sinuosity 发音
英:[[ˌsɪnjʊ'ɒsɪtɪ]] 美:[[ˌsɪnjʊ'ɒsɪtɪ]]
英: 美:
sinuosity 中文意思翻译
sinuosity 词性/词形变化,sinuosity变形
名词复数: sinuosities |
sinuosity 短语词组
1、coefficient of sinuosity ─── 弯曲系数
2、sinuosity ratio ─── 弯曲比
sinuosity 相似词语短语
1、crinosity ─── n.多发(等于hairiness);多毛
2、sinuosities ─── n.弯曲;弯曲处;错综复杂;曲折度
3、vinosity ─── n.酒质;葡萄酒的特性
4、sensuosity ─── 审查
5、spinosity ─── 尖刻的话;难题
6、bibulosity ─── n.酗酒;酒癖
7、sabulosity ─── 剑性
8、virtuosity ─── n.精湛技巧;对艺术品的爱好;艺术爱好者
9、strenuosity ─── n.费力;艰辛;艰苦努力
sinuosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、turns out the average river has a sinuosity of about 3.14. ─── 证明,一般河流的曲折度约为3.14。
2、It turns out the average river has a sinuosity of about 3. 14. ─── 经证明,一般河流的曲折度约为3.
3、In the northern part of Daqing Oilfield,fluvial channel sandbodies such as sandy braided channel,meander channel,high sinuosity channel and low sinuosity channel are developed. ─── 大庆油田北部发育砂质辫状河道、曲流河道、高弯度分流河道和低弯度分流河道等砂体类型。
4、Its foliate meander in white and rose combines a vigorous sinuosity with a pronounced rhythmic irregularity giving a lively vitality to the pattern. ─── 白色叶状波纹和玫瑰花结合达到了显著的波状起伏效果,其具有鲜明节奏感的不规则性给该图案增添了栩栩如生的活力。
5、Study of Comparing Sedimentology in High-sinuosity River a nd Low-sinuosity River ─── 高弯曲与低弯曲河流比较沉积学研究——以长江上、下荆江段为例
6、sinuosity of river ─── 水龙折
7、The knowing and policies" justness path formed finally on the condition of long-term sinuosity and iteration. ─── 党的认识和政策是在曲折、反复中形成其正确走向的。
8、Distorted bends lead to a much larger channel sinuosity and smaller gradient, and thus flow velocity declines and water level becomes higher at equal water discharge. ─── 畸湾的发育使弯曲系数增大,河段比降减小,故流速减慢,因而在同流量下水位塞高;
9、On Development in Sinuosity--The Evolution of Political Modernization in Seychelles ─── 曲折中的发展:塞舌尔政治现代化论析
10、To Break Down the Psychological Obstacle in Students'Mentalities in Order to Improve the Effect of Teaching in High Jump with Back Sinuosity ─── 克服学生心理障碍提高背越式跳高教学效果
11、A case study is made for low sinuosity of distributary channel sandbody. ─── 对低弯度分流河道砂体开展了建模实例研究。
12、1. Mingled and integrated together, all these factors have resulted in sinuosity and changeability on Kaifeng's development. ─── 所有这些因素交融、整合在一起,共同造成了开封发展的曲折性和开封地位的多变性。
13、sinuosity Degree of meandering of a river channel. ─── 蜿蜓河峡道曲折的程度。
14、3. He saw how they set their little feet, how they carried their chins, with what grace and sinuosity they swung their bodies. ─── 他注意到她们如何迈出小巧的脚,如何微微扬起下巴,如何富有曲线美地用优美的姿势扭动身子。
15、The knowing and policies' justness path formed finally on the condition of long-term sinuosity and iteration. ─── 党的认识和政策是在曲折、反复中形成其正确走向的。
16、Today typography may be the subject and could replace figuration. The letter itself has become anthropometric and might draw from an S the sinuosity of the human body. ─── 今天排版也许会代替装饰成为主题。文本可能会根据人体测量而将其形状变成如人体的s型曲线。
17、4.The sinuosity or sinuosity ratio of a stream is expressed as the ratio of the length along the center line of the stream to the length along the valley. ─── 一条河流的弯曲率或弯曲比,是以沿该河中心线与沿其河谷长度之比来表示的。
18、Distributary plain facies sands body: 1).Meandering sands micro-facies, which represents large low sinuosity meandering disposition, and the channel sands is very large. 2). ─── 一是分流平原相砂体:1、曲流河砂体微相,代表大型低弯度的曲流河沉积,河道砂体规模很大;
19、On Development in Sinuosity--The Evolution of Political Modernization in Seychelles ─── 曲折中的发展:塞舌尔政治现代化论析
20、Channel is the main sediment conduit and deposition area.From updip to downdip area, the sinuosity of channel increases and the flow energy decreases. ─── 深水河道是物源的主要通道和沉积的重要场所,从上游至下游河道弯曲度增加,能量逐渐减弱。
21、Soil surface roughness is found to be highly related to the sinuosity, gradient and orientation of runoff path. ─── 地表糙度和径流路径蜿蜒度、梯度和方向性之间均具有较好的相关性。
22、sinuosity Degree of meandering of a river channel. ─── 蜿蜓河峡道曲折的程度。
23、Low sinuosity distributary sands micro-facies , whose sands body is relatively small, and on a gross sense the continuity of sands is good and there exists abandoned channel. 2. ─── 3、低弯曲分流砂体微相,砂体规模较小,总体来看砂体连续性好,有废弃河道存在。
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