indisposed 发音
英:[ɪndɪ'spəʊzd] 美:[,ɪndɪ'spozd]
英: 美:
indisposed 中文意思翻译
indisposed 网络释义
adj. 不舒服的;不愿意的;不合适的v. 使厌恶,使不适当,使不能(indispose的过去式)
indisposed 同义词
disincline |disorder | disqualify | unfit
indisposed 词性/词形变化,indisposed变形
动词现在分词: indisposing |动词过去式: indisposed |动词第三人称单数: indisposes |动词过去分词: indisposed |
indisposed 反义词
indisposed 短语词组
1、indisposed meaning ─── 不适义
2、indisposed for employment ─── 不适合就业
3、be indisposed towards sb ─── 对某人没有好感
4、indisposed to ─── 不适於
5、indisposed people ─── 不舒服的人
indisposed 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、When a woman was heavily pregnant or otherwise indisposed, she and her children were dependent on other women in the group. ─── 当妇女孕期到达一定的时候或者是身体不舒服的时候,她与她的孩子们都要依赖于群体中其他的妇女照顾。
2、His Excellency is indisposed. ─── 大人身体欠妥。
3、Mary is indisposed with fever; her part will be played by Shirley. ─── 玛丽因病(发烧)而不能演出,她的角色改由莎莉主演。
4、People decline invitations when they are "indisposed" physically, and I wish they would do likewise when they fell indisposed emotionally. ─── 人们在身体“不适”时谢绝邀请,我希望他们在觉得情绪上不适时也能同样做。
5、Do you feel indisposed recently? ─── 您最近是否感觉哪里不舒服呢?
6、At last she went early to bed, more and more indisposed ─── 她终于早早上床,越来越感到不好过。
7、I am indisposed with a cold ─── 我因为伤风感到不舒服。
8、She seems indisposed to play tennis. ─── 她似乎不想打网球。
9、Somewhat indisposed; slightly ill. ─── 不舒服有些不舒服; 微病
10、The ambassador is indisposed, and will not go out for some days. ─── 公使身体不舒服,要在家里休息几天。
11、Contact with realities indisposed him to any more idle speculations ─── 接触实际使他不再倾向于无益的空想。
12、it was impossible to think of any thing else, and, totally indisposed for employment, she resolved soon after breakfast to indulge herself in air and exercise. ─── 她根本无心做事,于是决定一吃过早饭就出去好好地透透空气,散散步。
13、Under the weather Somewhat indisposed; slightly ill. ─── 不舒服:有些不舒服;微病。
14、They phoned to say he's indisposed and won't be coming to work today. ─── 他们打电话来说,他身体不舒服,因而今天不能来上班。
15、She was indisposed to help us. ─── 她不愿意帮助我们。
16、I've heard you are slightly indisposed these days. I wish you a speedy recovery. ─── 闻悉贵体欠安,希早日康复。
17、speaker was regrettably indisposed. ─── 很遗憾,演讲人身体不适。
18、unwell, indisposed ─── 不适的
19、He is indisposed to join the mobile medical team. ─── 他不想参加巡回医疗队。
20、People decline invitations when they are "indisposed" physically, and I wish they would do likewise when they fell indisposed emotionally. ─── 人们在身体“不适”时谢绝邀请,我希望他们在觉得情绪上不适时也能同样做。
21、Three days afterwards, this poor vulture, which has been very much indisposed since that dinner, suddenly feels very giddy while flying aloft in the clouds, and falls heavily into a fish-pond. ─── 这只可怜的兀鹰自从吃过这顿饭以后,就觉得很不舒服,三天之后,正当它在云端里高飞的时候,突然觉得剧烈的晕眩起来,于是就无力地跌进了一个鱼塘里。
22、She is indisposed with a cold. ─── 她因伤风而感到不舒服。
23、I felt indisposed to help him ─── 我不愿意帮助他.
24、indisposed to help ─── 不愿意帮助
25、Recently he always felt indisposed; however, the doctor couldn't diagnose his disease. ─── 的确,这些日子以来,武侯总觉得身体有点不对劲,可是医生就是诊断不出问题的根源。
26、You possibility does the experience lead the style beautiful but indisposed shoes? ─── 你可能体验过款式漂亮而不舒适的鞋子?
27、be indisposed toward ─── 讨厌
28、Her father was indisposed to second Sir Willoughby's opinions even when sharing them ─── 他的父亲即使与威洛比看法相同,也不愿意随声附和他。
29、10.antipathetic to new ideas; averse to taking risks; loath to go on such short notice; clearly indisposed to grant their request. ─── 与新思想格格不入;反对冒险;不愿意急急忙忙的走;明显不愿意批准他们的请求。
30、She has a headache and is indisposed. ─── 她患头疼,略感不适.
