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08-09 投稿


proportions 发音

英:[prə'pɔ:ʃəns]  美:[prə'pɔ:ʃəns]

英:  美:

proportions 中文意思翻译



proportions 短语词组

1、of definite proportions law ─── [医] 定比定律, 普劳斯特氏定律

2、law of reciprocal proportions ─── [化] 互比定律; 当量比例定律 ─── [医] 互比定律

3、historic proportions ─── 历史比例

4、law of definite proportions ─── [化] 定比定律

5、law of multiple proportions ─── [计] 倍比定律 ─── [化] 倍比定律

6、biblical proportions ─── 圣经比例

7、law of variable proportions ─── [经] 变动比例法则

8、overpowering proportions ─── 压倒性的比例

9、ample proportions ─── 充足的比例

10、law of equivalent proportions ─── [化] 互比定律; 当量比例定律

11、law of combining proportions ─── [机] 化合比例律

12、fixed proportions ─── 固定比例

proportions 常用词组

in proportion ─── 成比例;相称

a large proportion of ─── 一大部分

direct proportion ─── n. 正比;正比例

proportions 词性/词形变化,proportions变形


proportions 相似词语短语

1、proportion ─── n.比例,占比;部分;面积;均衡;vt.使成比例;使均衡;分摊

2、proportionals ─── adj.比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的;n.[数]比例项

3、promotions ─── n.促销;升职(promotion复数)

4、propositions ─── [数]命题

5、misproportions ─── 比例失调

6、preportions ─── 介词

7、disproportions ─── n.不均衡;不相称;vt.使不均衡

8、proportional ─── adj.比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的;n.[数]比例项

9、proportioned ─── adj.相称的;成比例的;v.使成比例;分配(proportion的过去分词)

proportions 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By 1969 it had reached infestation proportions and was killing off whole local populations of its host. ─── 到1969年它已达严重危害,将本地区该植物种群全部害死。

2、"In nightmarish proportions, a common bedbug appears poised for a blood meal, compliments of a human host. ─── 一只有着噩梦般形状的普通臭虫正准备开始一顿鲜血大餐,向人类主人表示致意。

3、It is where the balance quivers, and the proportions are veiled in mist, that the opportunity for world-saving decisions presents itself. ─── 只是当均势发生动摇,力量的对比象在大雾中难以认清的时候,才会出现为挽救世界作出决定的机会。

4、Make your proportions bold, crisp, and exact. ─── 一定要让这种比例很突出、干脆且明确。

5、He bought a greatcoat for himself of soothing proportions. ─── 他给自己买了一件尺码肥大舒适的大衣。

6、By 1969 it had reached infestation proportions and was killing off whole local populations of its host. ─── 到1969年它已达严重危害,将本地区该植物种群全部害死。

7、Childhood obesity is at epidemic proportions in the United States. ─── 在美国儿童期肥胖现在已经达到了流行性疾病的程度。

8、After experimenting with the proportions, Rosen hit upon a Lean Material that consists of up to 70 percent chalk and 30 percent polyolefins. ─── 在对构成比例进行反复试验后,罗森发现了由70%的白垩和30%的聚烯烃构成的“洁净材料”。

9、The company employs men and women in roughly equal proportions. ─── 公司聘用的男员工与女员工人数大致相等。

10、Unfortunately, forcing such a currency realignment would be a blunder of historic proportions. ─── 不幸的是,强迫货币重新洗牌是一连串错误的历史性分摊。

11、A neothelid is a slime-covered, tentacled worm of dragonlike proportions. ─── 夺心巨虫是一种浑身沾满黏液的、有巨龙般体型的带触手的蠕虫。

12、A meticulous study of shapes and proportions yielding hyper-feminine silhouettes. ─── 对轮廓和比例细致琢磨,着意勾勒女性的曼妙侧影。

13、These United States are confronted with an economic affliction of great proportions. ─── 合众国面临着极大的经济困难。

14、She is not of pin-up proportions, but she feels sure that she will become famous some day. ─── 她没有明星照里面的美女那样的身段,但是她确信有一天她会出名。

15、Cerro San Lorenzo might only be 3706m high but the 1500m south east face is 5km long and of himalayan proportions. ─── 塞若.圣洛伦索只有3706米高,但是高差1500米的东南壁有5公里长,是喜马拉雅式的路线。

