headless 发音
英:['hedlɪs] 美:['hɛdləs]
英: 美:
headless 中文意思翻译
headless 网络释义
adj. 不在意的;无头脑的;无领导者的
headless 词性/词形变化,headless变形
名词: headlessness |
headless 短语词组
1、headless service ─── 无头服务
2、headless horseman ─── 无头骑士
3、headless horse ─── 无头马
4、running around like a headless ─── 像个没头的人一样到处乱跑
5、headless mode ─── 无头模式
6、headless chicken ─── 无头苍蝇 ─── 无头鸡
7、stage show headless ─── 舞台秀无头
headless 同义词
foolish |brainless | rudderless | undirected | dim-witted | senseless | beheaded | reinless | stupid | empty-headed | aimless | mindless | topless | ungoverned | unguided | acephalous | decollated | roving | wayward | guillotined | decapitated | leaderless | idiotic | witless | unintelligent | directionless
headless 反义词
headless 相似词语短语
1、dreadless ─── adj.无畏的
2、headleases ─── 头饰
3、threadless ─── adj.无螺纹的;无线的
4、headiness ─── n.任性;顽固;性急
5、headdress ─── n.头发编梳的式样;饰头巾
6、heedless ─── adj.不注意的;不留心的
7、heatless ─── adj.无热的
8、leadless ─── adj.无铅的;不含四乙铅的
9、breadless ─── adj.无面包的,没饭吃的;缺粮的
headless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I am a headless swamp monster! ─── 我是沼泽地的无头怪兽!
2、a headless body/corpse ─── 无头尸体
3、Nearly Headless Nick tells us that the Wailing Widow travelled all the way to Hogwarts from Kent to attend his Deathday Party in. ─── 差点没头的尼克曾经告诉我们,WailingWidow从肯特不远万里的来到霍格沃茨来参加他的祭日典礼。
4、NetCFRPM and MDBG cannot target headless devices ─── NetCFRPM及MDBG无法将无周边装置设为目标
5、His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. ─── 他回家时要经过一座古老的睡谷公墓,公墓里埋着一个无头黑森士兵。
7、Headless server ─── n. 无头服务器
8、headless nail ─── 无头钉
9、God told them the headless bodies were destined to be poor workers. ─── 上帝告诉他们这些没有智慧的人是命中注定的下人。
10、A headless rider haunts the country lanes. (v. ─── 一个无头骑士经常出没于乡间的小路上。
11、They remembed the frightening storys of the valley. and Finally they came to believe that the headless horseman had carried IC away. ─── 他们还记得有关山谷的那个很吓人的故事。最后他们都认为是那个无头的骑马着带走了IC。
12、headless relative ─── 无中心词关系从句
13、What happened when the headless ghost visited the Lost Property Department? ─── 无头鬼到了失物招领处时会发生什么事?
14、There is evidence in book two, specifically the cake at Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party, that the actual date is none of these years. ─── 在第二本书里有证据,尤其是差点没头的尼克的祭日晚会上的蛋糕,都说明真正的年份不是上面提到的任何一个。
15、Headless Horseman's Mount is now instant cast. ─── 无头骑士坐骑瞬发召唤了....(就是削弱啊!怒
16、Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads. ─── 把蟑螂的脑袋切掉看起来是很残忍的。但是科学家们已经对没有头的蟑螂和没有身体的蟑螂头进行了许多次的实验。
17、The headless torso of a man was found in some bushes. ─── 在灌木丛中发现了一具无头男尸。
18、The Headless redirection port has been changed. ─── 已经更改了无头重定向端口。
19、She said: "It is just disaster after disaster after disaster." She described her local party members as "headless chickens. They are really in bereavement". ─── 她说:“这是一个灾难,彻头彻尾的灾难。”她说本地政党党员都是些“没头脑的呆鸡,都像死了亲娘似的。”
20、And who cared about a bunch of headless revolutionaries anyhow! ─── 不管怎么说,谁会对一群没有脑袋的革命分子感兴趣呢?
21、Maybe he just made up the five hundred year thing to try to elicit sympathy to his quest to join the Headless Hunt. ─── 大概这只是他为了加入无头猎手会,而编造了五百年之说来引起人们的同情心。
22、You`re Nearly Headless Nick. ─── 你是差点没头的尼克.
