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08-09 投稿


autonomy 发音

英:[ɔː'tɒnəmɪ]  美:[ɔ'tɑnəmi]

英:  美:

autonomy 中文意思翻译



autonomy 短语词组

1、economic autonomy of enterprises ─── [经] 企业经济自主, 企业经济独立

2、beneficence justice autonomy ─── 慈善司法自治

3、autonomy of nationality ─── [法] 民族自治权

4、high degree of autonomy ─── [法] 高度的自治权

5、autonomy of enterprise ─── [法] 企业自治权, 企业自主权

6、right of national autonomy ─── [法] 民族自治权

7、autonomy of will ─── [法] 意志自主

8、marital autonomy ─── [法] 婚姻自主

9、national regional autonomy ─── [法] 民族区域自治

10、financial autonomy ─── [经] 财务独立, 财务自主

11、customs autonomy ─── [经] 关税自主权

12、worders' autonomy ─── [法] 工人自治

13、regional autonomy ─── [法] 地区自治, 区域自治

14、national autonomy ─── [法] 民族自治, 民族自治权, 民族自治区

15、tariff autonomy ─── [经] 关税自主

16、right of autonomy ─── [法] 自治权利

17、management autonomy ─── [经] 经营管理自主权

18、autonomy of private law ─── [法] 私法自主

19、autocracy vs autonomy ─── 专制与自治

autonomy 词性/词形变化,autonomy变形

名词: autonomist |名词复数: autonomies |

autonomy 相似词语短语

1、autonomic ─── adj.自主的;不受意志支配的;与自主神经系统有关的

2、autogamy ─── n.自体受精;自花受粉;自配生殖

3、autology ─── 自体

4、autonym ─── n.本名

5、astronomy ─── n.天文学

6、plutonomy ─── n.政治经济学,经济学

7、agronomy ─── n.农学;农艺学;农业经济学

8、autotomy ─── n.[动]自割,[动]自切;自身分裂

9、aeronomy ─── n.高层大气物理学;上层圈气流研究

autonomy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Autonomy is the freedom managers have to make their own decisions. ─── 决策自主权是指管理者自由制定决策的权力。

2、It focuses on the fundamentality of the academic corporation in the autonomy of the American colleges and universities. ─── 它是本文研究美国大学自治制度历史变迁的主要线索。

3、To date, two of the largest challenges experienced by SOA deal with explicit boundaries and autonomy. ─── 到目前为止,SOA两个最大的挑战是处理显示的界限和自治。

4、Barcelona pushed for a new and wider statute of autonomy. ─── 巴塞罗纳奋力争取到了全新的更为宽泛的自治法规。

5、The picture shows the Friendship Port (Nouakchott Autonomy Port). ─── 图为友谊港(努瓦克肖特自治港)。

6、They demanded regional autonomy. ─── 他们要求区域自治。

7、Microbodies might possess their own DNA and have some degree of autonomy . ─── 微体可能有其自身的DNA并有一定程度的自主性。

8、China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas. ─── 中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治。

9、Clinical nurse staff cannot be superseded in the actualization of the patients autonomy right. ─── 临床护理人员在病人自主权的实现中有不可替代的作用。

10、Though utopianism covering/avoiding, buildings set up the freedom of autonomy and self-speaking. ─── 它通过乌托邦主义式的遮蔽,确定了一种似乎是自主的、不言自明的解脱。

11、Part of Change's appeal is its demand for more autonomy. ─── 变革的部分请求是要求更多的自治权。

12、Baaing on such the ones autonomy of the will establish the freedom character of contract law. ─── 从心理学证明意思自治的可能。奠定合同法自由性格的意思自治在此基础上获得了证立。

13、Interference with her autonomy may be seen as justifiable on this basis. ─── 因此可以说,干涉她的自主性是正当的。

14、Ethical or moral freedom meant to him the autonomy and self-determination of the human will. ─── 对他来说,伦理的或道德的自由,意味着人的意志自律与自我决定。

