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08-09 投稿


pimenta 发音


英:  美:

pimenta 中文意思翻译



pimenta 短语词组

1、pimenta officinalis Lindl. ─── [医] 玉桂, 披门他树

2、Pimenta dioica ─── [网络] 多香果;众香树;牙买加甜胡椒

3、pimenta racemosa ─── [医]香叶多香果

4、genus Pimenta ─── [网络] 属Pimenta

5、oil of pimenta ─── [化] 众香油; 多香果油

6、Pimenta officinalis ─── [网络] 玉桂;众香树;甘椒

7、Eugenia pimenta ─── [医] 玉桂, 披门他树

8、Pimenta acris ─── [网络] 香叶众香树;多果香椒;香叶多香果

pimenta 相似词语短语

1、pimiento ─── n.辣椒;红色柿子椒

2、pimento ─── n.甘椒树;西班牙甘椒;n.(Pimento)人名;(西)皮门托

3、piment ─── n.(德)多香果;甜胡椒

4、pimenton ─── n.烟熏红椒粉

5、pigmental ─── adj.颜料的(等于pigmentary);色素的

6、pimentos ─── 甜椒,灯笼椒(pimento的名词复数形式);多香果

7、lomenta ─── n.节荚(等于loment)(lomentum的变形)

8、pimentón ─── n.红椒粉

9、piments ─── 皮蒙斯

pimenta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、[SIZE=4]Pimenta, superintendent for the state coastal protection and environment agency in the resort city of Cabo Frio. , suggested pollution is to blame.[/SIZE][/COLOR ─── 度假城市寒冷角的海岸保护以及环保机构主管皮门塔指出,污染才是罪魁祸首。

2、Research progress and application of spice, Pimenta dioica in foods ─── 调味香辛料众香子的研究进展及在食品中的应用

3、Allspice is the dried, unripened fruit of a small evergreen tree,the Pimenta Dioica. ─── 多香果粉是一种小型常绿树-多香果辣椒-上的浆果干碾磨而成。

4、Pimento (commonly called allspice) is the ground fruit of Eugenia pimenta, grown in Jamaica and the West Indies . ─── 甘椒(常叫作多香果粉)是甘椒丁香属植物果研磨而成。生长在牙买加和西印度群岛。

5、Pimenta, superintendent for the state coastal protection and environment agency in the resort city of Cabo Frio. , suggested pollution is to blame. ─── 他引述生物学家说:“除了坎普斯盆地的油污,环境污染降低了企鹅的免疫力,导致它们容易感染侵袭肺部的真菌和细菌。”

6、Keywords Pimenta dioica(L);extraction;seasoning;preservation; ─── 众香子;提取;调味;保鲜贮藏;

7、Pimento( commonly called allspice) is the ground fruit of Eugenia pimenta, grown in Jamaica and the West Indies. ─── 椒(叫作多香果粉)甘椒丁香属植物果研磨而成。生长在牙买加和西印度群岛。

8、Pimento( commonly called allspice) is the ground fruit of Eugenia pimenta, grown in Jamaica and the West Indies. ─── 甘椒(叫作多香果粉)甘椒丁香属植物果研磨而成。生长在牙买加和西印度群岛。

9、pimenta oil ─── 多香果油

10、Pimenta racemosa ─── 香叶多香果

11、Fruits of genus Capiscum or Pimenta, fresh or chilled"," ─── 鲜或冷的辣椒,包括甜椒"

12、is a very popular spice recently and has been widely applied in food industry. ─── 是近年来非常受欢迎的调味香辛料,在食品工业中得到了广泛应用。

13、A tropical American evergreen tree(Pimenta dioica) having opposite, simple leaves and small white flowers clustered in cymes. ─── 多香果树,众香树一种美洲热带常绿树木(众香树),有对生的单叶和成聚伞花序的小白花簇

14、Lazio are interested in FC Thun pair Nelson Ferreira and Pimenta. ─── 拉齐奥对图恩队的Nelson Ferreira和Pimenta感兴趣。

15、3. A tropical American evergreen tree(Pimenta dioica) having opposite, simple leaves and small white flowers clustered in cymes. ─── 多香果树,众香树一种美洲热带常绿树木(众香树),有对生的单叶和成聚伞花序的小白花簇收藏指正

16、Fruits of genus Capiscum or Pimenta, fresh or chilled ─── 鲜或冷的辣椒,包括甜椒

17、oil of pimenta ─── [化] 众香油; 多香果油

18、Brazil would also support Guinea Bissau in the areas of Education, Health and Agriculture, among others, Pimenta said. ─── 巴西还将在教育、伊朗、农业、以及其它一些领域支持几比。

19、Fruits of genus Capiscum or Pimenta, fresh or chilled ─── 鲜或冷的辣椒,包括甜椒

20、Pimenta dioica(L) is a very popular spice recently and has been widely applied in food industry. ─── 众香子是近年来非常受欢迎的调味香辛料,在食品工业中得到了广泛应用。

21、Eugenia pimenta ─── [医] 玉桂, 披门他树

22、so you think you ' re gonna decide this , pimenta ? come on , then , i ' m ready. ─── 皮门塔,你认为你可以决定这里?那就来吧,我已经准备好了。

23、Pimenta dioica(L) is a very popular spice recently and has been widely applied in food industry. ─── 众香子是近年来非常受欢迎的调味香辛料,在食品工业中得到了广泛应用。

24、[Latin] Pimenta dioica ─── 多香果

25、Midfielder Ferreira, 23, and Brazilian striker Pimenta are both being considered by Lazio for the winter market. ─── 前者是中场,23岁,后者是一名巴西射手,两个人都是我们在冬季转会的考虑对象。

26、1. A tropical American evergreen tree (Pimenta racemosa) having leathery leaves that yield a fragrant oil used in bay rum, perfumes, and soaps. ─── 月桂树:一种美洲热带常绿树木(香叶多香果众香树属),其强韧的叶子可生产芳香油,用于月桂油、香水和肥皂

27、Brazil would also su ort Guinea Bi au in the areas of Education, Health and Agriculture, among others, Pimenta said. ─── 巴西还将在教育、伊朗、农业、以及其它一些领域支持几比。

28、Pimento (commonly called allspice) is the ground fruit of Eugenia pimenta, grown in Jamaica and the West Indies. ─── 甘椒(常叫作多香果粉)是甘椒丁香属植物果研磨而成。生长在牙买加和西印度群岛。

29、pimenta tree ─── 众香树

30、pimenta officinalis Lindl. ─── [医] 玉桂,披门他树

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