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08-09 投稿


anniversaries 发音

英:[ˌænɪˈvɜːsəriz]  美:[ˌænəˈvɜrsəriz]

英:  美:

anniversaries 中文意思翻译



anniversaries 词性/词形变化,anniversaries变形

名词复数: anniversaries |

anniversaries 常用词组

wedding anniversary ─── 结婚纪念日;结婚周年纪念日

happy anniversary ─── 周年纪念快乐

silver anniversary ─── 二十五周年纪念日

anniversaries 短语词组

1、anniversaries book ─── 周年纪念册

2、anniversaries by year ─── 周年纪念日

3、anniversaries gifts ─── 周年纪念礼物

4、anniversaries of important events ─── 纪念日

5、anniversaries april ─── 纪念日4月

6、anniversaries means ─── 周年纪念意味着

7、silver anniversaries ─── 二十五周年纪念日

8、anniversaries 1-50 ─── 周年纪念1-50

anniversaries 相似词语短语

1、anniversary days ─── n.周年纪念日

2、adversaries ─── 敌手

3、anniversary dinners ─── 周年纪念晚宴

4、universities ─── n.大学(university的复数)

5、antiuniversities ─── 反大学

6、anniversary ─── n.周年纪念日

7、universalises ─── 使一般化,使普遍化;通用化

8、universalizes ─── vt.使普遍化,使一般化

9、unnecessaries ─── n.非必需品

anniversaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seven dollar wedding. Twenty-four priceless anniversaries. ─── 七个美元的婚礼。二十四个无价的婚姻纪念日。

2、independent of30 anniversaries in last week ─── 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。

3、This is a right restaurant for you to host honorable guests by celebrating anniversaries or special days. which conveys a feeling of peace and noble. ─── 给人以安静高贵的气氛,几乎所有的席位都是包房形式的。

4、Let's have just as many more happy anniversaries. ─── 让我们携手度过更多快乐的周年纪念。

5、Best Dates is a useful utility helping you to organize and view anniversaries, special dates, birthdays in a handy way. ─── 最佳日期是一个有用的工具帮助您的整理与浏览周年纪念,特别日期,生日的便捷方式。

6、And this is just one of the many anniversaries that the computer industry has seen fit to celebrate this year. ─── 而这仅仅是计算机产业今年准备庆祝的众多周年纪念中的一个。

7、Race against time to expedite development of China's reinsurance industry--two anniversaries of China's WTO entry ─── 争取时间加快中国再保险业的发展--写在加入世贸组织两周年之际

8、For example, you can associate birthdays, several types of phone numbers, anniversaries, Web site addresses, and other custom information with your contacts. ─── 例如,可以将生日、几种电话号码、纪念日、网站地址和其他自定义信息与联系人相关联。

9、But the big question is why the anniversaries still matter so much. ─── 然而,最大的问题是为什么这些纪念日依旧如此关系重大。

10、People also celebrate other events in their life, such as wedding anniversaries. ─── 人们还庆祝其它的事情,如结婚纪念日。

11、The Conference to commemorate C. T. C. Has established 15 Anniversaries was hold in Bei Jing ─── 纪念中国道教学院成立15周年大会在京隆重举行

12、The times during the year when it is most appropriate to give flowers are wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Mother's Day, and especially Valentine's Day. ─── 最适宜送花的日子为结婚周年纪念日,生日,母亲节。当然,情人节就更少不了花儿了。

13、Hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate their anniversaries with our utmost sincerity. ─── 用至诚心来办理他们的后事,每逢祭日,应至诚纪念。

14、Birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving, Christmas, even Valentine's Day can be a "bummer. ─── 生日、周年纪念、感恩节、圣诞节,甚至情人节都让人不爽。

15、In a year of harder economic times and sensitive political anniversaries, the authorities are especially edgy. ─── 在经济困难、敏感政治纪年颇多的今年,中国当局尤其暴躁敏感。

16、Remembers birthdays and anniversaries ─── 记着我的生日和结婚纪念日;

17、But of all anniversaries I think the seventieth is the most momentous. ─── 但是所有这些生日纪念当中,最为重要的我想要算七十岁生日了。

18、From this moment until Shinhwa's 10th anniversary, 20th anniversary, more anniversaries, let's be together. ─── 今后直到10周年20周年很久的时间里,我们都在一起就好了。

19、On occasions where romance is expected (such as Valentine's Day, birthdays or anniversaries), we should all remember to separate emotions from behaviors. ─── 在有些必须浪漫的时刻,如情人节,生日,纪念日,我们都应该记住把感情和行为区分开。

20、It's exigent in theory to reconstruct the film historiography and re-depict the science of history when the Chinese filmdom celebrates its one hundred anniversaries. ─── 在中国电影刚刚走过百年的历史关头,电影史学整体重构与史学重叙已经成为理论界一个比较迫切的课题。

21、Do 25 anniversaries of Jinan trigeminy business agency Ximen store stores celebrate true and false? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>山东>济南市>济南三联商社西门店25周年店庆真假?