15、The Inuit of Canada won some powers a decade ago, while the Sami, Komi and Sakha peoples also have some autonomy. ─── 十年前加拿大的因纽特人赢得了一些权力,萨米人、科米人和萨哈人也拥有了一些自治权。

16、The Enlightenment also clearly urged a view of human autonomy and of the use of reason in a search for truth. ─── 启蒙运动也明显地促进字一种人类自治的观点,还有就是运用理性去寻找真理。

17、Each autonomy system can run different Internal Gateway Protocols (IGP). ─── 各个自治系统可以运行不同的内部网关协议。

18、The Central Government has, by its actions, fulfilled its promise to allow Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy. ─── 中央政府以实际的行动实践了香港享有高度自治的承诺;

19、Our country has given us a high degree of autonomy, and her full support. ─── 国家已经将高度自治的权力交给了我们,也在全力地支持我们。

20、They are agitating to assert autonomy. ─── 他们正在鼓吹实行自治。

21、But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. ─── 奥威尔警告说,我们将克服由外部强加的压迫。

22、The items of Party Autonomy Principle should show the precedence of the agreement. ─── 意思自治条款应体现约定的优先适用性。

23、He began to have a new horror of winning, of the victories of untrammeled autonomy. ─── 他开始厌恶占上风,厌恶不受羁绊的自由。

24、Every language learner should have complete autonomy. ─── 任何学语言的人应具备高度自主能力。

25、Learner autonomy has become a hot topic in the recent ELT reform initiated by the Chinese Ministry of Education. ─── 大学生自主学习能力已成为近年来国家教育行政部门主导的大学英语教学改革的一个热门话题。

26、Theyare nowforming alliances with some Turkmen, some Chechens, someTatars, andthey want more autonomy from China. ─── 他们不与土耳其人,车臣人,和鞑靼人结盟,他们想从中国得到更多的自治。

27、French Sudan gains autonomy as a self-governing member of the French Community. ─── 年,法国的苏丹作为法兰西共同体的独立自治成员获得了自治权。

28、The other, if it is, is what "autonomy" means in practice, beyond demands for yet more cash from Ottawa. ─── 如果是这样的话,另一问题就是,“高度自治”除了能够从渥太华拿到更多的资金以外,到底意味着什么。

29、This field is to be corner-stoned on nonidentity, with the autonomy of literary criticism as its common belief. ─── 一个理想的文学批评场域应该基于非同一性基础上,以文学批评自主性作为共同遵守的信念。

30、They offer little challenge or autonomy. ─── 它们没有什么战斗性或主动权。

31、The question of how much power and autonomy a subsidiary should have is a critical subject. ─── 子公司应拥有多大的权力和自治,是一个重要的课题。

32、Elections in Martinique and Guadeloupe which offered greater autonomy for the island, but which were rejected. ─── 在马提尼克和瓜德罗普,对给予各岛更多自治权的选举遭到失败。

33、It would be nice to realign society to be a more hospitable environment, but meanwhile, you can start today to claim your autonomy. ─── 重构一个更加友好的社会是件很美好的事情,但是与此同时,你可以从今天开始宣告“自治”。

34、In other words, the scientific universe of meaning is capable of attaining a good deal of autonomy as against its own social base. ─── 换言之,具有意义的科学领域将有能力获得许多自治权,足以对抗他自身的社会基础。

35、Mageau used a Likert-type scale to measure how parents support the autonomy of their child. ─── Mageau教授使用了Likert-type标准来衡量父母如何支持孩子的自主性。

36、The substance of company autonomy is a contentious problem in theory and practice. ─── 公司自治的实质是现代市场经济条件下有争议的问题,也是我国理论上和实践中需要澄清的问题。

37、The elections promise to be the most hotly contested during the Kurds' current golden era of autonomy. ─── 大选承诺将以最高程度切合库尔德人当前的黄金自治盛世。

