accrescence 发音
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accrescence 中文意思翻译
accrescence 短语词组
1、accrescence definition ─── 增生定义
accrescence 相似词语短语
1、accrescences ─── n.添加;成长
2、acaulescence ─── n.无茎,短缩茎
3、acquiescence ─── n.默许;默从
4、accrescent ─── adj.增大的;成长的
5、excrescence ─── n.赘生物;瘤;赘疣;多余的东西
6、decrescence ─── n.减弱,减小;减退,衰减;苍白
7、increscence ─── n.渐增加;盈
8、arborescence ─── n.树状;树质
9、acescence ─── n.酸度;变酸过程
accrescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The accrescence of lumbar spine BMD could be positively correlated with the increased changes of body height, serum calcium and IGF-BP3. ─── 腰椎骨密度增加与治疗前后身高增加、血钙升高和IGF-BP3水平提高有关。
2、The accrescence rate of SAB of the patient with chronic hepatitis complic intrahepatic cholestasis has significance difference P05. ─── 慢性肝炎合并肝内胆汁淤积患者血清白蛋白在治疗后的增高也有显著性意义P0.
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