atticism 中文意思翻译
atticism 短语词组
1、atticism definition ─── 态度定义
2、atticism in a sentence ─── 句子中的态度
3、atticism style ─── 格调风 ─── 格
atticism 相似词语短语
1、Atticisms ─── 态度
2、astaticism ─── n.不稳定;不安定;无定向性
3、Atticism ─── n.文雅的言辞;雅典语法;对雅典的憧憬
4、atticise ─── 阁楼
5、witticism ─── n.妙语;名言;俏皮话
6、Stoicism ─── n.斯多葛哲学,斯多葛学派;恬淡寡欲
7、Atticist ─── 态度主义者。
8、atticised ─── 不运动的
9、atticises ─── 运动
atticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In her attic window the staff she set, To show that one heart was loyal yet. ─── 她把旗竿插在她家顶楼的窗上,以表明有一颗心还是忠贞无上。
2、Open up the paint fashion of new tech by attic faith and drive. ─── 凭借坚定的信念和冲劲开创新科技的涂料潮流。
3、Bernadette cleaned the attic and then shut it up for another year. ─── 伯纳黛特打扫了阁楼,然后把它关上了,直到下一年再打开。
4、She came across a pile of old photographs while she was clearing the attic. ─── 她打扫阁楼时偶然发现了一沓旧照片。
5、They have been sitting in the attic for a year now. ─── 它们已经在阁楼里摆了一年了。
6、He lay on his side and looked out of the window of the attic. ─── 他侧身躺着,望着顶楼的窗外。
7、From his attic window he looked out over a wildernessof roofs. ─── 从他阁楼的窗子望出去,他看到一大片屋顶。
8、He made the attic in the small house a reading room. ─── 他把小屋的阁楼当作阅读室。
9、They hid me from the police in their attic. ─── 他们把我藏在他们的阁楼上躲避警察。
10、On a rainy day, Jane got to looking around in the attic and found some old pictures of Father. ─── 一个下雨天,简偶然在阁楼里寻找东西,却找到了爸爸的一些旧照片。
11、A man who has confidence always with the attic faith and great ambition, but not the invent dream. ─── 因此抱有信心的人,总是心怀具体的目标和理想,而非虚幻的空想。
12、A man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. ─── 人的脑袋像一间空空的小阁楼,必须有选择的把一些家具装进去。
13、She work in a dismal little room in the attic. ─── 她在阁楼上的一间阴暗的小房间里工作。
14、The Attic Avoid the Kickers! ─── 到最高点得到金鹰,比较简单。
15、I've got hundreds living in my belfry and in the attic. ─── 在我的钟楼和阁楼也有好几百只。
17、Leakiness in the roof caused a damp attic. ─── 屋漏使顶楼潮湿。
18、He climbed the narrow steps to the attic. ─── 他爬狭窄的楼梯去阁楼。
19、Instead of cleaning out the attic, tackle one bureau drawer. ─── 不要清理一个阁楼,转而对付一个抽屉吧。
20、Get to the Chapel attic and locate Harding's personal escape project. Report back to the Escape Committee. ─── 到教堂馈楼去并且确定哈定的个人脱逃计划。回报给脱逃委员会。
21、I'll offer them the attic ask. the to stay. because, I know how it is to be without a house. ─── "我会把他们领上楼阁,请他们住下.因为我知道没有房子的滋味.
22、On a rainy day, Salley got to looking round in the attic and round some old pictures of Father. ─── 一个雨天,萨利开始在阁楼里翻腾,发现了父亲的一些旧照片。
23、In the attic, Sara sat down on the chair by her table. ─── 在小阁屋里,萨拉坐在桌旁的椅子上。
24、Hearing was improved among 80.8% of the cases that underwent sealing of attic cell and ossiculoplasty. ─── 80 8%上鼓室封闭 +听骨链重建术听力改善 ,另 2 1例未重建听骨链。
25、The fashion of the gable end with attic window towards the street,came from Holland. ─── 山形墙及朝街的阁楼窗,是从荷兰传来的流行样式。
26、Maybe I'll clean out the attic. ─── 也许我会彻底清扫一下阁楼。
27、Scoot up to the attic,Mammy get down Ma`s old box of dress patterns. ─── 奶妈,快去阁楼把我妈那个装有服装式样的旧箱子拿下来.