38、But just how much autonomy Mr Gao has is uncertain. ─── 但是他自身有多大权利还是个未知数。

39、The diafter effect 大纲plomatic diplomas are made in automation in the autonomy. ─── 外交证书在自治区是自动化生产的。

40、Morocco is now proceeding with a plan for a regional authority to be set up as a step towards autonomy. ─── 现在摩洛哥正在起草方案,建立地区政府来推进当地自治。

41、Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy by Anita Wenden is a good resource. ─── Wenden, A. 的 Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy 就是一分极好的参考文献。

42、The Terai parties, for example, want extreme provincial autonomy, even the right to self-determination. ─── 例如,台拉河地区的政党,希望获得最高的省级自治权,甚至是独立的决定权。

43、Regional national autonomy will be only nominal if we fail to manage economic affairs well. ─── 实行民族区域自治,不把经济搞好,那个自治就是空的。

44、Only knew the law norms of various types, the article of incorporation may realizes autonomy under Jus cogens. ─── 只有认识了不同类型法律规范,公司章程才能在公司法强行性规范下实现自治。

45、It allows us complete financial autonomy and it establishes Hong Kong as a separate customs territory. ─── 《基本法》让我们享有全面的财政自主权,维持香港特别行政区独立关税区的地位。

46、Local women's autonomy and ownership of the workshop evolved as a driving force to assure a successful project. ─── 当地妇女对工作坊拥有充分的自主权和作为同等力量的参与保证了这一项目的成功。

47、At the political level, with a high degree of autonomy, we are taking up responsibility for our own affairs. ─── 在政治方面,我们发挥高度自治的精神,我们当家作主。

48、However, such autonomy has also led to some breaches of quality standards. ─── 不过,这种自主权也导致了一些质量违规事件。

49、In other places we should work to create the necessary conditions for introducing regional national autonomy and we cannot just pay lip service to it. ─── 其他地方也要积极创造条件去做,不能只停留在口号上。

50、Local self-government and national autonomy are the basic features of the feudatory system. ─── 地方自治与民族自治是藩属制度的基本特征之一。

51、Should we dispatch cadres to help exercise regional national autonomy? ─── 又比如实行民族区域自治,我们派不派干部?

52、His dream was not of some Zionist homeland, but a socialist Poland in which Jews would have cultural autonomy. ─── 他的梦想中,波兰不是某些犹太复国主义的祖国,而是社会主义者的波兰,在社会主义者的波兰中,犹太人将拥有其文化自治权。

53、Execute apanage management, unit autonomy of responsible, dweller, community serves mode. ─── 实行属地治理、单位负责、居民自治、社区服务模式。

54、She sets a high value on autonomy. ─── 她高度重视自主权。

55、Leaner autonomy is the ultimate aim of foreign language learning. ─── 学习者自主性是外语学习的终极目标。

56、In places where there is a high concentration of minority nationality people, regional autonomy is in practice. ─── 在少数民族聚居的地方实行了区域自治。

57、China practices ethnic regional autonomy in areas where minority peoples live in compact communities. ─── 中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治制度。

58、Writers and artists seem to have carved out a small niche of autonomy. ─── 作家与艺术家们似乎开拓了一个享有自主权的小天地。

59、In the historical process of new rural construction, we must play the important role of the villager autonomy. ─── 在新农村建设的历史进程中,必须充分发挥村民自治的重大作用。

60、In the end is the dissemination of media and dealer stores and the spread of autonomy. ─── 中端传播主要是媒体传播及经销商与专卖店的自主传播。

61、Every language learner should have complete autonomy. But autonomy should here mean that it is never obligatory to learn a foreign language. ─── 任何学语言的人应具备高度自主能力,这种“自主”的意义应是:学习一门外语从来就不应是强制性的。

62、The concept of literature autonomy is often used in the learning circle. ─── “文学自主性”是学界经常使用的一个概念或术语。

63、The rising of autonomy of the will related with BRIT in Christianism and developed by Canon law. ─── 在理论上,意思自治的兴起与教会的盟约思想相关,并经教会法而发展。

64、What does Kant mean by "autonomy". Are human beings autonomous? ─── 什么是康德所指的“自律”?人是自律的吗?

