appellant 发音
英:[əˈpelənt] 美:[əˈpelənt]
英: 美:
appellant 中文意思翻译
appellant 网络释义
adj. 上诉的n. 上诉人
appellant 短语词组
1、appellant pending appeal ─── [法] 等候上诉者
2、appellant matter ─── [法] 有关上诉事宜
appellant 词性/词形变化,appellant变形
appellant 相似词语短语
1、expellants ─── adj.有驱除力的;逐出的;n.驱除剂;排毒药
2、appellate ─── adj.上诉的;受理上诉的
3、appendants ─── adj.附属的;附加的;n.附属物;附属品
4、appellants ─── n.上诉人;adj.上诉的
5、rappelling ─── v.绕绳下降(rappel的现在分词)
6、repellant ─── adj.让人不愉快的;防……的(等于repellent);n.驱虫剂;防水剂(等于repellent)
7、expellant ─── adj.有驱除力的;逐出的;n.驱除剂;排毒药
8、propellant ─── n.推进物;推进燃料;发射火药;adj.推进的
9、appendant ─── adj.附属的;附加的;n.附属物;附属品
appellant 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、That/ after that/ the Appellee on June132006Appeal petition and copy of Memorandum of Appeal from the Appellant,> filed a counter Memorandum of Appeal. ─── 告于2006年6月13日提出了抗诉备忘录后。
2、Appellant that the appeal is approved lose conduct registration act is ultra vires administrative lack of factual basis. ─── 上诉人上诉认为被上诉人的行为是核准登记行为,属越权行政缺乏事实依据。
3、Recognizance of Appellant's Sureties ─── 上诉人的担保人担保书
4、Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant. ─── 如前所述财产是托交上诉人管理的。
5、In such case, the Board may consider the written submissions as the appellant may submit to the Board. ─── 在这种情况下,委员会可考虑上诉人向委员会所呈交的书面陈词。
6、The interest at stake of the intervenor appellant and the administrative appeal. ─── 二参加人与本诉愿之利害关系。
7、In my view, there is nothing constitutionally objectionable in the district attorney's statement that is was his duty to include in the complaint any offense of which the appellant might be convicted. ─── 在笔者看来,从宪法层面上来讲,地方检察官的抗诉词并非一味主观性的,抗诉是他们的职责,包括在投诉中的任何进攻性言辞,这些言辞可能会导致上诉人被定罪。
8、" After the record from the trial court is compiled, the appellant will file a brief with legal arguments and citations to specific pages in the record from the trial court. ─── 一审法庭的记录编辑结束后,上诉人递交一份摘要,内容是法律论据和对审判法庭的纪录中的特定页的引用。
9、Appel says he needs to stanch DHL's huge losses in its American express service now to prevent many more job losses in future. ─── Appel先生说,他现在必须控制目前美国快递业务的巨大损失,以此来防止将来更多的失业。
10、III. Given the isolated law execution by the first-instance court (i.e. it only considered the contract of 2000), the Appellant has paid more than RMB20,000 in rental following 2000. ─── 三、鉴于一审法院孤立执法(只处理2000年合同)的情况,则上诉人在2000年度以后已经给付的租金就不止贰万元。
11、The administrative appellant, intervenor appellant, or administrative appeal representative states the issue of fact and the issue of law. ─── 二诉愿人、参加人或诉愿代理人就事件为事实上及法律上之陈述。
12、But the appellant had his original jail term of three and a half years reduced to three years. ─── 上诉人的刑期则由原来的三年半减至三年。
13、However, service might have made to the administrative appellant or intervenor appellant, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal deemed necessary. ─── 但受理诉愿机关认为必要时,得送达于诉愿人或参加本人。
14、Appellant's Application for Further Witnesses ─── 上诉人要求其它证人出庭的申请书
15、The administrative appellant, intervenor appellant, or administrative appeal representative may file an application for view, cite or copy for such evidence materials stipulated in last Paragraph. ─── 对于前项之证据资料,诉愿人、参加人或诉愿代理人得请求阅览、抄录或影印之。
16、The name, date of birth, domicile or place of residence, identification number of the administrative appellant. ─── 一诉愿人姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。
17、The appellant will be release on licence after eight month . ─── 8个月后上诉人被特许出狱。
18、"Thus dismissed, the appellant would rank 45 indictments. ─── 因此驳回上诉人谢金国等45人的起诉。
19、Discussion on the Reform and Reconstruction of Chinese Judicial Rank System in View of Appellant Purpose ─── 从上诉的目的看我国审级制度的改造和重构
20、The respondent was of the view that the appellant, the appellant infringement is justified, the decision is correct, should be maintained. ─── 被上诉人答辩认为,上诉人侵权成立,原判正确,应当维持。
