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08-09 投稿


Aristotelianism 中文意思翻译



Aristotelianism 相似词语短语

1、Aristotelians ─── 亚里士多德学派

2、Episcopalianism ─── n.主教制度主义

3、Aristotelianism ─── n.亚里斯多德学说;亚里斯多德哲学

4、Australianism ─── n.澳大利亚民族精神

5、Aristotelian logic ─── 亚里士多德逻辑学

6、Presbyterianism ─── n.长老会制;长老派主义

7、aristocratism ─── n.贵族主义;贵族

8、Aristotelian ─── adj.亚里士多德的,亚里士多德哲学的;n.亚里士多德派学者

9、Cartesianism ─── n.笛卡儿哲学;笛卡儿思想;笛卡儿主义

Aristotelianism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From an Aristotelian point of view, the answer is the quest for happiness by people who realized that ─── 从一个亚里士多德主义者的观点来看,答案就是人们要求得到幸福。他们的要求也就满足了其他人的要求,他们意识到了这一点。

2、Aristotelian ruling theory makes enormous contribution for the ruling progress of human being, but we should also know the ruling theory exist certain limitation. ─── 亚里士多德的法治理论对人类法治的进步做出的巨大理论贡献但我们也应该看到其法治思想还存在着一定的理论限度。

3、On the Origin of Aristotelian Logical Theory ─── 论亚里士多德逻辑的起源

4、The Aristotelian paradigm prefers the frog perspective, whereas the Platonic paradigm prefers the bird perspective. ─── 亚里士多德的典范偏向蛙的眼光,而柏拉图的典范偏向鸟的眼光。

5、The Reduction of Aristotelian Modal Syllogism ─── 亚里士多德模态三段论的化归

6、Theologians, notably Erasmus and Martin Luther, challenged the Aristotelian status quo, introducing radical new ideas of justification and faith (for more, see Religion below). ─── 神学家,尤其是伊拉斯谟斯和马丁路德,挑战亚里士多德的现状,介绍了激进的新思路的理由和信念(更多信息,请参阅宗教下文) 。

7、3) Extrospection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: system modeling. ─── 亚里士多德式外省:系统建模。

8、a follower of the philosophy of Aristotle; an Aristotelian ─── 亚里士多德信徒,逍遥派弟子亚里士多德的拥护者或其哲学的信徒

9、Life and death; Chinese perspectives; Aristotelian view of happiness; nihilism; absurdity of life; Thomas Nagel; debate on local cases. ─── 生与死、中国人的人生观、亚里士多德对幸福的看法、虚无主义、生命的荒谬、尼高、本地个案之研究。

11、7.This thesis expound the content and the characteristic of the Aristotelian mean ethical thought. ─── 本文论述了亚里士多德中庸伦理思想的内容特点。

12、The definition of Tarski's semantics truth not only reserves the intuitive meaning of Aristotelian ancient truth,but avoids the paradox in semantically close language. ─── 塔斯基的语义性真理定义既保留了亚里士多德古老真理定义的直观含义,又避免了在语义封闭的语言中导致悖论。

13、Comparison between Mohist and Aristotelian Theories of Proposition ─── 墨家与亚里士多德命题论之比较

14、Two principally different approaches to almost any scientific field rely on the so-called Platonic and Aristotelian viewpoints. ─── 几乎所有的科学领域主要都是通过这两个途径来进行研究的:柏拉图和亚里士多德观点。

15、Aristotelian categories ─── 亚里士多德范畴

16、Actualization is one of the most fundamental categories in Aristotle's teleological ethics.It is also "golden key" for the treasury of Aristotelianism. ─── 摘要实现是亚里士多德目的论伦理学体系中的核心范畴之一,也是打开其伦理学宝库的一把钥匙。

17、In the western philosophy history, the traditional time outlook includes Aristotelian" The Physics Time", Augustine's" The on creates and the soul extends", Kant's" The Subject Quality of Time" and Heidegger's" The OriginQuality of Time". ─── 西方哲学史中,传统的时间观包括亚里斯多德的“物理学时间”、古斯丁的“上帝创造与心灵延展”、德的“时间的主体性”以及海德格尔的“本源性时间”。

