adjutant 发音
英:['ædʒʊt(ə)nt] 美:['ædʒʊtənt]
英: 美:
adjutant 中文意思翻译
adjutant 网络释义
n. 副官,助手adj. 辅助的
adjutant 词性/词形变化,adjutant变形
名词: adjutancy |
adjutant 短语词组
1、Adjutant General's Office ─── 副检察长办公室
2、Adjutant General's Personnel and Ad ─── 副将军的人事和广告
3、Adjutant General's Department of th ─── 副将军部
4、Adjutant General's and Quartermaster General's Branch ─── 副将军和军需官军分区
5、Adjutant Inspector General ─── 副检察长
6、Adjutant to the Corps of Royal Engi ─── 皇家恩吉军团副官
7、Adjutant General ─── 师级以上的副官;民兵指挥官
8、Adjutant General's Branch ─── 副检察长办公室
9、Adjutant General's Personnel Board ─── 副检察长人事委员会
10、co-adjutant ─── 共同追求
11、Adjutant General Staff ─── 助理总参谋部
12、Adjutant General School ─── 副官总校
13、Adjutant General's and Quartermaste ─── 副将军和军种
14、adjutant stork = adjutant bird ─── [亦称作adjutant, adjutant bird]
15、general-adjutant ─── [网络] 一般副
16、Adjutant General of the Army ─── 陆军中将
17、Adjutant General Association of the ─── 准将协会
18、Adjutant General to the Forces ─── 军队副将 ─── 军
19、adjutant bird n. ─── 产于印度的大鹳鸟,秃鹳
adjutant 相似词语短语
1、adjuvants ─── n.佐剂学;辅助者(adjuvant的复数)
2、adjuvant ─── adj.辅助的;n.佐药;辅助物
3、adjutage ─── n.喷射管;喷水管
4、adjustment ─── n.调整,调节;调节器
5、adjutants ─── n.副官;助手;秃鹳
6、adjusting ─── v.调整;适应;整理;(保险理赔时)评估损失(adjust的现在分词)
7、coadjutants ─── adj.合作的,互助的;n.助手;协助者
8、coadjutant ─── adj.合作的,互助的;n.助手;协助者
9、adjutancy ─── 副官
adjutant 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Adjutant General's Branch ─── 副官署
2、Prince Andrey standing a little behind watched them intently, and turned to an adjutant, meaning to ask him for a field-glass. ─── 安德烈公爵站在他们背后稍远的地方,凝视着他们,他把脸转向一名副官,想向他要台望远镜。
3、AG [adjutant general] ─── 副官长
4、Adjutant informs you whenever 30 seconds of daylight remain. ─── 副官会在白天还剩30秒的时候提醒你。
5、The IIb, otherwise known as the division adjutant for non-commissioned ranks. He took care of the same things as the IIa, but in relation to the non-commissioned ranks. ─── 人事官,正式职称为师副官,主管所有军官阶层的相关事务如晋升、嘉奖、惩处等等,另外也负责各种造册等事务。
6、The Adjutant General Center ─── 副官长中心(负责陆军所有行政事务)
7、He looked straight into his adjutant's face and did not recognise him. ─── 他直勾勾地望着他的副官的面孔,没有认出他是谁。
8、Turning to an adjutant, he commanded him to bring down from the hill the two battalions of the Sixth Chasseurs, by whom they had just come. ─── 他把脸转向副官,命令他将他们甫才从近旁经过的第六猎骑兵团的两个营从山上调来。
9、a general's adjutant; chief administrative officer. ─── 一个将军的副官;主要的管理员。
10、the adjutant on duty , meeting prince andrey , asked him to wait , and went into the war minister. ─── 值班的侍从武官接待了安德烈公爵,请他等候片刻,这名侍从武官便到军政大臣那儿去了。
11、adjutant bird ─── n. 产于印度的大鹳鸟, 秃鹳
12、Offer adjutant therapy to accommodative myopia, insomnia, and dark eye sockets and help eliminate fatigue. ─── 对调节性近视、消除疲劳、失眠、黑眼圈等有辅助治疗作用。
13、a general's adjutant ─── 将军的副官
14、Prince Andrey standing a little behind watched them intently, and turned to an adjutant, meaning to ask him for a field-glass. ─── 安德烈公爵站在他们背后稍远的地方,凝视着他们,他把脸转向一名副官,想向他要台望远镜。
15、Napoleon, frowning, glanced up from under his brows at the adjutant. ─── “没有俘虏,”他重复副官的话。
16、Adjutant Red strode up to the troops, his chest thrown out proudly, and called them to attention. Two columns of soldiers clicked their heels snappily. ─── 任副官挺胸凹腹,走到队伍前,喊一声立正,那两行人的脚跟就使劲碰在一起。
17、Adjutant General's Personnel Board ─── 副官长所属人事局
