cabinetwork 发音
英:[['kæbɪnɪtwɜ:k]] 美:[['kæbənɪtˌwɜ:k]]
英: 美:
cabinetwork 中文意思翻译
cabinetwork 短语词组
1、cabinetwork motif ─── 细木工图案
cabinetwork 词性/词形变化,cabinetwork变形
名词: cabinetmaking |
cabinetwork 相似词语短语
1、star network ─── [电]星形网络
2、cabinetworker ─── n.细木工;用具;细工家具(cabinetwork的变形)
3、cable network ─── 有线电视网路;电缆网络
4、cabinet room ─── 内阁会议室
5、cabineteer ─── n.政府内阁阁员
6、cabinetwood ─── 细木工
7、canework ─── n.藤品
8、cabinetry ─── n.橱柜(总称)
9、paintwork ─── n.涂上的油漆;油漆的表面;油漆工作
cabinetwork 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、an inlaid furniture decoration; tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork. ─── 镶嵌的家俱装饰;龟甲和黄和白色的金属在细木工作过程中形成卷轴。
2、The fruits are edible; the pulpy, yellow aril is somewhat acid with an agreeable taste. The wood is used for furniture and cabinetwork. ─── 果可食用。汁多,黄色假种皮有一种令人愉快的酸的口味。木材用于家俱和细木工。
3、Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Cedrela, especially C. odorata, having reddish aromatic wood used for cabinetwork and cigar boxes. ─── 西印度香椿:任一种洋椿属植物,尤指产于热带美洲的香洋椿属植物,木材芳香,呈淡红色,用作橱柜材料或雪茄烟盒材料
4、woodof various fruit trees (as apple or cherry or pear) used especially in cabinetwork. ─── 各种果树(如苹果树、樱桃树或梨树)的木料,尤其用于 细 木工。
5、I guess she learned cabinetwork from experience. She said she had been doing cabinetwork on and off since high school. ─── 我猜她是凭经验学会的细木工活。她说过她从中学起就断断续续地在做细木工活。
6、Do you happen to know of someone who does cabinetwork? We're looking for someone to build kitchen and bathroom cabinets. ─── 你是不是碰巧知道有谁做细木工的呀?我们在找人做厨房和卫生间的橱柜。
7、A type of English walnut, patterned with swirls and curves in shades of brown or with occasional black streaks, used for veneer and cabinetwork. ─── 一种英国胡桃木材,棕色阴影上有螺旋形和弧形图案,偶有黑色条纹,用于薄木板和细木工。
8、handsomely striped or mottled wood of the zebrawood tree; used especially for cabinetwork. ─── 带有美观的条纹和斑纹的斑木树木料,尤其用于细木工。
9、An inlaid furniture decoration,tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork. ─── 镶嵌的家俱装饰,龟甲和黄和白色的金属在细木工作过程中形成卷轴。
10、dense wood used for cabinetwork. ─── 密度适中的木材,用于做家具。
11、tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood. ─── 出产于印度和东印度群岛的一种树,其木材坚硬芳香,因其细木工艺而享有盛誉,其深红色的心材可用来作染料木。
12、The hard, dark brown wood of any of these trees, used for gunstocks and in cabinetwork. ─── 胡桃木胡桃树的坚硬的、深棕色的木头,用于制枪托及细木工家具
13、oak given a weathered appearance by exposure to fumes of ammonia; used for cabinetwork ─── 用氨熏过的栎木,有被侵蚀的外表,用于细木工
14、wood of a yew; especially the durable fine-grained light brown or red wood of the English yew valued for cabinetwork and archery bows. ─── 紫杉木料,尤指英国紫杉木料,耐用、纹理细密、浅褐色或红色,用于细木工或制作射箭的弓。
15、Hard dark reddish wood of a rosewood tree having a strongly marked grain; used in cabinetwork. ─── 坚硬的深红色红木木料,有明显的纹理,用于细木工。
16、The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork. ─── 木材被制成精细的家具。
17、I guess she learned cabinetwork from experience. She said she had been doing cabinetwork on and off since high school. ─── 我猜她是凭经验学会的细木工活。她说过她从中学起就断断续续地在做细木工活。
18、2. medium-sized tropical American tree yielding tolu balsam and a fragrant hard wood used for high-grade furniture and cabinetwork. ─── 中等大小的热带美洲树,产吐鲁胶和芳香的坚硬木材,用于做高质量的家具和细木工艺。
19、tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood ─── 出产于印度和东印度群岛的一种树,其木材坚硬芳香,因其细木工艺而享有盛誉,其深红色的心材可用来作染料木
20、durable straight-grained wood of the lacewood tree; used for building and cabinetwork and tools. ─── 耐用、直纹的枪木树木料,用于建筑和细木工及制工具。
21、hard yellow often variegated wood of an olive tree; used in cabinetwork. ─── 橄榄树的木料,坚硬、黄色、常带斑纹,用于细木工。
22、wood of a yew; especially the durable fine-grained light brown or red wood of the English yew valued for cabinetwork and archery bows ─── 紫杉木料,尤指英国紫杉木料,耐用、纹理细密、浅褐色或红色,用于细木工或制作射箭的弓
23、An Asian tree(Diospyros kurzii) having mottled gray wood used in cabinetwork. ─── 大理石木一种亚洲的乔木,(大理石木柿树属)木料有灰色斑纹,用于做精细木工家具
24、made from casein; used for e.g. plywood and cabinetwork ─── 由酪蛋白制成,用作夹板,亦用于细木工
25、made from casein; used for e. g. plywood and cabinetwork. ─── 由酪蛋白制成,用作夹板,亦用于细木工。
