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08-09 投稿


notion 发音

英:[ˈnoʊʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˈnəʊʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

notion 中文意思翻译



notion 词性/词形变化,notion变形


notion 短语词组

have no notion of

1. 不知道; 不明白

I have no notion of what you're talking about.


1、superstitious notion ─── [网络] 迷信概念

2、buying into the notion ─── 接受这个概念

3、peculiar notion ─── 奇特的概念

4、list of notion ─── [计] 概念表

5、indigested notion ─── 愤慨的观念

6、disabused to the notion ─── 对这个概念的解惑

7、disabused of my notion ─── 消除了我的想法

8、notion-market ─── 概念市场

9、have a notion that... ─── 认为...

10、preconceived notion ─── [网络] 先入为主的观念

11、notion department ─── [经] (商店内的)杂货部, 杂货柜

12、notion of subprocedure ─── [计] 子程序概念

13、notion-store n. ─── 出售针线等小件用品的杂货店

14、notion-counter n. ─── 出售针线等小件用品的杂货柜

15、notion store ─── [经] 杂货店

16、notion counter ─── [经] 杂货柜

17、intuitive notion ─── [计] 直觉概念

18、flagellar notion ─── 鞭毛概念

19、production system notion ─── [计] 产生式系统概念

notion 习惯用语

1、have a good notion of ─── 很懂得

2、have no notion of ─── 不明白; 完全不懂 ─── 没有...的意思[想法]

3、have a notion that... ─── 认为

notion 相似词语短语

1、notions ─── n.观念(notion的复数);小商品

2、nation ─── n.国家;民族;国民;n.(Nation)人名;(英)内申

3、lotion ─── n.洗液;洗涤剂

4、nolition ─── 诺里奥内

5、notation ─── n.符号;乐谱;注释;记号法

6、Motion ─── n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;vi.运动;打手势;vt.运动;向…打手势

7、nodation ─── 点头

8、notional ─── adj.猜测的,想象的;表意的;(语言教学中)培养交际能力的;概念上的;抽象的

9、potion ─── n.一剂;一服;饮剂;魔药

notion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She had a sudden notion to visit all her relatives. ─── 她突然有想到去拜访他所有的亲戚。

2、Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial. ─── 奥巴马漠视了说他修辞没有实质的观念。

3、He has a notion that I' m cheating him. ─── 他认为我在骗他。

4、Pondering on one hadith can exemplify this notion. ─── 可以以此观念为例深思一段圣训。

5、Hence the notion of the genome as a blueprint. ─── 因此之故,也才有基因组等同于生命蓝图的说法。

6、She flirted with the notion of buying a wig . ─── 她随便地想到要买个假发。

7、Women are also protected by effective laws and are no longer the weaker sex. The sense of dignity is real, not just a notion. ─── 健全的法律保护女性,她们不再是弱者,尊严是实实在在的。

8、Smooth Maps and the Notion of Equivalence. ─── 光滑映射和等价的概念。

9、What's love but a sweet, old-fashioned notion? ─── 什么是爱情,是美好而又老式的想法?

10、Indeed, like Howells, he started with the notion, which he never entirely abandoned, that America was more innocent than Europe. ─── 事实上,他和豪威尔斯一样,从来就有一个观念始终没有完全放弃,这就是,美国比欧洲纯洁。

11、Do you have the slightest notion of what this means? ─── 你能明白一点儿这是什麽意思吗?

12、The notion that Chinese cannot manage Hong Kong affairs satisfactorily is a leftover from the old colonial mentality. ─── 不相信中国人有能力管好香港,这是老殖民主义遗留下来的思想状态。

13、She has a notion that men should not wear perfume. ─── 她认为男人不该搽香水。

14、This may be damped or undamped forced notion. ─── 它可以是阻尼强迫运动或非阻尼强迫运动。

15、It expresses the notion that matter is indestructible. ─── 它反映了一种想法即物质是不可消灭的。

16、He has a good notion of economy. ─── 他很懂得节约的意义。

17、In fact, race and ethnics should never be democratic notion. ─── 事实上,种族概念本身就不属于民主范畴。