21、She went to work at Salomon Brothers but soon moved to Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, where she met her husband Gary Appel. ─── 她到萨洛蒙兄弟公司工作,但很快就转到唐纳森、拉夫金-詹雷特公司工作,在那儿她遇见了她的丈夫加里?阿普尔。
22、The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal to inquire the administrative appellant or the agency which the administrative action was made. ─── 五受理诉愿机关对诉愿人及原行政处分机关提出询问。
23、The principle of forbidden adverse change to the appellant and the reform of Chinese criminal appeal procedure ─── 上诉不加刑原则与我国刑事上诉审制度之改革
24、III. Given the isolated law execution by the first-instance court( i. e. it only considered the contract of2000), the Appellant has paid more than RMB20,000 in rental following2000. ─── 三、于一审法院孤立执法(处理2000年合同)情况,则上诉人在2000年度以后已经给付的租金就不止贰万元。
25、appellant may file a final reply brief to the appellee's brief. ─── 上诉人可以根据被上诉人的摘要递交最后的回应摘要。
26、Where the Board does not reduce or annul the assessment, the appellant may be ordered to pay a sum not exceeding 5,000 as costs to the Board. ─── 如委员会没有减少或取消评税,上诉人可能会被命令缴付一笔不超过5,000的款项,作为委员会的讼费。
27、Mr Appel says he needs to stanch DHL's huge losses in its American express service now to prevent many more job losses in future. ─── Appel先生说他需要现在来减少DHL在其美国快递业务上的巨额亏损来避免未来削减更多的岗位。
28、The appellant may file a final reply brief to the appellee's brief. ─── 上诉人可以根据被上诉人的摘要递交最后的回应摘要。
29、III. Given the isolated law execution by the first-instance court (i.e. it only considered the contract of 2000) , the Appellant has paid more than RMB20,000 in rental following 2000. ─── 三、鉴于一审法院孤立执法(只处理2000年合同)的情况,则上诉人在2000年度以后已经给付的租金就不止贰万元。
30、the name of the Appellant's authorized representative; ─── 上诉人的授权代表的姓名/名称;
31、The onus of proving that the assessment appealed against is excessive or incorrect shall be on the appellant. ─── 上诉人须承担证明上诉所针对的评税额乃属过高或不确的举证责任。
32、a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court's judgment or the granting of a new trial ─── 一合法进行的上诉人去高一级的法院为了获得对低一级法院裁决的回审和推翻低一级法院判决或者获得一次新的审讯
33、Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant. ─── 鉴于财产是为上诉人托管的。
34、To prevent abuse of the system, the scheme originally provided that each legal aid appellant could only apply for a certificate once in respect of the same case. ─── 为防止滥用该制度,计划原本规定每位法律援助上诉人就同一案件只可申请一份大律师证明书。
35、Secondly, the following are some defensive opinions of the Appellant based on the first-instance judgment which cannot be fully accepted. ─── 其次,上诉人基于并不完全认可的一审法院判决的几点抗辩观点
36、Appellant objected to the court's holding that his interest in the disputed tract of land was a fee simple determinable. ─── 上诉人质疑法院判决其就诉争土地的权益为可终止完全所有权。
37、There was no dispute that the incident arose from the bitter divorce between the Appellant and PW1. ─── 从名字的译音与案件编号来看它们指的是同一相案件,而我那天也有睇苹果报,苹果报的报道同太阳报是一样的。
38、We find on the above facts that the Appellant intended to use the community hall as a village hall. ─── 从上述事实我们可以看出,上诉人试图使用社区大楼作为村政厅之用。
39、3.Notice of the decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing. ─── 3. 关于上诉决定的通知应送达上诉人,做出该决定的理由应以书面形式提供。
40、Otherwise, the Board can proceed to hear the appeal or dismiss the appeal if the appellant fails to attend. ─── 在其他情况下,假如上诉人不出席聆讯,税委会可进行聆讯或驳回有关上诉。
41、An individual who represent the administrative appellant based on the professional or business relationship. ─── 四因业务或职务关系为诉愿人之代理人者。
42、his right to appeal, of the time limitation, and of the competent appellant court. ─── 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。
43、of diminished responsibility, none of the facts were disputed by the appellant. ─── 对减轻责任这个问题,上诉人未就任何论据进行争辩。
44、the principle of forbidden adverse change to the appellant ─── 上诉不加刑原则
45、The launch of P3P and APPEL by W3C has assisted websites in announcing their privacy policies and allowed users to customize their privacy preference. ─── W3C制定的P3P及APPEL帮助网站公布隐私政策,让使用者自订隐私偏好。
