elasticity 发音
英:[ˌiːlæˈstɪsəti] 美:[ˌiːlæˈstɪsəti]
英: 美:
elasticity 中文意思翻译
elasticity 词性/词形变化,elasticity变形
elasticity 常用词组
modulus of elasticity ─── 弹性模量,弹性模数
high elasticity ─── 高弹性
price elasticity ─── 价格弹性
elasticity 短语词组
1、elasticity of demand ─── [化] 需求弹性 ─── [经] 需要弹性
2、elasticity of law ─── [法] 法律的灵活性
3、Brewster's law of photo-elasticity ─── [化] 布儒斯特光弹性定律
4、applied elasticity ─── [化] 应用弹性力学
5、elasticity of shape ─── [化] 形状弹性
6、acoustic elasticity ─── [电] 声能弹性
7、elasticity memory effect ─── [化] 弹性记忆效应
8、elasticity of shear ─── 剪切弹性
9、cross-elasticity of demand ─── [经] 需求的交互弹性
10、compression elasticity ─── [化] 抗压弹性
11、elasticity of ownership ─── [法] 所有权的伸缩性
12、adiabatic elasticity ─── [机] 绝热弹性
13、demand elasticity ─── [经] 需求弹性
14、coefficient of elasticity ─── [经] 弹性系数
15、cross elasticity ─── [经] 交叉弹性
16、cubic elasticity ─── [建] 立方的, 立方体的
17、arc elasticity ─── [经] 弧线弹性
18、apparent modulus elasticity ─── [机] 虚表弹性模数, 视弹性模数
19、cross-elasticity ─── 交叉弹性
elasticity 同义词
pliability | flexibility | resistance | snap | movement | springiness |bounce | malleability | suppleness | bounciness | spring | softness | give
elasticity 反义词
elasticity 相似词语短语
1、elasticities ─── 弹力;弹性
2、elasticate ─── v.把弹力物质植入(布料或衣物)
3、elastically ─── adv.有弹性地;伸缩自如地
4、inelasticity ─── n.不适应性;坚硬性;无弹力
5、plasticity ─── n.塑性,可塑性;适应性;柔软性
6、elasticize ─── v.使……具伸缩性;把弹力物质植入(布料或衣物)
7、anelasticity ─── n.[物]滞弹性,[力]内摩擦力
8、spasticity ─── n.强直状态,[临床]痉挛状态
9、elasticise ─── 弹性的,
elasticity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A Natural Restorative to Revive Skins Elasticity. ─── 一种自然恢复皮肤弹性的营养品。
2、Since market power equals the negative inverse of PED, as elasticity increases the market power decreases. ─── 市场力与PED存在着消极的反作用力,当弹性增强时市场力就会减弱。
3、Only for 15 minutes, can effectively promote the face blood circulation, thus restores the skin elasticity. ─── 只需敷15分钟,能有效促进面部血液循环,从而恢复皮肤弹性。
4、The price elasticity coefficient of demand was -0.427 3 in CMS. ─── 农民对合作医疗的需求价格弹性系数为-0.4273。
5、For identical shapes, the stiffness is proportional to the modulus of elasticity. ─── 对于同样形状的材料,刚度与弹性模量是成比例的。
6、Modulus of elasticity of volume? ─── 体积弹性模量?
7、A good prescription for insomnia. Enhance the elasticity of the skin. Meliorate neuralgia, headache and megrim. ─── 促进细胞再生、增加肌肤弹性。能镇定副交感神经的作用,使它成为治疗失眠的好处方,可改善神经痛、头痛和眩晕。
8、A special type of unsteady motions which bear a resemblance to plane wave solutions of the linear theory of elasticity can be constructed. ─── 一种特殊类型的、和线性弹性理论中的平面波解有点相象的非稳态运动可以建立起来。
9、His mind has lost elasticity. ─── 他的头脑已失去灵活性。
10、Michel: Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity? ─── 听说过抗张强度吗?胡克弹性定律.
