abies 发音
英: 美:
abies 中文意思翻译
abies 同义词
abies 短语词组
1、Abies lowiana ─── [网络] ies
2、Abies balsamea ─── [网络] 香脂冷杉;胶冷杉;加拿大冷杉
3、Picea abies ─── [医] 挪威云杉
4、Abies canadensis ─── [医] 加拿大铁杉
5、Abies grandis ─── [网络] 大冷杉;北美冷杉;巨冷杉
6、Abies fraseri ─── [网络] 南部香脂冷杉;弗雷泽冷杉;松科
7、Abies concolor ─── [网络] 科罗拉多冷杉;白冷杉;白杉
8、Abies balsamea Miller ─── [医] 加拿大胶杉, 香脂冷杉
9、Abies firma ─── [医] 日本枞
10、Abies amabilis ─── [网络] 太平洋银冷杉;温哥华冷杉;太平洋冷杉
11、abies oil ─── [化] 冷杉油
12、Abies alba ─── [医] 欧洲冷杉, 银枞
13、picea abies nidiformis ─── 巢状冷杉
14、Abies Mill. ─── [医] 冷杉属
15、genus Abies ─── [网络] 属Abies
16、picea abies karst ─── 云杉岩溶
17、Abies excelsa Poiret ─── [医] 挪威冷杉, 针枞
18、Abies sibirica ─── [医] 西伯利亚冷杉
19、Abies lasiocarpa ─── [网络] 高山冷杉;毛果冷杉;落杉矶冷杉
abies 词性/词形变化,abies变形
abies 反义词
abies 相似词语短语
1、amies ─── n.(Amies)人名;(英)埃米斯
2、rabies ─── n.[内科]狂犬病,恐水病
3、gabies ─── n.傻瓜;笨人;n.(Gaby)人名;(法、罗、英)加比
4、Barbies ─── n.芭比娃娃(Barbie的复数形式)
5、abietes ─── 字节
6、abyes ─── v.赎罪;偿
7、abides ─── vt.忍受,容忍;停留;遵守;vi.持续;忍受;停留
8、-bies ─── prep.由,被;通过;相差……;到……之前;在……旁边;adv.经过;(时间)过去;在旁边;短暂访问;n.(体育比赛)轮空晋级;adj.旁边的,侧面的
9、babies ─── n.婴儿(baby的复数);n.(Babies)人名;(德)巴比斯
abies 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Abies georgei var. smithii forests ─── 冷杉林
2、Twentyfive years old was he when he began to reign;he reigned twentynine years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah. ─── 2他登基的时候年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷作王二十九年。他母亲名叫亚比,是撒迦利雅的女儿。
3、Abies fabri forests have a stronger N, P and K retaining ability, and a lower cycling rate of N,P and K than that of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forests. ─── 冷杉林保持N、P、K能力强 ,N、P、K循环速率比常绿与落叶阔叶混交林低
4、The order of height was Picea sitchensis, Picea abies, Picea glauca, Picea arian, Picea crassifolia, Picea balfouriana. ─── 6个种的 1年生云杉以苗高进行排序 :西加云杉 >欧洲云杉 >白云杉 >黑云杉 >青海云杉 >川西云杉。 欧洲云杉、白云杉、黑云杉各个种的不同种源间有很大的变异及选择潜力。
5、Abies fargesii Franch belongs to Abies Mill. of Pinaceae, it is the peculiar varieties of trees of our country, distributes broadly , resources are large in storage capacity. ─── 巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii Franch)隶属于松科(Pinaceae)冷杉属(Abies Mill.)
6、The endogenous retroviral NP9 gene was isolated and cloned using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and T-A cloning techniques, and its sequence was determined with Perkin-Elmer ABI 377 DNA Sequencer. ─── 对NPg基因编码的蛋白质序列分析结果显示:NPg表达的蛋白质是一种强碱性蛋白质,其等电点为9.59,其中精氨酸占13.5%(l 0/74aa)。
7、On Abies sibirica and a new hybrid of the genus Abies in Heilungkiang, China. ─── 中国黑龙江省冷杉属新增的一种新杂种.
