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08-09 投稿


dactyl 发音

英:['dæktɪl]  美:['dæktɪl]

英:  美:

dactyl 中文意思翻译



dactyl 网络释义

n. 强弱弱格(希腊·拉丁诗歌);扬抑抑格,长短短格(英国诗歌);[动] 趾

dactyl 短语词组

1、dactyl medical meaning ─── 指状医学意义

2、dactyl hill squad ─── 达克希尔小队

3、dactyl medical ─── 手足医学

4、dactyl manuform ─── 手指头

5、dactyl vs spondee ─── 达克特vs斯波迪

6、dactyl- ─── [医]指, 趾

7、dactyl cat ─── 指猫

8、dactyl vr ─── 手指vr

dactyl 词性/词形变化,dactyl变形

形容词: dactylic |副词: dactylically |

dactyl 相似词语短语

1、dactylic ─── adj.扬抑抑格的,长短格的;n.扬抑抑格之诗

2、dactyls ─── n.强弱弱格(希腊·拉丁诗歌);扬抑抑格,长短短格(英国诗歌);[动]趾

3、dactyl- ─── n.强弱弱格(希腊·拉丁诗歌);扬抑抑格,长短短格(英国诗歌);[动]趾

4、dactylus ─── n.长短短格;扬抑抑格;指节

5、dactylar ─── 指骨

6、dactylo- ─── 指-

7、-dactyly ─── -指

8、dactyli ─── n.长短短格;扬抑抑格;指节(同dactylus)

9、diacetyl ─── n.二乙酰

dactyl 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、abbreviated dactyl ─── 短缩末枝

2、The use of the word is analogous to its use in verse, with its traditional metrical units of iambus, trochee, dactyl and so on. ─── 节拍在此处的用途与其在诗文中长音节的抑扬短长等作用相似。

3、this image taken by the space probe galileo at a distance of 2 , 400 km captured ida and its tiny companion , dactyl. ─── 这幅照片由太空探测器伽利略号离小行星2,400公里处拍摄,依达与其卫星达克图清晰可见。

4、This one is the asteroid Ida. Note its little moon satellite, Dactyl, at the right. ─── 这是小行星依达,右方的小白点为其卫星达克图。

5、The megalopa of S. serrata has dactyl lower margin on the fifth abdominal segment which is different from three other Scylla species. ─── 花脚蟳大眼幼体在第五腹节具有指状下缘,与其他三种明显不同。

6、"dactyl:a metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented or of one long syllable followed by two short, as in flattery." ─── "扬抑抑格:诗韵的韵脚,由一个重音节紧接两个非重音节或一个长音节接两个短音节组成,如在flattery中."

7、Fugue of Death (1945). in which the ancient Greek rhyme and sentence structure are combined unanimously, is composed of fluent verses in dactyl rhyme. ─── 一般认为,诗成于1945。

8、this one is the asteroid ida . note its little moon satellite , dactyl , at the right. ─── 这是小行星依达,右方的小白点为其卫星达克图。

9、Lexicographical has this great pattern -- it's called a double dactyl. ─── 这个词有一种很棒的押韵,“扬抑抑格”。

10、The names Ida and Dactyl are based on characters in Greek mythology. ─── 爱达和载克太的名字来自希腊神话人物。

11、The megalopa of S. serrata has dactyl lower margin on the fifth abdominal segment which is different from three other Scylla species. ─── 花脚蟳大眼幼体在第五腹节具有指状下缘,与其他三种明显不同。

12、This one is the asteroid ida. note its little moon satellite, dactyl , at the right. ─── 这是小行星依达,右方的小白点为其卫星达克图。

13、Dactyl is the first moon of an asteroid ever discovered. ─── 载克太1号是迄今发现的首颗小行星卫星。

14、deformity of dactyl ─── 手指畸形

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