65、The separatist is demanding full autonomy for their state. ─── 分裂主义者在要求他们的州完全自治。

66、Ningxia Autonomy Region Shizuishan Hengda Recycling Co., Ltd. ─── 宁夏自治区石嘴山市恒大回收有限公司。

67、Ethnic minorities' right to autonomy is protected by laws and regulations. ─── 少数民族的自治权利得到法律和制度的保障。

68、There are four minority autonomy areas in China. ─── 在中国有四个少数名族自治区.

69、A town's own militia stood ready to defend it against threats to its politico-economic autonomy. ─── 一个城市拥有自己的民兵组织,准备随时捍卫自己的政治和经济自主权。

70、Activists stepped up their demands for local autonomy last month. ─── 活动的积极分子上个月提高了其对地方自治的要求。

71、Only solving these prob- lems well can realize the aim of farmer autonomy and enhance the harmony,stabilizatio... ─── 只有制定出与之相适应的行之有效的对策,才能解决好这些问题,并促进农村的和谐、稳定和发展。

72、Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas. ─── 分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权。

73、Individual focus include autonomy, independence, uniqueness, comprehensiveness, and other attributes. ─── 个体维度包含自主性、独立性、独特性、全面性等属性。

74、After World War II, many colonies were granted autonomy and became independent nations. ─── 二次大战后,许多殖民地获得自治权,成为独立的国家。

75、Title: Autonomy of Greek Polis and Hegemony:A Case of Spartan and Athenian Hegemony, 386-371B.C. ─── 关键词:城邦自治;霸权;大王和约;亚里士多德盟约;帝国

76、The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy. ─── 这六个不安分的加盟共和国要求自治。

77、It will be distinguished from the other provinces or regions of China by its high degree of autonomy. ─── 它不同于中国其他一般省区,享有高度的自治权。

78、Voller(eds.)Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning.London:Longman. ─── 全程代理论文发表,提供写作指导,按杂志社要求前期审稿。

79、Their main objectives are to promote participation, autonomy, and pluralism. ─── 他们的主要目的是促进参与、自治、多元化。

80、But as any geriatric ward shows, that is not the same as to confer enduring mobility, awareness and autonomy. ─── 但正如可以在任何一个老年病房所展现的,不能够使他们保持行动里,意识以及自制力。

81、The Central Government has,by its actions,fulfilled its promise to allow Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy. ─── 中央政府以实际行动实践了香港享有高度自治的承诺。

82、A national minorities regional autonomy system is practiced in places where ethnic minorities gather and live. ─── 各少数民族聚居的地方,实行民族区域自治制度。

83、The minority nationalities want to benefit from regional autonomy, so if the economic problems are not solved, trouble will ensue. ─── 少数民族是想在区域自治里面得到些好处,一系列的经济问题不解决,就会出乱子。

84、The Basic Law gives us far more than financial autonomy. ─── 基本法除赋予我们财政自主权外,还赋予我们很多其他方面的自主权。

85、In these areas,organs of self-government are established for the exercise of the right of autonomy. ─── 各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分。

86、He shackled private enterprise with Byzantine controls and denied autonomy to the public sector. ─── 他用错综复杂的控制束缚了私有企业的发展,并否定公营部门的自主权。

87、Sexual harassment is in nature a kind of tort that infringes the right of sexual autonomy. ─── 性骚扰就其本质而言应当是一种侵权行为,它侵犯的是公民的性自主权。

88、Provincial officials have been given more autonomy. ─── 古巴的省级官员被授予了更多的自治权。

89、Above all, he decried its relative autonomy and appointed a number of hostile bosses to impose his authority. ─── 总之,他责难这家公司的相对自治性并且向这家公司委派了很多心腹来加强他的权威。

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