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英:[ˌærəˈbesk] 美:[ˌærəˈbesk]
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arabesque 中文意思翻译
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n. 蔓藤花纹;阿拉伯式花纹n. (Arabesque)人名;(法)阿拉贝克;(西)阿拉韦斯克
arabesque 词性/词形变化,arabesque变形
arabesque 短语词组
1、arabesque wood ─── 阿拉伯木
2、arabesque in forest ─── 森林中的阿拉伯
3、arabesque coldplay ─── 阿拉伯酷玩
4、arabesque no ─── 阿拉伯花纹
5、Arabesque (Islamic art) ─── 阿拉伯(伊斯兰艺术)
arabesque 相似词语短语
1、Normanesque ─── adj.诺曼风格的,诺曼式的
2、Japanesque ─── adj.日本式的;n.日本式的事物
3、macaberesque ─── 麦卡贝利式
4、arabesqued ─── n.蔓藤花纹;阿拉伯式花纹;n.(Arabesque)人名;(法)阿拉贝克;(西)阿拉韦斯克
5、barbaresque ─── 野蛮的
6、arabesquely ─── 荒诞地
7、arabise ─── 阿拉伯
8、grotesque ─── adj.怪诞的,奇怪的,可笑的;丑陋奇异的,奇形怪状的;n.(尤指书画中的)奇形怪状的人(或物);奇异风格;(印刷)畸形字体
9、arabesques ─── n.阿拉贝斯克(果戈里的中篇小说);华丽曲
arabesque 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、the fluctuating shapes of a cloudscape, the complex arabesque of a camera movement, the blink of a character's eye(bNigel Andrews) ─── 云彩形状的多变形式,摄像机运动的复杂阿拉伯图案,演员眼睛的眨动(b奈杰尔 安德鲁斯)
2、As idolatry was prohibited, the main means of adornment was surface decoration through the use of geometry, arabesque and calligraphy. ─── 作为谬见是被禁止的,主要的装饰手法是通过使用几何学,阿拉伯式图饰和书法来作表面装饰。
3、The Arabesque solution is the answer to a designer's desire for uniqueness. ─── 阿拉伯风为设计师渴望独一无二给出了答案。
4、That jade-green lotus leaf became her body desire to hide to bare yet at this time of ;dressing out with Arabesque ;, It concealed and appeared her soft and charming body. ─── 那翠绿的荷叶此时成了她身上欲遮还露的轻罗缦纱,时隐时现出她曼妙的身体。
5、Ballet Book, Ballet, Dance, Arabesque, Audience, Backstage, Ballerina, Ballet, Ballet Costumes, Ballet Dancer, Ballet History, ... ─── 芭蕾书作业簿系列+----当学生学会芭蕾,+给老师和学生补充材料加强教室工作。“
6、forged and hammered metal had been wrought into elegant, almost arabesque, curves. ─── 经过千锤百炼,金属打造成了漂亮的,有藤蔓纹饰和曲线的牛铃。
7、When we went one Sunday we found the floor being tiled, in a pretty blue and yellow arabesque pattern that made us exclaim.The tiler was a big light-eyed mulatto man. ─── 世界上总有人会通过征服和欺骗别人满足自己更多的欲望,去提升自己的位置。
8、A spin in figure skating that is performed in an arabesque or modified arabesque position. ─── 自旋花样滑冰中的一种自旋运动,其表演方位较为奇异
9、arabesque spin ─── 燕式旋转
10、arabesque on 1/2 ─── 屈退后举
11、It creates as a distance between two points, rather than a straight line, an arabesque. ─── 它加长了两点之间的距离,使它变得非直而曲。
12、Logo designers who use the Arabesque style often have to be sensitive to one of the defining characteristics of Arab calligraphy: thick downstrokes and thin upstrokes with in-between gradations. ─── 与这种趋势一同复兴的是繁复模式,在过去的几年里设计人员和非设计人员都已经观察到了这种现象:无论对于印刷还是数字格式,复杂模式都完美体现出热情的表达。
13、The action figure skating player holds this position then spin is called arabesque spin. ─── 在花样滑冰中,运动员保持这种姿势,然后旋转,即被称作燕式旋转。
14、The Arabesque is synonymous to majestic strokes that have to be delicately adapted to the desired corporate image. ─── 阿拉伯风是辉煌壮丽的代名词,它必须被小心地运用在令人期待的公司形象上。
15、I like carpets with arabesque patterns. ─── 我喜欢带有阿拉伯式花饰的地毯。