18、“Turning to the right out of the corridor, Euer Hochgeboren, you will find the adjutant on duty,” the official said to him.“He will conduct you to the minister of war. ─── “大人,沿着走廊向右转,您可以找到值班的侍从武官,”这名官员对他说,“他会带您去见军政大臣。”
19、I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. ─── 在送我批阅的陆军部档案中,我看到一份马萨诸塞州陆军副官长写的报告,说您便是有五个儿子光荣牺牲在战场上的那位母亲。
20、lesser adjutant ─── 小秃鹳
21、Balashov found Davoust sitting on a tub in a barn adjoining a peasant's hut.He was occupied in writing, auditing accounts.An adjutant was standing beside him. ─── 巴拉瑟夫在一间农民的棚屋里见到了达乌元帅,达乌坐在木桶上忙于案头工作(他正在查帐)。
22、there was still an organ in it, on which were piled rugs of some sort, and in the corner of the room was a folding bedstead belonging to Bennigsen's adjutant. ─── 屋内还有一架风琴,风琴上堆放着地毯,屋角里放着贝尼格森的副官的行军床。
23、Greater Adjutant Stork ─── n. 大秃鹳
24、But at that moment an adjutant came in and said something to Davoust. ─── 但这时进来一位副官,向达乌报告某件事。
25、And still not answering the Austrian adjutant, he addressed Bolkonsky.“Go and see, my dear fellow, whether the third division has passed the village. ─── 他不回答奥国副官的问话,却把脸转向博尔孔斯基,说道:“我亲爱的,听我说,看看第三师是不是从村子里走过去了。
26、Oktober, wurde an Nr. 4 Kavallerie-Brigade Adjutant, und wurden zu Lothringen und Flandern, sowie an anderen Orten. ─── 十月,调任第4骑兵旅副官,转战于洛林和佛兰德等地。
27、An adjutant answered ─── 一位副官回答说
28、He sat down in his carriage beside the adjutant on duty, and drove into the suburbs. ─── 地说,同值日副官一道乘上轿式马车向郊区驶去。
29、“Kaisarov,” Kutuzov called to his adjutant, “sit down and write the order for to-morrow. ─── “凯萨罗夫!”库图佐夫叫他的副官。“坐下写明天的命令。
30、He rode at a walking pace to the right, and sent an adjutant to the dragoons with orders to attack the French. ─── 他向右方骑马缓行,将一名副官派至龙骑兵部队,并下令进攻法国军队。
31、Adjutant General School ─── 副官学校
32、Prince Bagration with Prince Dolgorukov and his adjutant had ridden out to look at the strange demonstration of lights and shouts in the enemy's army. ─── 巴格拉季翁公爵、多尔戈鲁科夫公爵和几名副官出来观察敌军的火光和喊声这一奇特的现象。
33、was followed by an adjutant and the paymaster of the regiment. ─── 在地后面还走进了一个副官和团部的军需官。
34、Adjutant General's Personnel and Administration ─── 副官长所属人事行政部门
35、The two generals and the adjutant began snatching at the field-glass, pulling it from one another. ─── 两位将军和几名副官互相争夺,抓起了一台望远镜。
36、Behind him stood the adjutant, the doctors, and the men-servants; the men and the women had separated as though they were in church. ─── 一名副官、数名大夫和一名男仆站在瓦西里公爵后面,俨如在教堂里那样,男人和女人分立于两旁。
37、Knowing Bolkonsky to be a favourite and trusted adjutant, Bagration received him with a commanding officer's special graciousness and condescension. ─── 巴格拉季翁认为博尔孔斯基是个走红的靠得住的副官,所以他像首长厚爱部下那样接待他。
38、SEC Adjutant General's Section ─── 军务科
39、a nice snub he gave the little adjutant , said a voice in the background. ─── “他很傲慢地把小副官的话顶回去了。”从后面传来话语声。
40、adjutant general ─── n. 师级以上之副官, (美国各洲的)民兵指挥官
41、“Well, my dear boy, you still want an adjutant's post? ─── “啊,亲爱的,怎么样?您总是想当副官吗?
42、He was made adjutant general of the Continental Army (1775) and succeeded Gen.Philip Schuyler in New York (1777). ─── 1775年任大陆军副官长,1777年继斯凯勒将军之后任纽约州北部军司令。
43、One adjutant was sitting in a Persian dressing-gown writing at a table near the door. ─── 一名穿波斯式长衫的副官坐在靠近房门的桌旁写字。
44、Owing to raw material rising, wages increasing and USD devaluing, we have to adjut the price. ─── 依照目前的原材料价格的上涨,工人的工资的上涨,与美元汇率的下跌,我们必须重新调整价格.
