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08-09 投稿


dictated 发音

英:[dɪkˈteɪtɪd]  美:[ˈdɪkteɪtɪd]

英:  美:

dictated 中文意思翻译



dictated 词性/词形变化,dictated变形

动词现在分词: dictating |动词第三人称单数: dictates |动词过去式: dictated |动词过去分词: dictated |

dictated 短语词组

1、dictated to ─── 命令向…口授依仗权势把…强加于

2、dictated will ─── [法] 代笔遗嘱

3、dictated testament ─── [法] 代笔遗嘱

dictated 反义词

obey |submit

dictated 同义词

speak | charge | suggest | principle | prescription | recommend | injunction | determine | tenet | state | direct | verbalize | order | ordain | lay down | have a bearing on | precept | instruct | demand | decree | command | advise | standard |rule | influence | say | prescribe

dictated 相似词语短语

1、redictated ─── 重做

2、nictated ─── vi.眨眼;瞬目

3、dichted ─── 不透明度

4、dentated ─── 有牙齿的,有齿状突的,有齿状物的,有凹口的

5、dictator ─── n.独裁者;命令者

6、digitated ─── (动物)有趾的

7、dictates ─── 规定;命令;使听写;影响;使人相信

8、dictate ─── vt.命令;口述;使听写;vi.口述;听写;n.命令;指示

9、dicted ─── 听写

dictated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、History dictated that he also became an accidental bioethicist. ─── 历史使然,他也意外的成为一个生物伦理学家。

2、For many animals, the sex of an individual is dictated solely by its chromosomes.But for small alpine lizards, gender isn’t so cut-and-dried. ─── 对很多种动物而言,个体的性别完全由它的染色体决定,但对小小的阿尔卑斯蜥蜴来说,决定性别的方式就与众不同多了。

3、I dictated the lyrics of WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN and YESTERDAY ONCE MORE once again this afternoon. ─── 今天下午,我听写了一遍《当男人爱上女人》和《昨日重现》的歌词。

4、"He had a clear idea for this bad guy who plays by his own set of rules, whose moral code is dictated by his fee," says Filoni. ─── “对于这个以自己的一套规矩行事,其道德准则由赏金支配的反派,他(卢卡斯)有清晰的概念。”

5、The reflecting power of the earth is primarily dictated by the proportion of cloud and snow cover. ─── 地球的反射率主要是由云和雪覆盖的部分决定的。

6、Themistes, Themises, the plural of Themis, are the awards themselves, divinely dictated to the judge. ─── 地美士第,即地美西斯,是“地美士”的复数,意指审判的本身,是由神授予法官的。

7、He refused to be dictated to. ─── 他拒绝听命于他人。

8、"I don't think we've controlled a game like that from the very first minute, dictated it and bossed it that way before or for so long. ─── “我所指的不仅仅是在欧洲赛场上,我是说在我们踢过的所有比赛里,也找不出一场比对阵皇马时发挥更好的比赛。”

9、However, if your reply is in negative, then I am sorry to say that you are like millions of other people who are living the life being dictated by others. ─── 不过,如果你的答复是否定的,那么对不起,你千万别像那些生活在服从他人的生命。

10、The reform of the international financial architecture should not be dictated by the priorities of the financial market lobbies. ─── 国际金融架构的改革不应受到金融市场人士的游说力量所支配。

11、According to a statement issued by the Palace in Rabat, the “step was taken as an exceptional measure dictated by the principles of solidarity and good neighborliness. ─── 双方在联合声明中指出:此举是在睦邻友好原则上采取的一项特殊措施。

12、The location of the instability zones is dictated by the combustor geometry and the steady-state combustion characteristics. ─── 不稳定性区域的位置取决于燃烧室几何特性和稳定燃烧特性。

13、Even in case of an unconditional surrender, when the terms are dictated by the victor, they should nevertheless be embodied in a written capitulation as soon as practicable. ─── 即使在无条件投降的情形,由胜方口述投降条件时,亦应于最快时间内制作成书面文字。

14、He dictated a letter to his secretary. ─── 他向秘书口授信稿。

15、AMDS is the only 3D EM antenna design tool that addresses the challenges of fast changing wireless appliance design dictated by consumer aesthetic and feature appetite. ─── AMDS是唯一的一款三维电磁天线设计工具,帮助你啊面对瞬息万变的无线设备的设计的挑战,造型设计迎合消费者的审美潮流。

16、The National Security Council, through which the generals often dictated foreign and domestic policy, has been downgraded to an advisory role. ─── 国家安全委员会作为军部在国内外政策上指手划脚的工具,已经降级为一个顾问的角色。

