scrofula 发音
英:['skrɒfjʊlə] 美:['skrɔfjʊlə]
英: 美:
scrofula 中文意思翻译
scrofula 相似词语短语
1、scroll ─── n.(供书写的)长卷纸,卷轴;(石刻或木雕的)涡卷形装饰;v.在电脑屏幕上移动显示(文章或图形);(显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动;使……像纸卷合(或打开)那样移动
2、scrolls ─── n.卷轴;目录(scroll的复数);v.卷动(scroll的第三人称单数)
3、scrobble ─── v.通过软件记录听音乐的习惯;偷窃,抢劫
4、scrotal ─── adj.阴囊的
5、scrotum ─── n.[解剖]阴囊
6、scrofulous ─── adj.堕落的;淋巴结核的,瘰疬的
7、scrobicular ─── 阴囊的
8、scrotums ─── n.[解剖]阴囊
9、scrota ─── 阴囊(scrotum的复数)
scrofula 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In clinical practice, they are often used together to treat nodules such as goiter and scrofula. ─── 在临床实践中,他们经常一起使用,以治疗诸如结节性甲状腺肿与瘰。
2、pathopyretic scrofula ─── 热毒瘰疬
3、epilepsy, spasm, scrofula, sores, arthritis, hemorrhoid with pain, snake poison, scalding, leukemia, stroke. ─── 惊痫,抽搐,瘰,疮疡肿毒,关节炎,痔疮疼痛,蛇毒,烫伤,白血病,中风。
4、Rrelieving stomachache caused by dominant liver qi; globus hystericus (sensation of obstruction of throat during hysteria attacks) anorexia, dizziness, scrofula (TB of lymph nodes), resolving phlegm. ─── 用于:肝气盛所引起的腹痛,梅核气,厌食,眩晕,淋巴结核,化痰。
5、general scrofula ─── 千岁疮
6、Xu Xuechun's Experience in Treating Scrofula ─── 徐学春治瘰经验集锦
7、Results: The misdiagnosis of scrofula in maxillofacial region is due to its unapparent general symptom and mulripal clinical manifestation. ─── 结果:颌面部淋巴结核全身症状不明显,临床表现多样化,容易导致误诊。
8、Adjuvant therapy for colorectal dry stool, goiter, Li scrofula, mastitis, grave-sweepers bee sting, intestinal worms block addiction, acute illnesses such as arthritis have a role. ─── 对辅助治疗大便干结、甲状腺肿大、瘰疬、乳腺炎、虫咬蜂蜇、肠虫癖块、急性关节炎等病症有一定作用。
9、cellular scrofula ─── 蜂窠疬
10、Clinical Observation of Xiao luo Decoction in Treating 99 Cases of Scrofula ─── 消瘰汤治疗瘰疬99例疗效观察
11、This method is applied for multiple folliculitis, neck scrofula which are treated by pricking the reactionary spots at both sides of the vertebra. ─── 如多发性毛囊炎、颈部瘰疬,在背部脊柱两侧的反应点挑刺。
12、having a diseased appearance resembling scrofula. ─── 一种患病了的外表,类似于淋巴结核。
13、perforated scrofula with fistula ─── 漏疬
14、sabre-form scrofula ─── 马刀疮
15、inflamed scrofula ─── 血疬
16、Ultrasound Diagnosis of Cervical Scrofula ─── 颈部淋巴结结核的超声诊断研究
17、depressed cervical scrofula ─── 筋疠
18、Clears lung heat and rids of phlegm, hot cough due to yinxu with thick phlegm, breast scrofula, nodules, external application for boils. ─── 润肺散结,止咳化痰。肺热,阴虚咳嗽痰稠,肺痈,乳腺炎,肺虚,瘰瘳,久咳,外治恶疮。
19、Objective: To evaulate the result of operative treatment in superficial scrofula. ─── 目的:明确手术方式治疗体表淋巴结结核的疗效。
20、"Scrofula is cured by the laying on of royal hands; ─── “淋巴结核可通过将高贵的手放在上面而得以治愈;
21、damp scrofula ─── 湿瘰
22、He was disconsolate all daylong and so was suffered from depression.Many nodules (i.e., scrofula) of the horsebean size appeared at his neck.Some of them had been ulcerated and suppurated. ─── 茂松因此终日郁闷,天长日久,积忧成疾,颈部长出许多瘰疬(即淋巴结核),蚕豆般大小,形似链珠,有的溃破流脓。
23、Objective To explore the treatment of abscess scrofula and ulcer scrofula. ─── 目的探讨脓肿型、溃疡型淋巴结核的治疗方法。
24、mandibular scrofula ─── 燕窝疬
25、sudden swollen scrofula ─── 无名疬
26、phlegmatic scrofula ─── 痰疬
27、summer febrile disease complicated by scrofula ─── 暑温夹疬
28、qi scrofula ─── 气瘰
29、provoked scrofula ─── 气疬
30、Clinical Observation of Xiao luo Decoction in Treating 99 Cases of Scrofula ─── 消瘰汤治疗瘰疬99例疗效观察