46、= new Product ( "Appel" , "0,90" , "Fruit" ) ; ─── / *创建新的产品对象* / $产品 = 新产品( “苹果” , “ 0.90 ” , “ 果” ) ;
47、II. The first-instance judgment on the13 square meters in respect of which the Appellant failed perform the contract is explicitly wrong in law implementation. ─── 二、审法院对被上诉人未履约的13平米问题的判决,存在明显的执法错误。
48、When a judgment is pronounced, the litigantmust be informed of his right to appeal, of the time limitation, and of the competent appellant court. ─── 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。
49、The party that appeals is known as the "appellant";the other party is the "appellee. ─── 上诉的一方被称为上诉人,对方就是被上诉人。
50、a collegiate bench shall be formed by the court of second instance for the appellant case to hold a hearing. ─── 人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。
51、The Appellant facilitated the setting up of an independent committee comprised of local residents to run the hall as a village hall for the benefit of the local community. ─── 上诉人推动成立一个由当地居民组成的独立委员会来使大楼成为代表当地社区利益的村政厅。
52、The time limit for appeal and the competent appellant court. ─── 上诉期间和上诉的法院。
53、The administrative appellant with a legal representative or administrative appeal representative, her/his name, date of birth, domicile, or place of residence, and identification number. ─── 二有法定代理人或诉愿代理人者,其姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。
54、a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court's judgment or the granting of a new trial. ─── 一合法进行的上诉人去高一级的法院为了获得对低一级法院裁决的回审和推翻低一级法院判决或者获得一次新的审讯。
55、The attorney for the appealing party (the appellant) and the attorney for the party who won in the lower court (the appellee) file briefs, or written arguments, with the court of appeals. ─── 上诉方(上诉人)的辩护律师或在低级法院中胜诉方(被上诉人)的律师要将辩护状和书面论据提交给上诉法院。
56、The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal shall investigate evidence based according to the application of an administrative appellant or intervenor appellant. ─── 受理诉愿机关应依诉愿人或参加人之申请,调查证据。
57、The people's court, in handling appellant cases for which a ruling has been made, shall make a final ruling within 30 days after they have been placed on files for second instance. ─── 人民法院审理对裁定的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三十日内作出终审裁定。
58、Recognizance of Bail of Appellant ─── 上诉人的保释担保书
59、"The people's court shall, within five days after receiving the defence, serve a copy of it on the appellant. ─── 人民法院应当在收到答辩状之日起五日内将副本送达上诉人。
60、II. The first-instance judgment on the 13 square meters in respect of which the Appellant failed perform the contract is explicitly wrong in law implementation. ─── 二、一审法院对被上诉人未履约的13平米问题的判决,存在明显的执法错误。
61、shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing. ─── 关于上诉决定的通知应送达上诉人,做出该决定的理由应以书面形式提供。
62、OUTCOME: Judgment affirming the denial of appellant corporation's motion to dismiss an order and notice of assessment of delinquent contributions entered by appellee state was affirmed. ─── 判决结果:最高法院判决维持了下级法院的决定,否认了上诉人要求撤销被告(华盛顿州)做出的对拖欠的应纳金额进行评估的决议和通知的请求。
63、appellant cases adjudicated by intermediate and admiral court; ─── 对中级法院、海事法院判决和裁定提出上诉的案件;
64、The year is appel leap year if there are 13 months in the year. ─── 如果某一年有13个月,这一年就叫做闰年。
65、The Appellant’s Bundle will be comprised of documents adduced by the appellant as well as copies of authorities relied on by the appellant. ─── 上诉人文件叠的内容包括上诉人所呈示的文件、该人所倚赖的案例典据副本以及所有证人陈述书。
66、The people's court shall complete handling resolved appellant cases within three months after they have been placed on files for second instance. ─── 人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。
67、Not only in the education system in Tianjin Nankai.Establish a "zaro appel" model, within the transportation industry for the design of the thousands of professional and technical personnel. ─── 不仅在天津市南开教育系统内树立了“零投诉”的典范,为设计业界内输送了上万名的专业技术人才,形成了一套完善的、系统的就业体系。