17、That, in turn, is dictated when his voice breaks during the testosterone surges of puberty, so it may give away something about his hormonal status. ─── 反过来,在变声发生的青春期雄性激素分泌高涨的期间,音域也是早已被决定好了的,因此它也就能告知该男性的荷尔蒙水平的相关信息。

18、He knew that their karma dictated that they would be together in various incarnations. ─── 他知道,他们的缘分会让他们来生来世里都永远在一起。

19、Tudsbury rushed to the Raffles and dictated this hot story to Pamela. ─── 塔茨伯利冲到拉福尔旅馆,对帕米拉口述了这个最新消息。

20、She dictated a letter to her secretary. ─── 他对他的秘书口授一封信。

21、Carriage-return behavior, new line generation, indenting, and so on are all dictated by the respective language formatter. ─── 回车行为、生成新行、缩进等等都是由相应的语言格式化程序规定的。

22、When Yitzhak presented the award to me, he insisted that, as the honoree, I stand on his right, even though protocol dictated that foreign leaders stand on the Presidents right. ─── 伊扎克给我颁奖时,他坚持强调,我作为领奖人应该站在他的右边,虽然按照外交礼仪,外国领导人应该站在总统右边。

23、She refused to be dictated to by anyone. ─── 她不愿受任何人摆布。

24、And they resisted pressure to revalue their currency upward, as market forces would have dictated, because they feared the consequences. ─── 即使市场的力量要求如此,他们也抗拒着不愿使自己的货币升值,因为他们很担心其后果。

25、The letter he wrote was dictated by his father. ─── 他写的这封信是他父亲口授的。

26、In-built accelerometers in some phones may also be useful in inferring broad classes of user-motion, often dictated by the nature of the place. ─── 在一些手机的内置加速计可以推断用户的主要运动类型,而运动类型主要由所处的位置决定。

27、Synchronous: In data transmission, signals co-ordinate by timing pulses. Blocks of data are transmitted at a measured rate dictated by timing devices at both ends of the interface. ─── 同步:在数据传送中,用时间脉动协调讯号。即在接驳器的两边,用时间器命令一组数据,以适当节拍传送的情况。

28、King at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years'War,had dictated her measurements and armament. ─── 国王,当时正处在“三十年”战争中军事成就的顶峰时期,曾规定了这艘船的规模和武器装备。

29、Nor is it fair to say that Obama's have-it-both-ways position meant that black voters were going to march sheeplike to the polls and vote as Obama dictated. ─── 同样,说奥巴马两面讨好的立场,使黑人们涌向投票点、按奥巴马的意图投票,也是不公平的。

30、The clumsy arrangement was dictated by necessity but neither made any attempt to change it. ─── 双方必须以笨拙的口述来安排工作,但却没人试图去改变。

31、The director dictated to her secretary. ─── 主任向她的秘书作口授。

32、The demand side of any marketplace is dictated by the tastes and incomes of the users of final products. ─── 任何市场的需求方面都取决于最终产品的使用者的偏好和收入。

33、Every action, every word, was dictated to a great extent by his desire to make a good impression. ─── 那种想要给人一个好印象的心理就会在很大程度上影响到他的每一个动作,每一句话。

34、Figure 2-1: The way engineers must build software is often a given, dictated by various technical and business constraints. ─── 图2-1 工程师开发软件的方式通常是给定的,并且常常受制于技术和业务上的限制。

35、She won't allow herself to be dictated to. ─── 她不会听人摆布的。

36、When in FK, do the arms last. The motion of the arms is almost always dictated by the torso. ─── 如果使用FK,、最后做手臂。手臂的摆动通常依附于驱赶。

37、World fashion used to be dictated almost entirely by the European designers. ─── 世界时装潮流过去几乎都是由欧洲设计师所引导的。

38、The first book of Chinese embroidery technique was dictated by an accomplished embroiderer, Shen Shou and recorded by Zhang Jian. ─── 在中国刺绣技术的第一本书是出于一个完成的刺绣,申手和章机厂记录。

39、The conqueror dictated the surrender terms. ─── 占领者提出投降的条件。

40、As you might expect, the approach Evans takes onto the pitch is dictated by his central defensive partner. ─── 你能猜到,埃文斯在场上还只是搭档手下的小兵。

41、A pause in a line of verse dictated by sense or natural speech rhythm rather than by metrics. ─── 休止,中断几行诗文之间的停顿,受意义和自然韵律而非节奏的支配

42、An offer by a landowner to develop the land in a manner dictated by a potential tenant, in return for a long-term lease from the tenant for the developed land. ─── 地主向一个潜在客户提出的、按其要求开发土地的提议,以求获得该客户长期租约作为回报。

