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08-09 投稿


continuance 发音

英:[kənˈtɪnjuəns]  美:[kənˈtɪnjuəns]

英:  美:

continuance 中文意思翻译



continuance 同义词

succession | extension | lastingness | staying power | duration | persistence | perpetuation | maintenance | addition | staying | adjournment | endurance | connection | abidingness | constancy | existence |continuation | concatenation | pursuit | sequence | prolongation | power | protraction

continuance 词性/词形变化,continuance变形

副词: continually |

continuance 反义词


continuance 短语词组

1、continuance commitment ─── 继续承诺

2、puis darrein continuance ─── [法] 追加辩诉理由

3、continuance in force ─── 持续有效

4、continuance of ─── 继续

5、continuance of tenancy ─── [法] 租借权的延续

6、continuance intention ─── 继续使用意向

7、continuance continuation ─── 连续

8、continuance learning ─── 持续学习

continuance 常用词组

continuance commitment ─── 继续承诺

continuance 相似词语短语

1、contingence ─── n.接触;相切;偶然性(等于contingency);意外事件;可能发生的附带事件

2、continuant ─── n.连续音;adj.连续音的

3、continence ─── n.自制,克制;节欲(尤指禁欲)

4、continuants ─── n.连续音;adj.连续音的

5、contingences ─── n.接触;相切;偶然性(等于contingency);意外事件;可能发生的附带事件

6、noncontinuance ─── 不连续性

7、continuate ─── adj.持续的;不间断的

8、continuable ─── adj.可持续的

9、discontinuance ─── n.废止,中止;撤销诉讼

continuance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The other part with long continuance and large harm is a rectification voltage of an induced electromotive force in stator coils induced by magnetic field in field coils. ─── 其二为在激磁磁场作用下定子绕组产生的感应电动势经整流后得到的电压其特点是电压持续时间长,危害较大。

2、In IPO market whole stagnant circumstance falls, chinese poineering investment and market of investment of illicit collect equity are short-term inside exit continuance austerely the situation. ─── 在IPO市场整体不景气的情况下,中国创业投资及私募股权投资市场短期内将延续严峻的退出形势。

3、We thank you for your past favour, and hope for a continuance of your support and confidence. ─── 感谢以往的惠顾,并企望能继续获得您的支持和信赖。

4、to remind people of life's alternation and continuance. ─── 向人们昭示着生命的更迭与延续。

5、We can no longer support the President's continuance in office. ─── 我们不能再支持总统连任。

6、Allen N J, Meyer J P.The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization.Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1990, 63:1 - 18. ─── 宋爱红.中学教师组织承诺影响因素研究.北京师范大学硕士论文2004.

7、The Easter Asia Strategy of USA is the continuance, readjustment and development of that in cold war. ─── 冷战后的美国东亚战略是对其冷战时期东亚战略的延续、调整和发展。

8、To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life. ─── 凡恒心行善寻求荣耀尊贵,和不能朽坏之福的,就以永生报应他们。

9、On our part, we have to assume moral responsibility to ensure the continuance and bettering of what our predecessors started. ─── 我们必须肩负道德上的责任,确保由先辈苦心经营,今日我们所拥有的新加坡,能够在我们这一代延续下去,并取得更好的成绩。

10、EPF activity was very high at the early pregnant stage, gradually decreased with the continuance of gestation, faded out at 6 months of gestation and basically disappeared at 10 weeks before delivery. ─── 在孕早期EPF活性较高,随孕期延长活性逐渐下降,至孕6个月活性渐趋消失,分娩前10周基本消失。

11、during one's continuance in office ─── 在某人在职期间

12、Both documents guarantee the continuance of the legal system that was in place before China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong on July 1, 1997. ─── 两份文件均保证,一九九七年七月一日中国恢复对香港行使主权之前香港沿用的法律制度得以延续。

13、Hence the long continuance of the club, which I shall have frequent occasion to speak further of hereafter. ─── 自组织以来,这个俱乐部的长久存在,我在后来将有很多的机会谈起。

14、Gore supporters wasted little time in seizing on his Nobel recognition in their continu ing bid to urge him to run for president next year. ─── 戈尔的支持者没有浪费一点时间在颂扬他获得诺贝尔奖的殊荣上,而是继续催促他准备明年的总统竞选上。

15、The judge refused his motion for a continuance. ─── 法官拒绝他要求延期审理的动议。

16、For instance, from time to time an atmosphere of compromise arises and the advocates of compromise argue that "the continuance of the war spells subjugation". ─── 例如妥协的空气时起时伏,主张妥协者的根据就是“再战必亡”。