18、We do better with sheep where we have the notion of "shepherding. ─── 在和羊的关系的定义方面我们做得好一些,在此我们使用了一个“牧羊”的概念。

19、I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society. ─── 我仍然相信平等主义社会的理念。

20、A general or widely held principle, concept, or notion. ─── 一般性普遍地或广泛地保持的原则、概念或意图

21、"She certainly has some notion of drawing" (Rudyard Kipling). ─── “她对绘画当然有些了解” (拉第尔德·吉卜林)。

22、They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education. ─── 他们赞同在教育方面人人机会均等的观念。

23、An abstract idea or notion; a unit of thought. ─── 一个抽象的观念或想法;一个思维单位。

24、He has no notion of economy. ─── 他完全不懂节约的意义。

25、A capricious notion; a whim. ─── 奇想反复无常的怪想;怪念头

26、He entertained the notion of moving to South America. ─── 他正考虑移居南美的事情。

27、A notion for a story is for me a confluence of real events, historical perhaps, or from my own memory to create an exciting fusion. ─── 对我来说,一个故事意味着聚集了真实事件,历史上的可能事件或者来自我自己的记忆,汇合而成的一个令人激动的混合物。

28、The basis is the notion of abstract data type. ─── 主要要素是抽象数据类型的概念。

29、He didn't have a slightest notion of what I meant. ─── 他对我指的是什么没有一点儿概念。

30、What put that absurd notion in your head? ─── 什么使你有那样不切实际的想法?

31、She latched on to your notion. ─── 她理解你的意见。

32、He has some abstract notion of wanting to change the world. ─── 他有一种要改造世界的空想。

33、He has no notion of what I mean. ─── 他不明白我的意思。

34、She has no notion of the difficulty of this problem. ─── 她不了解这个问题的难处.

35、Statecontrol is a very un-American notion. ─── 实行国家控制是根本违背美国观念的。

36、They scorn the notion the city can be recreated in a culture park. ─── 他们对这种认为可以在文化园区重建城市的想法感到鄙夷.

37、He had a sudden notion to visit all his relatives. ─── 他心血来潮, 突然想去拜访他所有的亲戚。

38、Statecontrol is a very un American notion. ─── 实行国家控制是根本违背美国观念的.

39、One common notion is that red hair means a quick temper. ─── 一般的概念是红发表示脾气急躁。

40、It may even challenge your notion of mans place in the universe. ─── 它甚至有可能挑战你的概念芒发生在宇宙中。

41、He has no notion what I mean. ─── 他完全不明白我的意思。

42、She had a notion they were both thinking the same thing. ─── 她认为他们俩在想着同一件事。

43、Do you have the vaguest notion what you are asking me for? ─── 你一点也不知道你在向我提出什麽要求吗?

44、Any sane youth would have rejected his perverted notion of patriotism. ─── 任何理智的年轻人都不会接受他那扭曲的爱国主义观念。

45、She had only a vague notion of what might happen. ─── 对于可能发生的事她只有一个模糊的概念。

46、The notion hung in his mind for days. ─── 几天来他老是在转这个念头。

47、"That's the notion you've got," said Carson. ─── “你们全都存着这种念头,”卡逊先生说。

48、One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected. ─── 中国人共有的一种观念是长者应受到尊敬。

49、She certainly has some notion of drawing (Rudyard Kipling). ─── 她对绘画当然有些了解(拉第尔德 吉卜林)。

50、The place of the woman in creation cuts off any such sinful notion. ─── 女人在创造中的地位不容许任何诸如此类邪恶思想的存在。

51、Instead, the notion of a culture can be thought of as a unique combination of a country and a language. ─── 相反,文化的概念可以被视作是国家和语言的惟一组合。

52、She has a strange notion that there will be an earthquake here before long. ─── 她有个奇怪的想法,认为这不久将发生地震。

53、"Far from making progress we seem to have been going backward since the notion of reproductive health was born, " Phumaphi said. ─── 自从生殖健康的观点提出以来,我们似乎不是在进步而是在倒退。