45、Adjutant Red commanded, "Atten-hut! Legs straight, stomachs in, chests out, eyes forward, like panthers about to pounce." ─── 任副官说:"立正时,要双腿绷直,肚子回收,胸脯挺出,眼睛睁圆,像豹子吃人一样。"
46、Orlistat for adjutant treatment of fatty type 2 diabetes mellitus in 32 patients ─── 奥利司他辅助治疗肥胖2型糖尿病32例
47、Going into the house, Prince Andrey found Nesvitsky and another adjutant having a meal. ─── 安德烈公爵走进住宅,看见正在就餐的涅斯维茨基和另一名副官。
48、The shouts had died away in the tavern, but the adjutant's moaning went on still the same. ─── 小酒馆里的叫喊声沉寂下来,只听得到副官仍在呻吟。
49、Adjutant General's Publications Depot ─── 副官长所属出版物仓库
50、An adjutant dismounting lifted the soldier up under his arms, and began laying him on a stretcher that came up.The soldier groaned. ─── 一名副官下了马,搀扶起这个士兵,把他放在他面前的担架上,士兵呻吟起来了。
51、Prince Andrey asked the adjutant on duty to mention his name again, but he received a sarcastic stare, and was told his turn would come in due course. ─── 安德烈公爵请求值班人员下次替他禀报,但是大伙儿带着嘲笑的神态瞥了他一眼,并对他说,到适当的时候就轮到他了。
52、The adjutant, by his elaborately formal courtesy, seemed to wish to guard himself from any attempt at familiarity on the part of the Russian adjutant. ─── 侍从武官文质彬彬,非常谦虚,仿佛要俄国副官不必对他太客气似的。
53、The adjutant on duty, meeting Prince Andrey, asked him to wait, and went into the war minister. ─── 值班的侍从武官接待了安德烈公爵,请他等候片刻,这名侍从武官便到军政大臣那儿去了。
54、Adjutant General Publications Center ─── 副官长出版中心
55、Adjutant General's Department ─── 军务局
56、An adjutant galloped down the street, followed by a Cossack. ─── 一个副官带着一名哥萨克从街上急驰而过。
57、Nominally, he is an adjutant on the staff of Kutuzov, but he does everything alone. ─── 他在库图佐夫部下获得军内值勤官的称号,可是一切事务由他一人承担。
58、Adjutant General's Office ─── 副官长办公室
59、he said, turning to the adjutant with an expression of respectful deference, that related obviously only to the person he was speaking of. ─── 他流露出恭恭敬敬的神情面对前来的副官说道。看来是为他所提起的那人,他才面带这种表情的。
60、Bagration replied that he was not authorised to accept or to decline a truce, and sent his adjutant to Kutuzov with a report of the proposition made to him. ─── 巴格拉季翁回答,他不能决定是否接受停战建议一事,他于是派出他的副官携带建议休战的报告去晋谒库图佐夫。
61、“It's a complicated story, you see,” the adjutant was relating. ─── “你们知道吗,”副官详细作着说明,“事情弄混淆了。
62、Lesser Adjutant Stork ─── n. 秃鹳
63、Kutuzov looked sternly at his adjutant, and after a pause, answered: “I think the battle will be lost, and I said so to Count Tolstoy and asked him to give that message to the Tsar. ─── 库图佐夫严肃地望望他的副官,沉默了片刻,答道:“我想这一场战斗是输定了,我对托尔斯泰伯爵也是这样说的,并且请他把这句话转告国王。
64、His subtle brain at the same instant supplied him with the point of view from which he had the right to feel disdain both of the adjutant and the minister of war. ─── 就在这一瞬间,随机应变的头脑向他暗示一个有权蔑视副官和军政大臣的理由。
65、Acting Assistant Adjutant General ─── 代理助理副官长
66、” he said to Denisov, putting his hand to the peak of his cap, and going back to the comedy of adjutant and general, which he had prepared himself to perform, “or should I remain with your honour? ─── 他对杰尼索夫说,行了一个举手礼,又试图做出原先准备好的,要作出像一个副官见到将军的样子,“我是不是应当留在阁下这里?”