17、It appears on cliff painting, bronze ware, pottery, etc. It was gifted mysterious color, the continuance of human experience, emotion and the exchange and development of civilization. ─── 在岩画、青铜器、陶器中都有诸多表现,被赋予了神秘的色彩,是人类实践经验、情感以及文化的交流与发展的延续。

18、Bhikkhus, the appearance, stability and rebirth of the air element, is the appearance of unpleasantness, the continuance of ailments and the manifestation of decay and death. ─── 五诸比丘!风界之生起、住、再生、显现,是苦之生起,贪、住、老死之显现。

19、Continuance Commitment Scale ─── 延续承诺量表

20、Burress was in court, asking for a continuance in his case. ─── 布雷斯在法庭上要求延期审理他的案子。

21、Because, boudoir not only it is the dak before female marriage, the dribs and drabs in boudoir, it is the good memory of her continuance lifetime more. ─── 因为,闺房不但是女性婚前的驿站,闺房中的点点滴滴,更是她延续一生的美好回忆。

22、In this case the intimacy of the boy and girl might be little more than the continuance in this country of old-world folkways . ─── 在这种情况中,男女青年间的这种亲密关系无非就是旧大陆的民俗在这个国家的某些延续。

23、The West Tianhan Orogen may undergo a post-collisional collapse since Permian.And the magmatic activities may continu to early Triassic. ─── 二叠纪开始西天山地区处于后碰撞造山阶段,该阶段的岩浆活动可能一直持续到早三叠纪。

24、Controlling costs during a recession is absolutely vital to the continuance of the business. ─── 在经济下行时期,成本控制对于维持企业的发展来说是至关重要的。

25、After the funeral the family settled down to a seemingly peaceful continuance of the old life. ─── 在丧葬以后,这一家人好象继续过着过去一般的平静生活。

26、Since this continuance can be secured only by constant renewals, life is a self-renewing process. ─── 因为生活的延续只能通过经久的更新才能达到,所以生活便是一个自我更新的过程。

27、If the trouble has not been really serious , he may hope for a continuance of the good relations between himself and his customer. ─── 如果发生的问题实际上并不严重,也可以表示期望双方继续保持良好关系。

28、Continuance--postpone the trial until publicity subsides ─── 延期审判

29、No such waiver, unless expressly as stated herein, shall be effective as to any transaction which occurs subsequent to the date of such waiver, nor as to any continuance of a breach after such waiver. ─── 任何弃权声明书,如未按本协议的明文规定制作,对声明之日以后所发生的一切交易以及对声明之后的任何继续违约行为均不产生效力。

30、Ejaculation canal is the continuance after abdomen of seminiferous duct crock and spermatic canal are confluent. ─── 射精管是输精管壶腹与精囊管汇合之后的延续。

31、If it does happen, oppose any request for a continuance that the prosecution makes, and ask for an immediate dismissal of all charges. ─── 如果交警没有出庭,你应当反对任何关于延期诉讼的要求,并要求得到因诉讼被突然解雇的所有费用。

32、It's what endures through one's life that matters; my own life matters to me, in its long continuance and development. But what do the occasional connexions matter? And the occasional sexual connexions especially! ─── 在一个人生命中能持久的东西,这才是重要的东西。我自己的生命,在她的长久的持续与发展里,于我是重要的,但是与人发生的偶尔关系,特别是那偶尔的性的关系,有什么重要呢?

33、If it does happen, oppose any request for a continuance that the prosecution makes, and ask for an immediate dismissal of all charges. ─── 如果交警没有出庭,你应当反对任何关于延期诉讼的要求,并要求得到因诉讼被突然解雇的所有费用。

34、We can no longer support the President's continuance in office. ─── 我们不能再支持总统继续任职。

35、It is new and urgently resolve problem for the desertification ground resource exploitation and use in agriculture continuance development. ─── 在当今迫切需要农业持续发展时期,它是开发和利用好该资源过程中亟待解决的新问题。

36、They that are the first raisers of their houses, are most indulgent towards their children; beholding them as the continuance, not only of their kind, but of their work; and so both children and creatures. ─── 创业者对子女期望最大,因为子女被他们看作不但是族类的继承者,又是所创事业的一部分。

37、the continuance of something begun with a view to its completion. ─── 开始的观点一直坚持到底。

38、The long-range continuance of English as a second language is also questionable in some countries. ─── 在有些国家里,英语作为第二语言继续长期存在也成问题。

39、It was on the wedding-day of this beloved friend that Emma first sat in mournful thought of any continuance. ─── 在这位好友(泰勒小姐)结婚那天,爱玛破天荒第一次闷闷不乐地坐着。

