registrar 发音
英:[ˌredʒɪˈstrɑː(r)] 美:[,rɛdʒɪ'strɑr]
英: 美:
registrar 中文意思翻译
registrar 短语词组
1、registrar corp ─── 注册公司
2、registrar police ─── [法] 户籍警
3、civil registrar ─── [法] 民事书记官
4、registrar-general ─── [法] 总注册官, 注册总局局长
5、authentication by the registrar ─── [经] 记录者的证明
6、registrar's office ─── [经] 法院登记处
7、court registrar ─── [法] 法院注册官, 法庭登记员
8、Domain name registrar ─── 域名注册商
9、superintendent of registrar ─── [法] 注册监督
10、ut registrar ut ─── 登记员
11、chancery registrar ─── [法] 平衡法院注册官
registrar 词性/词形变化,registrar变形
registrar 相似词语短语
1、registrable ─── adj.可登记的;可挂号的
2、registry ─── n.注册;登记处;挂号处;船舶的国籍
3、registraries ─── 教务主任
4、registerer ─── 登记
5、registrary ─── 教务主任
6、registrants ─── n.登记者,注册人
7、register ─── n.登记表;声区;语体风格;调风口;现金收入记录机;学校点名册;(老师对学生的)点名登记;登记员;登记注册;套准;v.登记;(旅馆)登记住宿;挂号邮寄;表达(意见或情感);显示(读数);n.(Register)(美)雷吉斯特(人名)
8、registrant ─── n.登记者,注册人
9、registrars ─── n.登记员;记录者;教务主任(registrar的复数形式)
registrar 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Registrar of Chinese Medicine Practitioners ─── 中医注册主任
3、Registration for the 2002 fall semester will be starting this week (5/18/02). Please register with the Registrar in the office. ─── 2002秋季班从本周(5/18/02)起开始注册?请各位家长到办公室及时办理注册。
4、If your request is for information about a child, please contact the registrar to find out how to make such a request. ─── 如果你寻求的是有关孩子的信息,请与登记员联系以获知如何作这样的请求。
5、"Where the mortgage instrument cannot, for any reason, be lodged with the Registrar," ─── 如因任何理由不能将抵押文书送交注册官,
6、A Tribunal shall consist of the following persons appointed by the Registrar a magistrate who shall preside; and 2 or more adjudicators selected from the panel of adjudicators. ─── 审裁处由经历司委任之下开人士所组成1名主审裁判司;及2名或多名从审裁员小组委出之审裁员。
7、SONG: registrar of the court ─── 寺簿
8、Registrar of the ILO Administrative Tribunal ─── 劳工组织行政法庭书记官长
9、Registrar of Companies of ECHO HOME SYSTEM Friends and the whole home from the city of Canton Lucerne Trading Co., Ltd. (holding company of Friends and office) unified sales. ─── 公司注册的ECHO HOME SYSTEM 友和整体家居由广州市罗森贸易有限公司(友和文仪控股公司)统一销售。
10、If you require further information, you should consult the registrar. ─── 如果你需要进一步的信息,你应该向注册主任咨询。
11、authentication by the registrar ─── [经] 记录者的证明
12、any foreign certificate of deletion delivered to the Registrar whether pursuant to section 58 or otherwise; ─── 不论是否依据第58条而交付注册官的外地终止注册证明书;
13、Add/ Drop enrollment for the spring semester has begun. Please see the Registrar, Mrs. Shu-Chin Chung, for forms. ─── 中文学校下学期的注册及加退选已开始。需要办理的家长请洽注册组长钟淑钦女士。
14、The Registrar of Marriages is also responsible for issuing Certificates of Absence of Marriage Records to local residents. ─── 婚姻登记官也负责签发无婚姻纪录证明书予本港居民。
15、If an application for cancellation is made, the company should use this form to notify the Registrar of Companies forthwith. ─── 如有成员或债权人申请取消该项决议,公司须随即以本表格通知公司注册处处长。
16、To add or drop courses, please see the Registrar, Mr. FuLun Heng, in the school office. ─── 如有加退选选修课及注册事宜,请到办公室与注册主任邢福仑先生办理。
17、The ceremony will be conducted by Clair Williams, the same registrar who officiated at the royal wedding in April. ─── 埃尔顿爵士与弗尼什登记了住址,出生日期和职业等情况。他们分别住在温莎与梅登海德镇,是音乐家与电影制片人。
18、A statement certifying that the application has either been rejected (by the Registrar) or withdrawn or abandoned by the applicant. ─── 一份证明申请既没有没注册人员拒绝,也没有被申请者撤回的陈述.