16、" There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments. ─── 到处都是光怪陆离的形象,四肢和打扮都不伦不类的人。
17、Its forged and hammered metal had been wrought into elegant, almost arabesque, curves. ─── 经过千锤百炼,金属打造成了漂亮的,有藤蔓纹饰和曲线的牛铃。
18、in the fashion of or formed as an arabesque ─── 阿拉伯图案的;阿拉伯图案风格的;或形成阿拉伯图案的
19、The phenomena of “percussive sublimation” (commonly referred to as “being kicked upstairs”) and of “the lateral arabesque” are not, as the casual observer might think, exceptions to the Principle. ─── 有些人可能认为,“突然的晋升”(通常指那些“被迫升职的人”)和“曲线晋升”的现象不符合这个法则。
20、The Arabesque is synonymous to majestic strokes that have to be delicately adapted to the desired corporate image. ─── 阿拉伯风是辉煌壮丽的代名词,它必须被小心地运用在令人期待的公司形象上。
21、I like carpets with arabesque patterns. ─── 我喜欢带有阿拉伯式花饰的地毯。
22、Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque ─── 怪诞奇异故事集
23、10.A position similar to an arabesque in which a ballet dancer stands on one leg with the other raised either in front or in back and bent at the knee. ─── 缓慢下蹲,直到大腿与地板几乎成平行角度(膝盖可向前弯曲但不能越过足尖),保持这个姿势两秒钟,之后恢复到站立姿势。
24、"the fluctuating shapes of a cloudscape, the complex arabesque of a camera movement, the blink of a character's eye" (Nigel Andrews) ─── “云彩形状的多变形式,摄像机运动的复杂阿拉伯图案,演员眼睛的眨动”(奈杰尔·安德鲁斯)
25、The interior of the cabinet opens to reveal five fitted drawers;the drawer fronts containing porcelain plaques enamelled with arabesque decoration. ─── 在内阁内部透露打开抽屉装有五,各条战线的抽屉载有阿拉伯式花纹装饰的珐琅瓷斑块。
26、the fluctuating shapes of a cloudscape, the complex arabesque of a camera movement, the blink of a character's eye(Nigel Andrews) ─── 云彩形状的多变形式,摄像机运动的复杂阿拉伯图案,演员眼睛的眨动(奈杰尔 安德鲁斯)
27、Arabesque](All about Lily Chou-Chou. ─── 原声大碟 -[关于莉莉周的一切.
28、Its predominant vein was, in Poe's own phrase ,"the grotesque and arabesque." ─── 它的最主要的特点,用坡自己的话说,就是“怪诞和奇异。”
29、the complex arabesque ─── 复杂的阿拉伯图案
30、The shape of Dooku's lightsaber, with its arabesque curved handle, came out of earlier exploration of Sith villains. ─── 杜库光剑的外形,包括其错综图饰的剑柄,在早期设计西斯反角时就确定了。
31、In the fashion of or formed as an arabesque. ─── 阿拉伯图案的阿拉伯图案风格的或形成阿拉伯图案的
32、damasse arabesque ─── 阿拉伯式图案花缎
33、Arabesque(All about Lily Chou-Chou. ─── 原声大碟 -关于莉莉周的一切.
34、Arabesque Travel - Oman based agency providing holiday tours throughout the country. Features information about the region, the company and excursions. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
35、'I can't go as high as the girls, ' John says, as he lands in a slightly shaky arabesque en fondu move. ─── “我无法像女孩们跳得那么高。”约翰说道,他落地时略微有些摇晃。
36、The Arabesque solution is the answer to a designer's desire for uniqueness. ─── 阿拉伯风为设计师渴望独一无二给出了答案。
37、As idolatory was prohibited, the main means of adornment was surface decoration through the use of geometry, arabesque and calligraphy. ─── 作为谬见是被禁止的,主要的装饰手法是通过使用几何学,阿拉伯式图饰和书法来作表面装饰。
38、A position similar to an arabesque in which a ballet dancer stands on one leg with the other raised either in front or in back and bent at the knee. ─── 芭蕾舞舞姿,象阿拉贝斯舞姿,即芭蕾舞演员一条腿站立,另一条腿在膝盖处弯曲并置于膝盖前后的一种姿势。
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