40、One may covet the position of President or King, but would not change places with them unless it meant the continuance of his own identity. ─── 有人可能会觊觎总统或国王的位置,但不会改变他们的地方,除非它指的是利用自己的身份继续。

41、And we will achieve the continuance, long-term and quick development.Our company really believes that quality is the all, and the customer's satisfaction is just our hankering. ─── 我们公司全体员工始终坚信质量才是根本,顾客满意的微笑就是我们内心的喜悦。

42、In the judgment of the universe, God will stand clear of blame for the existence or continuance of evil. ─── 在全宇宙的审判厅里,众人都将看明,罪恶的存在不能归咎于上帝;

43、Sum up customer issue, analyze quality data termly, new product quality continuance improvement as input of new product development. ─── 定期总结客户端问题,分析质量数据,做为新品端开发输入,持续改善新品质量;

44、If the gives wind gap seat of air conditioning wants to form order to concern with recent thing, the order that dome light of that sitting room exposes, it is the continuance that corridor shoots the light. ─── 如空调的出风口的位置要与最近的东西形成秩序关系,那客厅顶灯陈列的秩序,就是走廊射灯的延续。

45、It was on the weeding-day of this beloved friend that Emma first sat in mournful thought of any continuance. ─── 也正是在这位密友举行婚礼的那天,爱玛才第一次独坐良久,愁思绵绵。

46、A final irony of rent control is that the more unrealistic, Draconian, and unjust it is, the more fervid the political arguments for its continuance. ─── 实施房租管制,最具讽刺的一点,在于它越是背离现实、手段越严厉、越不公正,支持继续管制的政治呼声越强烈。

47、There are two conditions, among many others, which must be satisfied by an experimental method if its continuance is to be justified. ─── 如果一种实验方法有理由继续存在下去的话,除了别的因素之外,还必须满足两个条件。

48、We admire his continuance of work. ─── 我们佩服他连续工作的精神。

49、Continuance development was studied in the light of molybdenum resources and improving environmental pretection as well as keeping up the ecological balance. ─── 从我国钼合理开发和保护、加强环保、维护生态平衡方面入手,研究了中国钼可持续发展。

50、And no Person holding any Office under the United States,shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office. ─── 在合众国政府供职的人,不得在其任职期间担任国会议员。

51、duration:Continuance or persistence in time. ─── "持续,持久:时间上的连续或持续."

52、At first, they controlled the movement of the herd while ensuring continuance of their meat diet. ─── 起初,他们控制了兽群的迁移以确保获得稳定的肉食来源。

53、The motion of credit behaves the continuance that goes up in time and space for credit, of credit excessive expand and the way of movement of two kinds of deformation that excessive systole is credit. ─── 信用的运动表现为信用在时间和空间上的延续,信用的过度膨胀和过度收缩则是信用的两种畸形运动方式。

54、Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. ─── 你若不谨守遵行,耶和华就必将奇灾,就是至大至长的灾,至重至久的病,加在你和你后裔的身上,

55、On human thought phylogeny, any holds to theoretically (show continuance does not decline) the close together tie that hang on accedes and develops, develop even if innovate. ─── 在人类思想发展史上,任何一个理论的坚持(指延续不衰)都有赖于继承和发展的紧密结合,发展就是创新。

56、We solicit a continuance of your patronage. ─── 希望能继续惠顾我们。

57、And in this posture I continu'd about two hours; but began to be mighty impatient for intelligence abroad, for I had no spies to send out. ─── 在这种心情和状态下,我大约等了两小时,就又急不可耐地想知道外面的情况,因为我没有探子派出去为我打听消息。

58、Build stair scene continuance station design, coherent to the sitting room, lie fallow for dimensional infuse image, the colour of bright contrast gifts visual perception suffers. ─── 将楼梯造景延续吧台设计,连贯至客厅,为空间注入休闲意象,鲜明对比的色彩赋予视觉感受。

59、We solicit a continuance of your confidence and su ort. ─── 恳请贵方继续给予信任,大力支持。

60、While thank you for your valued support, I wish to ask for a continuance of your confidence in the new company. ─── 在感谢您过去惠予支持的同时,希望对我新公司也继续给予信赖。

61、a continuance of bad weather ─── 坏天气的连续

62、We hope that the goods will reach you in good condition, and realize profitable price, and lead to a continuance of business. ─── 我们希望该商品能状况良好地到达贵地,并能以好的价格售出。

63、It is an important adjacent measure for the continuance of turn-taking and plays an essential role in conversational inference. ─── 它对交际双方的心理判断力、话轮转换的持续性,乃至会话含义的推断结果都有着重要的影响。