22、Of course,during parties for special occasions such as:Birthdays,holidays,weddings,baby showers,anniversaries,graduations,etc.,there are additional ceremonies such as: cake cutting,gift opening,dancing,toasting,game playing,etc. ─── 但在一些特殊的场合举行的聚会上,如:过生日、过节、结婚、婴儿洗礼、周年庆祝、毕业典礼等,还会有些传统的仪式,如:切蛋糕、打开礼品、跳舞、祝酒、玩游戏等。

23、Having Pupils everywhere, Emotion Is Fastend to Heilongjiang--Memorizing Professor Hu Zhenhua Devoting Himself to Education and Research in 50 anniversaries ─── 桃李满天下魂系龙江情--纪念胡振华教授从事教学和研究50周年

24、For all the subsequent commemorations and anniversaries held, I should show love and respect as if they were still alive. ─── 往后每年祭祀父母,我都要以同样敬爱的心纪念他们。

25、Keep track of birthdays and anniversaries ─── 跟踪生日和纪念日

26、Although divorce rates have risen, death rates have fallen even more steeply, so that more couples will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversaries now than at any time in the past. ─── 虽然离婚率上升了,但是,死亡率大幅下降,所以要比以往有更多夫妇在庆祝他们的结婚40年纪念日。

27、We wish you both many me anniversaries, each happier than the last. ─── 我们祝你俩今后的周年纪念日一次更比一次幸福。

28、In addition, he has promised me that he would be able to take me thirty rounds for the thirty anniversaries, he he. ─── 另外,他许诺等到我们三十周年的时候他要背我三十圈。”

29、All the anniversaries and birthdays, you must remember in heart. ─── 所以各种纪念日跟生日,你必需全部都记得。

30、30 anniversaries of reform and opening up ─── 改革开放三十年

31、To Match The Advantage For Resolendent Development, To Occupy The Domestic Market And Walk In The Foreign Market--Writing For Congratulation On Chinese Pipe 50 Anniversaries ─── 整合优势跨越发展争雄国内跻身世界--为庆祝中国钢管诞辰50周年而作

32、An amazing amount of information is packed onto this little wraparound piece of paper, often noting special tracks, concert dates, discography information and release anniversaries. ─── 有大量的信息被包容在这小小的用来包裹的纸片上,常常会注上特别的歌曲、演唱会日期、历年专辑和发行周年纪念等。

33、I also had a separate box for rose petals collected from past birthdays, Valentine's Days, anniversaries, and proms. ─── 我还有一个专门放玫瑰花瓣的箱子,花瓣都是我在历年的生日、情人节、各种周年纪念日和舞会上收集回来的。

34、Remember birthdays, anniversaries and other events, just as you do for your own children. ─── 记住他们一些重要的节日,如生日、纪念日和其他一些事情,把他们当自己的亲生孩子看待。

35、RAVEL, M.: Piano Concerto in G major / BERNSTEIN, L.: 7 Anniversaries / COPLAND, A.: Piano Sonata (Bernstein) (1946-1947 ─── 拉威尔:G大调钢琴奏鸣曲/伯恩斯坦,L:七周年纪念/科普兰:钢琴奏鸣曲(伯恩斯坦)(1946-1947)

36、Bolder reforms in these twoareas would increase the odds of a more positive verdict from future currency reform anniversaries. ─── 在这两个领域进行更大胆的改革,可增加它在以后的汇改周年获得更正面评价的几率。

37、On anniversaries of the Communist enterprise (Communist group), ceremonious events must be held to review the Communist oath. ─── 共产企业(共产团体)在成立周年纪念日,开展隆重的重温共产誓言活动。

38、50 anniversaries of Japan Fuji television station platforms celebration Beijing opera second ball Yus had announced the host establishes a name list a few days ago. ─── 日本富士电视台50周年台庆大戏第二弹于日前宣布了主创名单。

39、In a year of harder economic times and sensitive political anniversaries, the authorities are especially edgy . ─── 在经济困难、敏感政治纪年颇多的今年,中国当局尤其暴躁敏感。

40、Never forget your anniversaries in despite of the busy work. Every special day in your life is the wealth enriching your life. ─── 永远不要因为工作的繁忙而忘记你的周年纪念日,生活中每一个特殊的日子是你人生积累的最大财富。

41、Carries bags of groceries with ease 7. Owns at least one tie 8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal 9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries 10. Seeks romance at least once a week. ─── 逛街的时候帮我拎包7.至少有一条领带8.喜欢家里烹饪的晚餐9.记得我的生日和各个纪念日10.一周至少制造一次浪漫约会