16、A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime. ─── 在审判时, 小过失常常被夸大成滔天大罪。

17、If not there would be a credit freeze of “significant proportions”. ─── 如果通不过,将出现“巨大规模的”信贷冻结。

18、A key element is wearing clothes with the right proportions. ─── 其中一个关键因素就是要穿比例协调的衣服。

19、Italian emigration to the United States began slowly in 1880's and reached important proportions about 1900. ─── 到美国来的意大利移民,在十九世纪八十年代开始时速度较慢,1900年前后成为重要部分。

20、To force the test situation toward manageable proportions it is universal practice to calibrate . ─── 为了使测试工作切实可行,普遍采用的是数据校准。

21、Its vegetation, including its species, proportions, colour schemes, spacing and respective heights. ─── 其植物,包括品种、面积、配色、间隔以及各自高度;

22、A comparison might be very just in its proportions which did not at all assimilate the things compared. ─── 一种贴切相称的比较并不就使被比较的东西完全相似。

23、The polymer was prepared by copolymerizing vinyl sulfonate, methyl methacrylate( MMA) and methacrylic acid( MAA) in different proportions. ─── 三元树脂由乙烯基磺酸酯、基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)甲基丙烯酸(aa)不同的配比共聚而成。

24、Something must be preventing the initial stellar embryos from growing to stellar proportions. ─── 一定有某种因素阻止了起初的恒星胚胎长成恒星的大小。

25、Unbalanced. Term applied to a wine ini which the various components are not in harmonious proportions. ─── 不平衡的:用于描述各种成分之间比例不协调的葡萄酒。

26、Having elements or qualities mixed in proper or suitable proportions; especially made less severe. ─── 具有正确或适当比率的元素或特制的;尤其是减少严重性。

27、They had not gone far when Thaurissan's fury resulted in a spell of cataclysmic proportions. ─── 但他们并没有走多远,索瑞森的怒火导致了洪水般的魔法波动。

28、As the difference in proportions of different landscape types increases, the diversity will decrease. ─── 各景观类型所占比例差别增大,则景观的多样性下降。

29、Increased proportions of CD4 + cells and CD4 + CD95 + cells in LN patients may be implicated in the pathologenesis LN. ─── Fas受体在LN患者CD4 +细胞上的表达比例增加 ,表达Fas受体的CD4 +细胞对其受体的敏感性增加 ,这可能在LN患者CD4 +细胞减少的病理过程中起重要作用

30、How a file system realizes that a particular disk volume belongs to it and initializes to handle the volume is itself a saga of Norse proportions. ─── 一个文件系统如何了解一个具体的磁盘卷属于它,以及初始化以便操作这个卷,这是它本身的一个比率挪威传奇。

31、Asian H. erectus was the obvious possibility, but the size, tooth proportions and root structure were not quite right. ─── 且有可能是亚洲直立人,但大小、牙齿比例以及齿根结构并不特别正确。

32、Unbalanced. Term applied to a wine in which the various components are not in harmonious proportions. ─── 不平衡的:用于描述各种成分之间比例不协调的葡萄酒。

33、From Hong Kong,to Cuba to London,Bond circles the world in his quest to unmask a traitor,and prevent a war of catastrophic proportions. ─── 从香港到古巴,到伦敦,邦德为了揭开叛徒的面具,防止一场灾难性战争的爆发环行世界。

34、The key point is that different products use inputs in very different proportions. ─── 关键的一点是,不同的产品所使用的各种投入量在比例上有很大差别。

35、The proportions among the Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 buildings are proximately 1:1.5:2. ─── 其中一、二、三类建筑之比例大致为1:1.5:2。

36、Business people are also concerned about the income distribution of a market, i. E. The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people. ─── 商界人士也关注一个市场的收入分配状况,即富人、中等收入者和穷人的比例。

37、The sensitivity proportions of the 46 tumors for THP, MMC and EPI were 82.46%, 63.04% and 39.13% sequentially. ─── 46例标本中,THP、MMC和EPI的敏感率分别为82·46%、63·04%和39·13%,肿瘤细胞对三种化疗药物的敏感率和耐药率差异有统计学意义,P

