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08-09 投稿


casualness 发音

英:['kæʒjuəlnis]  美:[ˈkæʒuəlnəs]

英:  美:

casualness 中文意思翻译



casualness 网络释义

n. 偶然;漫不经心;随便

casualness 短语词组

1、casualness and absence of deference ─── 漫不经心

2、casualness and absence ─── 漫不经心

3、casualness and absence of ─── 漫不经心

4、casualness of deference ─── 随和

casualness 相似词语短语

1、carnalness ─── 残忍

2、naturalness ─── n.当然,自然

3、unusualness ─── 不寻常性;奇异性

4、coequalness ─── n.同等;同权(coequal的变形)

5、factualness ─── 实性

6、usualness ─── 经常性,惯常(usual的变形)

7、sensualness ─── n.感觉性

8、casualise ─── 随便的

9、gradualness ─── n.逐渐;渐次;循序性

casualness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you think we should go casual? ─── 你觉得我们可以穿得随意些吗?

2、People found casual or seasonal work on farms. ─── 人们在农场上找到临时的或季节性的工作。

3、You can buy a pair of flat-heeled loafers for casual Fridays. ─── 你可以买一双平底学生鞋在星期五时穿。

4、He cut a casual figure in a job that paid $ 30,000 a month. ─── 他有一份月薪30,000元的工作,因此显得十分从容。

5、Well, Miss Huang, we are planning to have a casual get-together. ─── 嗯,黄小姐,我们打算大家小聚一番。

6、He earns a living by casual labour. ─── 他靠做临时工为生。

7、Casual conversation with many of my colleagues became a rarity. ─── 同许多同事闲谈也成了难得有的事。

8、To solve the problem in this way is too casual. ─── 你这样解决问题未免太随便了。

9、Why should you strain at a few casual remarks ? ─── 你何必为几句随口说的话而大惊小怪呢?

10、He alternates between casual and elegant attire. ─── 他在便装和套装中做出选择。

11、I feel my talents are more than worth any casualness. ─── 我觉得我的才能比休闲更有价值。

12、Casual shirts are over here. Come with me please. ─── 休闲衬衫在那边。请跟我来。

13、Casual dress is becoming more and more fashionable. ─── 休闲服装变得越来越流行了。

14、He earned a living by casual labour. ─── 他靠打短工度日。

15、He is apt to read significance into every casual remark. ─── 他喜欢在每一句随便说的话中寻找弦外之音。

16、T-shirts, the epitome of American casualness, have moved upmarket. ─── T恤,美国人的随意的标志,已提升至高档商品之列。

17、He worked as a casual laborer and did not earn much. ─── 他当临时工,没有赚多少钱。

18、If use as hearth, casual can mix in food. ─── 假如用作灶台,不经意间就会混到食品里。

19、But we take on casual staff when we need them. ─── 但有需要时我们也会雇临时工。

20、To the casual observer, the system appears confusing. ─── 乍看起来,这个系统好像条理不清。

21、Jim is a casual labourer,he can't find a proper job anywhere. ─── 吉姆是个临时工,他到处找不到正式工作。

22、He is strongly opposed to giving casual holidays. ─── 他坚决反对无故临时放假。

23、Be sure to tell him not to dress up. It's a casual party, you know. ─── 告诉他不要穿得太隆重。你知道这是个非正式的聚会。

24、Assist to HR affair and statistics of casual worker workhours. ─── 协助进行工厂内简单的人事工作,每月末统计外来工时。

25、Wear jeans or casual pants and a nice shirt and a jacket or a blazer. ─── 下身穿牛仔裤或休闲裤,上身穿件讲究的衬衫配夹克或宽松的外衣。

26、"Oh, that's all right." Her voice was casual. ─── “啊,没关系。”她的音调很轻松。

27、A casual light lights up a blankness after a long wait. ─── 因为偶然的光亮,照彻了久久等待后的茫然。

28、He sidled past, trying to seem casual . ─── 他悄悄地溜了过去,竭力装作漫不经心的样子.

29、A stranger with whom casual acquaintance is made, usually in anticipation of sexual relations. ─── 勾搭上的人随便结识的陌生人,通常是在期望性关系中结识的人

30、She paid him back for his casual infidelity . ─── 为了他有时对她不忠,她报复他。

31、Why should you strain at a few casual remarks? ─── 何必为随口说说的话大惊小怪呢?

32、Office casual typically means carefully tailored,well made casual clothes. ─── 办公室便装往往指的是裁剪精心、做工讲究的便装。

33、A triple-play casual games, compare Nai Wan. ─── 一款三合一的休闲游戏,比较耐玩。

34、But I know it's going to be more casual. ─── 但我知道会要求比较随便的穿着。

35、He shut the door and joined the others with a very casual air. ─── 他把门关上,又带着若无其事的神情来到大家中间。

36、It's obvious even to the casual observer. ─── 即便再马虎的人也能一眼看明白是怎么回事。

37、He prefers casual jeans than well-designed uniform. ─── 他喜欢随意的牛仔甚于设计精美的制服。

38、It was her casual manner that annoyed me. ─── 令我大为光火的是她那无所谓的态度。

39、Casual and athletic merge in the Faze. ─── 休闲和运动结合的款式;

40、His casual remark trigger a political storm. ─── 他一句戏言引发一场政治风暴。

41、Where did you get the smart casual shoes? ─── 你从哪里买到那双好看的便鞋的?

