lieu 发音
英:[luː] 美:[luː; ljuː]
英: 美:
lieu 中文意思翻译
lieu 网络释义
n. 代替;场所
lieu 常用词组
in lieu ─── 替代
in lieu of ─── 代,代替
lieu 短语词组
in lieu of
1. (以……)替代
He used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature.
1、mandy lieu ─── 曼迪地点
2、Chef lieu ─── 主要地点
3、lieu days ─── [经] 倒假日
4、day off in lieu ─── 休息一天
5、lieu pay ─── 支付地点
6、cant get out lieu ─── 无法下车
7、deed in lieu ─── [经] 代替取消赎还法律手续的文契
8、in lieu of ─── 作为...的替代, 代替... [法] 代替, ─── 作为...的替代
9、non-lieu ─── [法] 不予起诉, 无足够理由起诉
10、in lieu ─── 替代
11、payment in lieu ─── [法] 以付款代替
12、time off in lieu ─── 补休
13、lieu of ─── 代替
lieu 习惯用语
1、in lieu of ─── 代, 代替
lieu 相似词语短语
1、Viseu ─── n.(Viseu)人名;(葡)维塞乌
2、leu ─── n.列伊(罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦货币单位);n.(Leu)(美)洛伊(人名)
3、lie ─── vi.躺;说谎;位于;展现;vt.谎骗;n.谎言;位置;n.(Lie)人名;(罗、挪、瑞典)利;(中)李(普通话·威妥玛)
4、lief ─── adj.乐意的;亲爱的;adv.乐意地,自愿;欣喜,高兴地;n.(Lief)(英、荷)利夫(人名)
5、lies ─── v.躺卧(lie的第三人称单数形式);n.谎言(lie的复数);n.(Lies)人名;(英)莱斯;(塞、芬)列斯;(德)利斯
6、litu ─── 锂
7、lied ─── n.利德(钢琴伴奏的德国独唱歌曲),德国抒情歌曲,浪漫曲;v.撒谎(lie的过去式和过去分词);n.(Lied)(德、挪)利德(人名)
8、lier ─── n.躺卧者
9、lien ─── n.[经]留置权;抵押品所产生的利息;n.(Lien)人名;(法)利安;(英、意、挪、瑞典)利恩;(老)连
lieu 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Use it within your Windows-based application as a simple solution for font selection in lieu of configuring your own dialog box. ─── 可在基于Windows的应用程序中将其用作简单的字体选择解决方案,而不是配置您自己的对话框。
2、In lieu of sending trade confirmation via postal mail, the Company will provide Trader Internet access to view his account at any time with an online login. ─── 作为邮政邮件方式寄送交易确认书的替代方案,公司将为投资者开放网络访问,投资者可以通过网上注册在任何时候查看他的账户。
3、He worked on Sunday, so he took Monday off in lieu. ─── 他星期天工作了,所以代之以星期一休息。
4、The inspecting officer must never coax or coerce an alien to surrender his or her alien registration document in lieu of a removal hearing. ─── 在此情况下、执事海关官员不得以哄骗或强破方式、要求他缴回绿卡、以取代注销听证程序。
5、aurait eu lieu dans le Bureau ovale. ─── 就发生在总统办公室。
6、Why?Because while the truncheon,may be used in lieu of conversation.words will always retain their power. ─── 因为尽管沉默代替了谈话,言语却总是能保持它的力量。
7、Humanity does not cause extinction beloved, as each species controls the numbers born each year, even in lieu of toxic substances or human populations overrunning our territory. ─── 人类并没有造成绝灭,至爱的人类,因为每一个物种每年都会控制出生的数量,即使是毒素物质,或者人类过多的人口正在侵占我们的领地。
9、On these issues, commitment to the Asia-Pacific Trade and Industry, in the next 3 months will be in cash or assets in lieu of the return of Beijing Ansett joint debt of about 130 million yuan. ─── 就上述问题,亚太工贸承诺,在未来3个月时间内,将以现金或资产的方式,代北京安捷联归还约1.3亿元债务。
10、She used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature. ─── 她用按手印替代签字。
11、He shall also be liable to pay monies in lieu of notice as described above. ─── 他也应该得到相关的钱作为开除代替通知日的补偿。
12、Employee will not be paid in lieu of any outstanding accrued holiday entitlement except on leaving the company. ─── 除非离开本公司,否则员工任何未休完的累计假期的权利将不会由支付薪酬代替。
13、They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won. ─── 他们没有领奖品而是领了现金。
14、If a company gives its employees options in lieu of part of their pay, it will have greater latitude in dealing with its pay cost. ─── 如果公司给予雇员股票认购权代替他们的部分薪资,将使公司在处理工资成本方面具有更大的空间。
15、C’est ici que l’examen peut avoir lieu? ─── 在这里检查吗?