8、abies are found under gooseberry bushes. ─── 婴儿是在醋栗树下被发现的。
9、By bivariate analysis, the ABI is associated with sex, body mass index(BMI), diastolic blood pressure(DBP), total cholesterol(TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), smoking habit. ─── 双变量相关分析提示ABI与性别、体重指数(BMI)、舒张压(DBP)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、吸烟相关。
10、The genus Abies discovered for the first time in Guangxi and Hunan. ─── 冷杉属植物在广西与湖南首次发现.
11、Treated with the extract from Abies firma, Jabia Japonica, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Hedera helix, Datura metal and Iris chinensis for 96 hours, the mortality was above 82%. ─── 其它依次为日本冷杉、清风藤、土荆芥、常春藤、曼陀罗、鸢尾,药后96h白蚊伊蚊死亡率均在82%以上。
12、The lsbappchk tool compares the ABI symbols used by an application to ABI symbols defined by the LSB written specification. ─── lsbappchk工具能比较应用程序所用的ABI符号与LSB书面规范所定义的ABI符号。
13、The complete sequencing of ITS of Abies bracteata showed that the shorter type is 1 697 bp (ITS1 is 1 296 bp, 5.8S +ITS2 is 401 bp). ─── bracteata (D .DonNutt.) 的ITS全序列长度为 1 697bp ,其中ITS1为 1 2 96bp ,5.8S +ITS2为 4 0 1bp。
14、There was also some differences between these two genera,the distribution scope of Picea was wider than that of Abies,and the distribution elevation of Picea was higher than that of Abies. ─── 但该两属存在较大的差异,云杉属的分布范围比冷杉属植物宽,分布的海拔高度低于冷杉属植物,从而为确定横断山区是云杉属和冷杉属的地理分布和分化中心提供理论依据。
15、Seasonal dynamics of leaf transpiration rate of Abies fabri also belongs to uni-peak-type. ─── 该暗针叶林系统主要树种峨眉冷杉叶片蒸腾速率的季节变化亦呈单峰型。
16、Analyzed by multivariate logistic regression, factors that mainly influence the ABI include sex, age, hypertension and smoking habit. ─── Logistic回归分析表明性别、高血压、吸烟为低ABI(ABI
17、, Abies fargesii Franch. var. sutchuensis Franch. ─── 太白冷杉, 鄂西冷杉 Abies sutchuensis Franch.
18、Abies Mill. ─── [医] 冷杉属
19、In December, the ABI applied to the committee for further tests to be approved covering Huntington's-early onset of familial Alzheimer's disease--and hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. ─── 12月份,保险公司ABI向该委员会申请了更多的检测项目,包括亨廷顿氏
20、The x64 Application Binary Interface (ABI) is a 4 register fast-call calling convention, with stack-backing for those registers. ─── x64应用程序二进制接口(ABI)是一个4寄存器快速调用调用约定,具有用于这些寄存器的堆栈后备功能。
21、Results: After stem cells transplantation, degree of pain markedly extenuated, painless moving time markedly prolonged, skin temperature and ABI increased, (P
22、Appraisal on the Industrial Trades Competitive Abi ─── 工业待业综合竞争力评价
23、With the same principle of liquid-liquid separation, neutral oil floatation can increase the grade of SiC whisker to above 50% after floatation in optimal condition of Kerosene, 3ml/g; Abies oil, 1.5ml/g. ─── 与液-液萃取原理相似,用技术成熟、处理量大的中性油浮选法分选,在捕收剂煤油用量为3ml/g、起泡剂松醇油用量为1.5ml/g时,浮选后所得的SiC晶须品位为50%以上。
24、He was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Abi the daughter of Zechariah. ─── 他登基的时候年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷作王二十九年。他母亲名叫亚比,是撒迦利雅的女儿。
25、CEC, OX LDL, MDA and Ankle Brachial index (ABI) were determined in the patients and normal controls (20 cases) respectively. ─── 分别测其CEC、OX?LDL及ABI值。
26、Factors which affect the ISSR analysis of Abies beshanzuensis,such as annealing temperature and concentrations of template DNA,Taq DNA polymerase,Mg~2+ and dNTP,etc. were examined. ─── 以百山祖冷杉DNA为材料,分析了DNA浓度、Mg2+浓度、dNTP浓度、Taq酶的含量以及退火温度对ISSRPCR扩增结果的影响,经过优化实验建立了百山祖冷杉ISSRPCR最佳反应体系.