42、This liquor is developed in memory of 600 anniversaries of Cheng Ho’s expeditions to western oceans (He found out American continent and navigated around the earth) and the research fruit of Menzies. ─── “垆邸随棹月,旌樯舞斜阳”。

43、The view could be created for the person in charge of tracking work anniversaries but without giving this person access to all the data in these tables. ─── 对于负责跟踪工作年限的人员,可创建此视图,但是不能授予此人访问这些表中的所有数据的权限。

44、Two.Association's disallowing a year don't full personnel of 16 first anniversaries join, the in order to prevent influences your studies! ─── 二.公会不允许年未满16周岁的人员加入,以免影响您的学业!

45、It was not something she talked about frequently, but she brought it up on such special occasions as weddings or anniversaries. ─── 她并不经常挂在嘴边,但她总在某些特殊场合提起,像婚礼、周年纪念日等。

46、True, anniversaries can be pretty corny, but what city resists them? ─── 事实上,庆典相当老套。但是有什么城市可以拒绝为名人举办庆典呢?

47、The event is one of a number of important anniversaries in 2009, although not all will be the subject of official celebrations. ─── 这场盛会是2009年一系列重要周年纪念日之一,尽管并不是所有纪念日都会成为官方庆祝的主题。

48、As Tzu Chi's Yuli and Guanshan Hospitals celebrate anniversaries, we meet the staff and volunteers who take part in mobile clinics. ─── 玉里和关山慈济医院庆祝周年庆之际,要来看看医护人员下乡往诊。

49、The meeting of the NPC in Beijing coincides with several sensitive anniversaries marking Chinese rule in the strategically important high plateau region. ─── 北京召开的人大会议期间正好有几个标志中国在这个高原战略重地政策的敏感纪念日。

50、I wish you many more anniversaries each happier than the last. ─── 愿你们有更多周年纪念日,一年比一年更幸福。

51、birthdays and anniversaries on the calendar. ─── 生日和周年纪念日要标在日历上。

52、Secondly, you will also have a man who does not forget anniversaries and birthdays and is ready to help you with household chores. ─── 你就会得到这么一个不会忘记任何纪念日和生日的男人,并且他还会愿意帮你处理家务琐事。

53、View birthdays / anniversaries from your contacts up to 30 days in advance. ─── 从你的手机连络人内容查看生日/周年纪念日,长达30天的提前时间。

54、But most editors said they were content to lay low for the moment, since all hope that freedoms will expand once the anniversaries pass. ─── 但是大多数的编辑说,他们暂时很满足这一形象,因为大家都希望一年之后,自由出版会发展起来。

55、Named Applause, the new variety is “recommended as a luxurious gift for special occasions such as wedding anniversaries and birthdays”, the company said. ─── 据该公司介绍,这种新品玫瑰被命名为“喝彩”,“可作为结婚纪念日或生日这种特别场合的豪华礼品”。

56、Anniversaries are the celebration of an important event, such as your first date, first kiss or wedding. ─── 周年纪念是指庆祝某个重要事件,比如你的第一次约会,初吻或婚礼。

57、We don't remember dates. Mark birthdays and anniversaries on the calendar. Remind us frequently beforehand. ─── 我们不记得日期。生日和周年纪念日要标在日历上。事先还要经常提醒我们。

58、In fact, we don't have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones cl... ─── 如果你觉得失落、不被关爱、不被欣赏,那就试着敞开你的心灵,也许这正是你最需要的。

59、190 cm tall REAL health benefits of house and office Dracaena plant ( Dragon tree) $95 it is ideal for Christmas Holiday or Businesses Anniversaries. ─── 一棵1米9高粗杆真铁树型状挺柭,不是仿人造装饰树,适合于厅和店铺盆栽摆设属长寿树。

60、I wish you many more anniversaries -- each happier than the last. ─── 我祝您今后的周年纪念日一次比一次幸福。

61、Never forget holidays and anniversaries. ─── 千万别忘记假期或者纪念日。

62、Mark anniversaries on a calendar. ─── 在日历上标出所有的纪念日。

63、People like sending presents to friends and relatives on holidays or anniversaries. ─── 每当节日或纪念日,人们都喜欢送礼物给亲朋好友。

64、Nepal has ramped up security to deter demonstrations during two sensitive anniversaries. ─── 尼泊尔政府已经在这两个纪念日期间增加了安保措施。

65、This paper reviews Chinese great achievement in phosphate and compound fertilizer industry in her 50 anniversaries and puts forward some advice on the future development of high-analysis fertilizer. ─── 回顾建国50年来,我国磷复肥工业所取得的巨大成就,对我国 高浓度磷复肥工业今后的发展 提出了建议。

66、Birthdays are the anniversary of your birth, but most people just call them birthdays instead of anniversaries. ─── 生日是你出生日的周年纪念,可大多数人都称它为生日而不是周年纪念。

67、The ceremony of the sixth anniversaries of our college was held successfully in our college. ─── 我院校庆六周年成功举办。

68、In honour of Einstein's miracle year for 100 anniversaries ─── 纪念爱因斯坦“奇迹年”100周年

69、Birthdays, Valentines, and Anniversaries are not quests to see if we can find the perfect present yet again! ─── 生日、情人节、以及周年纪念日,并不能用来验证我们是否会再给你们买最理想的节日礼物!