16、An insurance policy is acceptable in lieu of an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover. ─── 可以接受保险单代替预约保险项下的保险证明书或声明书。
17、In lieu of a bank statement and utility bill, you may provide a verifiable letter of reference from a known bank or financial institution. ─── 如沒有銀行月報表及水電或燃氣費帳單,您可提供由知名銀行或金融機構所發出的可證明推薦信函。
18、There are holidays in lieu of those public holidays which fall at weekends. ─── 在某些地方,上述的公众假日定在周末。
19、Joe was ill in bed, so Mike played in the game in lieu of him. ─── 乔生病在床,因此,迈克代替他参加比赛。
20、The Bose system uses a linear electromagnetic motor (LEM) at each wheel in lieu of a conventional shock-and-spring setup. ─── Bose悬挂采用线性电机(LEM),线性电机分布在车轮周围,并安装在传统的弹簧和避震器的位置。
21、Lack of brake master cylinder brake fluid that can be used in lieu of alcohol or spirits, under exceptional circumstances can be used instead of water. ─── 制动总水泵缺制动液,可用酒精或白酒代替,特殊情况下可用清水代替。
22、My mind to me a kingdom is, and it furnishes me with abundant and happy occupation in lieu of your restless idleness. ─── 我的思想就是我的王国,它让我生活得充实快乐,而不像你游手好闲,无所事事。
23、Exchange of RFI in Lieu of Concurrent Overhaul ─── 以准备检查代替同时检查
24、Alternative technical data may be accepted by CCS in lieu of specific items of listed documentation not being available. ─── 如果无法得到上述列出的有关项目的文件,CCS可接受相应的技术资料作为代替.
25、A may, in lieu of some or all of the royalties prescribed in this Section, elect to receive a part of the finished product produced by B. ─── 可以选择接受B生产的部分成品,以代替按本条规定A应当收取的部分或全部资源税。
26、Use it within your Windows-based application as a simple solution for users to set page preferences in lieu of configuring your own dialog box. ─── 在基于Windows的应用程序中将该组件用作用户设置页首选项的简单解决方案,而不用配置您自己的对话框。
27、The Hua Long Chi hydrotherapeutics house is a city outstanding person stratum and the successful personage is ideal lie fallow and healthy business affairs hydrotherapeutics lieu most. ─── 华龙池水疗会所是城市精英阶层与成功人士最为理想的商务休闲和健康水疗场所。
28、On the other hand, the salary as substitute of the payment in lieu of notice by the employee to the employer is still regarded as assessable income of the employee. ─── 另一方面,雇员以薪金作为代通知金则仍被视为应课税入息,雇主为雇员填报时应包括这薪酬。
29、He used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature. ─── 他用按手印替代签字。
30、Use this component within your Windows-based application as a simple solution for file selection in lieu of configuring your own dialog box. ─── 在基于Windows的应用程序中可将该组件用作简单的文件选择解决方案,而不用配置您自己的对话框。
31、If a Credit specifically calls for an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover, Banks will accept, in lieu thereof, an insurance policy. ─── 尽管信用证特别要求提供的保险证明或预保单项下的保险声明,但银行仍可接受保险单以取代保险证明或和保险声明。
32、A rent paid by a freeman in lieu of the services required by feudal custom. ─── 免役租,代役租自由民支付的租金来代替封建惯例要求的服役
33、Bellows material shown as standard, Inconel can be used in lieu of 321 and Hastelloy C in lieu of Inconel, where design and/or pressure class applicable. ─── (2) 波纹管材料如标准所示,因科镍合金可以用在321和耐氧化耐酸镍钼铬钨合金C场合。当采用因科镍合金时,可达到设计的压力等级。