38、Car theft is now reaching epidemic proportions. ─── 汽车偷盗现已近泛滥成灾。

39、These are fairly high proportions considering the recent economic climate. ─── 考虑到最近的经济形势,这是相当高的比例。

40、It was to grow, indeed, to its greatest proportions under Roman emperors. ─── 后来在罗马皇帝的统治下,它的确达到了它的最繁盛的时代。

41、These proportions are referred to many times during a study of colour television engineering. ─── 在探讨彩色电视技术时,经常要提到这些比例系数。

42、However, one study has suggested that toys with unattainable proportions might affect a person's self-image. ─── 但是,有一项研究表明如果一种玩具有着使用者不能拥有的东西,就会影响到使用者的形象。

43、Both groups were similar in age distribution and in proportions of patients receiving monotherapy versus polytherapy. ─── 两组患者的年龄层分布和接受单项治疗与多项治疗的比例上相似。

44、Both aptitude and learning are important, but in different proportions for different people. ─── 天资和学习都很重要,但是不同的人,比例也不同。

45、Thriving on the hormones, the Snakehead fish grow to monstrous proportions, devouring everything within reach. ─── 在荷尔蒙的作用下,黑鱼长成了巨型的怪物,狼吞虎咽掉一切遇到的东西,并具有了在陆地捕食的能力。

46、Proportions of infection are the following in turn: UU, UH+MH, MH. ─── 女性生殖道支原体感染以UU为主,UU+MH次之,单纯MH感染较少;

47、The unruly end of empire in South Asia was "a shock of epic proportions", she writes. ─── 她写道,帝国之困在南亚地区“让大部分人都感到了震撼”。

48、Draw a profile of the drawing you're working on every once in a while. A profile is easier on which to show the proper proportions of the face. ─── 在每一次绘制作业中,必须要完成轮廓线的制作,因为绘制轮廓线较容易去显示脸的比例大小是否正确。

49、It's been a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions but senior management can only put on a brave face. ─── 这是一场空前的灾难,可高层只能摆出勇敢的面孔。

50、The transfer of power in 1947 was accompanied by slaughter and pillage of huge proportions. ─── 1947年的权力转移是伴随着屠杀大面积掠夺而来。

51、Yet when standard-size clothes are altered for a man like Mr.Lefkowitz, the final proportions can come out all wrong. ─── 不过,如果把标准尺寸的服装根据莱夫寇维兹的身材加以修改,最后出来的比例也许完全不对头。

52、Products with high proportions of polyphosphates are called built detergents. ─── 含有大量聚磷酸盐的产品被称为改进型清洁剂。

53、Note : Figures in italics refer to the proportions of the married/cohabiting drug abusers in the respective sex groups. ─── 註釋:斜體數字是指在相關性別組別中佔已婚/同居的濫用藥物者所的百分比。

54、To Kenyans living in the slums, each day is a struggle of humanitarian crisis in disastrous proportions. ─── 对居住贫民区的肯亚人来说,每一天在是灾区都是一种人道危机的挣扎。

55、Join the unforgettable cast of characters for an adventure of bubble-popping proportions - just watch out for the Danger Zone! ─── 加入难忘铸字冒险的泡沫膨化比例刚提防的危险地带!

56、Even though its fearsomeness was to grow to almost mythical proportions, its combat debut was less than impressive. ─── 即使他那吓人的神话一样的比例,但它的初次亮相给人的印象不是很深。

57、"She was right there with the proportions of the beautiful face, " he said. ─── “她完全符合漂亮面孔的比例,”他说。

58、Deep and sometimes bitter currents of intellectual unrest converged and swelled into a revolt of considerable proportions in the early 1920's. ─── 二十年代初期,知识界深刻的、有时是激烈的骚动倾向,集中扩大为相当规模的反叛。

59、This is not the case stick with the above proportions for good cappuccino. ─── 但是这样做的结果是破坏了“卡布其诺”的味道。

60、From a technology standpoint,it was a challenge of immense proportions. ─── 从一个技术立场,它是极广大比例的挑战。

61、A qubit can be not just 0 or 1 but also a superposition of the two, in which proportions of zero-ness and one-ness are combined in a single state. ─── 一个量子位元不会只是0或1,而是两种状态的叠加,也就是0的状态和1的状态会合并成一个状态。

