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08-09 投稿


acidly 发音

英:[ˈæsɪdli]  美:[ˈæsɪdli]

英:  美:

acidly 中文意思翻译



acidly 相似词语短语

1、acridly ─── 尖刻地

2、aridly ─── 干燥(arid的副词形式)

3、rancidly ─── adv.讨厌地,令人作呕地

4、placidly ─── adv.平静地;平稳地;满足地

5、avidly ─── adv.贪心地;热心地

6、acidify ─── vi.[化学]酸化;变酸;vt.使……成酸;使……酸化

7、acidity ─── n.酸度;酸性;酸过多;胃酸过多

8、lucidly ─── adv.透明地;清透地;清晰地

9、acidy ─── adj.略酸的

acidly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells. ─── 嗜中性染料的不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞

2、Some ants eject formic acid when irritated. ─── 有些蚂蚁受到刺激时会排出蚁酸。

3、We make superphosphate by reacting rock phosphate with sulphuric acid. ─── 我们使磷酸盐岩同硫酸发生化学反应制造过磷酸钙。

4、The effect of brown humic acid was moderate. ─── 棕色胡敏酸性质与影响介于富里酸与灰色胡敏酸之间。

5、Containing a base, especially in excess of acid. ─── 含碱的,尤指超过酸的含量

6、It is a short cut to use the free acid. ─── 可走捷径,那就是使用游离的酸。

7、A salt or ester of aspartic acid. ─── 天门冬胺酸盐,天门冬胺酸酯一种天门冬胺酸盐或脂

8、In graphical processes, the use of acid to bite an image in to a metal plate. ─── 在图形处理技术中,用酸在金属板上腐蚀出图象的处理方法。

9、A salt or an ester of malic acid. ─── 一苹果酸的盐或酯

10、It is treated with acid before being analysed. ─── 对它先用酸处理再进行分析。

11、Australian tree with acid foliage. ─── 带酸性树叶的澳大利亚树。

12、Economist Jeffrey Sachs called her views "cruel" and noted acidly that aid (i. e. , scholarships) sent Moyo from Zambia to Harvard. ─── 经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯称她的意见“残忍”,并尖酸地指出,把莫约从赞比亚派遣到哈佛读书的就是那个援助(即奖学金)。

13、Labelled shikimic acid is reality converted to phenylalanine. ─── 标记的莽草酸迅速地转变成苯丙氨酸。

14、Lead acid battery,charger,battery tester. ─── 供应铅酸蓄电池,充电机,测试仪.

15、Oxalic acid is always formed during the reaction. ─── 在反应过程中,乙二酸总是会生成的。

16、Don' t let the acid splash on your hand. ─── 别让酸液溅到手上.

17、An acid humour stirred in his Forsyte blood. ─── 他的福尔赛血液里生出一种酸溜溜的感觉。

18、Some substances resist the action of acid . ─── 有些物质能抗酸。

19、Putting an acid and a metal together causes a reaction. ─── 将酸和金属放在一起会引起反应。

20、Citric acid anhydrous powdered p. A. ─── 无水柠檬酸。

21、Strong acid are often diluted before they are used. ─── 强酸在使用前常加以稀释。

22、Silver azide does not dissolve in water or in nitric acid. ─── 叠氨化银不溶于水或硝酸。

23、Anhydrous nitric acid is dissociated. ─── 无水硝酸是电离的。

24、DHMO is a major component of acid rain. ─── 是形成酸雨的主要成分。

25、" When I told him I did, he added acidly, " Well, my dear, at this point in your career, you are a potential threat to mankind. ─── 我告诉他我知道,他非常尖刻地补充说,“哎,亲爱的,就你目前的学识而论,你对人类就是一个潜在的威胁。”

26、Having the characteristics of an acid and a base and capable of reacting chemically either as an acid or a base. ─── 两性的具有酸和碱的特征的,既能作为酸又能作为碱进行化学反应的

27、An amino - acid derivative of galactose. ─── 半乳糖胺半乳糖的一种氨基酸衍生物

28、They evolved to recognise only a few basic tastes in order to quickly identify toxins, which in nature are often quite bitter or acidly sour. ─── 它们进化到能够识别出几种基本的味道,以便快速辨别毒素,而毒素在自然界中通常是很苦或很酸的。

29、Political talk in Egypt has always been acidly cynical, but now a new bitterness has crept in. ─── 在埃及谈论政治一直是被认为是尖锐而又愤世嫉俗的表现,但现在有一个新的辛酸正在在慢慢进入。

30、Thirty years ago, he says acidly, "people were focused on class struggle. ─── 三十年前,他讽刺道,“人民关注于阶级斗争。

31、Handle with care, or the acid may get out. ─── 小心轻放, 否则酸会溢出来。

32、Folic Acid Prevent Alzheimer Disease? ─── 叶酸可预防老年痴呆症?