19、The judge said the registrar would discuss that with him. ─── 法官表示,记录员将就此跟他进行讨论。
20、Registrar of Medical Practitioners ─── 医生注册主任
21、As soon as practicable after the end of the period referred to in subsection (1), the Registrar shall close the ship's registration. ─── 在第(1)款所指的期间届满后,注册官须在可行范围内尽快终止该船舶的注册。
22、a surgical/paediatric registrar ─── 外科/儿科专科住院医生
23、A birth which has not been registered within one year may be post-registered with the consent of the Registrar of Births and Deaths. ─── 倘若婴儿出生后一年内尚未登记,在获得生死登记官同意后,可补办手续。
24、On deregistering the company, the applicant will be given notice of the deregistration by the Registrar of Companies. ─── 在撤销该公司的注册时,公司注册处处长会向申请人发出撤销注册通知书。
25、If the Registrar is satisfied that a certificate of registration has been lost, destroyed or defaced, he may issue, free of charge, a duplicate thereof. ─── 局长如信纳任何登记证明书已遭遗失、毁坏或污损,可免费发出该证明书复本一份。
26、Fee for change of registration at share registrar ─── 在股份登记处办理股份转名费
27、In line with the policy objective to promote self-regulation of the outbound travel industry, regulation is undertaken through the mutually complementary work of the Registrar and the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC). ─── 为配合鼓励外访旅游业自我规管的政策目标,规管旅游业的工作,是由旅行代理商注册主任及香港旅游业议会互相配合进行。
28、(e) Either Party may update its contact details by notifying the Provider and the Registrar. ─── (e) 通过告知服务提供方和注册方,任何一方可以更新其联络人的详细资料。
29、You are not in default on any obligations you may owe to the current registrar; ─── 与当前注册服务商之间无任何费用拖欠;
30、The decision of the Registrar may be challenged by way of judicial review to the High Court if there is an error of law. ─── 如果司法常务官的决定出现法律上的错误,阁下可以向高等法院申请司法覆核,以尝试推翻有关决定。
31、InterNIC provides a means to look up the registrar for most domains. ─── 因特网信息中心可以提供大部分域名注册信息查询服务。
32、District registrar of births and deaths ─── 分区生死登记员
33、Fill out an application at the registrar and pay the applicable fee. ─── 在注册组那填表格,然后付合理的手续费。
34、He alleged that he was the victim of a crime; He said it was too late to intervene in the war; The registrar says that I owe the school money. ─── 他声称他是罪行的受害者;他断言干预战争太迟了;注册。
35、These assignments may differ from those students already have from the registrar. ─── 作业的内容也许会和同学们之前再注册时拿到的不大相同。
36、Where approval is granted, the liquidator shall be released from any further obligation and the court shall notify the registrar to register completion of the liquidation. ─── 其经核定者,解除清算人之责任,并由法院通知登记处为清算完结之登记。
37、Once there, they squeezed through a tight space through to the "wedding chamber" where they were greeted by registrar Olwen Jones. ─── 之后经过一个很窄的地方步入“典礼现场”,等候在那里的婚礼登记官奥尔文·琼斯向他们表示祝福。
38、"""Registrar"" means the Registrar of the Supreme Court;" ─── “经历司”指最高法院经历司;
39、No notice of any trust, expressed, implied, or constructive, shall be entered on the register, or be receivable by the Registrar. ─── 任何明订、隐含或法律构定信托的通知均不得记入登记册,亦不得由处长接收。
40、Turkish Official Receiver and Registrar's Office; ─── 土耳其官方管理登记局;
41、district registrar of deaths ─── 分区死亡登记员
42、Professor Tsoi Ah-chung, Vice-President (Research and Institutional Advancement), and Dr.Tong Chong-sze, Academic Registrar, were also present to congratulate the students and share their joy. ─── 副校长(研究及拓展)蔡亚从教授和教务长唐创时博士亦有到场向同学道贺,分享他们的喜悦。
43、The Registrar has been notified of your complaint. ─── 域名注册者已经看到了您的抱怨。
44、Apply for copies of your transcript in the registrar's office. ─── 去注册办公室申请你的成绩单。
45、If no objection is received by the Registrar during the period, the Second Gazette Notice will be published whereupon the company will be dissolved. ─── 处长如在该段期间未有收到反对,便会刊登第二份宪报公告,届时该公司即告解散。