43、Dictated A status in which information has been orally recorded but not yet transcribed. ─── 口述录音的资讯被以口述纪录但还没抄写到电脑中的状态。

44、It was memorized by Muhammad, who then dictated it to his Companions. They, in turn, memorized it, wrote it down, and reviewed it with the Prophet Muhammad . ─── 它由穆罕默德记诵,再对他的追随者口述。他们依次记诵并写下它,再与先知穆罕默德一起校阅。

45、He dictated a letter to his secretary. ─── 他向秘书口授信稿。

46、Of, relating to, or intended for the consumption or preparation of milk or milk products exclusively, as dictated by dietary law. ─── 奶制品管理法饮食法中所规定的,或与之有关的,或打算只限于消费或配制牛奶或奶制品的

47、The styles that emerge are often dictated by the technology itself. ─── 它所展示的音乐风格通常受其自身技术支配。

48、Supplied by AEI are guaranteed to meet import requirements as dictated by China/Canada &China/UAS Health and protocols. ─── AEI一直保障出口种畜、胚胎和精液的质量,并符合中、美、加政府间的动物检疫规定。

49、Oh! do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch. ─── 噢!不要拿你的表来压我。表往往不是快就是慢。我可不能让表来支配我。

50、Your choices are yours to make and can never be dictated by others. ─── 你的选择由你自己做,别人绝不能左右你。

51、An early critic of the high-stakes testing dictated by the No Child Left Behind Act, Christensen told Time magazine last year he had informed the U. ─── 他不仅改变着美国中西部各州的公立学校,也引起了全国范围内教育工作者的注意。

52、The Lenten fast dictated that the simnel cake had to keep until Easter. ─── 四旬斋斋戒说这种重油水果蛋糕必须一直保留至复活节。

53、A physician testifying on causation issues will be asked to opine in the form dictated by the legal rule. ─── 为因果问题提供证词的医生会被要求以法律规定要求的形式出具其证词。

54、The latter is fixed and rigid; it is not a stimulus to intelligence in the given situation, but is an externally dictated order to do such and such things. ─── 从外面强加给活动过程的目的是固定的,呆板的;这种目的不能在特定情境下激发智慧,不过是从外面发出的做这样那样事情的命令。

55、"This choice must be respected, even though we do not share it, only incase it is dictated by purely technical needs, which are entirely theresponsibility of the coach," it says. ─── “这种选择必须得到尊重,即使我们不同意,只有在这种情况下,它是出于纯技术需求,这是完全是教练的职责。”它说。

56、Indeed, the very shape and nature of working lives are being dictated by technology. ─── 事实上,人类职业生活的外貌及本质都受到科技的支配与控制。

57、The style in which they are sculpted was dictated by the pharoah himself. ─── 他们的雕刻样式是由法老王自己所指示要求的。

58、Afterwards he dictated a few letters to her. ─── 之後他对她口授了几封信。

59、They stormed editorial offices of newspapers and magazines that reported about the psychotronic weapons and complained that some strange voices dictated orders to them. ─── 他们冲进报道过精神电子武器的报纸和杂志编辑部,投诉有些奇怪的声音在对他们发号施令。

60、A variable number of arguments to be converted to text as dictated by the format string. ─── 一个可变数目的参数,他们将按照指示命令转化为文本。

61、"We go to Misano in good spirits but knowing that we can't afford a repeat of the last two races, where our performance has been completely dictated by the tyres -- especially Brno. ─── “我们带着良好的精神来到米萨诺,但我们知道我们不能再承受重复上两站的情况,表现完全受限于轮胎,特别是在布尔诺。

62、He dictated letters to Margaret which Pomfret wrote out carefully, and then guided Kennedy's hand in the signatures. ─── 他口述给玛格丽特的信,由庞弗雷特用心写好,并把着肯尼迪的手签名。

63、In the first part of the epic poem Mahabharata, it is written that the sage Vyasa asked Ganesha to transcribe the poem as he dictated it to him. ─── 在史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的第一部分,据说圣人毗耶娑要求甘尼萨转录他口述的诗。

64、Here, the rapidly ailing Emperor of Mankind dictated plans for the arcane life support machine that would sustain his remaining cells for over ten thousand years. ─── 在这里,人类的快速生病皇帝为会维持他的剩余细胞超过一万年的神秘的生活支持机器命令了计划。

65、For it is here that I, Thoth the scribe, write many of the storylines as dictated to me by the souls. ─── 因为就是在这里,透特抄写员书写了许多故事情节如同灵魂向我口述的那样。

