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08-09 投稿


unevenness 发音

英:[ʌnˈiːvnnəs]  美:[ʌnˈiːvnnəs]

英:  美:

unevenness 中文意思翻译



unevenness 词性/词形变化,unevenness变形

名词: unevenness |形容词最高级: unevenest |副词: unevenly |形容词比较级: unevener |

unevenness 同义词

asymmetry | bumpiness | disproportion | patchiness | irregularity | jaggedness | roughness |inequality | disparity | variability

unevenness 短语词组

1、unevenness concept ─── 不均匀性概念

unevenness 反义词


unevenness 相似词语短语

1、uneventfulness ─── 不均匀

2、keenness ─── n.敏锐;锐利

3、givenness ─── 给予性

4、greenness ─── n.绿色;未熟;新鲜

5、evenness ─── n.均匀性;平坦;平均;平等

6、uncleanness ─── n.不纯洁;不干净

7、cleverness ─── n.聪明;机灵

8、cravenness ─── 懦夫

9、drivenness ─── 驱策

unevenness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flesh of tongue of additional exterior examine has without atrophy, if glossal face is uneven, for glossal amyotrophy. ─── 另外观察舌肌有无萎缩,如舌面凹凸不平,为舌肌萎缩。

2、Even for so small a number as five, a nearly equal division is much more likely than a very uneven division. ─── 即使对于象5这样小的数字,接近于均匀分布的可能性还是远比极有均匀分布的可能性大的多。

3、Uneven twill fabrics have a right and a wrong side and therefore are not considered reversible. ─── 单面斜纹织物具有正反面,两面是不能互换的。

4、There are four set exercises for women: floor exercises, vault, balance beam and uneven bars. ─── 女子体操有四个项目的规定动作:自由体操、跳马、平衡木和高低杠。

5、By May 1945 most Germans had lost all will to continue the uneven struggle. ─── 到1945年5月,大多数德国人对继续进行这场力量悬殊的战争已完全失去了信心。

6、They smooth out the microscopically uneven cells of your cornea. ─── 他们使你角膜的精微不平坦细胞平滑。

7、Slowly they took shape; first an uneven outline of brick, like a ruin. ─── 它们慢慢地建筑得有点样子了,先是一个歪歪曲曲的砖块轮廓,像一个废墟。

8、But last year she developed a fear of jumping from one bar to the other in the uneven bars event. ─── 但去年她害怕跳,从一个酒吧到另一个在高低杠。

9、The floor felt uneven under his feet. ─── 他觉得脚下的地板高低不平。

10、Found some garments'back pocket uneven placement. ─── 发现某些成品后袋位置不均。

11、She beat Liukin in the EF and won the gold medal for the uneven bar. ─── 只要他们习惯了,他们就不会再敢渲染这个假造年龄的课题。

12、Uneven edge at front placket. ─── 前筒反光。

13、Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven. ─── 她的头发剪得很糟,发梢高低不齐。

14、Do you see uneven joint between the vertical stabiliser and the fuselage? ─── 大意:(我水平有限)垂稳器和机身结合部一点也不平整。

15、The PCM cannot detect uneven, low, or high engine cylinder compression. ─── PCM 不能检测不均匀、低或高的引擎汽缸压力。

16、The foor is uneven for long time using. ─── 地板因年久而变了形。

17、They went forward as briskly as they could on the uneven causeway . ─── 他们用尽可能快的速度,在高低不平的堤上继续前进。

18、Having an uneven number of toes. ─── 奇蹄的有奇数个脚趾的

19、Use of the bearing oil leak detector will determine whether or not bearing wear has been uneven. ─── 使用漏油检测装置即可判定轴承磨损是否均匀。

20、Amid China's uneven, 21st century boom, that remains an open and, for the moment, unanswerable question. ─── 在中国21世纪不平等的繁荣中,这是一个没有答案,而且在此时无法回答的问题。

21、Uneven length of sleeve placket on the same gamut. ─── 同一条成品袖筒长短不一。

22、growth of global economy causes the unevenness between supply and demand of the electric. ─── 全球经济的快速增长致使电力市场的供求不平衡。

23、The unwhitening and uneven facial complexion seem emaciating and aging. ─── 不净白不均匀的脸色让人看起来显得几分憔悴和老化。

24、Amid the synchronised slowdown of major industrial economies, economic growth has been slow and uneven in Asia. ─── 各主要工业经济体系同时放缓,亚洲各地也经济增长缓慢和发展不均衡。