18、He was president of the Aristotelian Society from 1963 to 1964. ─── 从1963年到1964年,他担任亚里士多德学会的会长。

19、Interpreting the Zhongyong: Was Confucius a Sophistic or an Aristotelian ? ─── 解释《中庸》:孔子是诡辩派还是亚里士多德派

20、Transcending the Aristotelian categories. ─── 超越阿里士多德的范畴的

21、If this is done in a bottom-up way, the Aristotelian approach, then we are in the area of low level modeling of senses, nerves and possibly brains. ─── 如果采用自底向上的方法,即亚里士多德方法,我们便是在感官、神经和头脑这样低层次上建模的领域里。

22、Aristotelian classification ─── 亚里士多德分类法

23、An Aristotelian state in which civic honor or political power is proportional to the property one owns. ─── 财权政治一种公民荣誉或政治权力与拥有财产成正比的亚里士多德式国家

24、41. However, this paper will show that it is possible to integrate the concept of akrasia into the Aristotelian ethics consistently. ─── 然而,本文将证明,无自制力这个概念基本上仍然可以成功地被纳入亚理斯多德的伦理学系统。

25、In the Aristotelian approach to pattern recognition, observation of particulars and their explanation are essential for deriving a concept. ─── 在模式识别亚里士多德式研究方法中,对细节的观察以及相应的解释是得到概念的本质方法。

26、The Formal System of Aristotelian Model Syllogism ─── 亚里士多德模态三段论的形式系统

27、Spanish-born Jewish philosopher and physician. The greatest Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages, he codified the Talmud and in Guide for the Perplexed(1190) reconciled Aristotelian philosophy with Jewish theology. ─── 迈蒙尼德,摩西1135-1204西班牙裔的犹太哲学家和医生。中世纪最伟大的犹太学者,他编纂了犹太法典并且在迷途指津中融合了亚里士多德的哲学和犹太宗教学

28、In Aristotelian and Scholastic use,that which is in itself undifferentiated and formless and which,as the subject of change and development,receives form and becomes substance and experience. ─── 命题的本质,内容亚里斯多德学派和学术派用法,他们认为物质自身是无显著特点的、无形的,但作为变化和发展的主体有其形式并成为实质和体验。

29、According to the Aristotelian paradigm, physical reality is fundamental and mathematical language is merely a useful approximation. ─── 根据亚里士多德的典范,物理真实性是最基本的,而数学语言只是一种有用的近似;

30、If Copernicanism won out, the Church felt Aristotelianism was going to go and therefore the basis of their doctrinal statements was going to go. ─── 教会觉得若哥白尼的理论赢了,亚里斯多德理论将荡然无存,他们的教条也将荡然无存!”

31、Could Aristotelian Logic be Translated into Chinese? ─── 亚里士多德逻辑能翻译成中文吗?

32、To an Aristotelian, this is a meaningless question: the universe just is. ─── 对一个亚里士多德的信徒而言,这是个毫无意义的问题:宇宙就是这样子。

33、Aristotelian realism ─── 亚里士多德实在论

34、The research approaches to metaphors in west mainly include the Aristotelian approach, the traditional linguistic approach, the pragmatic approach and the interactionist approach. ─── 这些研究视角主要包括四大类:亚里士多德隐喻观,传统语言学隐喻观,语用学隐喻观和互动理论隐喻观。

35、The Distinctions Between Aristotelian and the Other's Syllogism ─── 亚里士多德三段论与其他传统三段论之区别

36、9.The so-called Chinese Logic refers to ancient Chinese Logic.In other words, it is the traditional Chinese Logic which was not influenced from the western Logic composed mainly by Aristotelian Logic. ─── 所谓中国逻辑,指“中国古代逻辑”,换句话说,就是指以亚里士多德逻辑为传统的西方逻辑传入中国之前的,未受其影响的中国传统逻辑。

37、Aristotelian Rhetoric and Discourse Analysis ─── 演讲·劝说·诉诸·语篇

38、Then, how contemporary logic looks upon the reduction of Aristotelian modal syllogism? ─── 那么 ,现代逻辑如何看待亚式模态三段论的化归呢 ?

