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08-09 投稿


anchorate 中文意思翻译



anchorate 相似词语短语

1、anchorite ─── n.隐士

2、anchorable ─── 可抛锚的

3、anchorettes ─── 锚具

4、anchorage ─── n.锚地;下锚;停泊税

5、anchorette ─── n.年轻且缺乏经验的女主持人

6、anchorets ─── n.隐士;隐者

7、anchorites ─── n.隐士

8、anchoret ─── n.隐士;隐者

9、anchorages ─── n.锚地;下锚;停泊税

anchorate 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、We lay at anchor outside the harbour. ─── 我们在港外抛锚停泊。

3、Hope is his only anchor. ─── 希望是他唯一的依靠。

4、Form where we lay anchor, we could see the ships in the offing. ─── 从我们抛锚的地方可以看到近海的船。

5、Look, Bruce. It is not in my power to give you anchor. ─── 你知道的,布鲁斯,我没有权力给你主持人的职位。

6、A piece of wood driven into a wall to act as an anchor for nails. ─── 受钉木敲进墙里用以钉钉子的一块木头

7、Now then, raise anchor and start that packing; we have wasted enough time. ─── 喂,快点动手包装吧,咱们已经耽误了不少时间。

8、Your house shall be not an anchor but a mast. ─── 你们的房屋别让它变成锚,而要它成为桅杆。

9、They brought the boat into the harbour and dropped(the)anchor. ─── 他们把船开进海港下锚停泊.

10、We let go the anchor at 6:45. ─── 我们6时45分下锚。

11、At what unknown Keya-forest-wharf will they anchor? ─── 会到哪个无名的柯亚森林码头落脚?

12、ANCHOR: Yes, she was very understated. ─── 一直以来她都很低调的。

13、In the Navy they throw the anchor overboard. ─── “在海军中,人们总是将锚抛出船去。”

14、So we dropped anchor, and swung out our cable toward the shore. ─── 我们于是抛锚停泊,把一条缆绳向岸上甩去。

15、Install the seat/shoulder belt anchor bolt . ─── 安装座椅/安全肩带系紧螺栓。

16、Just clear of the bottom. Used of an anchor. ─── (锚)刚被提离海底的刚从海底提起的。用于锚

17、The ship dragged its anchor durins the night. ─── 夜里,船把锚拖动了。

18、The anchor member returns the base result set T0. ─── 定位点成员返回基准结果集T0。

19、We are ready to drop the anchor. ─── 我们已经做好抛锚的准备了。

20、We will anchor the screws into the wall. ─── 我们将螺栓固定到墙内。

21、The anchor is used to jump to a specific part of an HTML page. ─── 定位点用于跳转到HTML页的特定部分。

22、To serve as an anchor for(a team or competition). ─── 压阵队员(队或比赛中)充当压阵的运动员

23、The anchor position is yours. I turned down the job. ─── 主持人是你,我辞掉了这次工作。

24、Who will run the anchor leg of your relay team? ─── 你队谁跑最后一棒?

25、He has no alternative but to use his sheet anchor. ─── 他别无选择,只得采用最后手段。

26、ANCHOR How would you evaluate President Bush as a speaker? ─── 你如何评价布什总统的演讲呢?

27、They brought the boat into the harbour and dropped (the) anchor. ─── 他们把船开进海港下锚停泊。

28、The anchor chain was spooling off. ─── 一直在放着锚链。

29、A thin metallic or plastic support fitted to the gums to anchor artificial teeth. ─── 假牙托安装在牙床上固定假牙的薄金属或塑料支持物

30、It's got an anchor in its tail. ─── 尾部有个固着器。

31、The anchor, when clicked, opens the smart tag panel. ─── 单击定位点时会打开智能标记面板。

32、We will make this table our reference point, or anchor. ─── 我们将把该表作为引用点或锚。

33、Three lead wires are soldered to the anchor terminals. ─── 在固定接线端子上焊有三根导线。

34、"They are heaving anchor!" said one of the boatmen to the other. ─── 他们已经在起锚了

35、Install guide plate and adjuster cable on anchor pin. ─── 将导向板和调整器钢缆安装到锚销上。

36、The anchor implant showed good stability in two situations. ─── 两种连接方式下,支枕种植体均显示出良好的德定性。

37、A small anchor with three or more flukes, especially one used for anchoring a small vessel. ─── 多爪小艇锚有三爪或更多爪的小锚,尤指用于停泊小船的