34、She denied seeking to extort money in lieu of a prosecution and said, “We were in a desperate situation and we were just thinking of our other two children. ─── 她否认自己试图去敲诈金钱,以取消起诉的说法并说道,“我们处在绝望的境地,我想的只是我另外的两个孩子。”
35、In lieu of this method, servlets can share information using the ServletContext class and can perform shared business logic by invoking methods on common non-servlet classes. ─── 为了替换该方法,servlet可以使用ServletContext共享信息,也能够通过调用普通的非servlet类的方法来执行共享的业务逻辑。
36、Before you leave your current job, you shall give your employer the required length of notice for the termination of your employment contract or payment in lieu of notice. ─── 在离职前,你须根据终止雇佣合约的规定,给予雇主终止合约所需的通知期或代通知金。
37、Au lieu de supposer que tu me connaissez. ─── 如果有那么一天,请让我远远的离开。
38、Perhaps if they had discovered pine nuts from trees indigenous unto earth, all would have been well and they would have attuned to the dream of Terra in lieu of Sirius. ─── 如果他们当初发现了地球本土的松树和松仁,也许一切都会太平无事的,他们也就可以调谐到地球梦想以取代天狼星梦想。
39、The warehouse keepers tally cargoes in lieu of the cargo-owner or the consignee, but they themselves are attached to the stevedoring company. ─── 内理代表货主或收货人理货,但他们本身属于装卸公司。
40、If you can retrieve the correct level of code, you will be able to use this technique in lieu of a tracing mechanism. ─── 如果检索到正确级别的代码,那么您将能够使用这一技术来代替跟踪机制。
41、She placed her right hand on his wrist for a moment, and Pemberton felt the calluses on her upper palm, the plain gold wedding band she wore in lieu of a diamond. ─── 她的右手在他的腰上放了一会儿,彭伯顿可以感觉到她手掌上的茧子还有那只权作结婚钻戒的光身扁平金戒指。
42、For other companies, the information should be made up to the date of the annual general meeting (AGM) or the date of written resolution passed in lieu of AGM. ─── 如属其他公司,所列载的资料则应截至公司周年大会日期或以代替周年大会的书面决议的日期为止。
43、Of course, a corporation cannot be jailed; if a corporation is found to be guilty a fine will be imposed in lieu of a jail term. ─── 当然法人不能去坐牢,如果一个法人被查明有犯罪行为时,它将被处以罚金来代替牢狱之期。
44、At this time, a bowknot was adopted to be worn in lieu of the medal. ─── 在这个时候,人们用蝴蝶结代替奖章。
45、A partition surfaced in foil wall covering stands in lieu of a headboard. ─── 一面金属箔片饰面的隔墙替代了床头板原先的位置。
46、Shall not be used for flight planning or other operational purposes in lieu of officially disseminated weather forecasts and warnings. ─── 不会为飞行计划或其他操作的目的使用代替正式地传播的天气预报和警告。
47、Quan ly du lieu voi tool cua.Net 2. ─── 0 (译):全李杜代替沃伊工具河口。
48、It leaves out the conventional salutation and complimentary close, invariably containing a subject line in lieu of the salutation indicating what the letter is about. ─── 它省去了常规的称呼和信尾的客套话,但是要在本来该写称呼的地方增加一句表明信的内容的主题句。
49、Perhaps Greece could lease a few of its islands to help with its debt crisis in lieu of repayment of its foreign debt. ─── 也许希腊可以将一些岛屿租借出去,这样有助于偿还外债。
50、The company offered us time off in lieu. ─── 公司叫我们用休假来代替。
51、Cash in lieu of commodities; ─── 商品代金;
52、Old --world ambience, new England coziness. Beacon Hill's cobble stoned streets dusted with snow. Roasted lobster in lieu of Christmas turkey. ─── 它有着古典的氛围以及新英格兰的舒适和安逸.灯塔山上那鹅卵石铺成的小街上落满了积雪.这里没有圣诞火鸡,取而代之的是美味的烤龙虾.