27、According to our preliminary investigation, the hosts on which U. longissima grows belong to 11 families 17 genera 18 species, mainly Abies georgei . ─── 其生长基物种类繁多,经调查初步确定长松萝着生基物分属11科17属18种,但主要以急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei)为主要着生基物。
28、There was no significant difference of LP(a) levels among the groups of ABI, CBI and control ( P > 0.05 ). ─── ABI组、脑栓塞组及对照组中不同性别及不同年龄的LP(a)水平无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。
29、The dissertation focuses on characteristics of population of Abies fargesii in Shennongjia Natural Nature Reserve. ─── 巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)是松科冷杉属常绿乔木,是秦巴山地森林的重要树种之一,为我国特有的重要用材树种和经济林树种。
30、His mother#s name also was Abi, the daughter of Zacha***ah. ─── 他母亲名叫亚比,是撒迦利雅的女儿。
31、Any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies, having single, flattened needles and erect cones with deciduous scales. ─── 冷杉,枞树冷杉属中的任意一种常青树木,有单叶的扁形针叶和直立的每年都剥落鳞片的球果
32、Fraser fir; souhern balsam fie Abies frasri ─── 南方香脂冷杉
33、When primitive subalpine abies forest was deforested to cropland, soil carbon stock and its stability decreased. ─── 人工林土壤呼吸速率大于天然次生林,农地和草地呼吸速率最低。
34、ABI is in a research about afore-mentioned alliance expresses in the report: "Silicon chip supplier expresses publicly to support, allied to this authentic sex is very important. ─── ABI在一份对于上述联盟的研究报告中暗示:“硅片供给商暗地暗示撑持,对于该联盟的可托性很是主要。”
35、Around 30 ka, taiga of dominant Picea coexisted with Larix, Pinus and Abies was distributed in both islands under relatively colder and drier climate than at present. ─── 两个岛上3万年前后以云杉与落叶松共生的森林为主,松和冷杉出现在比现代相对较冷和干的气候条件下。
36、Picea and Abies pollen percentages are more than 20[WTB3]%[WTBZ] in Picea or Abies forest and less than 5[WTB3]%[WTBZ] where Picea or Abies trees absent. ─── 云、冷杉林中云杉、冷杉花粉高于20%,无云杉植物存在时云、冷杉花粉低于5%;
37、This market, has grown rapidly of late by the global explosion in smartphones and other high-end portable devices, ABI said. ─── ABI说,这个市场最近由于全球性的智能手机和其他高端便携式设备的爆发而快速增长。
38、Wintel Engineer (MCSE)Position Description/Responsibilities: MS Windows systems administration.Business focus with abi...... ... ─── 公司名称:电子资讯系统(武汉)有限公司工作地点:湖北省武汉市发布时间:2009-7-8
39、Picea jezoensis - Abies nephrolepis ─── 云冷杉
40、Abies yuanbaoshanensis is endangered plant and only distributing on Yuanbaoshan mountain , Guangxi. ─── 元宝山冷杉是仅产于广西中部元宝山的珍稀濒危植物,天然更新能力差。
41、The rotten degree of fir trees is an important sign of quality of Abies forest. ─── 冷杉林木腐朽程度是冷杉林分质量变化的重要标志。
42、If Zayd was to die in battle, Jafar Ibn Abi Talib would replace him.If he, too, was slain in battle, Abdallah Ibn Rawahah would take command. ─── 事实上,他起初是(伊斯蓝的)最凶猛的敌视者并指挥部队在吴侯德战役打败了穆斯林。
43、Study on the population of Abies fabri in Mt. Emei ─── 峨眉山冷杉种群研究
44、The karyotypes of the genus Abies (excl. A. forrestii) are composed of metacentric and submetacentric. chromosomes and belong to 2A type (see Table 2 ). ─── 冷杉属植物(除川滇冷杉)的核型全由中部和近中着丝粒染色体组成,属2A类型(表2)。