39、The main theories of this tradition can be summarized as the Aristotelian approach, the traditional linguistic approach, the pragmatic approach and the interaction approach. ─── 传统的有关隐喻的理论主要有亚里斯多德的隐喻理论,传统语言学理论,语用学理论和互动理论。

40、Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society ─── 亚里士多德学会会议录

41、On Aristotelian Contemplation and Modern Value ─── 论亚里士多德的静观及其现代价值

42、 双语使用场景

43、On Aristotelian "The Harmony between Individual and System" ─── 探析亚里士多德的"个人与政体的和谐统一"观点

44、Comparisons between Mohist "Tui" and "Xiao" and Aristotelian Reduction to Absurdity and Deductive Methods ─── 墨家“推”、“效”与亚氏归谬法、演绎法的比较

45、Metaphor has been studied from different approaches, such as: Aristotelian approach, theinteractionist approach, the cognitive approach and grammatical approach. ─── 从古至今对隐喻问题的研究经历了四个不同的阶段,从亚里斯多德的隐喻观到互相作用理论到认知隐喻观以及语法隐喻观。

46、Aristotelian Syllogism ─── 亚里士多德三段论

47、WT5BZ]:This is an introduction of Aristotelian rhetoric theory which is important in exploring new areas for rhetoric research with the help of theories from the West. ─── 亚里士多德的修辞学理论对学习、借鉴西方修辞理论 ,寻求和开拓修辞学新领域具有重要意义。

48、The observations are of primary interest in the Aristotelian approach. ─── 观察在亚里士多德方法中起了主要作用。

49、From Image to Abstract: the Birth of Aristotelian Logical Theory ─── 从具象到抽象:亚里士多德逻辑学说的诞生


51、Introspection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: generalization. ─── 亚里士多德式内省:推广。

52、After considering, we find that language factors have an especial importance during the formation and the development of Aristotelian logical theory, his logical theory and his language study have a certain origin relation. ─── 本人通过研究发现,语言因素在亚里士多德逻辑学说的形成和发展中起到了非常重要的作用,他的逻辑学说与他的语言研究有一定的渊源关系。

53、The famous aristotelian distinction between distributive and corrective justice will be discussed elsewhere ─── 亚里士多德对分配正义与平均正义的著名区分拟另作讨论。

54、Russell,Bertand,“On the Notion of Cause”,in Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society,1912,vol.13,pp.1-26. ─── 7其实,即便是亚里士多德的动力因,与现代的原因概念也是略有不同的。

55、In years past, in fact, they held to the Aristotelian idea of a universe that was "ungenerated and indestructible," with an infinite past and an infinite future. ─── 事实上,在过去的岁月里,他们坚持亚里士多德的“无生无毁”的宇宙观念,即过去是无限的,未来也是无限的。

56、The Transition from Aristotelian Physical Picture of World to Newtonian Mechanical One ─── 从亚里士多德的物理学到牛顿力学的世界图景的转变

57、18. This conclusion did not agree with the generally accepted opinion of Aristotelian philosophy at that time. ─── 这个结论与当时公认的亚里士多德学说不一致。

58、It will then turn to issues of the narrative(via Ricoeur and Aristotle)and attempt to translate the Aristotelian plot or narrative categories which Ricoeur tried to apply to history into more properly dialectical ones. ─── 并从叙事学方面对利科尔(Paul Ricoeur)和亚里士多德进行辩证的理解,论述亚里士多德提出的情节或叙事范畴,以及利科尔将其应用于历史领域的尝试。

59、Aristotelian logic ─── 亚里斯多德逻辑学亚里士多德逻辑学

60、The complaint about weirdness is aesthetic rather than scientific, and it really makes sense only in the Aristotelian worldview. ─── 至于对其怪异的抱怨,则是美学而非科学上的问题,而且只有在亚里士多德的世界观里才有意义。