46、A writ of execution on a judgment registered under the Ordinance shall be in a form approved by the Registrar of the Supreme Court. ─── 就根据本条例获予登记的判决所发的执行令状,须采用最高法院司法常务官认可的格式。
47、Registrar of the ILO Administrative Tribunal; ─── 劳工组织行政法庭书记官长;
48、The class add/drop process for next semester is still under way. To drop or add classes, please see the Registrar in the school office. ─── 下学期课程之加退选12/8/01开始。请至办公室向注册主任邢福仑先生办理。
49、Arrange with the Registrar to set up registration procedures and personnel at the course(s). ─── 与注册组长联络以安排上课时注册步骤及人员。
50、"""the Registrar"" means any person appointed as a Registrar of Ships under section 4 (1)" ─── “注册官”(the Registrar)指根据第4(1)条委任为船舶注册官的任何人;
51、Normally, at least 15 days' notice of an intended marriage must be given to the Registrar of Marriages. ─── 一般来说,凡有意举行婚礼者,必须在婚礼举行日期至少15天前通知婚姻登记官。
52、ICANN requires every registrar to maintain a publicly accessible WHOIS directory displaying all contact information for all domain names registered. ─── ICANN要求所有域名的注册资料是正确的,并储存在一个公开的,可被公众查阅的WHOIS数据库中。
53、He shall give notice in writing to the Registrar and to the demise charter (if any) that he wishes the ship's registration to be closed. ─── 将他打算终止该船舶的注册事以书面通知注册官及转管租约承租人(如有的话)。
54、Customer understands that Customer has a separate contractual agreement with the Registrar Partner and that Customer is responsible for all liability, obligations, and fees as specified in that agreement. ─── 客户同意自己与注册合作伙伴存在单独的契约性协议,客户负责履行该协议中规定的所有责任和义务,并交付所有费用。
55、Deputy Registrar International Business Companies ─── 副注册主任国际商业公司协会
56、The Registrar may serve on the owner, demise charter or representative person, and on each mortgagee (if any) of the ship, a notice . ─── 注册官可向该船舶的船东、转管租约承租人或代表人及每名抵押权人(如有的话)送达通知书。
57、And if he persists and if he manages to present himself to the registrar, he may be disqualified because he did not spell out his middle name, or because he abbreviated a word on the application. ─── 如果他坚持执着,并设法见到了登记员,他仍有可能仅仅因为没拼出中间名字或因为在申请表上缩略了一个词而被取消资格。
58、Prepare registration materials for participants with instructions that they be sent to the Registrar. ─── 为参加人员准备注册用资料及说明书,该资料将交予注册组长。
59、"Registrar, Labour Tribunal" ─── 劳资审裁处司法常务主任
60、Any other registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. ─── 任何其他注册商提出对此域名的更改或其他请求都将被拒绝;
61、Within three (3) calendar days after receiving the decision from the Panel,the Provider shall communicate the full text of the decision to each Party,the concerned Registrar(s),and ICANN. ─── 在收到陪审团决议的三(3)天内,服务提供方应向诉讼各方、相关注册机构和ICANN传达决议的全文。
62、Registration for the 2002 fall semester started last week and will continue next week. Please register with the Registrar in the office. ─── 2002秋季班从上周起开始注册?下周继续。请各位家长到办公室及时办理注册。
63、Office of the Deputy Registrar ─── 副书记官长办公室
64、the Director may direct the Registrar to close the registration of the ship. ─── 处长均可指令注册官终止该船舶的注册。
65、(vii) Identify the Registrar(s) with whom the domain name(s) is/are registered at the time the complaint is filed; ─── (vii) 确定在申诉提交时负责注册域名的注册机构;
66、Go to the registrar of the university to know your grades. ─── 去大学注册主任处那了解你的评分。
67、Registrar of Companies [R of C] ─── 公司注册处处长
68、Whether you're seeking initial certification or looking to transfer your certificate from another registrar, Intertek can deliver a solution that suits your needs. ─── 不管您是需要最初的认证还是从其它注册机构过户证明书,Intertek都会为您提供满足需求的解决方案。
69、Evidence of prior use, if any, should also be submitted to the Registrar within 30 days from the filing date of application. ─── 如果先前使用了证据,也应当在申请日起30天内交给注册人员.