68、An appeal was similarly unsuccessful,though the ruling of the First Circuit Court of Appeals acknowledged that " the appellant (Robert Higgins) toiled in a wretchedly hostile environment ..." ─── 复审也落败,虽然"第一巡回上诉法院"的裁决承认"上诉人(罗勃特·黑金斯)在一个充满敌意的恶劣环境中辛苦工作。
69、The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal ─── 上诉人还应被告知可进一步上诉的任何权利。
70、I. The first-instance court ascertained that the house lease contract executed between the Appellant and the Appellee on May 14, 1998 was invalid. This ruling is not law-based. ─── 一、一审法院认定1998年5月14日上诉人与被上诉人签订的房屋租赁合同为无效合同,与法无据。
71、But the current law only stipulates that the cost should be covered by the appellant. ─── 但现行法律只是规定了上诉费由当事人承担的原则,排除了一审法院承担上诉费的责任。
72、The appellant or participating party may, according to paragraph 3 of Article 63 of the Law of Administrative Appeal, attach reasons applying for statement of oral opinions. ─── 另诉愿人或参加人得附具理由,依本法第63条第3项规定,申请陈述意见。
73、appellant pending appeal ─── [法] 等候上诉者
74、When a judgment is pronounced, the litigant must be informed of his right to appeal , of the time limitation, and of the competent appellant court. ─── 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。
75、The appellant, Guangzhou NetEase Computer System Co., Ltd. can not be established in the grounds of the appeal, and "rejected the appeal and upheld the original ruling," the final verdict. ─── 上诉人广州网易计算机系统有限公司的上诉理由不能成立,并作出“驳回上诉,维持原裁定”的终审裁定。
76、The Appellant knew that he was at fault in this respect for which he offered no excuse. ─── 上诉人知道他对没有提供任何借口负有责任。
77、The appellant shall also be informed of any rights of further appeal . ─── 并应将进一步上诉的任何权利通知上诉人。
78、The Appellant intended to formalise those arrangements by creating a separate charity hall to which a lease of the hall would be granted at a peppercorn rent. ─── 上诉人试图通过签定一份极低的租金的租约,租用一独立的慈善大楼以使那些计划变成正式书面协议。
79、Notice of the decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing. ─── 关于上诉的决定应通知上诉人,作出该决定的理由应以书面形式提供。
80、The appellee will respond to the appellant's brief with its own legal arguments and interpretations of the facts from the record. ─── 被上诉人将用自己的法律论据及对记录中事实的解释来对此摘要做出回应。
81、The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal. ─── 上诉人还应被告知可进一步上诉的任何权利。
82、Appellant (Defendant in the Original Instance): China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing Corporation, located at No.52, Lane 8, Dongsi Subdistrict, Dongcheng District, Beijing. ─── 上诉人(原审被告)中国文联音像出版社,住所地北京市东城区东四八条52号。
83、The appellant will not normally be cross-examined if the former option is adopted but will be cross examined by representative of the Commissioner should the latter option be chosen. ─── 如选择前者,上诉人一般可无须接受盘问;但若选择后者,则须接受局长代表的盘问。
84、An appeal was similarly unsuccessful, though the ruling of the First Circuit Court of Appeals acknowledged that " the appellant (Robert Higgins) toiled in a wretchedly hostile environment ..." ─── 复审也落败,虽然"第一巡回上诉法院"的裁决承认"上诉人(罗勃特·黑金斯)在一个充满敌意的恶劣环境中辛苦工作。
85、8 Appeals were received by the Board in 2004-05, of which 6 were subsequently withdrawn by the appellant ─── 委员会在2004至05年度共接获8宗上诉个案,其中6宗随后由上诉人撤销
86、Therefore, the Appellant requests second-instance court to make a fair judgment on the basis of ascertaining all facts of this case. ─── 为此,上诉人恳请二审法院,能在基于依法查明本案全部事实的基础上,均衡执法,做出公正的裁判!
87、Any decision by any appellate body and the reasons therefore would be communicated in writing to the appellant, together with notification of any right to further appeal. ─── 任何上诉机关做出的任何决定及其理由均需以书面形式告知上诉人,并附关于进一步上诉的任何权利的通知。
88、Association of Private Providers of English Language, APPEL ─── 和新西兰私立语言培训机构协会
89、{Notice of the decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing. ─── 关于上诉的决定应通知上诉人,作出该决定的理由应以书面形式提供.
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