61、The Aristotelian may see some possible generalizations of the observations he collected.It is, however, still one of the major challenges in science to formalize this process. ─── 亚里士多德派的人可能从他收集到的观察中得到推广理论,然而,在科学上形式化这个过程还是一个主要的挑战性工作。

62、Studies on Aristotelian Spatial Ideology ─── 亚里士多德空间观念的研究

63、Aristotelian method ─── 亚里士多德演绎法

64、On Aristotelian Practical Rhetoric ─── 亚里士多德的实用修辞观

65、Spanish-born Jewish philosopher and physician. The greatest Jewish scholar of the Middle Ages,he codified the Talmud and in Guide for the Perplexed(1190) reconciled Aristotelian philosophy with Jewish theology. ─── 迈蒙尼德,摩西1135-1204西班牙裔的犹太哲学家和医生。中世纪最伟大的犹太学者,他编纂了犹太法典并且在迷途指津中融合了亚里士多德的哲学和犹太宗教学。

66、Aristotelian ethics ─── 亚里士多德伦理学

67、Harmonious View in Aristotelian Ethics and its Revelation ─── 亚里士多德伦理学中的和谐思想及其现代启示

68、Aristotelian sorites ─── 亚里士多德连锁论法亚里士多德复合三段论

69、Aristotelian Logical Theory Has a Certain Origin Relation with His Language Study ─── 亚里士多德的逻辑学说与语言的渊源关系研究


71、a follower of Aristotle or an adherent of Aristotelianism. ─── 亚里士多德的追随者或者亚里士多德哲学的信仰者。

72、I argue that this general assessment of akrasia constitutes the fundamental issue of his discussion, and that many criticisms and misunderstandings about the Aristotelian doctrine have arisen from neglecting this very fact. ─── 这个对无自制力的基本评价,构成了亚理斯多德对此问题整个讨论的基本论题;许多对亚理斯多德无自制力学说的批评与误解都是基于忽视了这个事实。

73、a follower of Aristotle or an adherent of Aristotelianism ─── 亚里士多德的追随者或者亚里士多德哲学的信仰者

74、In the history of western philosophy, the understanding of knowledge had been dominated by the Aristotelian notion of episteme. Theoretical knowledge had been the main object of traditional study of epistemology. ─── 在西方哲学史上,理论知识episteme支配着人们对知识概念的理解,是传统认识论研究的主要对象。

75、K.Cranfield uses philosophy in its core, which since 1997 has offered an evening lecture series encompassing both Aristotelian and present day thinking. ─── 格连费尔德商学院主张将哲学运用到核心教学和研究当中,并从1997年起便提供了围绕亚里士多德学说和现代思想理论进行探讨的晚间系列讲座。

76、Comparative Research on Mohist and Aristotelian Referential Theory of Meaning ─── 墨家与亚里士多德指称论思想的比较研究

77、In summary, the Platonic scenario is dominantly inductive-deductive,while the Aristotelian scenario is dominantly inductive-abductive. ─── 总结一下,柏拉图研究用的主要方法是归纳和演译方法,亚里士多德主要是用归纳和溯因方法。

78、4.We tend to think in Aristotelian terms - objects are members of a categories, and share the same traits as other members of that category. ─── 我们倾向用亚里斯多德的话语来思考:物件是一个分类范畴的成员,并且跟其他同范畴的成员分享著相同的特性。

79、Themes in Neoplatonic and Aristotelian Logic: Order, Negation and Abstraction ─── 新柏拉图和亚里士多得逻辑学主题:顺序,否定和摘要

80、That leads us back to the ancient Greek,and especially Aristotelian,ethics of virtue. ─── 这势必将我们带回古希腊,特别是回到亚里士多德的德性伦理学。

81、Aristotelian Philosophy: Ethics and Politics from Aristotle to MacIntyre ─── 亚里士多德的哲学:道德规范与政治学

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