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08-09 投稿


modifies 发音

英:[ˈmɒdɪfaɪz]  美:[ˈmɑːdɪfaɪz]

英:  美:

modifies 中文意思翻译



modifies 反义词


modifies 词性/词形变化,modifies变形

动词过去分词: modified |动词过去式: modified |动词第三人称单数: modifies |形容词: modifiable |动词现在分词: modifying |名词: modifiability |

modifies 同义词

amended |adapted | changed | improved | limited | adjusted | reformed | altered

modifies 相似词语短语

1、modified ─── adj.改进的,修改的;改良的;v.修改;缓和(modify的过去分词)

2、codified ─── 编成法典

3、mortifies ─── vt.抑制;苦修;使…受辱;vi.禁欲;苦行;约束;腐坏

4、modifier ─── n.[助剂]改性剂;[语]修饰语;修正的人

5、mollifies ─── v.(使)平静,平息怒气;安抚,抚慰;缓和,减轻

6、codifies ─── vt.编纂;将...编成法典;编成法典

7、remodifies ─── vt.再修改;改造

8、mundifies ─── vt.彻底清洁

9、modifiers ─── n.修改器;编辑器;修改工具栏;修改器堆栈(modifier的复数)

modifies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also, MZRP modifies the limit of route length based on the node density, and results in rapider convergence during route query and maintenance in IERP. ─── 同时,根据节点密度调整了路径长度限制,使得区域间的路由查询和路由维护能够更快的收敛。

2、If it remains unchecked, this enzyme degrades and modifies surrounding tissues, facilitating the spread of cancer through the body. ─── 如果不采取进一步的措施,这种酶就会降解并修饰肿瘤细胞周围的组织,从而为肿瘤细胞向身体各处扩散铺路。

3、Outdoors, the blue light from the sky usually modifies the shadow planes, depending on how much they face upward. ─── 在户外,来自天空的蓝色光通常缓和投影面,取决于他们朝下的程度。

4、In many cases the transfused blood modifies a person's immune system ?either in a faorable or unfaorable way ?by interacting with the patient's own white cells. ─── 在很多病例,输入的血液调节了患者的免疫系统。输入血液的白细胞与患者自身的白细胞互相作用,这是有益的还是有害的。

5、For example, if a modeless dialog box modifies text, what should it do if we now select some nontext object on the main window? ─── 例如,如果使用非模态对话框修改文本,而我们在主窗口中选择一些非文本对象,情况会怎么样呢?

6、A word or phrase that qualifies,limits,or modifies the meaning of another word or phrase. ─── 修饰语修饰或限制另一个词或短语意思的词或短语

7、In "the black cat"the adjective "black" modifies the noun "cat". ─── 在the black cat这一词组中, 形容词black修饰名词cat。

8、"VP +Guo" often occurs in the DP,and constitutes a "VP + Guo + De",which mostly modifies NPs and can substitute the whole modification structure in some occasions. ─── “VP+过”经常出现在“的”字短语中,构成“VP+过+的”,主要用来修饰NP,在一定的条件下也可以代替整个偏正结构。

9、A word or word group,such as an adjective,that is placed adjacent to the noun it modifies without a linking verb,for example,pale in the pale girl. ─── 修饰语,修饰性形容词一个词或词组,例如一个形容词,不用连接动词,紧接于它所修饰的名词之后,如在脸色苍白的小女孩里,苍白的。

10、The HORIZONTAL-JUSTIFIED attribute also modifies the vertical spacing of lines. ─── HORIZONTAL-JUSTIFIED属性也会修改行间的垂直间隔。

11、A side-effect is a language construct that modifies the state of the system. ─── 副作用是修改系统状态的语言结构。

12、Modifies the bridge configuration for a specified adapter. ─── 修改指定适配器的桥配置。

13、In some situations, you may be able to write a filter driver that modifies the behavior of the generic driver just enough to make your hardware work. ─── 在一些情况下,你可能能够编写一个过滤驱动,它修改了公版驱动的一些行为,(这些行为)足够使得你的硬件工作。

14、Communication is a process of sharing experience till it becomes a common possession. It modifies the disposition of both the parties who partake in it. ─── 在个人经验成为共同财富以前,沟通乃是一个共同参与经验的过程,通过沟通,参与经验的双方的倾向有所变化。

15、In the condition of ensuring the minimum of whole evidence conflict, sets up the distribution model of evidence optimization weights, then modifies original evidence model. ─── 在保证证据冲突整体最小情况下,建立证据最优权重分配模型,对原证据模型进行修正。

16、In the phrase "a good man", "good"modifies the noun "man". ─── 在“a good man”的短语中,“good”修饰名词“man”。