70、"Anniversaries are always a wonderful opportunity to look back at the past," said Arndt. ─── “周年纪念总是一个极好的机会,以回顾过去,说:”阿恩特。

71、The reason behined assigning traditional gift listing to anniversaries was that happiness deserved a reward. ─── 为结婚周年纪念日指定传统礼物主要是因为幸福值得奖赏。

72、Fifth China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials celebrating the 15 anniversaries of exchanges between China and Japan in high temperature strength of materials. ─── 第五届中日材料高温强度会议暨纪念中日高温强度之间的交流和合作15周年。

73、Member States, national and international organizations, major groups and the private sector are urged to make voluntary contributions in accordance with the guidelines for international years and anniversaries. ─── 敦促各会员国、国家和国际组织、主要团体和私营部门按照国际年和周年庆祝准则进行自愿捐助。

74、Men have a reputation for having a bad memory, forgetting birthdays or anniversaries -- or so the stereotype goes.Now, a new study lends some science to the stereotype, at least for older men. ─── 男人给人的影响就是记忆力不好,常常忘记生日或记念日等等,现在新的研究发现了这个已定型观念有一定的科学基础,至少在老年男性中。

75、The event is one of a number of important anniversaries in 2009, although not all will be the subject of official celebrations. ─── 这场盛会是2009年一系列重要周年纪念日之一,尽管并不是所有纪念日都会成为官方庆祝的主题。

76、Carrying on the Past and Opening a Way for Future to the Papermaking Powerful Nation--1900th Anniversaries of Cai Lun Inventing Papermaking Art ─── 继往开来向造纸强国迈进--纪念蔡伦发明造纸术1900周年

77、For the subheading, is 60 anniversaries building up a country write a 1000 character article , pay attention to be substantial of material , affection is cordial. ─── 以"我和我的祖国"为副标题,为建国60周年写一篇1000字的文章,注意材料充实,感情真挚.

78、In this year stuffed with sensitive anniversaries, there is no doubting the scale of the challenge facing China after its go-go growth since 2002. ─── 今年的日历已被各种敏感的周年纪念所排满,自2002年以来尽情的增长之后,中国这次所面对挑战的规模是不容置疑的。

79、Yet, in the run-up to the new year and these sensitive anniversaries, the leadership has shown no signs of recognizing and correcting this failed policy. ─── 但是,随着新年和这些敏感的纪念日的临近,领导(阶层)(已经)没有迹象表明认出和纠正这个未成功的政策.

80、An Apocalypse of History--A Commemoration to the 60 Anniversaries of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War of Chinese People ─── 历史的启示--纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年

81、These include the ability to keep track of appointments, reminders, all-day events, and anniversaries. ─── 这包括跟踪约会、提醒、全天事件和周年纪念。

82、10 Anniversaries of USA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards ─── 美国总统绿色化学挑战奖10周年

83、There is more to the dovetailing of these anniversaries than one might think. ─── 但接二连三的周年纪念活动之外,还有很多东西是人们未曾想过的。

84、Can formulate a mission plan and schedule, track holidays, birthdays and anniversaries, and according to your request timely reminder, ─── 人脉管理:各种信息如事件、任务、日记等均可关联相关联系人。

85、Today celebrates 24 anniversaries of the revolution victory of October under the condition of serious. ─── 今天是在严重情况下庆祝十月革命胜利24周年的。

86、Jeff: I can never remember the important anniversaries - I even forgot my girlfriend's birthday! ─── 杰夫:我永远记不住这些重要的纪念日,我甚至连我女朋友的生日都忘了。

87、In addition, members get three weeks of labor credit on the anniversaries of their joining. ─── 此外,成员在工作的连接上还享有三个星期的劳动信誉保障。

88、However, the British general only the "Heroes" and "golden" a true celebration of two anniversaries. ─── 不过,英国人一般只把“银婚”和“金婚”两个纪念日进行真正的庆祝。

89、Authorities generally step up surveillance and harassment of critics of the government on such anniversaries to guard against unrest. ─── 主管当局在如此的周年通常加速政府的批评家的监视和困扰预防不安的状态。

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