62、But Mister Obama says: "We are facing an economic crisis of historic proportions. ─── 但是奥巴马先生说:“我们面临是有史以来的经济危机。”

63、By 2000, the proportions of beef, mutton and fowl meat will increase by 10 percentage points each. ─── 到2000年,牛羊禽肉比重将再提高10个百分点。

64、On one hand, China's trade imbalance and the surplus they have built up is enormous to some astronomical proportions. ─── 一方面,中国的贸易不平衡和累积盈余已是天文数字的巨大部分。

65、To some geologists, the world is heading toward an oil crisis of historic proportions. ─── 对某些地质学家而言,世界正面临前所未有的石油危机。

66、But there will be handsome rewards for those that can survive this battle of hypermarket proportions. ─── 但一旦他们能在这场大型商场级战斗中生存下来的话,他们将会得到丰厚的回报。

67、Let's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development. ─── 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词片语和代名词主词的比例维持不变。

68、A doughnut chart shows the relationship or proportions of parts to the whole, and can contain more than one data series. ─── 圆环图显示各部分与整体的关系或比例,并且可以包含多个数据系列。

69、There must be some way to tell the great ones from the small ones; what is the law of these proportions? ─── 一定会有办法来将大灾难和小灾难区别开来,而区分这些大小的法则又是什么呢?

70、This overhead can grow to obnoxious and painful proportions if the program is used daily. ─── 如果是常用程序,那么这方面的负担会增加到令人厌恶的程度。

71、He said that all metals were composed of mercury and sulphur in different proportions. ─── 他说一切金属都是由水银和硫黄按不同比例构成的。

72、The key is to eat a varied diet in modest proportions. ─── 关键就是饮食要多样化,而且各种成分的比例要均衡。

73、The engine is located centrally, thus giving the car sporty proportions and dynamic volumes. ─── 发动机位于中央,从而使汽车运动的比例更对称和更动态。

74、If the natural soil does not contain these proportions, it should be corrected by adding the material which is short. ─── 如果天然土壤的组成不符合上述比例,则应掺加它所缺少的材料来进行修正。

75、The rebating evil, they warned, had grown to such monstrous proportions that it threatened to bankrupt the railroads. ─── 他们警告说,运费折扣的弊端已发展到如此严重的程度,有使铁路公司破产的危险。

76、Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions. ─── 南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。

77、His legs were very robust, but shorter than legs of good proportions should have been. ─── 他的两腿很结实,只是和一般人长短相称的腿比较起来要短些。

78、These exponential or logarithmic relationship, that characterize harmonious growth with changing proportions, are termed "allometric". ─── 作为比例有变化的协调增长这些指数或对数关系被标为“开度量”关系。

79、Proportions are of great importance as the head is considered to be the most beautiful part of the Kuvasz. ─── 作为一个漂亮的哥威斯犬,头部的比例是至关重要的。

80、The law of multiple proportions has insisted on the fundamental character of the combining ratio for different atoms. ─── 倍比定律规定了不同原子间化合比的基本特征。

81、In the tropics plants grow to huge proportions. ─── 在热带,植物长得很高大。

82、In contrast, the previous nine months in her mother's womb were a neurodevelopmental drama of epic proportions. ─── 相反,在她出生之前的九个月里,在她母亲子宫里的戏剧化的神经发育才是一场史诗。

83、The proportions of measles cases aged

84、He had a Cary Grant level beauty, with the proportions of a Greek Kouros sculpture. ─── 他有着卡里。格兰特水准的美丽,和一个希腊青年雕塑般的匀称。

85、Your proportions are not those of a maiden. ─── 你的身材可不是一个姑娘的身材。

86、They held a banquet of epic proportions. ─── 他们举行了盛大的宴会。

87、Baseline details were tabulated with ariance-weighted means or proportions, where suitable. ─── 基线的详情通过适当的加权方差或比例的方式如表所示。

88、You should mix the sand,the water in just proportions. ─── 你应按正确的比例混合砂子和水。

89、But BMW styling now seems to be hitting its stride, recapturing some of its former pleasing proportions. ─── 但是宝马设计现在似乎触及大步,夺回一些前令人高兴的比例。

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