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08-09 投稿


diaphoretic 发音

英:[ˌdaɪəfəˈretɪk]  美:[ˌdaɪəfəˈretɪk]

英:  美:

diaphoretic 中文意思翻译




diaphoretic 短语词组

1、diaphoretic therapy ─── 发汗疗法

2、diaphoretic when sick ─── 生病时发汗

3、diaphoretic recipe ─── 解表剂;汗法

4、sedative diaphoretic ─── [医] 镇静性发汗剂

diaphoretic 相似词语短语

1、aporetic ─── 疑难的

2、adiaphoristic ─── 消旋的

3、apheretic ─── 单采

4、baphometic ─── 洗礼的

5、cataphoretic ─── adj.阳离子电泳的

6、diaphoretics ─── adj.(药物)发汗的;(人)大量出汗的;n.发汗药

7、adiaphoresis ─── 无汗症

8、adiaphoretic ─── n.止汗剂;adj.止汗的

9、diaphoresis ─── n.[医]发汗

diaphoretic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、diaphoretic therapy ─── 解表法, 疏表

2、Dried leaves and flowering tops are used medicinally as a stimulant, tonic, carminative, diaphoretic, and for infantile colic. ─── 干燥叶和花顶可药用作为刺激物,补药,驱风,发汗剂,和适合婴儿绞痛。

3、Anti-drying, to wrinkles, promote diaphoretic to prevent obstruction skin, and assist detoxification. ─── 防干燥,去皱纹,促进发汗,防止阻塞皮肤,助排毒。

4、diaphoretic volume ─── 发汗量

5、Used medicinally as a diaphoretic. ─── 作为一种发汗剂医学使用。

6、sedative diaphoretic ─── [医] 镇静性发汗剂

7、Experimental Study on the Diaphoretic Action of Huanghu Relieving Fever Granules ─── 黄虎解热袋泡剂发汗作用的实验研究

8、After the medicinal plants are classified into 10 groups such as antipyretics or diaphoretic, the medicinal function of each group is expounded. ─── 按其药用功能划分成清热药、解表药等十类,并对每一类的药用功能作了详细介绍。

9、Remarks on the exterior syndrome and the diaphoretic therapy ─── 论表证与汗法

10、Theoretical and Clinical Research on the Therapy of Light Diaphoretic Prescription ─── 轻剂治病的理论与临床研究

11、The Relationship between Diaphoretic Action of Mahuang Decoction and Adrenergic Receptors ─── 麻黄汤的发汗作用与肾上腺素能受体的关系

12、Anti - drying, to wrinkles, promote diaphoretic to prevent obstruction skin, and assist detoxification. ─── 防干燥,去皱纹,促进发汗,防止阻塞皮肤,助排毒。

13、Discussing the Application of Diaphoretic Therapy ─── 论汗法的运用

14、ZHAng Xi-chun's Experience in Using Diaphoretic Method to Treat Epidemic Febrile Diseases ─── 张锡纯擅用汗法治温病

15、Results: MHT can accelerate the diaphoretic function both on axillary and plantar sweat gland in rats, incidence of vacuole of axillary sweat gland is higher than that of plantar sweat gland. ─── 结果:麻黄汤能促进腋窝部和足趾部皮肤汗腺的分泌,腋窝部皮肤汗腺空泡发生率较足趾部皮肤高。

16、OBJECTIVE: To study the diaphoretic mechanisms of Mahuangtang and its relationship with M receptor. ─── 目的:探讨麻黄汤的发汗作用机制与M受体的关系。

17、The author finds out that the heavy diaphoretic prescription is very popular in clinic, while the light one is less and less applied. ─── 摘要当今临床重方重剂满目皆是,而轻方轻剂却越走越远。

18、The author finds out that the heavy diaphoretic prescription is very popular in clinic,while the light one is less and less applied. ─── 当今临床重方重剂满目皆是,而轻方轻剂却越走越远。

19、The Effect of Mahuangtang on Diaphoretic Function in Mice ─── 麻黄汤对小鼠的发汗作用

20、Used to heal catarrh, fever, flatulence, headaches, influenza, and toothaches; also used as a carminative, diaphoretic , anti-depressant and sedataive. Origin: USA. ─── 具有柠檬香味,可令神经松弛,消除紧张,治疗头痛,帮助睡眠,抗抑郁;可泡浸做苹果醋护发素,适合油性发质,治疗头皮乾燥痕痒及头皮屑。产地:美国。

21、Used to heal catarrh, fever, flatulence, headaches, influenza, and toothaches; also used as a carminative, diaphoretic, anti-depressant and sedataive. Origin: USA. ─── 具有柠檬香味,可令神经松弛,消除紧张,治疗头痛,帮助睡眠,抗抑郁;可泡浸做苹果醋护发素,适合油性发质,治疗头皮乾燥痕癢及头皮屑。产地:美国。

22、diaphoretic for the treatment of colds and influenza ─── 发汗解表药

23、diaphoretic prescription ─── 发汗剂

24、Diaphoretic (producing or increasing perspiration), antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, antipyretic, help to ripen measles, stopping diarrhea. ─── 发汗,解肌退热,生津,透疹,升阳止泻。

25、Used medicinally as a diaphoretic. ─── 作为一种发汗剂医学使用。

26、Conclusion The diaphoretic method should be used to process Magnolia officinalis if volatile oils are used to be the detection targets. ─── 结论若以挥发油含量为考核指标,建议厚朴的产地加工坚持发汗处理。

27、Diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, and stimulant. ─── 作为发汗剤,收涩剤,补剤,刺激剤用。

28、in smaller doses, diaphoretic and expectorant, and in still smaller, stimulating to the stomach, intestines and liver, exciting appetite and facilitating digestion. ─── 在小的剂量,它是发汗和祛痰药。并且在更小的剂量,它刺激胃,肠脏和肝脏,引起人的胃口和促进消化。

29、diaphoretic function ─── 发汗机能

30、Discussing the Application of Diaphoretic Therapy ─── 论汗法的运用

31、diaphoretic recipe ─── 解表剂

32、Dried leaves and flowering tops are used medicinally as a stimulant, tonic, carminative, diaphoretic, and for infantile colic. ─── 干燥叶和花顶可药用作为刺激物,补药,驱风,发汗剂,和适合婴儿绞痛。

33、Theoretical and Clinical Research on the Therapy of Light Diaphoretic Prescription ─── 轻剂治病的理论与临床研究

34、expelling the excess with mild diaphoretic ─── 轻可去实

35、light diaphoretic prescription ─── 轻剂

36、Effects of Mahuang Decoction in Different Combinations on Diaphoretic Function in Rats ─── 麻黄汤不同配伍对大鼠发汗作用的影响

37、Objective To study the influence of diaphoretic process on volatile oils of Magnolia officinalis from Daoxian in Hunan and provide reference for its quality control system. ─── 目的研究发汗对湖南道县产厚朴中挥发油的影响,为湖南道县厚朴质量评价体系提供参考。

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