42、He likes wearing casual attires at usual time. ─── 他平时喜欢休闲服装。

43、He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones. ─── 他穿着他的便服,不是他的校服。

44、He sidled past, trying to seem casual. ─── 他悄悄地溜了过去,竭力装作漫不经心的样子。

45、Do you want a dress shirt or a casual shirt? ─── 你想买西装衬衣还是休闲衬衫?

46、Casual sex needn’t be disrespectful. ─── 偶然的性经历也不一定就意味着不尊重对方。

47、She paid him back for his casual infidelity. ─── 为了他有时对她不忠,她报复他。

48、You should dress down a little, this is a very casual dinner. ─── 你应该穿得轻松一点。晚餐不是正式的。

49、He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. ─── 他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。

50、You can make the shoes go from casual to dressy. ─── 你可以根据临时的衣着来选鞋子(搭配)。

51、Susan paid him back for his casual infidelity. ─── 他有时对苏珊不忠,所以苏珊报复了他。

52、He filmed at the casualness of the Waiter. ─── 他为服务员漫不精心的态度大为恼火。

53、His casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion. ─── 他的便服,不适宜在这样正式的场合穿。

54、the overconfidence company's casualness and uncertainty on distributing dividends is more obvious; ─── 管理者过度自信公司分配股利的随意性和不确定性更大;

55、His attitude to his job is rather casual. ─── 他的工作态度不太认真。

56、His casual style of dress was improper for a formal dinner. ─── 他随便的衣着对正式宴会来说是不适当的。

57、They signed on a large number of casual laborers last week. ─── 他们在上星期招了好些临时工。

58、He cut a casual figure in a job that paid$30,000 a month. ─── 他有一份月薪30,000元的工作,因此显得十分从容。

59、He loved to present such pieces of information with a casual air. ─── 他喜欢信口开河。

60、Add a scarf for a casual effect. ─── 再围上一条围巾以显得随便些。

61、Does casual need to sign labor contract? ─── 临时工需要签劳动合同吗?

62、The story happens to us is always so casual. ─── 发生在我们身上的故事总是那么偶然。

63、He likes casual attires. ─── 他喜欢休闲服装。

64、I dressed down for such a casual occasion. ─── 在这样非正式的场合,我穿着随便

65、THQ produced casual game of chess. ─── THQ出品的棋类休闲小游戏。

66、Unfortunately, she doesn't have anything except casual clothes. ─── 不幸的是,她除了休闲装以外,没别的衣服。

67、No, no. Only some people wear this clothing. It's casual clothing. ─── 不是。只有一些人穿。这些是休闲服。

68、Charging an entry fee for museums will not affect the casual. ─── 参观博物馆要收费对那些偶尔去一次的人不会有太大影响。

69、In today, our discourse on problems has lost the envisioned casualness, grace and tender. ─── 如今,我们谈论问题,已经失去了想象中的那张闲适、雅致、温和。

70、They employ casual labor to pick the fruit. ─── 他们雇用临时工摘水果。

71、They bade one another a casual goodbye and parted. ─── 他们随便说声再见便分手了。

72、Casual has influence to enjoy likewise. ─── 临时工同样有权力享受。

73、She introduced herself with studied casualness. ─── 她故作轻松地做了自我介绍。

74、He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate. ─── 他确信那似乎漫不经心的姿态是有意装出来的。

75、Kids today lean toward casual clothes . ─── 今天的孩子倾向于穿随便的衣服。

76、He fumed at the casualness of the waiter who kept him waiting for half- an- hour and them served half-cold soup. ─── 那个服务员让他等了半小时然后才送上一碗半冷不热的汤来,他对这种漫不经心的服务态度很恼火。

77、He took casual job to support the family. ─── 他做些临时性的工作来养家。

78、Because HIV is a disease that is transmitted through fluids, casual contact usually does not do that. ─── 因为爱滋病都是通过体液传播的,一般的接触不会引起疾病传播。

79、He was wearing casual clothes. ─── 他穿着便服。

80、He replied with a casual air. ─── 他漫不经心地回答。

81、A casual remark sparked off the trouble. ─── 不经心的一句话惹出麻烦来。

82、They prefer to be casual and more informal. ─── 他们更崇尚随意和不拘小节;

83、He is always warm and friendly to everyone, giving an impression of casualness, yet he seems to be a little bit thinking too much. ─── 他平时对谁都十分的热情友好,给人感觉大大咧咧,又好像有点想的太多。

84、He read love into her casual friendliness. ─── 他把她偶然表示的友好误解为爱情。

85、A casual newspaper reader wouldn't like articles on politics everyday. ─── 不经心的报纸读者不会喜欢每天都有政论文章。

86、How much are the casual parking fees? ─── 停车的日租费多少呢?

87、He tried to sound casual, but I knew he was worried. ─── 他讲话时试图显得不在乎,但我知道他心里着急。

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