28、It reappeared in that gloom, in that garret, in that misshapen attic, in all that horror. ─── 她重现在这黑暗中,在这破烂人家,在这不成形的穷窟里,在这丑陋不堪的地方!
29、So it had to be carried up to the attic and hung on clotheslines. ─── 因此得把衣服拿上阁楼,挂在晒衣绳上。
30、The attic of fastigium is most common, should make full use of irregular space, build sweet feeling. ─── 尖顶的阁楼最为常见,要充分利用不规则的空间,营造温馨的感觉。
31、All her images of a tiny waif locked in the attic seemed suddenly foolish and fantastic. ─── 她所有有关被关在阁楼的那个小流浪儿的照片似乎突然变得愚蠢荒诞。
32、A man and his wife were cleaning out the attic when the husband found an ancient receipt. ─── 一对夫妇正在清理阁楼,这时先生发现一张过期很久的旧收据。
33、They could hear mice pattering about in the attic above their heads. ─── 他们可以听见老鼠在头顶阁楼上窜来窜去。
34、Before World War II the usual one-family house had two full storeys, as well as a basement and an attic. ─── 在二次世界大战前,一般的独家住宅有两层,外加一个地下室和一个阁楼。
35、Moreover, all the windows of this silent dwelling were grated with heavy iron bars, even the attic windows in the roof. ─── 况且那所冷清清的房屋的每个窗口,连顶楼也计算在内,全都装了粗铁条。
36、The building is shown gyroidal, from ground floor screwy all the time up, turned round 90 degrees full to attic. ─── 大楼呈螺旋形,从底楼就一直扭曲向上,到顶楼整整扭转了90度。
37、"If this is effective really, " the wife says gladly, "I am moved gladly also to attic to sleep. ─── “假如这真的有效,”妻子兴奋地说,“我也乐意搬到阁楼上去睡。”
38、At the direction of his wife he had cleaned the attic and garage. ─── 奉妻子之命,他打扫了阁楼和车库。
39、The patients with lateral attic wall reconstruction obtained a significant hearing improvement (97.5%). ─── 97 5%上鼓室成形听力改善 ;
40、Say, Doc, you ever manage to get Into the attic of the chapel? ─── 嘿,博士,你也管理那个教堂的顶楼是吧?
41、Two light-infantrymen, who tried to lift the shattered omnibus, were slain by two shots fired from the attic. ─── 两个正在设法扶起打坏了的公共大马车的轻骑兵,被阁楼里打来的两枪送了命。
42、Lateral attic wall reconstruction and sealing of attic cell prevent the recurrence of cholesteatoma. ─── 上鼓室封闭和上鼓室成型可以防止胆脂瘤复发。
43、He housed his old books in the attic. ─── 他把旧书放在楼顶上。
44、The large chandelier is attached with bolts to the floor of the attic. ─── 大型枝形吊灯,被螺栓附于阁楼地板上;
45、He converted the attic into a bedroom and put in a skylight. ─── 他把屋顶阁楼改成卧室并装上天窗。
46、She has also found in a corner of the attic two wooden pier-tables of ancient fashion. ─── 她还在顶楼角落里找出两只古式壁儿。
47、How does one access the attic in this house? ─── 人要怎麽进出这房子的阁楼呢?
