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08-09 投稿


identify 发音

英:[aɪ'dentɪfaɪ]  美:[aɪ'dɛntɪfaɪ]

英:  美:

identify 中文意思翻译



identify 网络释义

vt. 确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把…看成一样 vi. 确定;认同;一致

identify 词性/词形变化,identify变形

动词现在分词: identifying |副词: identifiably |动词第三人称单数: identifies |名词: identifier |动词过去式: identified |动词过去分词: identified |形容词: identifiable |

identify 短语词组

identify (oneself) with

1. 参与

He refused to identify himself with the new political party.


2. 和……打成一片

She identified with foreign teachers.


1、identify A with B ─── 认为A等同于B, 把A和B看成一样

2、identify by ─── 根据[凭借]…辨认出

3、Code Name Given to Identify North A ─── 识别北A的代号

4、regional identify code ─── [计] 区域标识码

5、shift-identify method ─── [计] 移位识别法

6、shift-identify machine ─── [计] 移位识别机

7、meristem-identify gene ─── 分生组织识别基因

8、identify with sth ─── 对某事有同感

9、identify sb with sth ─── 认为某人与...有关

10、identify element ─── [电] 识别元

11、shift-identify ─── [计] 移位识别

12、Code Name Given to Identify NATO TO ─── 识别北约的代号

13、code number to identify accounts ─── [经] 帐号, 帐户编号

14、Code Name Given to Identify NATO TOP SECRET Documents ─── 识别北约顶级SECRET文件的代码名称

15、identify with sb ─── 同情某人

16、self-identify ─── 自我认同 ─── 自我认定

17、identify oneself with ─── 与...打成一片

18、Code Name Given to Identify North Atlantic Treaty Organization T ─── 识别北大西洋公约组织最高机密文件的代号

19、identify with ─── 认为…等同于; 觉得与…有联系; 支持; 同情(某人)

identify 相似词语短语

1、identified ─── adj.被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同的;v.鉴定;辨认(identify的过去式和过去分词)

2、identic ─── adj.形式相同的;措辞相同的;同文的

3、identity ─── n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式

4、identifies ─── vt.[计]识别,认明;视为相同,鉴定;v.[计]识别,确定(identify的单三形式)

5、misidentify ─── vt.识别错

6、identifier ─── n.标识符,认同者;检验人,鉴定人

7、identifying ─── v.确认,识别;找到,发现;显示,说明身份;与(某人)一致,和(某人)打成一片(identify的现在分词)

8、to identify ─── 鉴定

9、reidentify ─── 重新识别

identify 习惯用语

1、identify oneself with ─── 支持; 参与; 与....密切结合; 和....打成一片

identify 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How to Identify "Enter Room to Rob"? ─── 如何认定“入户抢劫”?

2、He did not identify himself with the new political party . ─── 他不支持这个新政党。

3、No IP heartbeat is available to identify logical interface failures. ─── 可以用没有IP心跳来识别逻辑接口失效。

4、He thought that he should not identify himself with that group . ─── 他认为他不应该和那群人接近。

5、He must identify practical targets for cost reduction. ─── 他必须提出减少费用的切实可行的目标。

6、They are inaudible from the ground and can identify targets five miles away. ─── 在地面里听不到它们的任何声音,它们能够辨认5英里以外的目标。

7、You should not identify wealth with happiness. ─── 你不应该认为财富就等于幸福。

8、It's easy to identify his script. ─── 他的笔迹容易辨认。

9、Passenger is asked to identify their suitcase. ─── 乘客被叫去识别他们的箱子。

10、The details required to identify a given item. ─── 为标识某一给定的项所需的详细说明。

11、The subscript O and W identify the unweathered and weathered states. ─── 下标O和W分别表示属于未风化和已风化的状态。

12、CNN didn’t identify the lawmaker who was speaking. ─── CNN没有披露正在发言的那位议员的名字。

13、How to identify an effective manager? ─── 何种人格更适合做经理人?