45、Aware of this, ABI plans to replenish its instrument portfolio and recently company officials said new mass specs will be hitting the market in coming months. ─── ABI也意识到了这一点,它计划补充仪器产品线,在下个月推出新的质谱仪。
46、On Abies sibirica and a new hybrid of the genus Abies in Heilungkiang, China. ─── 中国黑龙江省冷杉属新增的一种新杂种。
47、ABI Research explained that no single vendor owns all the intellectual property required for a complete offering. ─── ABI研究公司解释说,目前没有单一的供应商拥有一套完整产品所需要的全部知识产权。
48、The deputation was led by Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, Prophet Muhammad's maternal uncle. ─── 代表团由萨阿德.伊本.阿比.瓦卡斯,先知穆罕默德的娘舅带领。
49、His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah. ─── 他母亲名叫亚比,是撒迦利雅的女儿。
50、The sensitivity of ABI Prism 3100 sequencer is higher than ABI Prism 377sequencer. ─── 分析荧光KR产物时,ABI Prism 3100型叙序仪比ABI Pns。 377型测序仪有更高的敏感性
51、Twenty and five years old was he when he began to reign;and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem.His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah. ─── 他登基的时候、年二十五岁.在耶路撒冷作王二十九年.他母亲名叫亚比、是撒迦利雅的女儿。
52、The competition stress suffered by Abies nephrolepis was weakened, being beneficial to its regeneration. ─── 冷杉所受的竞争压力有所减弱,有利于其种群数量的恢复。
53、In Abies, the related data of two species haven't been collected yet, while among the other 18 species, five species have resin canals and thirteen species haven't. ─── 冷杉属除2个种树脂道资料未收集到,其余18个种中有5个种有树脂道,13个种的切片显示无树脂道(待进一步确证)。
54、PCR products were eletrophoresed on an ABI 377 DNA sequencer. Genescan3. land Genotype 2. 1 software were used for LOH scanning and analysis. ─── PCR产物在ABI Prism 377自动荧光测序仪进行电泳3小时,以GeneScan3.1和Genotyper 2.1软件进行基因分型。
55、Any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies, having single, flattened needles and erect cones with deciduous scales. ─── 冷杉,枞树冷杉属中的任意一种常青树木,有单叶的。
56、Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in 8 populations of Abies Concolor. ─── 8个科罗拉多冷杉种群的遗传多样性评价。
57、These characteristics would influence the pat-tern and regeneration of Abies fargesii population. ─── 这些特征将影响到巴山冷杉种群的分布格局和种群更新。
58、The couple’s nanny Abi and David’s mum Sandra were there when this was supposed to have happened.“It seems Dannielle has been angling to make money out of the Beckhams since she worked with them. ─── 但这个贱货在场的时候,夫妇的保姆和大维的妈妈都在场.看来这个贱货从艺开始为他们工作就已经开始计划去赚钱!
59、The related index of ABI 7000 with ABI 7300,ABI 7500 and ABI 7300 with ABI 7500 was 0.89,0.89 and 0.98,respectively. ─── ABI7000-ABI7500为0.89; ABI7300-ABI7500为0.98;
60、The genus Abies discovered for first time in Guangxi and Hunan ─── 冷杉属植物在广西与湖南首次发现
61、Abies faxoniana at initial stage ─── 岷江冷杉幼龄植株
62、Abies fansipanensis Q. P. Xiang? L. K. Fu et Nan Li, Sp. nov. ─── 关键词???冷杉属;越南冷杉;怒江冷杉新种
63、Both the groups and individuals of soil animals of Picea and Abies forest were lesser than other communities. ─── 云冷杉林土壤动物类群和个体数量都比其它群落少。
64、Earlier this year, ABI Research identified the three most promising application areas of RFID popular: clothing retail industry, asset management and active RFID. ─── 今年年初,ABI研究确定了三个最有前途的RFID热门应用领域:服装零售业,资产管理及有源RFID.