66、When the electrical characteristics are dictated by impurity atoms, the semiconductor is said to be extrinsic semiconductors. ─── 如果半导体的电学性质归因于其中的杂质原子,那么它将被称为杂质半导体。

67、King at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years 'War, had dictated her measurements and armament. ─── 国王, 当时正处在"三十年" 战争中军事成就的顶峰时期, 曾规定了这艘船的规模和武器装备。

68、The doctrines of Islam, its precepts and practices, are enshrined in the Book of God--the Koran--which is regarded as divinely inspired, a message dictated to the Prophet Mohammed in Arabic. ─── 伊斯兰教教义、告诫和惯例珍藏于真主之书古兰经,这本书被认为是神圣的启示,是以阿拉伯文口授给先知穆罕默德的神旨。

69、Chemical composition of glass is often dictated by the economics of available raw materials. ─── 玻璃的化学组成经常是由原材料的经济上的原因而决定的。

70、An offer by a landowner to develop the land in a ma er dictated by a potential tenant, in return for a long-term lease from the tenant for the developed land. ─── 地主向一个潜在客户提出的、其要求开发土地的提议,以求获得该客户长期租约作为回报。

71、The main difference is the configuration, or arrangement, of the roller and cage assemblies and the number of inner and outer rings dictated by this. ─── 主要区别是滚子和保持架组件的结构或配置以及规定的内圈和外圈数量。

72、Synchronous In data transmission, signals co-ordinate by timing pulses.Blocks of data are transmitted at a measured rate dictated by timing devices at both ends of the interface. ─── 在数据传送中,用时间脉动协调讯号。即在接驳器的两边,用时间器命令一组数据,以适当节拍传送的情况。

73、He dictated letters to his clerk. ─── 他向办事员口授信稿。

74、Judaism Of, relating to, or intended for the consumption or preparation of milk or milk products exclusively, as dictated by dietary law. ─── 奶制品管理法:饮食法中所规定的,或与之有关的,或打算只限于消费或配制牛奶或奶制品的

75、To wake up in the middle of the night terrified about paying bills is a horrible way to live. To live a life dictated by the size of a paycheck is not really a life. Thinking that a job will make you feel secure is lying to yourself. ─── 半夜醒来,想着许多的账单要付是一种可怕的生活方式,以工资的高低来安排生活不是真正的生活。

76、One of David's first actions as king was to conquer Jerusalem and declare it the capital of his kingdom. A geopolitical constraint apparently dictated this choice, despite the city's drawbacks. ─── 作为国王,大卫首先是要征服耶路撒冷和立它为他的王国的首都。地理政治学的局限显然是指定了这个选择,尽管城市还有缺点。

77、As to being dictated to by you, or any Jack, Jem, or Jonathan on earth, I shall not suffer it for a moment. ─── 如果让你或者世间任何张三李四来指挥我的话,我是一刻也容忍不下去的。

78、He dictated how everything should be done. ─── 他专横地规定各种事物应如何处理。

79、I have to say that the prose in this book often reads as if it were written, or maybe dictated, in a great hurry. ─── 可我不得不说,这本书的文句读来,常常让人觉得是匆匆写就。或者是口述?

80、To undertake any other duties as dictated by the Hotel’s Management. ─── 勇于承担酒店管理层下达的其他任务。

81、She won't allow herself to be dictated to. ─── 她不会听人摆布的。

82、He dictated a book of injunctions and expositions, the Koran, which he declared was communicated to him from God. ─── 他口述了一本有关训喻和评注的书籍,即《古兰经》,他声称这是上帝传达给他的。

83、But the inexorable rhythm of American celebrity dictated a fall from this dizzying peak. ─── 1989年,即《神秘的匹萨饼》完成后的一年,朱莉娅因在《钢木兰花》中的表演获奥斯卡奖提名。

84、To respond to any changes in the department as dictated by the needs of the industry, company or hotel. ─── 对于因酒店需求而引起的部门运作的变化作出积极的应对。

85、His innate good-nature, however, dictated a favourable reply. ─── 但是他天生的好心肠使他一口答应了下来。

86、He awaited the examination with a calm unflinching intelligence, which dictated the clearest and most pertinent answers. ─── 他秉着沉静和刚毅的理智,准备受询,在受询时,他果然作出最清楚最切合的答话。

87、He dictated too fast for the secretary to type. ─── 他口述速度太快,以致秘书打字跟不上。

88、In communist countries, prices were not determined inthe marketplace but were dictated by central planners. ─── 在共产主义国家里,价格不由市场决定,而是直接取决于中央计划者。

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