70、A birth will be registered upon receipt by the registrar of the relevant birth return from the hospital in which the baby is born. ─── 婴儿的出生登记,须在其出生医院向登记官作出相关申报后才可进行。
71、certificate of registrar of marriages ─── 婚姻登记官证明书
72、Under the policy, most types of trademark-based domain-name disputes must be resolved by agreement, court action, or arbitration before a registrar will cancel, suspend, or transfer a domain name. ─── 在这一的政策下,各种因商标而起的网域名称纠纷必须在注册服务商撤消、暂停、或转让一个网域名称以前由协议、法律诉讼、或仲裁来解决。
73、Company book number and company accounts registrar ─── 公司证书号和公司证书法院
74、Marriage under a Registrar's Certificate, usually in a registry office, but also in other buildings, usually those of minority religious groups such as Quakers, Humanists, etc. ─── 二、按照政府规定的登记手续办理结婚,通常在登记处举行,但也有在其它建筑物里举行的,这些建筑物通常属于像公谊会或者人道主义者协会等人数不多的宗教团体所有。
75、Registrar of Companies Mr Gordon Jones ─── 公司注册处处长钟悟思
76、Instra Corporation is an International Internet Domain Registrar, accredited in many countries. Our products include domain registrations, web hosting and VoIP based telephony services. ─── 因斯特有限公司是一家国际性域名注册公司,是多个国家的授权注册机构。我们的产品包括域名注册,虚拟主机,和互联网电话为基础的电信服务。
77、The level of staffing caused the registrar to rush and take shortcuts resulting in the patient being discharged with the wrong discharge summary. ─── 人员的配置量造成事务员工作匆忙而走捷径,于是造成病患出院时的出院摘要错误。
78、But nothing in this subsection shall require the Registrar to give notice of any adjourned hearing of that full hearing. ─── 但本款并无规定经历司须发出正式聆讯押后举行之公告。
79、If you do not provide sufficient information, HKEx's registrar may not be able to process your request. ─── 若阁下未能提供足够资料,香港交易所的股份过户登记处可能无法处理阁下的要求。
80、Registrar of Co-operative Societies ─── 合作社注册官
81、The Court's Registrar and Deputy Registrars serve as Masters of the District Court to deal with interlocutory and taxation matters. ─── 另外,区域法院司法常务官和副司法常务官均以区域法院聆案官的身分,处理非正审申请及讼费评定等工作。
82、You can obtain the application from the registrar. ─── 你可以向注册人员索取申请书。
83、If the Registrar of Marriages considers that the person is not in fact authorised by law to object, he may allow the marriage to proceed. ─── 如婚姻登记官认为该人其实并非在法律上获授权,则可准许该宗婚姻继续办理。
84、Q: One of the keys to this tobacco study was the sample registration system established by the Registrar-General of India. ─── 问:这次研究的一个关键是由印度总登记官建立的样本登记制度。
85、These data are equivalent to those produced by the registrar general. ─── 这些数据等同于注册总署产生的数据。
86、registrar of Judicial Commission(SONG) ; the Surveillance Commission(in YUAN) ─── (燕南)宪司经历
87、They should ensure that the Registrar has issued a certificate of the Registrar before a civil celebrant can celebrate their marriage. ─── 他们须确保登记官已发出登记官证明书,婚姻监礼人方可为他们主持婚礼。
88、"""lodged"" means delivered to and accepted by the Registrar in accordance with this Ordinance;" ─── “送交”(lodged)指按照本条例交付注册官并由注册官接受;
89、What problem(s) will delay or prevent the Registrar transfer of domain? ─── 域名过户有什么限制因素吗?
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