33、Anhui BBCA & Galactic Lactic Acid Co., Ltd. ─── 安徽丰原格拉特乳酸有限公司

34、Everything she said dripped acid. ─── 她的话里字字句句都带着刺。

35、Their relations were vinegar, although Mr Johnson when speaking of Mr Clark in his absence was acidly correct. ─── 他们之间的关系挺别扭,虽然约翰逊先生在背后谈起克拉克先生时语中带刺,但还不失分寸。

36、I am doing an experiment of neutralizing acid. ─── 我在做一个中和酸的实验。

37、Everyone doesn't like to hear the acid remarks. ─── 没有人喜欢听那尖酸刻薄的话。

38、The spent acid is passed on to be denitrated. ─── 废酸则被送去脱硝。

39、Why come the old acid ? We're still friends. ─── 为什么这么不客气?我们还是朋友。

40、An acid having one replaceable hydrogen atom. ─── 一元酸只有一个可置换氢原子的酸

41、And is therefore an acid (proton donor). ─── 因此它又是个酸(质子供体)。

42、She uttered the phrase with acid sarcasm. ─── 她以辛辣的讽刺口吻说这个词。

43、Taste: Fresh with a pleasant acid. ─── 口感:清新中带有令人愉快的酸味。

44、To make or become slightly acid. ─── 使带酸性使具有或变成稍带酸性

45、Fig. 8. Fatty acid sythesis in the fowl. ─── 图8.家禽肝脏之脂肪酸生成作用。

46、They have a high tolerance of acid conditions. ─── 它们对酸性环境有很强的耐受性。

47、Relating to or derived from butyric acid. ─── 丁酸的与丁酸相关的或从其中提取的

48、They are tolerant of acid or alkaline soil. ─── 他们是宽容的酸性或碱性土壤.

49、He gave me a taste of his acid wit. ─── 他让我尝到了他敏锐尖刻之机智的滋味。

50、The acid enolises nearly as well as the ester. ─── 此酸的烯醇化几乎象酯一样良好。

51、Thanks for nothing,' she said acidly. ─── 不用你费心。”她挖苦地说。

52、Carbon filter except foul smell;acid and bacterium. ─── 卡式活性炭过滤器,净油除味,脱酸,杀菌。

53、It is not carving, but was corroded by acid. ─── 什么雕,酸蚀而已。

54、Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co., Ltd. ─── 南通醋酸化工股份有限公司

55、Containing or treated with carbolic acid. ─── 含在石碳酸的或用碳酸处理的

56、Hydrazoic acid in liquid form is very dangerous. ─── 处于液态的叠氮酸是很危险的。

57、I do not know why acid corrodes the metal. ─── 我不知道酸为什么腐蚀金属。

58、A salt of hydrocyanic acid; cyanide. ─── 氰化物氰氢酸盐氰化物

59、Kx Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid. ─── 氨基三亚甲基膦酸钾。

60、Coding for the same amino acid as another codon. ─── 为作为另一个密码子的同样的氨基酸编密码的.

61、A salt or an ester of propionic acid. ─── 丙酸盐丙酸的一种盐或脂

62、you to turn up" she said acidly. ─── 你总算来了,”她尖刻地说道。

63、"Nice of you to turn up," she said acidly. ─── "你总算来了,"她尖刻地说道。

64、A salt or ester of hypochlorous acid. ─── 次碳酸盐一种次碳酸的盐或酯

65、Heartburn and sour "acid" eructations are frequent. ─── 常有烧心感和嗳酸。

66、I found a certain acid tone in his comments. ─── 我察觉出他的评论中尖酸的言论。

67、The acid producing potential of some mine wastes. ─── 几种矿业废物的酸化潜力。

68、A salt or ester of barbituric acid. ─── 巴比妥酸盐,巴比妥酸酯

69、Your Stomach Secretes Corrosive Acid. ─── 你的胃分泌腐蚀性酸。


71、Everything he said drip ped acid. ─── 他的话里字字句句都带着刺。

72、The wine in him has almost melted acetic acid. ─── 他一肚皮的酒几乎全化为了醋酸。

73、Most sulfuric acid is made by the contact process. ─── 大多数的硫酸是用接触法制造的。

74、It can behave either as an acid or as a salt . ─── 它或起酸的作用或起盐的作用。

75、When should a woman start taking folic acid? ─── 准备怀孕的女性要从什么时候开始补充叶酸?

76、Strongly acid peat soils are often low in calcium. ─── 强酸性泥炭土常呈现低钙。

77、Is a infectious protein without nucleic acid. ─── 无核酸的传染性蛋白。

78、A salt or an ester of lactic acid. ─── 乳酸盐或乳酸酯

79、"Nice of you to turn up, " she said acidly. ─── “你总算来了,”她尖刻地说道。

80、The acid ate holes in the cloth. ─── 布被酸腐蚀了几个洞。

81、He took a lot of acid and really freaked out. ─── 他服用了大量的麻醉药,真的失去控制了。

82、Ingredient: Almond and amino acid etc. ─── 主要成份:杏仁、氨基酸、复合维他命、乳清蛋白。

83、Urate is a salt deried from uric acid. ─── 尿酸盐是一种由尿酸形成的盐。

84、What is ACID and where did EAI Go? ─── 什么是ACID和EAI将来的发展方向?

85、Firm: Good perceptible tannin or acid. ─── 坚实:容易上口的单宁味或酸味。

86、Speaking acidly, Keycase used a line already rehearsed. ─── 奇开匙酸溜溜地说了几句事先准备好的话。

87、China noted acidly that the idea had not been cited in 2003 when France suffered a deadly heatwave. ─── 中国不无嘲讽地指出,2003年热浪肆虐法国之时,法国并未提出此说法。

88、She tuned in to the comments about acid rain. ─── 她对有关酸雨的议论很关注。

89、Ingredient: Honey and amino acid etc. ─── 主要成份:蜂蜜、氨基酸、丝蛋白、角鲨烷、硅脂。

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