11、The skin will be soft and full of elasticity if insist on using. ─── 坚持使用肌肤更加柔软且富有弹性。
12、Control had the higher shear value and elasticity than other materials studied. ─── 对照组的截切值及弹性显著高于其他试验处理组。
13、The elasticity of silk woven fabrics is formed by the twist release of hard twist on weft yarn. ─── 全真丝纬向弹力机织物的弹力主要利用强捻纬线的捻度释放来形成。
14、That night Fang's sleep was fitful, like rice-flour noodles without elasticity or stretchability. ─── 他那天晚上的睡眠,宛如粳米粉的线条,没有粘性,拉不长。
15、Factor productivities and elasticity of substitution between capital and labor in phalaenopsis farming are very high. ─── 因素生产力以及资本与劳动间的替代弹性皆很高。
16、How does people make use of the elasticity in daily production and life? ─── 人们在生产、生活中是如何利用物体的弹性的?
17、The plane problems and the torsion problem are standard fare in solution oriented books on elasticity. ─── 平面问题和扭转问题是弹性问题解法书中的标准内容。
18、Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke#s Law of Elasticity? ─── 听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?
19、According to the effect, the relationship of film elasticity and subharmonic is discussed. ─── 在弹性模量过大时,产生次谐波的域值太大,而弹性模量太小则产生的次谐波响应较小。
20、Again, dynamic elasticity and plastic response is studied using numerical simulation method for a model of the ship near the water surface. ─── 再次,采用数值模拟的方法对船舶模型在近距离水下爆炸载荷作用下的动态弹塑性响应进行研究。
21、What is Elasticity of Demand to Price Changes? ─── 什麽是对价格改变的需求弹性?
22、Strengthens skin firmness and elasticity, helps to weaken and reduce wrinkle, leaving skin whitened and smooth. ─── 增强肌肤紧实度和弹性,有助于淡化并减少皱纹,令肌肤皙白幼滑。
23、Topics include: elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, creep, fracture, and fatigue. ─── 主题包含:弹性、黏弹性、塑性、潜变、破断及疲劳。
24、Cost elasticity of feeds is the second most important factor after cost of milkfish fries. ─── 另外,饲料成本弹性值在各生产因素中,仅次于鱼苗成本亦是重要的生产因素。
25、For such goods, demand does not greatly decrease as the price rises, and elasticity of demand can be considered low. ─── 像这样的商品,需求的减少并没有价格上升那样剧烈,可能考虑降低需求的弹性。
26、Possess certain rigidity, hardness and elasticity, with unifor thickness. ─── 具有一定的刚性,硬度和弹性,厚薄均匀。
27、On the other hand the elevation of brand credit will reduce merchandise demand elasticity and steepen the demand curve. ─── 另一方面品牌信用度的提高使得品牌商品的需求弹性变小,需求曲线变陡峭。
28、ALT-711 could also renew declining lung elasticity and soften an enlarged and hardened prostate. ─── 它也可使衰弱的肺恢复弹性,软化已病变的前列腺。
29、Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's law of elasticity? ─── 听说过抗张强度麼?胡克弹性定律?
30、The firm has no exact way to judge accurately the demand elasticity for its many products. ─── 厂商没有精确的决定它的各种产品的需求弹性。
31、However, eversion of the cervical mucous good elasticity, the more tidy edge. ─── 但外翻的宫颈粘膜弹性好,边缘较整齐。
32、Material : PE, fixable, good elasticity, to bear collision, unable broken. ─── PE射出成型,弹性大,耐冲击,绝不破裂。
33、It's easy to fall into the trap of using the idea of elasticity to make a point about the set goal for a given solution. ─── 人们经常会陷入这样一个误区,就是经常会使用弹性这个词来描述特定解决方案的设定目标。
34、Increases skin's elasticity, regenerates cell renewal and has a replenishing effect. Suitable for all skin types. ─── 增加皮肤弹性,活化细胞的新陈代谢及再生能力,补充水份。适合任何皮肤。
35、An intact good Dao,with blade grain.Has it metamorphosed?What are rigidity and elasticity? ─── 完整的好刀,有刃纹,刀有无变形,硬度,弹性如何?
