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08-09 投稿


alme 发音

英:[['ælm]]  美:[['ælm]]

英:  美:

alme 中文意思翻译



alme 相似词语短语

1、almes ─── n.(埃及的)歌女;舞女(等于alma)

2、alma ─── n.(Alma)(英、拉、罗、意、匈、克、瑞、芬、葡、伊)阿尔玛(人名)

3、Palme ─── n.(Palme)人名;(英)帕姆;(法、德、意、捷、芬、瑞典)帕尔梅

4、alae ─── n.翼,翼状结构(ala的复数)

5、acme ─── n.顶点,极点,最高点

6、alee ─── adj.背风面的;下风舷转舵迎风的;adv.背风面地;下风舷转舵迎风地

7、ale ─── n.麦芽酒;n.(Ale)人名;(塞、几、葡)阿莱;(伊朗)阿勒

8、almeh ─── 阿尔梅

9、lame ─── adj.跛足的;僵痛的;不完全的;无说服力的;差劲的,蹩脚的;vi.变跛;vt.使跛;使成残废

alme 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ALM and EM Observation of the Retroperitoneal Malignant Mesenchymoma ─── 腹膜后恶性间叶瘤的光镜与电镜观察

2、Source: N ingxia statistic alm anac (2002) and Gansu alm anac (2002). ─── 资源来源:宁夏统计年鉴(2002年)和甘肃年鉴(2002年)。

3、Mastering famous education method such as TPR (Total Physical Response), ALM (Audiolingual Method) and so on.Enjoying teaching.Being familiar with 4-10 years-old Children psychology. ─── 精通全身动作反应教学法TPR(Total Physical Response)、主题教学法、听说法ALM(Audiolingual Method)等适合青少儿的教学方法。

4、This ALM method is modeled for single-sourced, large-scale two-way multimedia transmission. ─── 这种应用层组播方法适用于单源大规模多媒体直播交互模型,支持多媒体的双向传输。

5、This paper also discussed the application of ALM in the life insurance interest rate risk management and drew a conclusion that the control of duration gap is the practical choice of Chinese life insurance industry. ─── 接着本文讨论了资产负债管理技术在寿险业利率风险管理中的应用,考虑到中国寿险业的现状,提出中国寿险业防范利率风险应该从缩小有效久期缺口着手的结论。

6、As i began walking again, I drifted back into this time frame alm and cleard. ─── 我实在不记得要去何处。

7、Instability Problem of ALM Tree with Stable Members ─── 固定组成员的应用层组播树不稳定问题

8、The Compare and Analysis of IP Multicast and ALM Congestion Control Protocol ─── 不同组播拥塞控制协议的分析与比较

9、To solve the scalability problem in Application Level Multicast(ALM) group key management scheme.MGKT,a multi-group key tree based large-scale ALM group key management scheme is proposed. ─── 针对现有应用层组播组密钥管理方案可扩展性差等问题,设计一种适用于大规模应用层组播的基于多组密钥树的组密钥管理方案MGKT。

10、She is taken to live with her Grandfather, Alm, who lives alone on a mountain in the magnificent setting of Switerland. ─── 她来到阿尔卑斯山,开始了和性格孤僻的爷爷的新生活。

11、Keywords Optimization model of ALM;Liquidity restriction;Capital at risk restriction;VaR; ─── 资产负债优化模型;流动性约束;资本约束;风险价值;

12、In order to increase students' interest in learning, the textbooks are designed based on the principles of two TESOL approaches: Total Physical Response (TPR) and The Audiolingual Method (ALM). ─── 同时利用肢体回应教学法(TPR)与听说教学法(ALM)的特点来进行试教,因为这两种教学法都强调实用、活泼、减轻学生压力。

13、its fforce and is used alm ost affectionately in term s such as a lucky blighter. ─── 指“性格卑劣的、令人讨厌的人”。现在,,此词已没有这种强烈的贬义

14、This paper discusses a degree-constrained multicast model on scribe based on pastry, and proposes an AOI node joining algorithm for the corresponding ALM in heterogeneous networks, as well as a way to decline the number of non-DHT links. ─── 在基于Pastry的Scribe多播模型上增加了度约束条件,并提出了相应的异构网络应用层的多播加入算法,最后给出了减少非-DHT连接数目的方法.