14、The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child. ─── 这项化验能鉴定胎儿是否有不正常现象。

15、China experts identify cancer-preventing gen. ─── 中国专家识别防癌基因。

16、Identify and negotiate proper booth locations. ─── 开发合适的咨询推广活动地点。

17、Q: How can you identify a French Infantryman? ─── 你通过什么来认出法国步兵呢?答:晒黑的腋窝。

18、Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close. ─── [打开,确认,结扎,移出,冲洗,缝合.

19、If you band the bird's leg,you can identify it later. ─── 如果你在鸟腿上套上标记环,以后就能认出它。

20、Identify office gossips and steer clear. ─── 对八卦要睁大眼睛,也别掺和。

21、Unlike IDs, tags are not used to identify views. ─── 与ID不同,标签不用了识别视图。

22、Be able to identify at least three reactive sources of data and three proactive sources of data for your project ? ─── 至少能够为你的项目识别出三个反应性数据源和三个前摄性数据源

23、People often identify chopsticks with Chinese food. ─── 人们总是视筷子和中国菜为一体。

24、The new technique has been used to identify the sex of fetuses. ─── 这项新技术已被用来鉴定胎儿的性别。

25、How many APOD images can you identify? ─── 你能识别出多少张APOD图像?

26、First of all we must identify the problem areas. ─── 首先我们必须找出问题所在。

27、Can you identify your brother in this picture? ─── 你能在这张照片上认出你哥哥吗?

28、Trust this CA to identify web sites. ─── 信任此凭证机构以识别网站。

29、You identify the desired book with one and fetch it with the other. ─── 你用一个系统确定所要的书,用另一个系统索引它。

30、How to identify risky borrowers? ─── 如何辨别危险的借款人?

31、He refused to identify himself with the new political party. ─── 他拒绝参与那个新政党。

32、Worm-eating birds identify a specific piece of earth. ─── 吃虫子的鸟可以鉴别土质。

33、They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system. ─── 他们正试图弄清现行制度的弊端所在。

34、Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? ─── 你能在这些伞中认出你自己的伞吗?

35、They must be easy to find and identify. ─── 它们必须容易找到和识别。

36、Can You Identify the Five Ways to Departmentalize? ─── 你能确定划分部门的五种方法吗?

37、To help you identify schedule problems. ─── 以帮助您确定日程中的问题。

38、Identify the enemy you wish to annihilate. ─── 只管标记你要消灭的敌人。

39、Identify new potential for synergistic linkage. ─── 发现新的潜在集成联接.

40、How to identify targeted customers? ─── 如何区分目标客户?

41、The bank will not cash the cheque unless you are able to identify yourself. ─── 如果你不能证明你的身份,银行就不会把支票兑成现款。

42、France had hosted other heads of state and government in its turn, she said, but would not identify any of them. ─── 她表示,法国也曾款待过其它国家和政府的首脑,但她不愿具体指明都有谁。

43、He is the character with whom the reader can most easily identify. ─── 他是最容易引起读者共鸣的人物。

44、She was able to identify her attacker. ─── 她认出了袭击她的人。

45、Of course, these tools can only help you to identify the problem. ─── 当然这些工具只能帮助确定问题的所在,如何解决还要靠您自己。

46、One can not identify happiness with wealth. ─── 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。

47、Osenat did not identify the buyer, but said the sword will remain in Napoleon's family, which had put it up for sale. ─── 拍卖行没有公布买家的身份,并表示此把宝剑目前仍保留在拿破仑家族中。

48、Two vertical blue bars identify a frozen thread. ─── 两条蓝色竖线表示冻结线程。

49、How to identify and plan for a profitable future? ─── 如何找到和规划富有的未来?

50、Difficult to identify the Officer In Charge. ─── 很难识别负责指挥的长官。

51、A double-subscript scheme will be used to identify the stresses. ─── 为了区别各种应力还将采用双下标格式。

52、How do you identify a Chinese soldier? A. Sunburned armpits. ─── 怎样辨认中国士兵?答:腋窝晒黑了的就是。

53、He could identify with Connally. ─── 他还是能与康纳利找到一些共同点的。

54、She was asked to identify the criminal. ─── 她被要求要认出那个罪犯。

55、From the report how to identify indoor air testing authority? ─── 从室内空气检测报告上如何辨权威?

