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08-09 投稿


vector 发音

英:[ˈvektər]  美:[ˈvektə(r)]

英:  美:

vector 中文意思翻译




vector 常用词组

vector space ─── n. [数]向量空间

expression vector ─── 表达载体

normal vector ─── 法向量;法向向量;法向矢量

vector 短语词组

1、basis vector ─── [计] 基底向量

2、augmented feature vector ─── [计] 增广特征向量

3、absolute vector ─── [计] 绝对向量

4、argument vector ─── [计] 变元向量

5、base vector ─── [计] 基向量, 基矢量

6、Burgers vector ─── [化] 伯格斯矢量

7、biological vector ─── [医] 生物性媒介物

8、centroid vector ─── [计] 质心向量, 分类向量

9、cass vector ─── [计] 分类向量

10、bit vector ─── [计] 位向量

11、branch vector ─── [计] 转移向量, 分支向量

12、capability vector machine ─── [计] 权力向量机

13、artificial vector ─── [计] 人为向量

14、cellular vector computer ─── [计] 细胞结构向量机

15、array information vector table ─── [计] 数组信息向量表

16、activity vector ─── [计] 活动向量

17、address vector ─── [计] 地址向量

18、array vector ─── [计] 数组向量

19、axial vector ─── [计] 轴向量 ─── [化] 轴矢; 轴矢量

vector 词性/词形变化,vector变形


vector 相似词语短语

1、sector ─── n.部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺;vt.把…分成扇形

2、victor ─── n.胜利者;n.(Victor)人名;(俄、罗、保、匈)维克托

3、lector ─── n.讲师;助理牧师;(教堂礼拜时的)读经者

4、vectored ─── n.矢量;带菌者;航线;vt.用无线电导航

5、ejector ─── n.[机]喷射器;驱逐者;推出器;排出器

6、Hector ─── n.赫克托(男子名);荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中的一勇士名

7、vectors ─── n.[数]向量(vector的复数);航向;航线;弹道,轨道;带菌者;v.推动…前进;指引(vector的第三人称单数)

8、rector ─── n.校长;院长;教区牧师;n.(Rector)人名;(英)雷克托

9、Spector ─── n.斯佩克特(姓氏)

vector 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Everything is a vector" - APL. "Everything is a vector" - APL. ─── “一切都是向量”-APL语言。“一切都是向量”-APL语言。

2、It is an enhanced distance vector routing protocol. ─── 它是增强的距离向量路由协定。

3、Request radar vector to KC if available. ─── 如可能,请求雷达引导到KC。

4、The next page will compare OSPF to distance vector protocols. ─── 下一页将比较OSPF和距离向量协定。

5、That vector is called a "null vector". ─── 那种矢量就叫做”零矢量“。

6、Free vector brand logotypes in CDR, EPS and WMF formats. ─── 免费载体的品牌标示的CDR,每股收益和WMF的格式。

7、VPE? Vector Processing Element? ─── 向量处理单元?

8、SVG is a major breakthrough in bringing vector graphics to the Web. ─── SVG为网上矢量图形带来重大突破。

9、As a rule, this problem occurs if you use a vector editor for drawing icons. ─── 作为一个规则,这个问题在你使用矢量绘图工具绘图时存在。

10、A property that can be quantitatively described, such as the volume of a sphere or the length of a vector. ─── 可量化的值可以用数字形式描述出来的特性,例如球体的面积或者向量的长度

11、Multiplies each vector in an array by the matrix. ─── 将数组中的每个矢量与矩阵相乘。

12、Download all the flags of the world in vector format. ─── 下载所有的旗帜的世界矢量格式。

13、Initializes a new instance of the Vector structure. ─── 初始化Vector结构的新实例。

14、Translates the world transform of the Windows Form by a vector (100, 0). ─── 将Windows窗体的世界变换平移一个向量(100,0)。

15、spu_insert is used to put a scalar value into a specific element of a vector. ─── spu_insert用来将一个标量值放入向量的某个特定元素中。

16、Vector Bundles and the Differential: The Tangent Bundle. ─── 向量丛和微分:切丛。

17、By SIMD means, it can flexibly support computations of multi-dimension vector. ─── 并能以单指令流多数据流的方式灵活支持多维向量运算;

18、A new shuttle promoter-probe vector pNW33N-mpd was constrcted with the E. ─── 利用大肠杆菌-枯草杆菌穿梭载体pNW33N与mpd基因构建了穿梭启动子探针pNW33N-mpd。