38、Wear safety belts provided and anchor them securely. ─── 佩带所提供的安全带,并确保扣紧。

39、He anchor ed the winning team. ─── 他担任胜队的最后一棒。

40、To release(a ship) from all but one anchor. ─── 将(一艘船)除了一个以外的所有锚都拉起

41、They heaved up the anchor by means of a donkey engine. ─── 他们用辅轨把锚拖起来。

42、Our best sprinter will run the anchor leg. ─── 我们最好的短跑选手跑最后一棒。

43、The 660 lb (300 kg) post is for use only as a single point anchor. ─── 660磅(300公斤)岗位发挥作用作为单点船锚。

44、Her pledge to remain faithful to him was his anchor when he was in prison. ─── 她对他忠贞不渝的保证是他服刑期间的精神支柱。

45、Set the value of the Label control's Anchor property to Right. ─── 将Label控件的Anchor属性的值设置为Right。

46、Never throw anchor and warp over side together. ─── 不要将锚和标绳一起放下。

47、At only fifty he swallowed the anchor and stayed ashore. ─── 他仅50岁,就终止了航海生涯,上岸居住。

48、Anchor at cultural, natural and modern places of interest. ─── 停靠集富人文、自然、现代景观。

49、Pay out the hawser fast. I don't want that anchor to drag. ─── 快放松粗绳,我不希望那锚被拖走。

50、Faith Daniels, the distaff anchor of the "CBS Early Morning News, " was ready to jump ship last week, following in the footsteps of her former sidekick, Forrest Sawyer, who skipped town last September. ─── “哥伦比亚广播公司早晨新闻”女主播丹尼尔斯,上周已决定跟随她的以前助手索耶(九月已离纽约)的脚步辞职。

51、On the way to the factory,our car cast anchor. ─── 在去工厂的路上,我们的车子抛锚了。

52、ANCHOR: But I mean her figure looked fabulous in it, didn't it? ─── 但是我认为穿上这身,她的身材显得棒级了.

53、Pick up the leeward anchor first. ─── 先起下风锚。

54、The lights by which we steer will bring us all safely to anchor. ─── 我们循着智慧的光辉航行,将平安地到达目的地。

55、 双语使用场景

56、The pull rod is screwed into the inside thread of the anchor head. ─── 将拉杆旋入锚头内的丝扣。

57、A light anchor used for warping a vessel. ─── 小锚用于拉曳船的较轻的锚

58、His assistance was her only anchor. ─── 他的援助是她的依靠。

59、We weighed anchor at dawn and headed straight for Qingdao. ─── 我们拂晓起航,直接向青岛开去。

60、We weighed anchor (= pulled it out of the water). ─── 我们起锚启航。

61、The car that I rent drop anchor after five kilometers are driven. ─── 我租的车行驶五公里后抛锚了。

62、Two major stores anchor each end of the shopping mall. ─── 两个主要商场位于商城两端

63、The brig is heaving around on the anchor. ─── 双桅横帆船围着锚转圈。

64、Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel. ─── 将抛锚短索、卸扣浮标吊给起锚船。

65、We rounder to and let go our anchor. ─── 我们使船顶风抛锚停泊。

66、His job promised to anchor his wildness. ─── 他的职业可望控制他的野性。

67、They lay at anchor outside the harbor. ─── 他们在港外抛锚停泊。

68、We lay at anchor outside the harbour . ─── 我们在港外抛锚停泊.

69、Port anchor seized up, Starboard anchor ready for letting to. ─── 左锚刹住,准备抛右锚。

70、Windlasses and anchor capstans for inland-waterway. ─── 内河船舶起锚机和起锚绞盘。

71、They weighed anchor and drifted toward shore. ─── 他们起了锚,向海岸漂去。

72、Can you anchor the boat in this storm ? ─── 在狂风暴雨中你能使船停泊吗?

73、The ship dragged its anchor during the night . ─── 夜里,船把锚拖动了。

74、Somehow or other he always comes to an anchor in the bar. ─── 不知怎么地,他老是泡在酒吧里。

75、Inspecting anchor throwing away appliance. ─── 弃锚装置检查。

77、They cast anchor at nightfall. ─── 他们傍晚抛锚停泊。

78、Quick and simple anchor fastening design. ─── 喜利得快速简易锚栓设计程序。

79、I found a huge stone for an anchor. ─── 我找到一块大石做锚。

80、To serve as an anchor for (a team or competition). ─── 压阵队员(队或比赛中)充当压阵的运动员

81、You must anchor in a different position.... ─── 你船必须在另一位置...抛锚。

82、At ports, cargo ships anchor near the docks. ─── 在港口,货船停靠在码头边。

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