53、In lieu of full-time jobs, companies are offering internships and contract work. These positions come unpaid or with a stipend, and the company saves money by not paying benefits. ─── 公司正提供实习机会和合同职位,以代替全职工作。这些职位要么没有工资,要么只有津贴,公司还无需支付福利费用,因此节省了资金。
54、can you go in my stead?; took his place; in lieu of. ─── 你能接替我的职位吗?
55、Time-off in lieu of overtime pay is encouraged and preferred by the Company . 1 overtime hour is equivalent to 1 hour time-off. ─── 公司倡导为员工加班安排倒休。可倒休时数等于实际加班时数。
56、In lieu of or in addition to this compensation the court may also award kinds of reparation. ─── 在这种场合中或者除补偿之外,法庭也可以判决恢复原状的贵任。
57、In recent years, ascending humans have retrieved the keys for how the holographic archives were doctored, and have edited the scripts to allow for ascension in lieu of life extension to come forth. ─── 在最近几年,提升人类已收复了如何医治全息档案的钥匙,并已编辑了剧本,去容许提升的展开以代替寿命延长。
58、NOTE: This section must be completed. The submittal of a resume or c.v. in lieu of completing this section does not fulfill the requirement. ─── 备注:请务必填写此部分。仅以履历表或简历替代填写本部分并不符合要求。
59、Calling card: Small size board usually around A8, with name etc., sent or left in lieu of formal visit. Also called Visiting card. ─── 名片:约A8度的纸板,载有姓名等。访候时,把它送往或留下,当作正式拜访。亦称名刺。
60、The Range header, which specifies the subrange or subranges of the response that the client requests be returned in lieu of the entire response. ─── Range标头,指定客户端请求返回的响应的单个或多个子范围来代替整个响应。
61、Toyota is concerned the Democratic Party may seek an early end to these temporary tax cuts and subsidies in lieu of scrapping additional taxes on gasoline, he said. ─── 丰田考虑到民主党可能会诉诸于降低燃油税的替代方式以早些结束这些暂时的减速有补助。
62、In lieu of participatory democracies, republics have arisen as the actual form of government. ─── 作为代议式民主的替代,共和政府逐渐了成为政府的实际形式。
63、This was in lieu of certain suggestions she had made concerning little things she wanted to buy. ─── 他说这话来答复她提出的想买些小东西的要求。
64、He has released another document, often provided by state authorities in lieu of a birth certificate, called a certificate of live birth. ─── 他公开了他另外的文件,这往往由洲行政机关提供的代替出生证,所谓活产证明。
65、In some cases, the bracelets are offered in lieu of bail to defendants who otherwise couldn't afford to get out of jail before trial. ─── 在某些情况下,这些环套能代替保释,提供给那些在审理之前交不起保释费用的疑犯。
66、Run: in lieu of other varieties seedling breeding, sales, and hydroponic cultivation of flowers for sale! ─── 兼营:其他良种苗木的代繁育、销售、及水培花卉的培育销售!
67、Your promotion will take effect as of today,and you will ,as a matter of course, be given a bigger company car in lieu of your present one. ─── 你的升职今天起生效,而且你自然将获得一辆更大的公务车取代现有的这辆。
68、Ban muon tim kiem cac loai nguyen lieu hoac thiet bi may moc.Xin moi doc blog nay. ─── 你寻找工作上的合作夥伴吗?我从台湾来,常驻越南,很高兴在我的部落格与大家认识,欢迎有空常来交流!