19、Other: learn to tell time, puzzle of famous paintings, vector drawing. ─── 其他:学习看时间,著名画作的猜谜,矢量绘图。

20、Projects the current vector from screen space into object space. ─── 将当前向量从屏幕空间投影到对象空间。

21、Nagase Mother Goose One, please keep your current vector. ─── 保持你现在的行驶方向。

22、Nothing, because you can't cross a scaler and a vector. ─── 什麽都不是,因为爬山者(数量)和吸血虫(向量)不能交配(以叉积处理)

23、Projects the specified vector from screen space into object space. ─── 将指定向量从屏幕空间投影到对象空间。

24、Download free Joker cards in vector format. ─── 免费下载小丑卡的矢量格式。

25、These are inserted into a cloning vector. ─── 它们被插入克隆载体。

26、Vector products arise frequently in this book in a number of contexts. ─── 在本书的许多场合中经常要出现矢量积。

27、Vector is a useless survival, or offshoot from quaternions. ─── 向量是无用的幸存物或四元数的无价值的支流。

28、That is transitory or semipersistent in its vector. ─── 在它的介体中是属于中间的或半持久的。

29、Quantizer of Image Vector Based on F. ─── 基于分形的图像矢量量化器。

30、It is interesting for him to study the derivative of a vector. ─── 对他来说,研究矢量的导数是很有趣的事。

31、Projects a vector from object space into screen space. ─── 将向量从对象空间投影到屏幕空间。

32、This research intended to construct a eukaryotic expression vector with a site-directed mutation of porcine MSTN propeptide gene. ─── 本研究旨在构建具有猪 MSTN 前肽基因定点突变的真核表达载体。

33、You can find many cool and free vector icons and images here. ─── 你可以找到许多冷静和自由矢量图标和图片在这里。

34、In the helicopter example, the eight flight times become the raw data vector. ─── 在纸飞机的实例中,8次飞行的时间成为原数据矢量。

35、This prepares the loop to process the next block with an initial vector equal to the result of the first block. ─── 于是循环可以用与第一块的结果相等的初始矢量处理下一块。

36、Computes the circulant matrix of a vector. ─── (译):计算循环矩阵的载体。

37、The following paragraphs are a necessary digression to define and illustrate several important vector operations. ─── 下面有必要先离题来确定和说明一些重要的矢量运算。

38、The norm of a quaternion is similar to that of a vector. ─── 四元数的平均值与矢量的有点相似。

39、Free vector images in Japanese cartoon style. ─── 免费矢量图片日本卡通风格。

40、One is to say that the vector field is a gradient in a certain region of a plane. ─── 一个是向量场,在给定平面区域内是梯度场。

41、Projects a vector from screen space into object space. ─── 将向量从屏幕空间投影到对象空间。

42、The LOOKUP function has two syntax forms: the vector form and the array form. ─── LOOKUP函数有两种语法形式:向量形式和数组形式。

43、Results: Anopheles sinensis was the only vector and was not Anopheles anthropophagus , nay. Anopheles sinensis was not dominant species. ─── 结果:未发现嗜人按蚊,中华按蚊为舟山市唯一传疟媒介,且为非优势蚊种。

44、Projects the specified vector from object space into screen space. ─── 将指定向量从对象空间投影到屏幕空间。

45、There was a hypothesis that this vector potential represents the real flow of something in the ether. ─── 有一种假说认为这种矢量电势代表着无线电中真正流动的东西。

46、The vector Z is known as the state vector of the system. ─── 向量Z称为系统的状态向量。

47、An element of a vector space. ─── 向量元素:向量空间的元素。

48、The situations of radom and nonradom input vector are respectively studied. ─── 分别对输入是随机量与非随机量进行了研究。

49、A vector is defined by a direction as well as a magnitude. ─── 一个矢量要用大小和方向来表示。

50、An expression that is the sum of a real number and a vector and that contains four terms, one real and three imaginary. ─── 四元数一实数和一矢量的和的表达式,有四个项,一个为实数项,另外三个为虚数项

51、Vector Map Data Compression with Wavelets. ─── 小波向量地图数据压缩。

52、Projects the current vector from object space into screen space. ─── 将当前向量从对象空间投影到屏幕空间。

53、The magnitudes of the rectangular components of a vector are easily computed. ─── 一个矢量的正交分量的大小是很容易计算的。