15、In this paper,a model of reactive power planning based on fuzzy multiobjective planning method and a solution of Augmented Lagrange Method(ALM)are presented. ─── 本文运用模糊集理论建立了电力系统模糊多目标无功规划模型和alm 求解方法。

16、3.The acetone-treated ALM(AALM) did not differ significantly from ALM in proximate composition, metabolizable energy and amino acid composition except for acridity. ─── 丙酮处理的海芋叶粉的概略营养成分、代谢能和氨基酸组成与原海芋叶粉无明显差异。

17、The Application of Bayesian Method in ALM for Pension Fund ─── 贝叶斯方法在养老基金资产负债管理中的应用

18、Application-Level Multicast(ALM) model ─── 应用层多播模型

19、ALM To study the effects of ginkgo biloba extract (GbE) on expressions of neuron specific enolase (NSE) and S 100 protein(S 100) mRNA in newborn rat brain after hypoxic ischemic brain damage (HIBD) and the mechanism of GbE against HIBD. ─── 目的 研究银杏叶提取物 (GbE)对新生鼠缺血缺氧性脑损伤 (HIBD)后脑组织神经元特异性烯醇化酶 (NSE)、S 10 0蛋白 (S 10 0 )mRNA表达的影响 ,以探讨GbE抗脑缺血缺氧的药理作用机制。

20、ALM tree ─── 多播树

21、A few more pics of the Blaa Alm. ─── 布拉山的一些像片。

22、A Large-scale ALM Key Distribution Scheme ─── 一种大规模应用层组播密钥分发方案

23、Regard the Telelogic of congress diamond sponsor as the company, did about its lifecycle of product ALM(automation manages) first speech of the solution. ─── 作为大会钻石赞助商的 Telelogic 公司,做了关于其产品 ALM(自动化生命周期管理)解决方案的首场演讲。

24、India's 5% average annual growth has raised per capita income to $2,534,' Cox and Alm write. ─── 印度人均收入每年平均增长5%,目前为2,534美元。

25、ALM tree construction ─── 组播树生成

26、Can the company adopt sound ALM and still remain competitive? ─── 公司可以采纳稳健的资产负债且同时保持竞争优势吗?

27、Age and Life Management(ALM) ─── 老化与寿期管理(ALM)

28、Application Layer Multicast(ALM) has resolved the issue of deployment,but effectiveness inferiors to IP multicast. ─── 应用层组播解决了网络层组播难于部署的问题,但是效率不及网络层组播。

29、Asset liability management, or ALM, is a most influential operation and management method for modem commercial banks. The efficiency of ALM affects the competitive ability of banks directly. ─── 资产负债管理是最有影响的现代商业银行经营管理方式,资产负债管理效率的高低直接影响着银行的竞争实力。

30、Mastering famous education method such as ALT(Communicative Language Teaching), ALM (Audiolingual Method) and so on. ─── 精通CLT(Communicative Language Teaching)、主题教学法、听说法ALM(Audiolingual Method)等适合青少儿的教学方法。

31、alm of my hand. ─── 我对他了如指掌。

32、The third part compares ALM of western banks with that of our banks by fixed quantitative and qualitative analysis.It turns out that western commercial banks" ALM is more effective than ours. ─── 第三部分通过对中西方商业银行资产负债管理进行定量和定性的比较分析,得出西方商业银行的资产负债管理比我国国有商业银行更有效的结论。

33、ALM To improve the surgical treatment of renal cell carcinoma (RCC)with inferior vena cava (IVC)tumor thrombus. ─── 目的提高肾癌(RCC)伴下腔静脉(IVC)癌栓的手术治疗效果。方法对4例RCC伴IVC癌栓患者在施行肾癌根治性切除。

34、Before I go any further, let me say that this particular article does not attempt to offer a complete definition of ALM. ─── 在此之前,我首先要告诉你本文并不会给出ALM的完整定义。

35、Based on the analysis on the classical ALM systems, protocols and middlewares, this paper summarized the fundamental functions of ALM, and further presented a basic architecture of ALM middleware. ─── 在分析研究典型的应用层组播系统、协议和中间件的基础上,总结出了应用层组播的基础功能,并提出了应用层组播中间件的一种基本架构。

36、In the shrubs, alm and steppe communities, the shrubs and herbs pollen percentages are more than 70%, the conifer are less than 20% while the broadleaf are less than 20%. ─── 在灌丛、高山草甸和草原植被中,灌丛和草本花粉百分比高于70%,针叶树种花粉百分比低于20%,阔叶树种花粉百分比也低于20%。

37、The simulation results show that node cheating will bring considerable neglect impact on the stability of ALM tree. ─── 模拟实验结果表明,节点欺骗对应用层组播树的稳定性有极大的负面影响.