36、Keywords: geometric nonlinearity, sag effect, equivalent modulus of elasticity, vehicle-bridge interaction. ─── 关键词:几何非线性、中垂效应、等效弹性系数、车桥互制。
37、Commonly analyzed are elasticity of substitution, price and wealth. ─── 一般讲替代弹性,价格弹性,财富弹性。
38、It increase skin elasticity, increases cell regeneration, replenish skin nutrients and moisture. ─── 增加皮肤弹性、增加细胞再生力、补充营养及水份。
39、Daily facial exercises help to retain the skin's elasticity. ─── 每日的面部运动有助于保持皮肤弹性。
40、Price elasticity curves are changing. ─── 价格弹性曲线正在不断变化。
41、Flexural strength and elasticity decreased significantly with increasing wood content. ─── 含木率之增加降低了抗弯强度及抗弯弹性率至为显著。
42、They are meant for the average case, and must be applied with a certain degree of elasticity. ─── 他们只是普通的案例,必须在某程度的弹性下应用。
43、Elasticity allows us to analyze supply and demand with greater precision. ─── 弹性使我们可以更精确地分析供给与需求。
44、It looked as if he had been endowed with the elasticity of a ball, and rebounded each time his feet touched the ground. ─── 它看起来好像他已经被赋予球的弹性,而且每次回弹他的脚碰触地面。
45、Have the high elasticity material such as swim suit, callisthenic dress, sock etc. ─── 具有高弹性,高伸缩,适用于高弹性面料上,如泳装,健美服及袜类.
46、It brings back softness, whiteness, elasticity to skin and smoothes out uneveness. ─── 只是如此吸引人的贵族气息和浓情派送,不由得你不掏腰包,过一把高质量生活的瘾。
47、Elinvar is a trademark for a kind of nickel-chromium steel used for watch springs because its elasticity is constant over a wide range of temperatures. ─── 埃林瓦是一种用于手表弹簧的镍铬钢,因其能在很大的温度范围内保持一定的弹性。
48、Though they seem to be very small, stretch socks have great elasticity. ─── 弹力袜看着很小,其实伸缩性很大。
49、Combine with albumin cell, then get the regenerative function, which helps to renew the elasticity of skin. ─── 与蛋白细胞结合,增加皮肤组织再生功能,有助恢复皮肤弹性。
50、Help skin retain water and elasticity, make skin younger and strengthen bones. ─── 保持肌肤水分和弹性、延缓皮肤衰老、强化骨骼。
51、Solid polymer cages are characterized by a favourable combination of strength and elasticity. ─── 实体尼龙保持架的特点是强度与弹性有良好的结合。
52、Contains exclusive renovating complex to improve skin texture.Brims skin with elasticity &vitality. ─── 包含复杂的独家改造,改善皮肤纹理。
53、A few drops of the rum restored suspended animation, while the friction of his limbs restored their elasticity. ─── 几滴朗姆酒使年轻人衰弱的心脏重新兴奋起来,而他四肢也因受到了按摩而重新恢复了活力。
54、The Chlorophyll time-inverse non-trace repair factor can tighten your skin, invigorate it with elasticity. ─── 叶绿素逆时无痕修复因子让肌肤紧致、充满弹性活力。
55、Now that you understand the concept of elasticity, let's take a look at the second major facet of IaaS: virtualization. ─── 理解弹性概念之后,现在我们来看看IaaS的第二个主要方面:虚拟化。
56、Function: Strengthens skin elasticity and firmness of double cheek. ─── 增强皮肤弹性和坚定性双重脸颊。
57、Isoflavones in soy is the matural vegetal estrogen,is the lifeline for female elefant appearance and endows skin with elasticity, moist and luster. ─── 大豆中的大豆异黄酮是天然的植物性雌激素,是女性风采的生命线,肌肤的弹性与润泽都因此得以保持。
58、It has also been proven to increase the elasticity of the skin, as well as inhibit the activity of hyaluronidase. ─── 它也已经证明,增加弹性的皮肤,以及抑制活性的透明质酸酶。
59、If this paragraph of time having had a rest well, complexion may get better obviously , skin also is able to have elasticity Yue Lai Yue . ─── 这段时间如果休息好了,气色会明显变好,肌肤也会越来越具有弹性。
60、Its natural luster and elasticity make it a very desirable thread. Rarely used in industry. ─── 它的自然光泽和弹性使其成为一种令人满意的线,但工业上很少用。
61、Since it excels in flexibility and elasticity,it is the best for zig-zag sewing and strech-material. ─── 它还富有柔软性和伸缩性,很适合于弹力料的缝制、缝制条件苛刻的内衣锯齿形锁缝等。
