特征与成因
21、odoriferous spices; the odorous air of the orchard; the perfumed air of June; scented flowers. ─── 香料;果园里的气息;六月的气息;香花。
22、odoriferous crypts of prepuce ─── 包皮腺
23、Gas analysis; Determination of sulphur compounds in natural gas; Part 2: Gas chromatographic method using an electrochemical detector for the determination of odoriferous sulphur compounds ─── 气体分析。天然气中硫化物的测定。第2部分:对于有气味的硫化物的测定,用电化学检测器的气相色谱法
24、There are a great number of Odoriferous fountains in Liupanshan Mountain area,south Ningxia. ─── 六盘山地区多处有臭水泉群出露。
25、12, potential gibbsfair machine, odoriferous. ─── 势如发机,动如脱兔。
26、perianal odoriferous glands ─── [医] 香腺
27、odoriferous spices ─── 芳香的香料
28、odoriferous herbs ─── 草本香料
30、odoriferous spices; the odorous air of the orchard; the perfumed air of June; scented flowers ─── 香料;果园里的气息;六月的气息;香花
31、Pharmaceutical taste. Unpleasant taste sometimes acquired by wines sotred near odoriferous chemicals. ─── 药味:当葡萄贮藏在有味的化学物质附近时,有时会带上的一种令人不快的杂味。
32、8.Bouquet. Odoriferous quality of a wine, particularly the odour of fine wines acquired during aging. ─── 陈香、酒香:葡萄酒的香气质量,尤其指高档葡萄酒在陈酿过程中所获得的香气。
33、Odoriferous quality of a wine, particularly the odour of fine wines acquired during aging. ─── 陈香、酒香:葡萄酒的香气质量,尤其指高档葡萄酒在陈酿过程中所获得的香气。
34、Keywords odoriferous fountains;geology cause;environmental hazard;Liupanshan Mountain; ─── 臭水泉;地质成因;环境危害;六盘山;
35、odoriferous glands ─── 性臭腺
36、odoriferous body ─── 含香物
37、the odoriferous elements in perfume. ─── 香水中散发气味的物质。
38、he rose to his seat, and found himself lying on his bournous in a bed of dry heather, very soft and odoriferous. ─── 他坐起身来,发觉自己和衣躺在一张非常柔软而芳香的干芰草所铺成的床上。
39、Pharmaceutical taste: Unpleasant taste sometimes acquired by wines stored near odoriferous chemicals. ─── 香气: 品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒的果味和酒香。
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