38、The goverment provide alm to the victims. ─── 政府向灾民发放了救济品。

39、Book online the cheapest hotels in Maria Alm am Steinernen Meer - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Maria Alm am Steinernen Meer 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

41、In a good ALM system, every item is linked to all of the other items related to it. ─── 一个好的ALM系统,每一个项目与项目之间都应该有着联系。

42、Increased Interest in Credit Risk and ALM with view towards consistently measuring, monitoring and reacting to risk in an automated way ─── 越来越多关注于对信用风险和资产负债管理的测量和监控,及自动化风险管理

43、(a)In itialm esh,(b)B ase m esh,(c)N orm alm esh. ─── 说明: (a)原始网格;(b)基网格;(c)法向网格。

44、ABACKGROOND ALM: Research on the chromosome aberrance of the gastric cancer. ─── 背景与目的:研究胃癌患者的染色体畸变情况。

45、its force and is used alm ost affectionately in term s such as a lucky blighter. ─── 指“性格卑劣的、令人讨厌的人”。现在,此词已没有这种强烈的贬义

46、Still , water m anagem entand governance to date has alm ost exclusively foc used on the visible blue waterflow ( i. e. runoffflow in rivers , aquifers and lakes ). ─── 目前的水资源评价多集中于可见的、可以被人类直接利用的蓝水资源,忽略了绿水资源的评价和管理。

47、application layer muhicast(ALM) ─── 应用层多播

48、When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alm may be in secret. ─── 你施舍的时候,不要叫左手知道右手所作的;要叫你施舍的事行在暗中。

49、In recent years, aiming at this problem researchers have proposed application layer multicast strategy (ALM) which transfers multicast function onto application layer. ─── 作为一个新的替代方案,应用层组播(Application Layer Multicast) 被提了出来。

50、Non-commissioned aircrew fulfil roles such as Air Loadmasters (ALM), Air Signallers, Air Electronics Operators (AEO), etc, although they are now all known as Weapon Systems Operators. ─── 所有飞行员并且武器系统官员(以前以著名导航员)在皇家空军是被委任的官员。

51、Alm is the character in blue; he is troubled about something, and is learning to swordfight. ─── Alm就是蓝色的角色,他好像在想什么,正在练习剑术。

52、ALM( Application-Level Muhicast) ─── 应用层组播

53、Addition of 2.5% sodium chloride and amidated low methoxyl (ALM) pectin or 2% sodium chloride, 1% sodium caseinate improved water holding capacity and mechanical properties of products. ─── 添加2.5%食盐和1%醯胺低甲氧基果胶或添加2%食盐和1%酪蛋白钠可改善重组鱼肉之保水力和机械性质;

54、At the same time they announced the planned acquisition of Segue Software, a maker of software test and quality tools, in order to concentrate on Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). ─── 同时宣布即将收购Segue Software这家软件测试与质量工具制造商,把精力集中于应用产品管理(ALM)。

55、CD44v6 expresses positively at the cell membranes of basal cell and 1/3 layer cells near the base ment membrane of normal oral mucosa,while superficial layer of that presents alm ost negative expression. ─── CD44v6在正常口腔黏膜上皮的基底细胞层及近基底 1/3的上皮细胞膜上呈阳性表达 ,上皮表层细胞几乎呈阴性表达。

56、A Study of the Method of ALM for the Insurance Companies based on VaR and Bankruptcy Probability ─── 基于破产概率和VaR的保险公司资产负债管理研究

57、Since the 1970s, continuous changes in financial area has aggravated the uncertainty of markets and increased the difficulty banking management both interior and exterior, and new dynamic and discretionary ALM emerged. ─── 自20世纪70年代以来,金融领域的不断变化使市场的不确定性日益加深,同时加大了银行风险,也使商业银行资产负债管理的内涵不断发展和丰富。

58、The market institution also makes use of the information that money market conduct, regulating the management strategy, including the liquidity management, ALM manages etc. ─── 金融机构也利用货币市场传导的信息,调节自身的管理策略,包括流动性管理,资产负债管理等。

59、Clearing GMODE[ALM] selects the external CAM address lookup mechanism. ─── 清楚GMODE[ALM]位来选择外部中央地址存储器做为地址查询机制。