25、The dramatical growth of global economy causes the unevenness between supply and demand of the electric. ─── 全球经济的快速增长致使电力市场的供求不平衡。

26、The hard uneven pavement is under us, the soft deep mud is on either side. ─── 坚硬不平的道路在我们下面,稀软的深泥在道路两旁。

27、Uneven length of front opening. ─── 前开口袋长度不均。

28、She was fond of her children in an uneven, impulsive way. ─── 她爱孩子有些冲动,不稳定。

29、He stumbled on the uneven ground and fell on his face. ─── 他在不平的地面上绊了一脚,摔了个嘴啃泥。

30、As uneven plaid is uneven both horizontally and vertically. ─── 不均匀格子布横向、竖向都是不均匀的。

31、His poetry is uneven in quality. ─── 他的诗品质参差不齐。

32、The surface of resistor is covered with Protective Coating which hard to fade , and the surface of coating should avoid unevenness . ─── 电阻器表面二次玻璃体保护膜覆盖完好且难以脱落,表面平整。

33、Found some garments have uneven brushing streak. ─── 发现某些成品有不良刷痕。

34、He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face. ─── 他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。

35、Lack of smoothness or regularity; unevenness. ─── 不平坦缺乏平衡感或规律性; 不平的

36、The ground became more and more uneven, full of pits and hillocks. ─── 地面越来越高低不平了,到处都是小坑和小丘。

37、So too can the uneven performance of our provincial economies. ─── 各省的经济差距同样会产生影响。

38、"Immense challenges remain and progress is uneven and often frustratingly slow. ─── 不过,依然存在诸多挑战,进步是不平均的,而且经常令人沮丧地缓慢。

39、Uneven width of pocket welt. ─── 唇袋宽度不均。

40、Emotion made his voice uneven. ─── 他激动得声音都变了.

41、Likely to topple because of an uneven distribution of weight, with the majority being at the top. ─── 头重脚轻的,不稳的由于重量分布不均,头部承受了大多数重量而导致容易翻倒

42、Used for reeling set length's sliver and roving to test whose weight and weight unevenness . ─── 用于摇取一定长度的条子和粗纱,供测定其重量及重量不匀率。

43、Garment have uneven stitching width at front rise. ─── 前浪缐步不平均。

44、The jeep barreled along at about60mph on an uneven road. ─── 吉普车以每小时六十英里左右的速度在凹凸不平的道路上不停地行驶。

45、Yet, he said, the unevenness shows that Faulkner was willing to take risks, to explore new material, and new ways to talk about it. ─── 但他说,福克纳的深不可测说明他甘冒风险,敢于探索新题材,尝试新方法进行写作。

46、Female gymnasts compete on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor. ─── 女体操运动员在撑竿跳、高低杠、平衡木和自由体操比赛中角逐。

47、AT MIDDAY on the 22nd, Pierre was walking along the muddy, slippery road uphill, looking at his feet and at the unevenness of the road. ─── 二十二日中午,皮埃尔沿着泥泞的打滑的道路向山上走,他看着自己的脚,又看看那崎岖的山道。

48、Take another instrument( Smudge Tool), preliminary setting brush hardness on0% and paint the birthmarks and skin unevenness. ─── 使用涂抹工具,将笔触的硬度设置为0%将皮肤上得痣及其他与肤色不同的东西涂抹掉。

49、His teeth, when he opened his mouth, showed yellow and uneven. ─── 他张开嘴时,参差不齐的黄牙露了出来。

50、Rotating Unevenness is an important dynamic qulity of a weaving loom. ─── 回转不匀率是纵机的一项重要动态特性指标。

51、She excels in vault, balance beam and uneven bars. ─── 她擅长平衡木和高低杠。

52、Her breathing was quick and uneven. ─── 她的呼吸急促不匀。

53、Uneven width of top-stitches at closure edge. ─── 前襟边面线宽度不均匀。

54、ink components dispersed evenly, in storaging or used in rollers do not appear when the unevenness of the concentration. ─── 油不朱不败分凑拢平均,在贮藏历程洋或用在不朱辊上时不会呈现浓量不匀本体。

55、He stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face. ─── 他在不平的地上绊了一跤,摔了个嘴啃地。

56、A Connecticut Yankee is similarly uneven. ─── 《在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州美国人》也同样瑕瑜互见。

57、People should see a doctor immidiately if they find a growth of a strange shape, or uneven sides or edges. ─── 一旦发现自己身上出现异样的形状或者皮肤表面不均匀就应该马上去看医生。