17、The tables that are referenced in an ON phrase must be part of the join that the ON phrase modifies. ─── 在ON短语中引用的表必须是ON短语修饰的连接的一部分。

18、One of the CharacterCasing enumeration values that specifies whether the TextBox control modifies the case of characters. ─── CharacterCasing枚举值中的一个值,它指定TextBox控件是否修改字符的大小写格式。

19、A substance,usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants,that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process. ─── 催化剂一种与反应物相关、通常以小剂量使用的物质,用来改变和加快反应速度,而自身在反应过程中不被消耗。

20、Transaction B then modifies or deletes the row and performs a COMMIT. ─── 之后,事务B修改或删除了该行,并执行了COMMIT命令。

21、Ivanov modifies the Dionysiac theory, endowing it with a religious color and collective value. ─── 伊凡诺夫把酒神理论改造得具有了宗教色彩和集体价值。

22、Modifies the input document, it is no longer possible to rely on the date a file was last modified to decide whether it should be restyled or not. ─── 修改输入文档,所以不再可能依靠最后修改文件的日期来确定是否应该重新制定文档的样式。

23、The SqlDataSource control has three command properties that can contain SQL statement that modifies data: the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand properties. ─── SqlDataSource控件有三个命令属性,即InsertCommand、UpdateCommand和DeleteCommand属性,这些属性可以包含用于修改数据的SQL语句。

24、An attribute can be a word, phrase or clause that modifies a noun. ─── 修饰语可以是修饰名词的一个词、短语或者是从句。

25、Because hinting aligns the glyph's control points to the pixel grid, this process slightly modifies the dimensions of character images in ways that differ from simple scaling. ─── 因为hinting将字形的控制点对齐到象素网格,这个过程将稍稍修改字符图像的尺寸,和简单的缩放有所区别。

26、This award modifies a contract initially granted to General Dynamics in 2002; the total value to date of that contract is now $741 million. ─── 这份修订合同最初于2002年授予通用动力公司,至今总价值已达7.41亿美元。

27、Modifies RIP configuration on a specified interface. ─── 在指定接口上更改RIP配置。

28、A word or word group, such as an adjective, that is placed adjacent to the noun it modifies without a linkingverb; for example, pale in the pale girl. ─── 修饰语,修饰性形容词一个词或词组,例如一个形容词,不用连接动词,紧接于它所修饰的名词之后;如在脸色苍白的小女孩里,苍白的。

29、On the premise of original foundation,it modifies the structure of the settler according to efficient settler technology,chooses efficient flocculant,increases addition points. ─── 在仍利用原有土建基础的前提下,按照高效沉降槽技术改进传统沉降槽结构,选用高效絮凝剂,增加絮凝剂加入点。

30、Modifies the current window style. ─── 修改当前的窗口风格。

31、Command modifies the contents of a register. ─── 命令修改寄存器的内容。

32、Skorzynska-Polit E,Tukendorf A,Selstam E,Baszynski T.Calcium modifies Cd effect on runner bean plants[J].Environ.Exper.Bot.,1998,40(3):275-286. ─── 周卫汪洪.镉胁迫下钙对镉在玉米细胞中分布及对叶绿体结构与酶活性的影响[J].植物营养与肥料学报,:.

33、This paper introduces the CBR experimental method ,design and modifies computation method of CBR,and also the application of reconstruction engineering at Daqing Oil Field No. ─── 介绍了CBR试验方法,设计与修正CBR的计算方法及其在大庆油田西一路、莎大路改建工程中的应用。

34、Chemistry A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process. ─── 催化剂:一种与反应物相关、通常以小剂量使用的物质,用来改变和加快反应速度,而自身在反应过程中不被消耗

35、In the phrase "a green hat", the adjective "green" modifies the noun "hat". ─── 在“一顶绿帽子”这个短语中,形容词“绿的”修饰名词“帽子”。

36、In modern Chinese, a numeral alone can't function as an attributive but must be combined with a measure word inserted between the mineral and the noun it modifies, e. g. ─── 在现代汉语中,数词一般不能单独做名词的定语,中间必须加量词。

37、Can you pick out the adjectives in this sentence and tell what each modifies? ─── 你能指出句中的形容词,并说出它们修饰哪些词吗?

38、Modifies the current state of the specified trace. ─── 修改指定跟踪的当前状态。

39、In 'walk slowly', the adverb 'slowly' modifies the verb 'walk'. ─── 在walk slowly中,副词slowly修饰动词walk。

40、But it may yet play a bigger role as the Senate, coming back from recess in September, takes up and modifies the bill. ─── 在参议院结束九月休会,并且讨论和修改条相关草案之后,天然气将可以发挥更大的作用。

41、A compression method that modifies its operations and/or its parameters according to the new data read from input stream. Data compression techniques in which no data is lost. ─── 一种根据从输入的数据流中读出的新数据改变其运算或参数的压缩方法。采用这种压缩技术压缩的数据不会损失。

42、In `the black cat' the adjective `black' modifies the noun `cat'. ─── 在`黑猫'这一词组中,形容词`黑'修饰名词`猫'.