54、The world has a very unhappy notion of honesty. ─── 世界对诚实有一种非常不恰当的看法。

55、An impulsive, often eccentric turn of mind; a notion. ─── 一时冲动的,通常奇怪的想法;想法

56、From the first he had the notion that liberal spending was better. ─── 他一开始就认为花钱大方比较好。

57、She laughed at Mrs. Mountstuart Jenkinson's notion of Latitia Dale. ─── 她嘲笑蒙斯图符?詹金森太太对利蒂霞?戴尔的评价。

58、In the world of aid agencies, this notion has been hotly contested. ─── 在援助机构界中,这个观念遭到了猛烈的辩驳。

59、An extravagant or erratic notion or action. ─── 奇想或异常行为过度的或异常的思想或行为

60、In its early iterations,COM had no notion of distributed components. ─── 在早期的发展过程中,COM没有分布组件。

61、He has a dippy notion that the moon is inhabited. ─── 他有一个愚蠢的念头,认为月球有人居住。

62、She dinged the notion into our ears. ─── 她老是唠唠叨叨地跟我们讲那个想法。(或:她把那个想法反反复复地灌输给我们)。

63、She's got some starry-eyed notion about reforming society. ─── 她对社会改革有些异想天开的想法。

64、On the Kanban Development list, the original poster's position was that the notion of 'standard work' did not apply to software development. ─── 在“看板开发”邮件组的讨论中,发帖人的立场是:‘标准作业’的概念在软件开发中不适用。

65、One common notion is that red hair goes with a quick temper. ─── 人们常常认为红头发意味脾气暴躁。

66、At the macroscale, the notion of recoil makes good sense. ─── 在巨观尺度中,反作用力的概念确实有意义。

67、Shes got some starry-eyed notion about reforming society. ─── 中文:她对社会改革有些异想天开的想法.

68、Do you have the vaguest notion (of) what you are asking me for ? ─── 你一点也不知道你在向我提出什么要求吗 ?

69、They've got a right notion of the track we are going tonight. ─── 他们已经打听到我们今晚的路线。

70、Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life. ─── 在维多利亚时代,许多人对于人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊。

71、The notion of major fields of study emerged. ─── 主修课程的概念慢慢形成。

72、He has no notion of risking his money. ─── 他不打算拿他的钱去冒险。

73、She had a notion that the share market would rise. ─── 她认为股票市场将兴起。

74、She has no notion of what I mean. ─── 他对我所指的没有概念。

75、Slavery is an antique notion that has no place in the modern world. ─── 奴隶制是一种过时的概念,在当今的现代社会已经没有市场了。

76、He still has the notion that women belong in the kitchen. ─── 他还是认为女人应该呆在厨房。

77、might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion. ─── 提出这样的见解可能会被认为是异端邪说。

78、He accepted the notion of working overtime to fulfill his duties. ─── 他接纳了通过加班来完成工作职责的观点。

79、The notion of a state-based condition variable is an important one. ─── 基于状态的条件变量的概念是很重要的。

80、He will stand by his notion of equality. ─── 他会坚持自己有关平等的信念。

81、She had only a vague notion of what might happen. ─── 对于可能发生的事她只有一个模糊的概念。

82、It has its importance as a notion of center, of balance, of order. ─── 它也有其重要性,能使人产生自我中心感,平衡感,有条不紊感。

83、She was prepossessed with the notion of her own superiority. ─── 她满脑子充满着优越感。

84、The notion and significance of sensation service were introduced. ─── 介绍了感动服务的理念及其在护理实践中的意义。

85、He has not the vaguest notion of what this means. ─── 他连对这是什麽意思的模糊概念都没有。

86、Where did you get that notion? ─── 你自何处得到那个概念?

87、Her notion of city life is a lot of money and fun. ─── 她对城市生活的概念是大量的金钱和欢乐。

88、He has a notion that he study abroad. ─── 他有出国留学的念头。

89、Research about the usability of architectural renderings supports this notion. ─── 关于建筑渲染的可用性研究支持上面提到的这种观点。

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