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08-09 投稿


adieu 发音

英:[əˈduː]  美:[əˈdjuː]

英:  美:

adieu 中文意思翻译




adieu 短语词组

bid sb. adieu

1. 向某人告别

We have just called in to bid you adieu.


1、adieu paris ─── 再见巴黎

2、make one's adieu ─── 辞行

3、je vous aime adieu ─── 我爱你再见

4、bid adieu to ─── 告别…,与… ─── 告别

5、take fond adieu to ─── 与…依依惜别

6、bid sb. adieu ─── 向某人告别

adieu 词性/词形变化,adieu变形


adieu 反义词


adieu 同义词

adieu 相似词语短语

1、fadier ─── 父亲

2、-died ─── v.死亡,消逝(die的过去式和过去分词)

3、Sadies ─── 赛迪

4、adieux ─── n.告别;辞别

5、-dier ─── 动物

6、adieus ─── n.告别;辞行;int.再见;再会

7、wadies ─── n.[地理]干谷;绿洲

8、Ladies ─── n.女盥洗室;女士(Lady的复数)

9、cadies ─── n.便帽;n.(Cady)人名;(英、法)卡迪

adieu 习惯用语

1、say adieu to sb. ─── 向...告别

2、take one's adieu ─── 辞行

3、bid adieu to sb. ─── 向...告别

4、bid adieu to ─── 向...告别

5、bid sb. adieu ─── 向...告别

6、say adieu to ─── 向...告别

7、make one's adieu ─── 辞行

adieu 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Adieu, then, sir, and do not forget the prescription." ─── “那么,再会了,先生,别忘了我的药方。”

2、Adieu! The fancy cannot cheat so well ─── 别了!幻想无法继续欺骗

3、But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared. ─── 可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的。

4、"Adieu, sir," she said. ─── “告辞了,阁下

5、Bidding an affectionate adieu to his old friend, he repaired to Richmond ─── 他向他的老朋友依依惜别,于是回到里士蒙。

6、"Adieu, then, until five o'clock; ─── “那好,下午五点钟再会。

7、My cosmopolite made a large adieu and left me, for he thought he saw some one through the chatter and smoke whom he knew. ─── 我的世界公民作了个夸张的辞别,离开了我,因为他越过闲谈、透过烟雾看见某个熟悉的人。

8、Adieu, Edmond, adieu, and thank you." ─── 再会了,爱德蒙,再会了,而且谢谢你

9、1. Bidding them adieu we departed. ─── 我们向他们告别后就离开了.

10、Adieu les bleus. Adieu le blue... ─── 再见了,那片蓝。再见了那片蓝。。。

11、But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared. ─── 可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的。

12、"Ah, happy, happy Boughs! that cannot shed Your leaves, nor ever Bid the Spring adieu;" ─── 呵,幸福的树木!你的枝叶不会剥落,从不曾离开春天;

13、Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,To God I pray to prosper thee,For I am still thy lover true,Come once again and love me. ─── 如果大家的话,应该有听过,它出现在中学会考聆听部份的歌曲,那时我已经觉得很好听啦.....

14、Adieu; I will go and try if there are any means of speaking to him." ─── 再会,我去瞧瞧有没有机会可以跟他讲话。”

15、ADIEU lets you change the visibility of each arrow. ─── ADIEU允许更改每个箭头的可见性。

16、We next time adieu! ─── 我们下次再会!

17、Ishan and his friends stood around to bid him adieu. ─── 伊珊和他的朋友们站在周围,对他说再见。

18、Say adieu to sb. ─── 向...告别

19、"Adieu, adieu, dearest Edmond!" ─── “再见了,再见了,我亲爱的爱德蒙

20、God shield I should disturb devotion! Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye: Till then, adieu; and keep this holy kiss. ─── 我不敢打扰你们的祈祷。朱丽叶,星期四一早我就来叫醒你;现在我们再会吧,请你保留下这一个神圣的吻。

21、Adieu, my friend, adieu!" ─── 别了,我的朋友,别了

22、"I saw her this morning, and bade her adieu." ─── “我今天早晨见过她了,”他说,“和她告别过了。”

23、wonderful works such as Bidding adieu to My Lover among the Sunflowers by Ding Shande, The Song of Karamay by Lu Yuan, The Rising Sun Never Sets on the Grassland by Meiliqige and Sheng Mao's Horse, Slow Down! ─── 且在创作上出现了丁善德之《爱人送我向日葵》、吕远的《克拉玛依之歌》、美丽其格的《草原上升起不落的太阳》、生茂的《马儿啊你慢些走》等优秀曲目。

24、Do not hasten to bid me adieu ─── 不要急于向我告别

25、Adieu,my 14 year_old. ─── 再见,我的十四岁.