48、Koma lives in the attic of a house. ─── 可玛是只年轻又善良的猫,可玛住在一间房子的阁楼里。
49、They have swept down the house from attic to cellar. ─── 他们已把那幢房从屋顶楼到地下室全部打扫过了。
50、The fashion of the gable end with attic window towards the street, came from Holland. ─── 山形墙及朝街的阁楼窗是从荷兰传来的流行样式。
51、It might be in a filing cabinet in your study, a box in the basement, a chest in the attic. ─── 它可能在您书房的档案橱柜里,也可能在地下室的某个盒子里,或者是阁楼的某个箱子里。
52、In fact, I think it"s still up in the attic! ─── 事实上,我认为它在阁楼中依然是向上的。
53、 双语使用场景
54、Mother had a field day yesterday; she cleared all the lumber out of the attic. ─── 妈妈昨天忙了一天,把顶楼里破破烂烂的东西全都清理了出去。
55、"Scarlett, you mustn't give the money to Mammy to paste in the attic. ─── "思嘉,你不要把那些钞票给嬷嬷拿去糊墙壁了。
56、She slept the night in the attic. ─── 她在阁楼里睡了一晚。
57、To show the doubting children, their mother hunted up some old photographs in the attic. ─── 为了向抱怀疑的孩子们说明情况,妈妈在阁楼上找出一些旧照片。
58、She spent the whole afternoon ferreting about in the attic for old photographs. ─── 她整个下午都在阁楼上翻找旧照片。
59、Mom, Mom, Mom. I just saw a mouse in the attic and this big. ─── 妈妈,妈妈,妈妈,我刚才在阁楼上看到一只老鼠,它有这么大。
60、A small house or cottage usually having a single story and sometimes an additional attic story. ─── 平房指通常只有一层有时有一个加盖的阁楼的小屋或木屋
61、Ermengarde looked across the roof to the next attic window. ‘Who lives in that house?' she asked. ─── 埃芒加德从屋顶上向隔壁小阁屋的窗子望去。“谁住在那个房子里呀?”她问道。
62、It had to be hung in the attic. ─── 她得在阁楼里把衣物晾干。
63、If be balcony area bigger be located in attic again, should belong to " gazebo " . ─── 假如是阳台面积较大又位于顶楼,应该属于“露台”。
64、He rummaged about in the attic and brought out a pile of old newspapers. ─── 他在阁楼里到处翻找,取出了一堆旧报纸。
65、She was allowed to go back to her attic on condition that she would feed herself sensibly. ─── 她被允许回到她的阁楼,条件是要注意饮食。
66、To find a quiet place to study,Bruce had to seclude himself in the attic. ─── 布鲁斯不得不多在阁楼上,才能安安静静地读书。
67、They are in the habit of speaking with Attic salt. ─── 他们习惯了讲文雅的俏皮话。
68、We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. ─── 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
69、Reconstruction of lateral attic wall provides a new space for vibration of ossicular chain. ─── 上鼓室外侧壁重建还可保证听骨链的正常活动空间。
70、They want you to get in there and clean up the kitchen.And then, you know that floor sander in the attic? ─── 他们要你把厨房弄干净,然后,对了,你知道,你知道那地板还需要磨。
71、From an attic window we could get a sweeping view of the river where their land joined ours. ─── 从阁楼的窗口,我们可以一览无遗地眺望他们的土地与我们衔接处的河面。
72、To find a quiet place to study, Bruce had to seclude himself in the attic. ─── 布鲁斯不得不躲在阁楼上,才能寻得一个安静的地区性方读书。
73、Long-range dream and attic faith is the first step to success in career. ─── 事业的成功首先要有远大的理想和坚定的信念。
74、During this visit, I decided to explore their attic. ─── 其间,我决定探究一下他们的阁楼。
75、When Paul was a little boy, he lived in the attic of an asylum . ─── 当保罗是个小男孩时,他住在一所收容所的阁楼里。
76、He boosted her up into the attic. ─── 他把她扶上了阁楼。
77、While this fire started on the inside, it, too, spread up into the attic. ─── 在老的建筑中,火通常在起火点的屋子里要停留...嗯,更长的时间。
78、Frank:Mum,can you help me? I just knocked over the ladder in the attic. ─── 弗兰克:妈妈,能帮我一下吗?我把阁楼上的梯子碰倒了。
79、In this faubourg exists poignant distress hidden under attic roofs;there also exist rare and ardent minds. ─── 在这郊区里,无数顶楼的瓦顶下掩盖着种种惨痛的苦难,同时也有不少火热的和稀有的聪明才智。
80、From his attic window he looked out over a wilderness of roofs. ─── 从他阁楼的窗子望出去,他看到一大片屋顶。
81、The little girls Slept in the attic in a big feather bed. ─── 女孩们睡在阁楼的一张大羽毛床上。
82、Your taking the trunk to the attic has saved me an extra trip. ─── 你把那个大箱子拎到阁楼上去,省得我再多走一趟
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