69、Tai lieu encrypt afsff fds complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):大代替加密afsff科特迪瓦完整的源代码可以直接使用。
70、In lieu of name dropping I warn of their predatory actions. ─── 代替名称下降我警告他们的掠夺行动。
71、If the fracture is not reducible by closed means or with arthroscopic assistance,then an open approach is recommended in lieu of the percutaneous approach. ─── 如果闭合复位或在关节镜下复位失败,建议用切开复位内固定替代经皮内固定。
72、In evaluating all the aspects of the Aggressive Inline Skate, which has had a successful 10 year run at the X Games, we have made the decision to present a six athlete Vert demonstration in lieu of a full competition at X Games 11. ─── 在多方面地评估了极限轮滑这一在极限运动会成功举行十年的项目之后,我们决定在第十一届极限运动会上,推出由六名运动员参加的半管表演项目,以代替完整的竞技项目。
73、He lay down here, drew straw over himself in lieu of blankets, and was soon absorbed in thinking. ─── 他躺在这里,用稻草盖住自己,代替了毯子,很快就陷入了沉思。
74、Traveling employees will not be given working days off in lieu of weekends worked at home or overseas. ─── 公司将不会因为员工周末在家工作或者在国外工作而给其补假。
75、Shall not be used for flight planning or other operational purposes in lieu of officially disseminated weather forecasts and warnings. ─── 不会为飞行计划或其他操作的目的使用代替正式地传播的天气预报和警告。
76、Those therefore who's ancestry dead-ends either in slave inheritance, Pleiadian or Orion form is destined to complete through death at this time for lieu of any other option available. ─── 因此那些有需要以死亡的方式终结的奴隶遗传祖先、昴宿星形体或猎户座形体的人,将会在这个时期以死亡终结,使其他人能代替他们。
77、Childrem watched TV in lieu of doing their home work. ─── 孩子们观看了电视代替做他们的作业。
78、Since RTHK may be able to provide production facilities in lieu of funding, the items relate to the facilities to be provided by RTHK would be separated as optional items. ─── 前段提及港台可提供制作设备以代替部分资金。如制作公司选择使用港台提供的设备,有关项目将被列作选择性项目。其馀项目则为必须项目。
79、However, the IAM trustees accepted NWA common stock, in lieu of cash, for the repurchase of the preferred stock. ─── 但是,工人协会受信人为了再买回优先股,以现金的形式接受了西北航的普通股。
80、It leaves out the conventional salutationcomplimentary close, invariably containing a subject line in lieu of the salutation indicating what the letter is about. ─── 它省去了常规的称呼和信尾的客套话,要在本来该写称呼的地方增加一句表明信的内容的主题句。
81、Subject to prior approval from the Company, you will also be entitled to be paid in lieu of un-availed leave. ─── 依照之前的赞成从公司, 你也将会是有资格的是支付代替家伙-有用休假。
82、pay in lieu of maternity leave ─── 代产假金
83、Delivery Instrument A document that stands in lieu of the physical underlying during the delivery of the futures contract. ─── 交割文件在交割期货合约时代替实质商品的文件。
84、2. He gave us an I.O.U. in lieu of cash. ─── 他以一张欠条代替现金付给我们。
85、Nerissa And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano, for that same scrubbed boy the doctor's clerk, in lieu of this, last night did lie with me. ─── 也抱歉,优雅的格兰提奥,那个做律师助手的小男孩,为了这,昨晚和我躺在一起。
86、My pension has been renegotiated, and in lieu of a monthly check I'll receive a crateful of seasonal fruit. ─── 他们重新商量了我的退休金,以前是每个月给我张支票,以后我每个月只会收到一箱新鲜水果。
87、But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. ─── 但是在这最吉祥的夜晚,请允许我,不用那种更为寻常的诨号来揭示出剧中的这个角色。
88、US$3,000, donation from Red Hat for CWMC 2006, obtained by Jimbo in lieu of his honorarium for speaking at another conference; rounded down to the nearest HK$1,000. ─── 吉米以另场会议的个人讲费换取红帽公司对中文年会赞助;退位至最近的1000港元。
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