60、W. Michael Cox is the senior vice president and chief economist and Richard Alm is the senior economics writer at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. ─── W.Michael cox是达拉斯联邦储蓄银行的高级副总裁和首席经济学家,Richard Alm是该银行的高级经济撰稿人。

61、This paper researches the influence of connection request sequences to Application-Layer Multicast(ALM) algorithm. ─── 研究应用层多播(ALM)中连接请求序列对ALM算法的影响。

62、Finally the thesis puts forward some policies that the government should improve exterior environment, and our state-owned commercial banks should quicken their steps of reform to perfect ALM. ─── 最后一个部分从改善外部环境和加快我国国有商业银行内部改革两个方面,提出完善国有商业银行资产负债管理的对策。

63、ined ALM framework to take full control of the application development lifecycle process. ─── 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2006-9-19

64、Based on the experimental results,it chooses one sequence which ensures the stability of ALM algorithm to low error rate of ALM tree construction. ─── 基于实验对比结果,选定一种能够保证ALM算法稳定性的连接序列,实现低错误率ALM树的建立。

65、Den Boer Kt , Kallewaard M , Peeters PHM , Verbeek ALM . Lung cancer mortality rate falling among men , rising among women,1995。 ─── 刘绍兴:劳工安全卫生简讯第29期-职业性癌症的研究趋势。

66、Go on, and go on, after went through many times the alm and pine woods, the forane jokul seemed to be a little bit close to us. ─── 收拾完毕,拿着相机从帐篷中抬头的一霎间,远处直泻下来的一处冰川霸道的横在我的眼前。

67、Contemporary Integrated Asset-liability Management (ALM) Theory came into being in the 70’s of the 20th century. ─── 二十世纪七十年代中期产生了现代资产负债管理理论。

68、An Algorithm of Constructing ALM Tree Based on User Behavior Analysis ─── 基于用户行为分析的应用层组播树生成算法

69、Research on Objective-tradeoff Principle and Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Bank's ALM ─── 商业银行alm目标替代原理及其综合评价模型研究

70、The content of this page is from the ALME port or ALME customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自ALME港口或ALME海关的进出口公司目录;

71、Shortage of capital,underdeveloped financial market,rigid organization structure and irrational interior fund distribution are the main obstacles of Asset Liability Management (ALM). ─── 资本金不足、金融市场发展滞后、内部资金调度与组织结构不合理是农业银行推行资产负债比例管理的主要障碍。

72、The algorithm can significantly reduce the interruption times of ALM tree in live streaming and its effectivity has been verified through simulation. ─── 模拟结果表明,算法对减少视频直播应用下应用层组播树的数据传递中断次数有明显作用。

73、A Study on ALM for Insurance Enterprise Based on Interest Rate Risk ─── 基于利率风险的保险公司资产负债管理研究

74、In the part of management strategy of interest risk, introduce the calculation of VAR, Asset-Liability-Management (ALM) and financial innovation. ─── 在利率风险的管理策略里介绍了VAR的测算、资产负债管理和金融创新。

75、 双语使用场景

76、Comparative Research on Alm of Banks in China and Western Nations ─── 中西方银行资产负债管理比较研究

77、As we look back over the past two years and how we have operated as a company, we have continually had to weigh every dollar investment in our ALM and developer products. ─── 回顾过去2年间,公司运作举步维艰,面对ALM产品和开发工具产品,常常不得不权衡每一分钱的投入。

78、ALM tools are often associated with very large projects and enterprise development.This is just intuitive.The more people involved, the more complexity to be managed. ─── ALM工具往往用于非常大型的项目和企业开发,显然,参与的人员越多,管理复杂度就越大。

79、But this time we were heading for another place, the "Blaa Alm". ─── 不过这次我们前往另外一个地方,布拉山。

80、All too often we have chosen to invest in ALM, because of our stated direction around ALM growth and market opportunity. ─── 而几乎每一次思索和比对的结果都偏向于ALM,盖因市场机遇已让我们坚定不移地选择了走ALM发展的道路。

81、The first part of our climb was only moderately steep, leading through an "Alm" area with some huts. ─── 我们攀登的第一部分路线,仅仅为普通陡峭程度,且途经一片高山草原区。草原区上有不少的木屋。

82、But data delivery in ALM tree can be easily interrupted by departure of end hosts in P2P network,which may lead to degradation of QoS in time-sensitive applications such as live streaming. ─── 但P2P网络中终端主机可以自由的退出组播树,这对实时性要求严格的视频直播应用的影响尤为严重。

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