31、Lester was still indisposed , but he preferred to come down to the office, and he did. ─── 雷斯脱还在病中,但他情愿到事务所里来会面。到时候,他果然来了。
32、He is indisposed to go. ─── 他不愿去。
33、She has a headache and is rather indisposed. ─── 她头痛,颇感不适。
34、Was clearly indisposed to granttheir request. ─── 明显不想答应他们的要求。
35、People decline invitations whenthey are "indisposed" physically, and I wish they would do likewise whenthey fell indisposed emotionally. ─── 人们在身体“不适”时谢绝邀请,我希望他们在觉得情绪上不适时也能同样做。
36、She cannot perform tonight as she is indisposed. ─── 她今晚因病不能演出。
37、They phoned to say he's indisposed and won't be coming to work today. ─── 他们打电话来说,他身体不舒服,因而今天不能来上班。
38、antipathetic to new ideas; averse to taking risks; loath to go on such short notice; clearly indisposed to grant their request ─── 与新思想格格不入;反对冒险;不愿意急急忙忙的走;明显不愿意批准他们的请求
39、He used to visit the Master when the latter felt indisposed. ─── 他总是在师父感到不舒服的时候来看望师父。
40、I am a little indisposed. ─── 我略感不适。
41、"His wife says he's indisposed, but I know he's drunk." ─── "他妻子说他身体不适,但我知道他是喝醉了。"
42、his wife says he ' s indisposed , but i know he ' s drunk . ─── 他妻子说他身体不适,但我知道他是喝醉了。
43、His wife says he's indisposed, but I know he's drunk. ─── 他妻子说他身体不适,但我知道他是喝醉了。
44、One of them was indisposed with a cold and couldn't come. ─── 他们中间有一个人感冒了, 不能来。
45、She is indisposed with a headache. ─── 她因头痛感到不适。
46、If a person lets his mind wander to external comforts, he becomes quite indisposed. ─── 若立时心思放纵,贪求外来的安慰,这就破坏了为日后领主的好预备。
47、She was very much indisposed to go to that dirty place ─── 她根本不想去那个脏地方。
48、He seems indisposed to help. ─── 他似乎不愿意帮忙。
49、The report stated that the firm has identified three outstanding internal candidates who could replace Mr Buffett as CEO if he becomes permanently indisposed. ─── 在这份年报中,公司表示假如巴菲特先生永久性丧失管理公司的能力,将在公司内部产生的三名候选人中选择CEO继任者。
50、7.He became suddenly indisposed. ─── 他突然觉得不舒服。
51、I'm slightly indisposed myself ─── 我自己有点不大舒服。
52、Was clearly indisposed to grant their request. ─── 明显不想答应他们的要求
53、9.I am indisposed for any work. ─── 我对任何工作都不感兴趣。
54、He feels slightly indisposed. ─── 他感觉到有点不舒服。
55、be indisposed to do ─── 不愿做
56、The young men seem to be preferring some request which the elder ones are indisposed to grant. ─── 年轻人似乎想提出某种年纪大的人不愿答应的要求。
57、The other news concerns BMW Sauber, where Jacques Villeneuve is apparently indisposed after his accident in Germany. ─── 受到新闻关注的还有宝马-索伯车队。在德国站的事故之后,雅克-维伦纽夫的身体无疑是不舒服的。
58、4.Ill-treatment indisposed him toward his boss. ─── 老板的虐待使他封老板产生反感。
59、In my eyes, indisposed, in disguise as no one knows. Hides the face, lies the snake in the sun in my disgrace. ─── 在我的眼睛里,厌恶地伪装成好像没有人知道的样子。遮住我的脸,耻辱地把蛇放在太阳下。
60、He is indisposed at the moment. ─── 他现在很忙。
61、Somewhat indisposed;slightly ill. ─── 有些不舒服;
62、Mangalika Kasthuriarachchi wife of the eating house owner, and her two daughters were present at the meeting. Ranasinghe did not attend the meeting since he was indisposed. ─── 那家餐厅的业主,也就是芒轧里卡.卡斯土利亚拉奇奇的妻子,当她的两个女儿出席现场。而因为身体不舒服缘故,主人拉纳欣格并未出席。
63、be slightly indisposed; be unwell ─── 欠安[书]
64、not feel well; be indisposed ─── 身体欠佳
65、Lester was still indisposed, but he preferred to come down to the office, and he did. ─── 雷斯脱还在病中,但他情愿到事务所里来会面。到时候,他果然来了。
66、He seems indisposed to help. ─── 他似乎不愿意帮忙。
67、be indisposed with ─── 因
68、be indisposed towards sb ─── 对某人没有好感
69、5.I am indisposed with a headache. ─── 我头痛了,感到不舒服。
70、Ill health indisposed him for physical labor. ─── 健康不隹使他不能从事体力劳动。
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