56、A way to identify and describe a useful design technique. ─── 一种识别和描述有用的设计技术的方式。

57、Dex, the proprietor of a simple diner, was a wealth of knowledge, and was able to identify the weapon as a Kamino saberdart. ─── 德克斯开了一家普通的餐馆,拥有丰富的知识,识别出那件武器是卡米诺剑镖。

58、A distinctive outfit intended to identify those who wear it as members of a specific group. ─── 制服一套有特色的衣服,以将穿它的人作为特定人群的成员进行识别

59、Can you identify your umbrella among this lot. ─── 你能从这些伞中认出你的那把吗?

60、Element should uniquely identify the deployment manifest. ─── 元素应唯一标识部署清单。

61、This example (Figure 8) has a table and a small piece of text on the page to identify the field and lay it out neatly. ─── 本例(图8)有一张表格和文本以识别栏并整齐的布置。

62、Primer OPM-15 was used to identify Races 1 and 4. ─── 引物OPM-15能用来鉴定1号和4号生理小种。

63、She is able to identify her attacker. ─── 她能认出袭击她的人。

64、He refused to identify himself/become identified with the new political party. ─── 他拒绝与那个新政党来往。

65、The refused to identify themselves with the new organization. ─── 他们拒绝支持这个新组织。

66、Trust this CA to identify email users. ─── 信任此凭证机构以识别邮件用户。

67、Identify at least one key for each entity. ─── 为每个实体至少确定一个键。

68、Never identify wealth with happiness. ─── 千万不要把财富和幸福等同起来。

69、How to identify troublesome boundary conditions? ─── 怎么确定烦人的边界条件?

70、Which historical figure do you most identify with? ─── 你最认同的历史人物是谁?

71、A signal used to identify the beginning of a block. ─── 一种用来标志一信息块开头的信号。同synchronizing signal。

72、Can you identify all the sports? ─── 你能识别出所有的比赛项目吗?

73、DO identify before sending DTMF command tones. ─── 在发送DTMF拨号前确认无误再发送。

74、He refused to identify himself with their policy. ─── 他拒绝参与他们的政策。

75、The first step is to identify the feeling which motivate us. ─── 但首先要做的是,必须明确那些是对我们有刺激作用的感情。

76、He tends to identify justice with legality. ─── 他倾向于认为正义就是合法性。

77、Do you have something to identify you? ─── 您随身有什么东西可以证明您身份的吗?

78、Do you identify beauty with wisdom? ─── 你认为美貌与智慧能相等 同吗?

79、Can you identify the man by his picture? ─── 你能根据这个人的照片辨认出他来吗?

80、Surely you can't identify money with happiness! ─── 你肯定不能把金钱和幸福等同喽!

81、Many scholarly writings on the image still identify it as such. ─── 很多学术性的著作也有同样的鉴别。

82、Flip through magazines and ask your toddler to pick out a red car or a green umbrella or any thing that he would be able to identify easily. ─── 浏览一下杂志,然后让孩子挑出红色的车子或是绿色的伞,或是其他任何孩子能够容易辨认的事物。

83、How can we identify potential for an accident before it happens? ─── 如何在事故发生之前识别出潜在危险?

84、How to identify attributive clauses. ─── 什么是定语从句?

85、Can you identify and correct any errors? ─── 你能辨认并矫正错误吗?

86、Could you identify your umbrella among a hundred others ? ─── 你能在一百把伞中认出你的伞吗?

87、Failing to correctly identify risky areas. ─── 不能正确识别危险领域。

88、He was too far away to be able to identify faces. ─── 他离我们太远,还看不清他的脸。

89、Identify and contract with external, third-party developers. ─── 具备较好的识别和沟通三个团队的发展者。

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