31、anemogenous scrofula ─── 风疬
32、liver scrofula ─── 伤肝疠
33、It is used for getting rid of stagnant phlegm, stopping cough, scrofula and boils. ─── 适用于外感风邪,用于清肺散结,化痰止咳,瘰疬痰核,痈肿疮毒之证。
34、In June that year, he created the anti-nasopharyngeal cancer, "Jia Wei Xiao scrofula pill" prescription, according to the medical records of books for internal rather than external. ─── 当年6月,他自创的抗鼻咽癌“加味消瘰丸”的药方,据有关医学书籍记载只供外用而不宜内服。
35、scrofula with chronic headache ─── 头风疬
36、Methods: A five-year review of 18 cases scrofula in maxillofacial region is presented. ─── 方法:对18例颌面部淋巴结核的临床表现及诊治过程进行总结。
37、Objective: To find out the clinical features of the scrofula and analyse the reason of misdiagnosis of scrofula in maxillofacial region. ─── 目的:探讨颌面部淋巴结核的临床特点及误诊原因。
38、Scrofula is cured by the laying on of royal hands; ─── 淋巴结核可通过将高贵的手放在上面而得以治愈;
39、The roots are used for the treatment of scrofula, rupture, scabies, and internal fever. ─── 根用于治疗淋巴结核,破裂,疥疮和内部的发烧。
40、erosional scrofula ─── 烂疠
41、infantile scrofula ─── 童子疬, 小儿瘰疬
42、Nuclear medicine practitioners in the lymph nodes called Li scrofula, if not broken, the Chinese rose by a good treatment. ─── 淋巴结核在中医叫瘰疬,如果没有破,用月季花有良好的治疗效果。
43、ulcerative cervical scrofula ─── 漏项
44、23 cases of complication of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, 4 cases of tuberculous pleurisy and 4 cases of scrofula. ─── 浸润性肺结核23例,结核性胸膜炎和淋巴腺结核4例。
45、piled cervical scrofula ─── 重舌疬
46、stiff scrofula ─── 木疬
47、Phlegm not only refers to sputum expectorated from the throat, but also includes scrofula, nodules and the thick liquid retained or stagnated in the viscera and meridians. ─── 痰不仅指从喉咙吐出来的痰,也包括瘰疬、痰核和停滞在脏腑经络等组织中而未排出来的痰液
48、syphilitic scrofula ─── 花柳病
49、pyro-phlegmatic scrofula ─── 火痰毒
50、armpit scrofula ─── 血胤疮
51、Conclusion: Multiple examination and synthetic analysis can help to draw the final conclusion in diagnosis of scrofula in maxillofacial region. ─── 结论:多种检查方法综合分析有助于提高颌面部淋巴结核的确诊率;
52、cold scrofula ─── 阴火疠
53、Results: The misdiagnosis of scrofula in maxillofacial region is due to its unapparent general symptom and mulriple clinical manifestation. ─── 结果:颌面部淋巴结核全身症状不明显,临床表现多样化,容易导致误诊。
54、FNAB is a kind of convenient and effective method to the diagnosis of scrofula in maxillofacial region. ─── 细针吸取细胞学检查用于颌面部淋巴结核的确诊简便、有效。
55、Ultrasound Diagnosis of Cervical Scrofula ─── 颈部淋巴结结核的超声诊断研究
56、This method has the effect of relieving swelling and pain, is often used for the early stage of skin ulcer with boils, scrofula ,etc. ─── 本法具有消肿止痛的作用,多用于外科疮疡初起,或阴疽、瘰疠等证。
57、Methods: A five-year review of 18 cases scrofula in maxillofacial region is presented. ─── 方法:对18例颌面部淋巴结核的临床表现及诊治过程进行总结。
58、pericervical scrofula ─── 蟠蛇疬, 锁项疬
59、sclerotic scrofula ─── 门闩疠
60、Methods: 63 cases of superficial scrofula in our hospital since 1998 were treated with surgical therapy on the basis of antituberculous chemotherapy and the results of the treatment were analyzed. ─── 方法:分析63例体表淋巴结结核患者在全身抗结核药物治疗基础上用外科方法治疗的疗效。
61、Keywords Scrofula;Clearing fire and dissipate phlegm;Soften hard lumps and dispel nodes;Xiao luo Decoction; ─── 关键词瘰疬;清火化痰;软坚散结;消瘰汤;
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