54、Returning on a vector ten-nine-six, full burn. ─── 侦察机:返回矢量10-9-6,充足燃烧。

55、The dot product of a pseudovector and a vector is called a pseudoscalar. ─── 一个赝矢量和一个矢量的标识称为赝标量。

56、I.Boldea and S.A.Nasar, Vector Control of AC Drives, CRC Press, 1992. ─── 刘昌焕,“交流电机控制”,东华书局,中华民国九十二年五月。

57、It should be clear that vector addition is commutative. ─── 可清楚地看0剑0矢量加法满足对易律。

58、An online gallery of free vector graphics. ─── 一个电子相册免费矢量图形。

59、IGRP is a distance vector IGP. ─── IGRP是一种距离向量IGP。

60、A place where you can upload and download free vector graphics. ─── 在这里,您可以上传和下载免费的矢量图形。

61、So, CAV-2 has potentiality to develop into live vaccine vector. ─── 因此,CAV-2具有发展成为活疫苗载体的潜力。

62、The elements of the vector are the redundants which can be obtained by solving. ─── 列向量的诸元素为诸赘余力,可求解方程来得到。

63、Two vector quantities which are equal need not have the same physical effect. ─── 两个相等的矢量并不一定有相同的物理效果。

64、VCP? Vector Communication Processor? ─── 向量通信处理器?

65、Isospin is a vector quantity. ─── 同位旋是矢量。

66、The bit vector occupies (n_nullable+7)/8 bytes. ─── 位向量占用了(可空的列数+7)/8字节。

67、The Vector MP range is the market's most complete response to this challenge. ─── Vector MP系列是市场上针对这一挑战的最完整回应。

68、Returns a new vector with the results of running block once for every elements. ─── 依次为矢量的各元素进行块的迭代操作,并以矢量的形式返回结果。

69、Remove used tokens from the vector and put the result in their place. ─── 从向量中除去用过的符号并在同一位置放入结果。

70、Free vector wallpapers and vector backgrounds. ─── 免费矢量壁纸和载体的背景。

71、Vector control of inverter allowed power factor regulation of the windmill. ─── 对网侧逆变器采用矢量控制来调节风电系统的功率因数。

72、The process of axiomatization of vector theory is also studied. ─── 另外还简单介绍了向量的公理化过程。

73、VPS? Vector Processor System? ─── 向量处理器系统?

74、The above results indicated that chigger mite is atransmitting vector of HFRSV. ─── 以上结果为恙螨的媒介意义提供了具有分子水平的直接证据,对HFRS的流行病学和预防具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

75、Colorful Labels Vector 1 AI |1 EPS |1 CDR | Jpeg &PDF preview | 3,7 Mb RA... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐2推荐收藏多彩标签矢量图查看全文2008-08-0410:52:36

76、Major transmission routes: Ixodes is the major transmitting vector. ─── 主要传播方式:硬蜱是其主要传播媒介。

77、Translates the transform matrix by a vector (200, 100). ─── 将变换矩阵平移一个向量(200,100)。

78、It uses a combination of distance vector and link-state features. ─── 它使用距离向量和链路状态特徵的结合。

79、Vector nature of angular momentum, precession, conservation of vector angular momentum (its transfer between parts of a system), nutation. ─── 角动量的向量特性,进动,角动量守恒(它在系统内部之间的转移),章动。

80、expressing vector of major outer-membrane protein of Chlamydia psittaci was constructed. ─── 构建了鹦鹉热衣原体主要外膜蛋白的表达载体。

81、Wavelet and support vector machine are used to classify the audio clips. ─── 使用小波变换和支持向量机的方法对音频进行分类。

82、Provides free vector illustration file downloads in .eps and .ai files. ─── 免费提供载体说明文件下载。每股收益和。爱的文件。

83、Neither vector nor reservoir has been discovered and proved. ─── 媒介和贮主至今都没曾得到发现和证实。

84、The sky vector may not be a null vector. ─── 天空向量不能是空向量。

85、The average flight time becomes a second vector. ─── 平均的飞行时间做为第二个矢量。

86、The Derivative of a Map between Vector Spaces. ─── 向量空间之间映射的微分。

87、Wind Stress Vector over Ocean Waves. ─── 作用于海洋波的风应力矢量。

88、The Vector class implements a growable array of objects. ─── Vector类实现了一个可增长对象数组。

89、The bit vector occupies( n_ nullable+7)/8 bytes. ─── 位向量占用了(空的列数+)8字节。

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