23、headless computer ─── 无头计算机
24、Headless studs for stud welding ─── gb/T10432-1989无头焊钉
25、Headless bodies are seen walking the beaches in search of their heads. ─── 无头的尸体行走在沙滩上寻找着自己的头颅。
26、The headless marble statue of a woman was found buried in the sand by a resident walking near the shore in the southern city of Ashkelon. ─── 一位当地居名在在以色列南部城市Ashkelon的海岸边散步时,发现了埋藏于沙石中的一座无头的女性大理石雕像。
27、‘We never associate with them because they act like a mob of headless flies flying here and there.We have a distinct standpoint.Every time we only mutiny once. ─── ‘我们决不与这种人为伍,他们是一伙到处乱飞的没头苍蝇,而我们有明确的立场和态度。
28、The Headless redirection port could not be changed. ─── 不能更改无头重定向端口。
29、We must be able to see your face in the majority of your shots. Headless nudes are cool and all, but we need to know what you look like. ─── 我们必须能在绝大多数照片里看见你的脸。无头裸照很正点,不过我们得知道你长什么样。
30、several townspeople talk about meeting the @Headless Horseman. ─── 一些镇上的人在谈论遇见“无头骑士”的奇闻。
31、It stood upright upon the figure of a prostrate and headless giant ─── 巍然屹立在一个趴着的无头怪物身上。
32、headless clause ─── 无头子句
33、Sir Nicholas: Dismal. Once again, my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied. ─── 尼古拉斯爵士:惨哪,我想参加无头骑士狩猎,但又再度遭到拒绝。
34、Headless ghosts fill the halls, shadow plays of grief and pain Phantom speaks his final note; tenants of the castle slain ─── 到处都是邪恶的幽灵,撩起绝望的影衫,奏起最终的音符,杀戮入侵的人
35、headless welding rolling ─── 无头轧制
36、They passed through a room filled with headless bodies and severed limbs and looked at photographs of the faces of the dead. ─── 他们穿过一间「塞满」无头尸体与断手断脚的房间,看看受害者的照片。
37、headless setscrew ─── 无头止动螺钉
38、"You can have a headless general, but never a surrounding one." ─── 但有断头将军,无降将军!老严颜不还是投降了吗?
39、And the bewilderment of the brothers was presently increased by the information that the headless body had disappeared from the wine-shop,-none could say how or when. ─── 不久,两兄弟更加迷惑,因为他们得到消息说酒店的那个无头躯体不见了,没有人知道它是怎麽不见的,何时不见的。
40、This Hallow's End, adventurers will face a new challenge striking at the very base of their homelands: the Headless Horseman! ─── 今年的万圣节,特别是在冒险者的家乡,他们将面对一个新的挑战:无头骑士!
41、The headless screw must be fully buried beneath the articular cartilage of the proximal scaphoid to avoid radioscaphoid impingement. ─── 无头螺钉应被完全埋入近侧舟状骨关节软骨内以避免桡舟关节受损。
42、The headless mummy was found in September in Lima's Huaca Pucllana ceremonial complex after studies and exploration at the site. ─── 据报道,这具无头木乃伊于9月在利马以东500公里处的地方被发现。
43、Outside the slaughterhouse, young women with long wooden poles stir headless turkey carcasses in a large steel trough of steaming water. ─── 屠宰房外,年轻女人们正用长长的木棍,搅拌一个热气腾腾的巨大钢槽中无头火鸡的尸体。
44、The most headless passer-by feels the depressing influences of a place. ─── 一到这个地方,连最没心事的人也会象所有的过路人一样无端端的不快活。
45、The most headless passer-by feels the depressing influences of a place ─── 一到这个地方,连最没心事的人也会象所有的过路人一样无端端的不快活。
46、Hexagon socket headless set screws ─── 六角凹头定位螺丝
47、OK, headless hunk of fantasy fulfilment. Time to meet your new master ─── 好吧,没有头的大家伙。是时候见你的新主人了
48、This paper examines previous accounts of the headedness of Mandarin resultative verb compounds and argues for the view that such compounds are headless from the perspective of argument realization. ─── 摘要本论文考察了关于汉语动结式(即结果式复合动词)是否有核心的四种可能性。文章的主要观点是,从论元实现的角度来看,汉语动结式是一种无核心结构。
49、you produce a headless replica of yourself, a mutant twin, ─── 你就可以复制出一个没有头的你,一个变体的双胞胎,
50、but if you create a headless clone of just your body, ─── 但是如果你克隆的仅仅是你的身体,弄出一个无头的克隆人,
51、Slotted head cap screws, square head set screws, and slotted headless set screws ─── 开槽圆头螺钉,方头定位螺钉和开槽无头定位螺钉
52、Hallow's End starts tonight and the Headless Horseman items were all updated to ilvl 200. ─── 万圣节今晚开始,无头骑士的物品掉落都提升到200点物品等级了。