43、A word or word group, such as an adjective, that is placed adjacent to the noun it modifies without a linking verb; for example, pale in the pale girl. ─── 修饰语,修饰性形容词一个词或词组,例如一个形容词,不用连接动词,紧接于它所修饰的名词之后; 如在脸色苍白的小女孩里,苍白的

44、Using homogeneous balance principle (HBP) and with the aid of Mathematica, the new exact solutions to Benny equation are obtained, which modifies and perfects the known results. ─── 利用齐次平衡法,借助计算机代数系统Mathematica,得到了Benney方程新的显式精确解,修正和完善了已有文献给出的结果。

45、In “the black cat” the adjective “black”modifies the noun “cat”. ─── 在“那只黑猫”中,形容词“黑的”修饰名词“猫”。

46、On one hand, this is good because it means that if someone modifies the employee table, the information in the DepartmentSize view is automatically brought up to date. ─── 一方面,如果某个用户修改了employee表,则DepartmentSize视图中的信息会自动更新,这会有一定的好处。

47、A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process. ─── 催化剂一种与反应物相关、通常以小剂量使用的物质,用来改变和加快反应速度,而自身在反应过程中不被消耗

48、In 'walk slowly', the adverb 'slowly' modifies the verb 'walk'. ─── 在 walk slowly 中,副词 slowly 修饰动词 walk。

49、Increasing this number uses more memory but can cause a dramatic performance increase, especially during modifies or when building indices. ─── 增加本位元组数将会使用更多的内存,但可以使得性能大幅度上升,尤其是在修改或创建索引时。

50、Derivational affix modifies the word lexically which can be divided into prefix,infix and suffix. ─── 可分为前缀、中缀和后缀。

51、BACKUP never modifies the source page on disk nor the contents of a page. ─── BACKUP永远不会修改磁盘上的资源页和页的内容。

52、Exprofre. Exe modifies the default Outlook profile so users can successfully log onto their mailboxes after the move. ─── Exprofre.exe会修改默认的Outlook配置文件,从而使用户在邮箱移动后可以成功登录他们的邮箱。

53、Your teammates will initiate cuts, picks, and post-ups based on how you handle the ball, while your opponent modifies strategy to fit the pace of the game. ─── 你的队友们将开始削减,选秀权,并张贴公司的基础上您如何处理球,而你的对手改变策略以适应比赛的节奏。

54、THO modifies inward Calcium currents, slowly reduced the peak of Iea. ─── 2×10~(-5)M杀虫环可调制突触前膜的钙通道,使Ica峰值降低.

55、If the non-head lexeme occurs after the head-word, then it modifies the head-word. ─── 如果非首词出现在首词之后,那么它修饰首词。

56、You can fix the case above, where the called method modifies an object, by making the class immutable. ─── 你可以修正以上的例子,当被调用方法修改一个对象时,让这个类成为不可变的。

57、Signature-based heuristics, whether dynamic or static, for detecting malicious code are no match for a program that modifies, encrypts, and decrypts its code as it propagates. ─── 基于签名的启发式程序,不管它是动态的还是静态的,都不适合用来检测一个在传播时修改、加密解密本身的恶意代码程序。

58、This article modifies joint trace length from nolimited to limited,and introducts joint probablitic model to block theory for the first time. ─── 因此,用块体理论对岩体稳定性所作的分析结果将产生较大误差。

59、Through constant practice, the controller develops and modifies a mental "library" of problem situations and their resolutions. ─── 在持续的实践中,管制员掌握了各种管制情况及其解决途径。

60、Therefore, if the function modifies the parameter, the original value in the calling code is changed. ─── 因此,如果函数修改了该参数,调用代码中的原始值也随之改变。

61、First strike is a static ability that modifies the rules for the combat damage step. ─── 先攻属于静止式异能,会影响战斗伤害步骤的规则。

62、In the strong sense I'm advocating here, culture modifies our genes. ─── 在此,我坚决倡议,让文化修改我们的基因。

63、Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. ─── 只不过原著是一本充满了讽刺意味的荒诞小说,而影片则对故事进行了修饰和美化。

64、Create an action that retrieves data from the smart tag and modifies the recognized smart tag text. ─── 创建可从智能标记检索数据并修改所识别的智能标记文本的操作。