58、Never hoist on uneven ground with the mast tilted away from vertical position. ─── 不要在不平地面上桅架倾斜的状态下举重。

59、Loofah body is uneven, the head also wore a yellow color of the flowers. ─── 丝瓜身上是凹凸不平的,头上还顶着个黄颜色的小花。

60、His work has been rather uneven this year. ─── 他的工作质量今年一直不规则。

61、Lack of smoothness or regularity;unevenness. ─── 不平坦缺乏平衡感或规律性;不平的

62、Enough excess to create an uneven stacking while winding the coil on the rewind. ─── 卷取机卷取带卷时,过量冷却液造成卷料不齐平。

63、Is the distribution of wealth uneven in your country ? ─── 在你们国家财富分配得均匀吗?

64、The grind was muddy and uneven,but we toiled on. ─── 地面泥泞不平,我们仍吃力地向前走。

65、This book is,to put it baldly,an uneven work.. ─── 坦白地说,这是一部质量有高有低的作品。

66、The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance. ─── 中国经济的不统一、不平衡,对于抗日战争反为有利。

67、This is probably the cause of unevenness, more nubs and nips in the Solospun yarn. ─── 与环锭纱相比,分束纺纱线的断裂强度和伸长率的变异系数较大,这与纱条不匀、粗细节和毛粒较多有关。

68、In web printing, a crease produced because of excess water or uneven tension. ─── 中义轮转印刷,因水量过多或张力不平均所造成的摺纹。

69、Rhythm: say the rhythm aloud, tap to the beat, or walk to the beat while clapping the rhythm and deliberately practicing alternate rhythms (for unevenness). ─── 节奏︰大声念着节奏,敲着节拍,或跟随节拍拍手及故意练习交替的节奏(对于不平衡的节奏)。

70、Earth's wobble causes water to be retained in an uneven manner around the globe much like a centrifuge. ─── 地球的摆动就象一个离心分离机,使水域以不均匀的方式分布在全球。

71、Postwar oil discoveries have been very uneven distributed among countries. ─── 在战后,油田的发现在各国的分布是极不均匀的。

72、Meanwhile, we must see clearly that the world development is uneven. ─── 同时必须清醒地看到,世界的发展并不平衡。

73、Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven . ─── 她的头发剪的很糟,发端参差不齐。

74、But she has recorded a number of uneven performances in the long jump. ─── 但在跳远项目上她有过几次参差不齐的表现。

75、The linear density and unevenness of PET spun staple fiber were measured by vibration method. ─── 介绍用振动仪测试涤纶原丝线密度及其不匀率。

76、Her works have been rather uneven this year. ─── 她今年的作品相当参差不齐。

77、A one-way plaid is uneven in the lengthwise direction only. Pattern. pieces are laid out in one direction. ─── 单向格子布只是经向不均匀。排料应朝一个方向。

78、Intermediate frequency instability has had the most uneven history. ─── 中频不稳定性的研究经历了极为曲折的道路。

79、To avoid deadlocks, the articles or bylaws usually authorize an uneven number of directors. ─── 为了避免僵局,一般情况是公司章程或细则对董事的数量规定为单数。

80、The rockeries are piled up in an uneven and intriguing way. ─── 假山堆得起伏有致,别有情趣。

81、The speedy development of city is on the whole coordinated and harmonious, but uneven. ─── 城市在高速发展过程中,整体是协调和谐的,但并不均匀。

82、It can be predicted that the general revolutionary situation will grow further at certain stages in the future but that the unevenness will remain. ─── 在将来,可以想到,在某些阶段里,革命的总的形势是更加发展了,但是不平衡状态还会存在着。

83、In the uneven bars, the entire routine should flow from one movement to the next without pause or extra supports. ─── 在高低杠比赛中,整套动作要自然流畅,没有停顿及附加支撑。

84、The uneven dispersion of CB in foam results in higher volume resistivity. ─── 另外,炭黑粒子分布的不均匀性导致了海绵的体积电阻率较高。

85、Tough hole with everything on, sand, water, uneven lie, strong headwind and the killing distance. ─── 天啊,这个洞也是逆风,又要避沙避水,又高低脚,不求有功但求无过

86、He stumbled on the uneven ground. ─── 他在凹凸不平地面上绊倒了。

87、Hobble and limp describe the uneven movement of someone whose legs are injured. ─── hobble 和limp 均指腿受伤时不平稳的步子.

88、The clinal variations of at least some physiological characters does not reflect unevenness at the subspecies boundaries. ─── 至少有一些生理性状的梯度变异反映不出亚种边界的不齐性。

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