53、Damn, Novak is still moving like a headless chicken on the court. He needs to stop chewing gum and concentrate on the game instead. ─── 靠,诺瓦克在场上还是象个无头苍蝇。不要再嚼口香糖了,他必须把注意力集中在比赛上。
54、Headless roaches are capable of living for weeks. ─── 即使是没有头的蟑螂,也可以存活几个星期之久。
55、headless plug ─── 无头塞
56、Cry headless people lined up waiting for death. ─── 哭泣的无头人排着队等待死亡。
57、1. A headless man haunts the castle. ─── 一个无头幽灵常在城堡出现。
58、Running the task in headless mode. ─── 在headless操作模式中运行这个任务。
59、given that it might be difficult to recruit sane women to carry headless fetuses to their birth/death. ─── 因为恐怕很难找到精神正常的女人愿意怀上无头胚胎,等待它们的出生死亡。
60、The headless rider thundered past him, and the man got a second look at the headless ghost.It was wearing a Hessian commander's uniform. ─── 无头骑士从他身边呼啸而过,他又看了一眼那个无头骑士,发现他穿着黑森指挥官的制服。
61、A headless rider haunts the country lanes. ─── 一个无头骑士常出没于乡间的小路上。
62、15 As no one answered, he parted the curtains, entered the bedroom, and found him lying on the floor, a headless corpse. ─── 但没有听到什么声音,就揭开门帘,走进寝室,发现敖罗斐乃横卧在脚凳上死了,头已被砍去,
63、headless slotted plug ─── 无头槽塞
64、The.NET Compact Framework version 2.0 SP1 supports creating Windows CE-based headless devices. ─── .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1版本支持创建基于Windows CE的无外设设备。
65、Headless Roaches Can Live Up To Nine days. ─── 无头蟑螂能存活9天以上。
66、If you hadn't been so kind, now I would be a headless corpse, rotting in the grave. ─── 如果您不是那么仁慈,我现在就是坟墓里腐烂的一具无头尸体了。
67、Others say he was taken by the "Headless Horseman". ─── 也有人说他是被“无头骑士”抓走了。
68、Whatever the reason, the Headless Horseman continues to roam the roads near Tarrytown on dark nights from that day to this. ─── 不管是什么原因吧,从那天起,这个无头骑士便总在漆黑的夜晚在塔利镇附近的路上游荡。
69、One headless cooked white duck 200g ─── 去头熟白鸭200克
70、Ichabod turned back to see whether the headless horseman stopped or not. ─── 伊克波特回头想看那没头人是不是停下来了。
71、headless set screw ─── 无头止动螺丝
72、headless rivet ─── 无头铆钉
73、He is represented as a headless body holding its decapitated head in its hands. ─── 人们把他描绘成手持自己首级的无头之躯。
74、Events held include the “5K Run Like a Headless Chicken Race”, egg toss, “Pin the Head on the Chicken”, the “Chicken Cluck-Off”, and “Chicken Bingo”. ─── 举办的活动有:“像无头鸡麦克一样竞跑5公里”、掷鸡蛋、“按紧鸡头”、“鸡鸡不咯叫”和“鸡鸡宾果游戏”。
75、Unkindly known as a headless chicken by his merciless team-mates as he runs on everlasting nervous energy. ─── 他无情的队友可能因为他总是带着永恒而又紧张的活力奔跑而认为他是一只无头的小鸡。
76、The headless empress rescues the prince ─── 无头东宫救太子
77、Maybe he just made up the five hundred year thing to try to elicit sympathy to his quest to join the Headless Hunt. ─── 大概这只是他为了加入无头猎手会,而编造了五百年之说来引起人们的同情心。
78、Unaware of what he really needs, he ceaselessly roams in the sky just like a headless insect. ─── 他搞不清楚究竟自己需要什么,就像一只无头昆虫在天空中不停游荡。
79、Lakshmi Tatma is joined at the pelvis to what is in effect a headless, undeveloped twin. ─── 一组医生正试图给一位生下来就长有四只胳膊和四条腿的两岁小孩实施手术以期能使她过上正常人的生活。
80、However, that night, it was Milan who were making Barcelona players run after the ball like headless chicken. ─── 不过,在那个夜晚,米兰成功地让巴塞罗那球员像无头苍蝇一样跟在皮球后面疲于奔命。
81、headless shoulder ─── 无头颈肩皮
82、Let them flow away like water that runs off; When he aims his arrows, let them be as headless shafts. ─── 愿他们消灭如急流的水一般.他们瞅准射箭的时候、愿箭头彷佛砍断。
83、headless shoulder screw ─── 无头轴肩螺钉
84、IK looked back to see if the headless man has stopped. ─── 伊卡博得朝后看了看那个无头人是否停下来了。
85、headless screw ─── 无头螺钉
86、In front was that chapel and ancient bridge. The headless knight had ever arrived there, and then returned to his tomb. ─── 而前方就是那个教堂古桥,无头骑士曾在那里停驻,从那里回到了他的葬身之墓。
87、At the Dadong Roast Duck Restaurant, cooks in dark pinstriped pants handle headless ducks with long poles before putting them in brick ovens. ─── 在大董烤鸭餐馆,厨师用长杆将鸭子放入转炉烤箱之前,先用调料处理无首的鸭子。
88、slotted headless set screw ─── 带槽无头止动螺钉
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