67、Adjutant General's and Quartermaster General's Branch ─── 副官长与军需主任办公室
68、Kutuzov, without looking at Woltzogen, ordered an adjutant to make out this written order, which the former commander-in-chief very prudently wished to have to screen himself from all responsibility. ─── 库图佐夫不看沃尔佐根,叫人写那份命令,前总司令所以要书面命令,一定是为了逃避个人的责任。
69、An intercom buzzed insistently at Rick's back. "Command One," he heard his adjutant say at last. "Doctor Lang, Admiral," the colonel continued, conveying the mobile over to him. ─── 对讲机在瑞克的后面不断的发出嗡嗡的声音。“1号命令,”最后他听到他的副手在说,“将军,是朗博士。”这位上校一边说,一边把对讲机地给了他。
70、And the general, looking round at the adjutant, walked with his quivering strut towards the regiment. ─── 团长掉过头来望望副官,他又用那微微发抖的步态向兵团的队伍走去。
71、aide | adjutant ─── 副官[陆、空军
72、As adjutant I was responsible for his day-to-day programme. ─── 作为副官,我有责任安排他的日常事务。
73、The Major and His Adjutant ─── 少校与副官
74、She was listening to the never-ceasing moan of the adjutant, audible three huts away. ─── 她在倾听副官一刻也没停止的呻吟,呻吟是从三间房舍以外传来的。
75、Their bodies were found in a car in the town of Pratt in south central Kansas, said Sharon Watson, a spokeswoman for the Kansas Adjutant General's Department. ─── 尸体在堪萨斯州中部偏南部的一个叫普拉特的小镇上的一辆汽车内被发现。
76、Adjutant Inspector General ─── 副监察长
77、“Our fire is mowing them down in whole rows, but they stand firm,” said the adjutant. ─── “他们被我们的炮火成排地撂倒,可他们动也不动。”那个副官说。
78、A young officer, with an expression of bewilderment and distress in his face, walked away from the flogging, looking inquiringly at the adjutant. ─── 年轻的军官流露着困惑不安和痛苦的神态,从受惩罚的人身边走开,带着疑问的目光打量着骑马从身旁走过的副官。
79、on receiving information of it , kutuzov promptly despatched the general - adjutant , winzengerode , who was with him , to the enemys camp. ─── 库图佐夫在得到消息之后,立即把他部下的侍从武官长温岑格罗德派往敌营。
80、The adjutant on duty came into the tent. ─── 值日副官走进帐篷。
81、Deputy Adjutant General ─── 代理副官长
82、Wu Xuexian is not willing amputation, sent adjutant to invite Baiyao author Qu Huanzhang. ─── 吴学显不愿意截肢,便派副官请来了白药创始人曲焕章。
83、He was an adjutant in the suite of a personage of very high rank, he had received a very important commission in Prussia, and had only just returned thence as a special messenger. ─── 他在一位颇为显要的官员名下担任副官,前赴普鲁士执行被委托的事务,并以信使身份从普鲁士回来。
84、The O2, otherwise known as the 2nd assistant adjutant to the Ib. The O2 was basically in charge of the back-line services, and aided the Ib in his duties. ─── O2后勤参谋,正式职称为第二助理副官,基本上负责后方部队的任务遂行以及协助补给后勤官。
85、He did not mention, even to his adjutant, that he had just had his children murdered ─── 他甚至对他的副官也没有说,他已将他的孩子们害死了。
86、Deputy Assistant Adjutant ─── 副助理副官
87、He was followed by an adjutant and the paymaster of the regiment. ─── 在地后面还走进了一个副官和团部的军需官。
88、The Adjutant General Staff ─── 副官参谋长
89、In the middle of the day Murat sent his adjutant to Napoleon with a request for reinforcements. ─── 中午,缪拉派他的副官到拿破仑那儿请求援兵。
因此,大唐左监门长史的译文可以是 "Senior Historian of the Left Adjutant of the Tang Dynasty"。
房玄龄和高士廉一起走路,遇上少府少监窦德素,问他说:"北门近来有什么建筑工程 "德素将这件事告诉了唐太宗.太宗对房玄龄,高士廉说:"你们只须管好南衙的事务就行了,我在北门建造一项小小的工程,又妨碍你们什么事呢 "房玄龄等人跪拜道歉.魏征进谏说:"我不理解陛下您(为什么)责备(房玄龄等人),也不理解房玄龄等人(为什么)道歉.(他们)既然担任大臣,就是陛下的得力助手,(陛下)有什么工程建筑,为什么不能让他们知道.(陛下您)责备他们向主管官员询问(的做法),(是)我所不能理解的.陛下所做的事情如果是对的,(大臣们)就应当帮助陛下完成它;所做的事情如果是不对的,(大臣们)就应当奏请(陛下)罢免它.这是辅助君主的正道.房玄龄等的询问既然没有罪,而陛下却责备他们,房玄龄等也不知道自己应当坚守职责,我实在不明白(这其中的原因)."太宗很赞同他的话.
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