62、Elasticity varies among products because some products may be more essential to the consumer. ─── 不同的产品弹性变化很大,因为对于顾客而言一些产品更必要。
63、By elasticity is meant the tendency of an object to return to its original state after being deformed. ─── 反弹力就是物体形变后要回复到初始状态的趋势。
64、The toughness, lightness, strength, and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses. ─── 的坚韧、轻巧、结实而又有弹性赋予它广泛的用途。
65、A balanced blend of collagen and elastin to maintain skin's youthful elasticity. ─── 富含胶原蛋白,弹性蛋白。保持皮肤年轻,弹性。
66、It not only remodels damaged skin structure, it also improves skin color and elasticity. ─── 它不仅能重组受损的皮肤结构,而且还能改善皮肤的色泽和弹性。
67、Drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day hydrates your skin, helps it maintain its elasticity, and gives it a healthy, natural glow. ─── 每天喝8—10杯水,可增加肌肤含水量,保持皮肤弹性,焕发健康自然光彩。
68、Sense: being absorbed as soon as being spreaded, it can frap the skin to be elasticity and smooth as silk. ─── 使用感觉:一抹就吸收,肌肤马上紧致而富有弹性,如绢丝般的触感。
69、Yao Weian and Zhong Wanxie, Symplectic Elasticity, Beijing, Higher Education Press, 2002. ─── 168姚伟岸、钟万勰,辛弹性力学,北京:高等教育出版社,2002
70、His voice has a good elasticity. ─── 他的声音很有弹性。
71、Complementary goods have a negative cross elasticity of demand. ─── 互补商品的需求的交叉弹性为负数。
72、Elasticity, solubility, inflammability are paradigm cases of dispositions in natural objects. ─── 伸缩性、可缩性、易燃性是天然物体倾向性的范例。
73、Make hair follicle of scalp more healthful and bright and elasticity with hair. ─── 使头皮毛囊更加健康,发质更光亮有弹性。
74、Every inch of her was full of life and elasticity. ─── 她浑身充满生机与活力。
75、The dewatering rate is correlated with the interfacial elasticity. ─── 不同种破乳剂,界面弹性降低幅度越大,其破乳效果越好。
76、Keep moisture and elasticity of skin, treat capillary vessel dilatation. Suitable for sensitive skin. ─── 保持肌肤水分和弹性,治疗微细血管扩张,适合敏感性皮肤使用。
77、Michael:Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity? ─── 听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?
78、Can reduce forehead wrinkles and enhance skin elasticity. ─── 可减少前额皱纹,增强皮肤弹性;
79、It looked as if he had been endowed with the elasticity of a ball, and rebounded each time his feet touched the ground. ─── 它看起来好像他已经被赋予球的弹性,而且每次回弹他的脚碰触地面。
80、Bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact. ─── 但它也有一定的弹性,使得骨骼能够承受相当的打击。
81、Rich Vitamin A may maintain the skin elasticity, prevents epithelial cell's atrophy keratinization. ─── 丰富的维生素A可保持皮肤弹性,防止上皮细胞的萎缩角化。
82、Analytical solutions for three dimensional elasticity problems are quite difficult to obtain. ─── 三维弹性问题的解析解是很难得到的。
83、But the elasticity assume existed dissatisfactory aspects to rather fluctuant free surface flow downstream sluice. ─── 但对闸后起伏较大的自由水面问题采用弹性盖法处理则存在不满意的地方。
84、We own torch furnace and elasticity tester which allow exclusive range of our products. ─── 为使客户对我们的产品更具信心,公司购进用于加强弹簧力度之回火炬炉及弹力测试仪器。
85、The rapider velocity of CCA walls pulsate was, the better elasticity was. ─── 其中速度指标和弹性关系最密切,最能代表弹性,壁运动速度越快弹性越好。
86、It lubricates the skin to help it retain its natural elasticity and moisture. ─── 使皮肤润滑帮助它保留其自然的弹性和潮湿。
87、Fig. 8. 29 shows the effect on the solution of including elasticity and enhanced viscosity. ─── 图8.29表示考虑弹性变形及粘度提高对计算结果的影响。
88、The relations between accelerate index, decelerate index and elasticity were in the next place. ─── 加速度指标与减速度指标和弹性关系其次。
89、The CCA elasticity is lessening with age increasing. ─── CCA壁弹性随年龄增加而降低;
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