65、Effects of Some Physical and Chemical Treatments on Seed Germination of Abies chensiensis. ─── 几种理化处理对秦岭冷杉种子萌发特性的影响。
66、Taking CDU diagnostic standard as definition, the related diagnostic criterions of PAD were assessed by the two methods of ankle - brachial index (ABI) and PVL. ─── 以彩超诊断PAD为标准,评价踝肱指数(ABI)及PVL诊断PAD的相关诊断指标。
67、It is unclear whether ABI measured using this device is a significant predictor of the severity of coronary atherosclerosis. ─── 但是用此种仪器测量的踝臂血压比是否也可当做冠状动脉严重度的指标,仍不清楚。
69、Study on Nursery Trial of Abies faxoniana ─── 岷江冷杉育苗试验研究
70、Interferon-y (IFN-y) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) mRNA expression in PBMC was quantified with TaqMan Real-time PCR using an ABI PRISM 7700 Sequence Detector System (Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems). ─── mRNA的定量测定是在ABI PRISM 7700序列检测系统上应用TaqMan Real-time PCR技术进行的。
71、TBI in type 2 diabetic subjects were lower than those in control subjects(0.71vs0.80,P
72、The Dynamics of Stem Sap Flow of Abies fabric in Minjiang Valley ─── 岷江流域冷杉树干液流的动态变化规律
73、The diameter at breast height(DBH) of each tree was recorded.We determined the life table, age structure and survivorship curve of the Abies fargesii to analyze population structure and dynamics. ─── 巴山冷杉幼苗储备丰富,巴山冷杉自身的生物学特性及环境因素是形成这种现象的主要原因;
74、"That's true," ejaculated Joly, striking into the dialogue, "an old goat is an old abi" (ami, friend). ─── “这话对,”开始加入谈话的若李大声说,“一件旧衣服就是一个老盆(朋)友。”
75、Conclusion: ABI is a simple index related to the extent of atherosclerosis in coronary and noncoronary arterial beds, reflecting generalized atherosclerosis. ─── ABI降低与ABI正常组间心血管事件发生率先有显著差异。
76、Of the total study cohort, 20.8% had a pathological ABI test, but the majority had no clinical signs or complaints. ─── 在总体研究人群中,ABI检测异常者占20.8%,但大多数没有临床症状和体征。
77、A tall evergreen tree ( Picea abies) with long, dark green needles, native to Europe and widely cultivated in North America. ─── 高大的常青树(云杉属挪威云杉),有长且深绿色的针叶,原产于欧洲,广泛种植于北美。
78、The Pacific Coast Hemlock commercial group includes Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and Amabilis fir (Abies amabilis). ─── 太平洋海岸铁杉商业群包括西铁杉(异叶铁杉)和香脂冷杉(太平洋银冷杉)。
79、Root length density of Abies fabri, whose root system is horizontal, decreased exponentially with increasing of soil depth. ─── 峨眉冷杉属于水平根系树种,其根长密度随土层深度的增加呈指数递减。
80、But a more recent version of the ABI returns an ─── 但是ABI的更新版本返回的是
81、Research Progress on Genetic Diversity of Abies ─── 冷杉属植物遗传多样性研究进展
82、Although the ABI in the rest pain group was significantly higher than that in the gangrene group, there was no significance ( P >0.1). ─── ABI值患者组虽明显低于正常对照,但静息痛组与坏疽组差异无显著性(P>0.1)。
83、Abies guatemalensis [Guatamalan fir] ─── 危地马拉冷杉
84、Please contact us for complete used/refurbished ABI system, warranty and service contract details. ─── 关键配件全部是未曾使用过的新品。
85、The median values of LP(a) in the atherothrombotic brain infarction (ABI) group ( n =62) were significantly higher than those in both cardioembolic brain infarction (CBI) group ( n =15) and the control group ( n =37) ( P < 0.05 ). ─── 与动脉粥样硬化有关的脑梗死 (atherothromboticbraininfarc tion ,ABI)组 (n =6 2 )LP(a)浓度显著高于对照组 (n =37)及脑栓塞组 (n =15 ) (P
87、Abies species of property, , fir in morphology, ecology and biological characteristics, . . . ─── 长苞冷杉物种属性,,长苞冷杉形态特征,生态学和生物学特性,…
88、Abi gets a stinging lashing with the leather belt as she sticks her cute little butt up in the air fully nude in the lunge position.See Abi spanked hard with the belt at Girls Boarding School. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
89、Abies yuanbaoshanensis is a Guangxi endemic and endangered evergreen coniferous arbor,listed in the Red Data Book of plant in P.R. ─── 元宝山冷杉是松科冷杉属的常绿针叶乔木,是20世纪70年代发现的新种,它是世界上仅产于广西融水县北部元宝山的残遗濒危种,已被列为一级保护的濒危植物。
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