65、Modifies more than one row and also updates the key of a nonunique clustered index to a nonconstant value. ─── 修改多行并且还将非唯一的聚集索引的键更新为非常量值。

66、Modifying design, designer modifies the file of drawing information,and software generates all the drawings. ─── 修改设计时,设计人修改图形信息文件,软件生成全部设计图纸。

67、Mitigating Factor: The opposite of a normal factor, a mitigating factor modifies the spell but makes it easier to cast. ─── 减轻要素:与普通的要素相对应,他们使法术的施展难度相应降低。

68、In the syntax stratification, it is a adverbial modifier that modifies predicate. ─── 在语法结构层面它作状语修饰谓语;

69、This thesis modifies the Michelson interference system to develop an optical non-contact surface measurement system with resolution improved four times of the traditional method. ─── 中文摘要本文以改良麦克森干涉系统再配合四分之一波片与偏光镜的组合发展出更高解析度的光学非接触式量测系统。

70、Modifies the selection or moves the keyboard focus of the accessible object. ─── 修改选择内容或移动辅助性对象的键盘焦点。

71、There is an article in PA-NEWS 238 de- scribing a workaround whichjust modifies the timestamp. ─── PA-NEWS 238中有一篇文章介绍修改时间戳的规避方法。

72、The Visual Studio Tools for Office Project Wizard modifies security policy at the User level. ─── “Visual Studio Tools for Office项目向导”在用户级别上修改安全策略。

73、The following console application creates a DataTable containing rows, modifies some of the data in those rows, and attempts to merge data from a different DataTable. ─── 下面的控制台应用程序创建一个包含行的DataTable,修改这些行中的某些数据,并尝试合并来自不同DataTable中的数据。

74、NFC modifies theregistry to make sure it will be run every time the infected host isrebooted. ─── NFC还会修改注册表保证自己每次在宿主机重启后能被启动。

75、Corona surface treatment with high voltage discharge modifies only the surface characteristics without affecting material bulk properties. ─── 电晕表面处理与高电压放电修改只是表面特性在不影响材料的大量财产。

76、The author modifies spanwise shape and makes the analog function of the aerofoil curve by use of the computer. ─── 利用计算机来辅助叶片叶展形状的修正和构造翼型曲线的模拟函数。

77、Unwrap modifies these objects so that they pass the locale ID of the current thread to the Excel object model, instead of passing locale ID 1033. ─── Unwrap将修改这些对象,以便它们将当前线程的区域设置ID传递到Excel对象模型,而不是传递区域设置ID 1033。

78、A substance, especially an enzyme, that initiates or modifies the rate of a chemical reaction in a living body; a biochemical catalyst. ─── 能在活的体内产生化学反应或改变生物体内化学反应速度的物质,尤指酶;生物化学催化剂。

79、In sharp contrast with competition is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverbial of contrast while under a market economy modifies the noun competition. ─── 垄断是计划经济的一个重要特征,它与市场经济下的竞争形成鲜明对比.

80、Classes that derive from Freezable should call this method at the end of any API that modifies class members that are not stored as dependency properties. ─── 从Freezable派生的类应在任何API结束对不是作为dependency properties存储的类成员的修改时调用此方法。

81、In " black hair " " black " modifies " hair " . ─── 在“黑头发”中,“黑”修饰“头发”。

82、Therefore, if the function modifies the parameter, only the copy is changed and the original value remains unchanged. ─── 因此,如果函数修改了该参数,仅改变副本,而原始值保持不变。

83、Three-coordinate Measure Machine modifies the errors that are easy to establish maths model. ─── 模型化因素造成的误差由三坐标测量机修正。

84、At page load, the code also looks for and modifies a label within a device-specific content template in a second panel. ─── 在页加载时,该代码还将在另一个面板中查找并修改设备特定的内容模板中的标签。

85、mudflats, turning them into high marshes inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl that depend on the mudflats. ─── 滩涂,将它们转变成了高海拔沼泽,变得不适合那些依赖滩涂的众多鱼类和水禽生存。

86、In one form of pharming attack, code sent in an e-mail modifies local host files on a personal computer. ─── 其中一种无诱饵钓鱼欺骗的形式就是,随电子邮件发出的(恶意)代码修改个人计算机上的本机主文件。

87、In server controls on master pages, ASP.NET dynamically modifies the URLs of properties that reference external resources. ─── 在母版页上的服务器控件中,ASP.NET动态修改引用外部资源的属性的URL。

88、A noun sometimes modifies another noun. ─── 一个名词有时候修饰另一个名词。

89、Each element within a complex system modifies and is modified by interaction with the other elements of the system. ─── 在一复杂系统中,每一要素都影响着系统中的其他要素,同时,也受到其他要素的互相制约。

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