26、"adieu, sir," she said ─── “告辞了,阁下!”

27、"Steps approach--I go--adieu." ─── “有脚步声!我走啦再会

28、One day Jatadhari requested Sri Ramakrishna to keep the image and bade him adieu with tearful eyes. ─── 一天,杰塔达里要求室利罗摩克里希纳保存这个神像,双眼含着泪水来向他告别。

29、We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray, But hear the river say to its water adieu. ─── 不知江月待何人 但见长江送流水

30、Bidding them adieu we departed. ─── 我们向他们告别後就离开了。

31、And to the bonnie Bann banks forever I'll bid adieu ─── 我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见

32、Adieu, my friends, would I could press you all to my heart. ─── 再见吧,朋友们,我将把你们全都牢牢地印在心里。

33、Then he made his adieu. ─── 于是他告辞离去。

34、Do not hasten to bid me adieu. ─── 不要告别得那样匆忙。

35、make one's adieu ─── v. 辞行

36、And to the bonny Bann banks forever I 'll bid adieu. ─── 向这美丽的Bann河岸永远说再见。

37、We have just called in to bid you adieu. ─── 我们是来向你告别的。

38、once more farewell , my dear sister ; emmanuel , adieu ! ─── 别了,我亲爱的妹妹,别了,艾曼纽!

39、“Adieu, dear and good friend: may our divine Saviour and His most Holy Mother keep you in their holy and powerful care. ─── 亲爱的,慈善的朋友,再见。愿那救世的天主和圣母赐予您神圣而万能的庇护。

40、Adieu, there is nothing that I will not brave for your sake. ─── 再见!为了你,我敢冒世间任何风险。

41、We are gathered here today to bid adieu to Lizzie the lizard. ─── 我们今天聚在这里向蜥蜴利齐告别。

42、bid adieu to ─── 向 ... 告别

43、Haan, whose contract was terminated following the abrupt end to China';s qualifying efforts, bid an emotional adieu to his players after they came agonisingly close to rescuing a stuttering campaign. ─── 哈恩的合同,随着中国队在预选赛中猝死,而宣告结束,一场与球员伤感的话别,却发生在球队一场淋漓的大胜之后。

44、First Senator. Adieu, brave Moor, use Desdemona well. ─── 元老甲再会,勇敢的摩尔人!好好看顾苔丝狄蒙娜。

45、Adieu, my friends, would I could press you all to my heart.-Napoleon ─── 再见吧,朋友们,我将把你们全都牢牢地印记在心里。--拿破仑

46、I bid you adieu. ─── 跟你说再见。

47、"Adieu, Mr. Barsad,' said the former; "our arrangement thus made, you have nothing to fear from me." ─── “再见,巴萨先生,”前者说,“咱俩就这样定了,你用不着怕我什么了。”

48、"And now, my dear child, adieu for the present ─── “现在,我亲爱的孩子,暂时再会了。

49、Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain. ─── 再见了,西班牙的女郎。

50、The final bell is about to toll as we wave adieu to the old ways that have for aeons castrated the life of the emerald planet. ─── 随着我们向那亿万年来阉割着这翡翠星球的生命的旧方式挥手道别,最后的钟声即将敲响。

51、They bade adieu to their comrades in arms. ─── 他们向战友们告别。

52、Adieu, mademoiselle. ─── 再会了,小姐!

53、bid adieu to someone ─── 向某人说再见,向某人告别

54、"Adieu, my kind friends! ─── “别了,我的朋友们!

55、Bid adieu to the spirit of samsara ─── 告别我们轮回的缘分

56、Leave melodizing on this wintry day, Shut up thine olden pages, and be mute: Adieu! ─── 别在冬日啭啼你迷人的歌喉。合上你古老的卷帙,安静吧:再见了!

57、We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray,But hear the river say to its water adieu. ─── 不知江月待何人,但见长江送流水。

58、Adieu , my love , and heaven. ─── 再见,我的爱,还有天堂。

59、Adieu, soldiers! ─── 再会,士兵!