64、We solicit a continuance of your patronage . ─── 恳请继续对我们赞助。

65、We solicit a continuance of your order . ─── 我们恳切希望贵公司能继续订购。

66、While thanking you for your singled support. I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company. ─── 在感谢您已往惠予登陆器的共时,盼愿对我新公司也游戏先容给夺信任。

67、The demand of a poll shall not prevent the continuance of a meeting for the transaction of any business other than the question on which a poll has been demanded. ─── 以投票方式决定之事项只限于投票决议之事项,投票之进行不得阻止会议继续召开以进行会议事项。

68、While thanking you for your valued support, I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company. ─── 在感谢您过去惠予支持的同时,希望对我新公司也继续给予信赖。

69、For the existence of hyperbole diagonal, the door hole below stair can be done triangularly, form the continuance of diagonal, those who prevented common practice is curt. ─── 为了夸张斜线的存在,楼梯下的门洞可以做成三角形,形成斜线的延续,避免了普通做法的生硬。

70、beholding them, as the continuance, not only of their kind, but of their work; ─── 他们把子嗣看做不但是本族底继嗣,而且也是自己事业底继续;

71、We admire him for his continuance of work in spite of illness ─── 我们佩服他带病继续工作。

72、It provides an appropriate setting for the continuance of the Indo-Pakistan dialogue and steps to improve ties between the two countries. ─── 它提供了一个适当的环境,印度与巴基斯坦可以继续进行对话,并采取措施改善两国关系。

73、We request a continuance of your orders, to which we shall always give our most careful attention. ─── 我方要求你方继续订货,对此,我方总是给予充分重视。

74、The Chinese people's cultural concept of the Unity of Heaven and Man and Yunnan people's ecological knowledge about getting along well with the nature have contributed much to the long-term continuance of the national culture. ─── 中华民族“天人合一”的文化理念和云南各民族人与自然和谐的地方性生态知识,为中华文明和云南各民族文化的长期延续作出了重要贡献。

75、Both parts suffered from great casulties during the continuance of the war. ─── 在战争持续期间,双方都伤亡惨重。

76、While recovery is taking place, there may be continuance of mild gastrointestinal symptoms, and the child may remain weak and irritable until fully recovered. ─── 当疾病转入恢复阶段,轻度的胃肠道症状还会持续,而且在完全康复之前,患儿可能依然虚弱和烦躁。

77、If Alibaba advocates,mix with the client of employee share, the continuance that halving extra dividend with investor is orientaton of one of value of be linked together just. ─── 一如阿里巴巴崇尚与客户和员工的分享,与投资者分享红利是其一贯价值取向的延续而已。

78、Untopia is neither negative of Utopia, nor reverting opposition or continuance. ─── UNTOPIA不是对乌托邦的否定,也不是一种逆向对立或者延续。

79、You go and give me a continuance, right? ─── 你去给我的案子延期是吧?

80、Thus they denote the folly of a servant, an omission of a child, a stone that cuts their feet, a continuance of foul or unseasonable weather, and the like, by adding to each the epithet of Yahoo. ─── 因此,当它们要表达仆人荒诞、小孩懒惰、石头割伤了脚、恶劣天气连绵不断等等很坏意思的时候,总要在每一个上面加上“野胡”一词。

81、It is connected with the creation, existence and continuance of" Guo Feng" songs. ─── 历史文献中记载的上古时代采诗之制与“天子巡狩”之制直接相关,事实上,两者又关系着《诗经》“国风”诗的产生、在和延续。

82、acceptance and continuance of client ─── 审计客户的接受和关系的延续

83、Develop good operating practices. You will be doing your part in helping insure the continuance of our long and proud tradition of self-regulation. ─── 养成良好的通联习惯,你会也应该为维护悠久的火腿引以为荣的自律尽你该尽的职责。

84、It was on the wedding day of this beloved friend that Emma first sat in mournful thought of any continuance . ─── 正是在这位爱友举行婚礼的那一天,爱玛才愁坐终日。

85、We thank you for your valued support in the past, and hope for its continuance . ─── 感谢您以往的珍贵支持,并望继续下去。

86、And the characteristic of continuance means the strong vitality of symbols in its evolution. ─── 传承性则是指象征符号在形成发展的过程中具有顽强的生命力。

87、The idea of "unification of man and nature" not only serves continuance of Confucianism, but has ecological meanings as well. ─── 儒家的“天人合一”并非只能为“道统”服务,它也蕴含着生态意义。

88、It is necessary to the continuance of life on this planet that more and more people make this discovery. ─── 在这个星球上,越来越多的人发现这一点,生命才能继续。

89、Any such action shall be evaluated as soon as possible to ensure that its continuance is justified. ─── 应尽快对任何这类行动作出评价以确保是否有理由继续采取这类行动。

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