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08-09 投稿


arcaded 发音

英:[[ɑ:'keɪdɪd]]  美:[[ɑ:'keɪdɪd]]

英:  美:

arcaded 中文意思翻译



arcaded 词性/词形变化,arcaded变形

过去分词:arcaded 原型:arcade

arcaded 短语词组

1、arcaded cornice ─── 连拱式花檐

2、arcaded tribune ─── 拱廊论坛

3、arcaded court ─── 拱廊法庭

arcaded 相似词语短语

1、arced ─── v.作弧线运动;形成电弧(arc的过去式和过去分词)

2、abraded ─── adj.刮擦的;v.磨损;擦掉;擦伤(abrade的过去分词)

3、adreaded ─── 肾上腺

4、arcane ─── adj.神秘的;晦涩难解的;秘传的

5、cascaded ─── adj.[电]级联的;v.使串联(cascade的过去分词);瀑布般落下

6、arcades ─── n.拱形游廊;拱形图饰(arcade的复数形式);n.(Arcades)人名;(法)阿尔卡德

7、brocaded ─── adj.织成锦缎的

8、arcade ─── n.拱廊;(内设投角子电子游戏机等的)游乐场;有拱廊的街道;vt.使有拱廊;n.(Arcade)人名;(西、法)阿卡德

9、-caded ─── caded

arcaded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、arcaded building ─── 骑楼

2、People will feel strong and Lingnan features: the road along the arcaded architecture to retain a more perfect; ─── 人们会感受到浓郁的岭南特色:马路两旁的骑楼式建筑保留较为完善;

3、The kitchen and living area features 15′ high arcaded windows leading out onto a deck with views onto the Blackstone River. ─── 厨房和客厅设有15高的拱形窗户,它通向能够欣赏到黑石河景色的甲板。

4、The analysis on the protection and renewal of the traditional arcaded commercial street block in Guangzhou ─── 广州骑楼街区保护与改造现象剖析

5、The city's arcaded quay was built by the French, whose 132-year rule of this North African land ended in 1962. ─── 法国人建造了这座城市的拱廊码头,并统治这个北非国家132年,直到1962年为止。

6、closed off and arcaded the narrow street. ─── 将那条窄街封闭并装顶成拱廊

7、" Narthex: Long, narrow porch, usually colonnaded or arcaded, crossing the entire width of a church at its entrance." ─── 前廊:教堂入口处,与教堂整个宽度一样长的狭窄走廊,通常有廊柱或拱顶。

8、arcaded sidewalk ─── 有拱顶的人行道

9、A roofed and arcaded passageway; a colonnade. ─── 步廊,连拱廊有顶和拱廊的走道;柱廊

10、arcaded window ─── 连拱窗

11、The exploration about the vibration problems of the low flood peak and arcaded sluice gate ─── 低水头弧形闸门振动问题探讨

12、The auction house has zeroed in on two floors of an arcaded 15th-century building that once served as a Medici family bank. ─── 这家拍卖行的办公室位于一幢15世纪拱形建筑物的两层楼内,这里曾经是梅迪奇(Medici)家族银行的旧址。

13、The exploration about the vibration problems of the low flood peak and arcaded sluice gate ─── 低水头弧形闸门振动问题探讨

14、A roofed and arcaded passageway;a colonnade. ─── 步廊,连拱廊有顶和拱廊的走道;柱廊

15、Arcaded tunnel ─── 连拱隧道

16、Haikou arcaded streets, including water alley. ─── 海口骑楼老街包括水巷口。

17、arcaded cornice ─── 连拱式花檐

18、"Narthex: Long, narrow porch, usually colonnaded or arcaded, crossing the entire width of a church at its entrance." ─── 前廊: 教堂入口处,与教堂整个宽度一样长的狭窄走廊,通常有廊柱或拱顶。

19、arcaded court ─── 拱廊

20、"It is often a roofed, arcaded open gallery on an upper story overlooking a court, though it can also be a separate arcaded or colonnaded structure." ─── 往往在房子的顶层设带拱顶的,可以俯瞰庭园的敞廊,尽管也可以是一个分离的带拱顶的或带廊柱的结构。

21、The city's arcaded quay was built by the French, whose 132-year rule of this North African land ended in 1962. ─── 这座城市的拱廊码头是由法国人建造的,法国曾统治这个北非国家132年之久,直到1962年为止。

22、The analysis on the protection and renewal of the traditional arcaded commercial street block in Guangzhou ─── 广州骑楼街区保护与改造现象剖析

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