26、wood of various fruit trees (as apple or cherry or pear) used especially in cabinetwork. ─── 各种果树(如苹果树、樱桃树或梨树)的木料,尤其用于细木工。
27、2. wood of a yew; especially the durable fine-grained light brown or red wood of the English yew valued for cabinetwork and archery bows. ─── 紫杉木料,尤指英国紫杉木料,耐用、纹理细密、浅褐色或红色,用于细木工或制作射箭的弓。收藏指正
28、oak given a weathered appearance by exposure to fumes of ammonia; used for cabinetwork. ─── 用氨熏过的栎木,有被侵蚀的外表,用于细木工。
29、any of several heavy hard reddish chiefly tropical woods of the families Casuarinaceae and Proteaceae; some used for cabinetwork. ─── 木麻黄属和山龙眼科的热带树木重而硬的木料,用于细木工。
30、You know, one nice thing about cabinetwork is that you don't have to sit in one place. I've always enjoyed physical work. ─── 你知道,做细木工也有一点好处,那就是你不必老坐在一个地方。我一直喜欢干体力活。
31、8. hard durable wood of red sandalwood trees (Pterocarpus santalinus);prized for cabinetwork. ─── 红色檀香树硬而耐久的木材,宜用于细木工。
32、The wood of this tree, used mainly for decorative cabinetwork. ─── 紫檀木材这种树的木材,主要用来作装饰用的细木工家具
33、tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork. ─── 龟甲和黄和白色的金属在细木工作过程中形成卷轴。
34、Rapid veneer production line, Cabinetwork board, and non-wood equipment like wheat straw and rice straw; ─── 水泥、石膏刨花板成套设备;细木工板、胶合板设备;快速贴面生产线;麦秸、稻草等非木质板成套设备;
35、The wood is used for furniture and cabinetwork. ─── 木材用于家俱和细木工。
36、medium-sized tropical American tree yielding tolu balsam and a fragrant hard wood used for high-grade furniture and cabinetwork ─── 中等大小的热带美洲树,产吐鲁胶和芳香的坚硬木材,用于做高质量的家具和细木工艺
37、the hard,dark brown wood of any of these trees,used for gunstocks and in cabinetwork ─── 胡桃树的坚硬的、深棕色的木头,用于制枪托及细木工家具
38、The fruits are edible; the pulpy, yellow aril is somewhat acid with an agreeable taste. The wood is used for furniture and cabinetwork . ─── 果可食用。汁多,黄色假种皮有一种令人愉快的酸的口味。木材用于家俱和细木工。
39、Because of its color, durability, hardness, and ability to take a high polish, ebony is used for cabinetwork and inlaying, piano keys, knife handles, and turned articles. ─── 因乌木色佳,坚硬、耐用,易于抛光,故用制细木家具、镶嵌材料、钢琴键、刀把及车削制品。
40、The company has been engaging in producing series of veneers ,cabinetwork board ,mould board for building and bent-wood furniture ,etc. ─── 公司现主要生产有各种规格的胶合板、细木工板、建筑模板、曲木家具等系列产品。
41、The hard, dark brown wood of any of these trees, used for gunstocks and in cabinetwork. ─── 胡桃木胡桃树的坚硬的、深棕色的木头,用于制枪托及细木工家具
42、made from casein; used for e.g. plywood and cabinetwork. ─── 由酪蛋白制成,用作夹板,亦用于细木工。
43、The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork. ─── 木材被制成精细的家具。
44、The wood of this tree, used in cabinetwork and for piano keys. ─── 乌木这种树木的木头,用以制造木屋或钢琴键
45、oak given a weathered appearance by exposure to fumes of ammonia; used for cabinetwork. ─── 用氨熏过的栎木,有被侵蚀的外表,用于细木工。
46、the wood of this tree,used mainly for decorative cabinetwork ─── 这种树的木材,主要用来作装饰用的细木工家具
47、The wood of this tree, used in cabinetwork and for piano keys. ─── 橄榄树的木料,坚硬、黄色、常带斑纹,用于细木工。
48、any of several heavy hard reddish chiefly tropical woods of the families Casuarinaceae and Proteaceae; some used for cabinetwork ─── 木麻黄属和山龙眼科的热带树木重而硬的木料,用于细木工
49、Erect forest tree of Cuba and Jamaica having variably hairy leaves and orange-yellow or orange-red flowers,yields a moderately dense timber for cabinetwork and gunstocks. ─── 古巴和牙买加的竖直的森林树种,有易变的多毛的树叶和橘黄色或橘红色的花,为细木工和枪托产生一种中等密度的木材。
50、handsome violet-streaked wood of the kingwood tree; used especially in cabinetwork. ─── 王木木料,有美观的紫色斑纹,尤其用于制家具。
51、Part two will discuss the formation of the Cabinetwork usage through the argument of the Cabinet organization foundation, the role change of the Cabinet minister and the Cabinet responsibility. ─── 第二部分将从内阁组阁基础、阁臣的角色变换及内阁责任制三个方面来探讨内阁运行惯例的形成;
52、tropical American and east African tree with strikingly marked hardwood used in cabinetwork. ─── 美洲热带地区和东非的一种树木,有条纹,质硬,用于细木工。
53、an Asian tree(Diospyros kurzii) having mottled gray wood used in cabinetwork ─── 一种亚洲的乔木,(大理石木柿树属)木料有灰色斑纹,用于做精细木工家具
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