60、You hills, that highest dwell, And all you humble vales, adieu. ─── 你盘踞在小山之顶。

61、Say, I just deactivated the self-control mechanism. You may want to hurry. There's no telling what she'll do. And on that note. I bid you adieu! ─── 对了,我刚刚解除了自我控制机制。你最好快点去她哪里。很难说她会做些什么。而且,现在,我必须说再见了!

62、How happy you make me! Adieu, adieu, I shall pass a very happy night dreaming or you. Sleep well, and allow your husband to take the twelve kisses which you promised him besides all those yet unpromises. ─── 你给了我多么大的幸福啊!再见,晚安,我将在梦中与你欢聚!好好睡吧,让你的丈夫接受你答应他的12个吻,还要加上你没有答应的。

63、Both the host and guest Bid adieu ─── 主宾话别

64、Smile the while you kiss me sad adieu ─── 微笑,当你与我沉痛地吻别时

65、It is not the firmest heart that can most easily bid adieu to these soft and mingled emotions. ─── 即令是铁石心肠的人,也很难割断千丝万缕的柔情。

66、Zead: It cannot be. No, that is not possible... I must make haste to complete the final touches. I beg your leave. Adieu. ─── 塞:这不可能。不,这不会发生...我必须赶快完成最后一件事。请容我离去,再会!(西班牙语吗?

67、Personally I think these words are of great sense.Maybe this is what life is all about.My girl,adieu... ─── 在上帝为人们揭示未来情景之前,人类所有的智慧都包含在这几个字里面:“等待和希望”。

68、Bidding adieu to century--Pondering upon several literary phenomena of regularity ─── 世纪告别--文学规律性现象的思索

69、"Adieu!" Said Beloved Sun Jingxiu to God! ─── 孙敬修和上帝"拜拜!

70、bid me adieu. ─── 向我告辞

71、The base ADIEU tool comes with an assortment of useful card types. ─── 基本的ADIEU工具提供对有用卡片类型的分类功能。

72、Your leaves, nor ever bid the Spring adieu; ─── 不会剥落,从不曾离开春天;

73、Bid adieu to sb. ─── 向。。。告别

74、After this, he writes in rich guest again: "To our everybody, this is your person a very painful day undoubtedly, we must say with a few first-class staff ' adieu ' . ─── 我不认为这家公司能够像我一样对他们的员工坦白一切。”

75、Life's not fair, is it? You see, I. . . Well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu. ─── 生命真不公平啊!你看我呢,永远都当不上王,而你永远也见不到明天了,再见

76、Brethren, adieu! ─── 弟兄们,再见吧!

77、bid sb. adieu ─── 向某人告别

78、In the temple, he made a sacrifice to his ancestors and listened to monks chanting for a while.After lunch he bided adieu to monks and left the temple. ─── 在寺里祭过祖,听了和尚念经,吃过斋饭,就告别和尚,离开寺庙,一个人在附近闲逛。

79、Meet in first time Wensidu?When Qiu Jier, meet, ji Ershen moves, said voice friendlily to his British ally " adieu " . ─── 在第一次会晤温斯顿?丘吉尔时,一见面,吉尔伸出手,向他的英国盟友友好地说了声“再见”。

80、I finished my pit stop and bid them adieu. ─── 休息片刻后,我向他们道别,继续上路了。

81、"And now, once more, adieu," said Morrel ─── “现在再向你说一次,永别了,”莫雷尔说。

82、She waved adieu to us from the doorway. ─── 她在门口向我们挥手告别。

83、and to the bonny bann banks forever i'll bid adieu! ─── 我对上帝发誓,我永远都不会和你说再见!

84、for she had much to settle, and she wished to bid him adieu, and deliver Linton safely into his hands. ─── 因为她有许多事需要处理,而且她希望和他诀别,并把林惇安全地交到他手里。

85、Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies. ─── 再见了,美丽的西班牙女郎。

86、I now bid you a welcome adieu. ─── 我且向你说声该欢迎的再会。

87、"In that case I must say adieu to you, as I am compelled to go to Naples, and shall not return hither before Saturday evening or Sunday morning ─── “那样,我必须跟您告别了,因为我不得不到那不勒斯去一趟,星期六晚上或星期天早晨以前不会回来。

88、Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu, ─── 啊再见,绿袖,永别了,

89、Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu, God I pray will prosper thee, For I am still thy lover true, Come once again and love me. ─── 啊再见,绿袖儿,永别了,我向天祈祷,赐福你,因为我一生真爱你,求你来生能爱我一次。





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