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08-09 投稿


octahedrons 发音

英:[ˌɒktəˈhɛdrənz]  美:[ˌɑktəˈhidrənz]

英:  美:

octahedrons 中文意思翻译



octahedrons 词性/词形变化,octahedrons变形

名词复数: octahedrons |

octahedrons 相似词语短语

1、octohedrons ─── 八面体

2、trisoctahedrons ─── n.二十四面体,三八面体

3、octahedron ─── n.八面体

4、pentahedrons ─── n.[数]五面体

5、tetrahedrons ─── n.[晶体]四面体(tetrahedron的复数)

6、icosahedrons ─── n.[数]二十面体

7、octohedron ─── 八分面体

8、heptahedrons ─── n.[数]七面体

9、octahedrites ─── n.[矿物]锐钛矿(八面石,八角形二氧化钛晶体)

octahedrons 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、regular octahedron group ─── 正八面体群

2、Today I am going to show you how to make octahedron with paper.In my hometown, it is also named “water chestnut”, which could be interior decorations like wind bells and curtains. ─── 今天我要教大家如何用纸做八面体,在我的家乡又称菱角,它可以用于做风铃、门帘、窗帘等饰品。

3、an octahedron with eight equilateral triangles as faces. ─── 有八个正三角形面的八面体。

4、File:Cube in Octahedron. ─── png正八面体的对偶多面体是立方体。

5、A five-layer, bottom diameter of five meters, 28 meters high, minus a octahedron, top octahedron eaves; ─── 分5层,塔底直径5米、高28米,塔身呈八面体,塔顶八面飞檐;

6、The cycle sum of the rotation group of the octahedron was calculated ─── 正八面体的旋转群的循环和已算出。

7、Three such arrangements come to mind: a planar hexagon, similar to the benzene ring, and two solid polyhedra, the trigonal prism and the octahedron. ─── 故而,有三种排列方式:平面六边形,类似苯环;两个立体多面体:三棱柱和八面体

8、Certain Pyramids are multi-dimensional, forming octahedrons that work in tandem sacred geometric fields between physical and nonphysical. ─── 某些金字塔是多重次元的,形成八面体,在物理和非物质之间用来联系神圣几何场域。

9、It coursed by the migrationof the oxygen omissions in the Ti-O octahedron,accumulation of space charge and humidity.(6 refs. ─── 通过微观导电机理分析,探明这主要是钛-氧八面体中氧缺位之迁移、空间电荷积累以及潮湿环境作用所致。

10、Plato conjectured each of these elements to be made up of a certain Platonic solid: the element of earth would be a cube, of air an octahedron, of water an icosahedron, and of fire a tetrahedron. ─── 柏拉图推测每一种元素都是由某些理想立方体组成:地元素是由立方体组成,风元素是一个八面体,水元素是二十面体,火元素是四面体。

11、Making oars. First step - from square to octahedron. ─── 制作浆。第一步从方形到八面形。

12、Keywords binary transition metal oxide interface;non - monolayer dispersion model;spherical octahedron close-packed within a monolayer; ─── 二元过渡金属氧化物界面;非单层分散模型;单层内密置的球形八面体;

13、It's my illusion or?Why do I feel it's octahedron but not tetrahedron? ─── 是我错觉还是什么?我怎么感觉这剑条是个八面的而非四面的?

14、generalized octahedron ─── 广义八面体

15、This tower was resembled as the LiuHeTa in Hangzhou, which was built on the stone base with octahedron structure. ─── 该阁仿杭州的六和塔建造在20米的石造台基上,八面三层四重檐。

16、cubo octahedron ─── 三次八面体

17、Symbolic Solutions of Inverse Displacement Analysis for Triple Octahedron Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators ─── 三重八面体变几何桁架机器人间接位置分析的符号解

18、A solid figure having24 equal faces, every three of which correspond to one face of an octahedron. ─── 三八面体具有24个面等面、每三个相面对应于八面体的一个面的固体圆形

19、Yingying tower rebuilt on the original foundation layer 13, high 50 meters, when the person goes, there is praise poetry "Jazz may Feihong colorful, octahedron octahedron volley style. ─── 莺莺塔在原基础上重修13层,高50米,时人有诗赞云“缤纷五彩似飞虹,八面凌空八面风。

20、Keywords Tungsten bronze structure;Dielectric properties;Tolerance factor;Ferroelectric;Curie temperature;Hystersis loop;Octahedron; ─── 钨青铜结构;介电性能;许容因子;铁电体;居里温度;电滞回线;氧八面体;


22、Mine and Longnu's are not cicada patterns,my Xiang Spear is and old item in Lingnan which is octahedron represented Bagua,such patterns are common here. ─── 我贴的和“龙女”所贴非蝉图案,我那“响矛”是岭南的旧器呈八面柱体形,八面象征八卦吧,这种图案这里见不小。

23、In the 1960s the most popular pattern had 336 dimpled octahedrons in parallel circles around the ball. ─── 在20世纪六十年代最流行的式样是336个八面体酒窝(豆点)分布在环绕球面的平行圆周上。

24、octahedron morphology ─── 八面体

25、Inside slice to draw octahedron in the Venus orbit, the circle of this octahedron containment is a Mercury orbit. ─── 内切于金星轨道画出八面体,这八面体包含的圆就是水星轨道。

26、Titchener's color octahedron ─── 铁钦纳彩色八面体

27、ZND2180 Complete crystal shape, perfect cubic octahedron, good diaphaneity, high impact strength and thermal stability, suitable for high grade cutting, drilling, and grinding tools. ─── ZND2180晶体完整,具有完整的立方八面体,透明度好,高的抗冲击强度和热稳定性。适用于高档次切割工具、钻头、碾磨工具。

28、The lands below the center plane were excavated to allow for the downward pyramid of the octahedron design construct, thus connecting energetically to both above and below. ─── 中心面以下的土地被挖空,以便容纳八面体构造的金字塔的下半部,因此上方和下方的能量得以连通。

29、The four-sided pyramids were essentially Temple complexes set as full octahedrons and used for healing, learning, regeneration and spiritual purposes. ─── 四面的金字塔其实是八面体的神殿复合体,用于医疗,学习,再生和灵性的目的。

30、The correctness and validity of this method were made clear by the mechanism synthesis of the octahedron variable geometry truss. ─── 八面体变几何桁架机构综合实例表明了该方法的正确性与有效性。

31、a regular octahedron ─── 正八面体

32、to 961 AD, the seven-story building on top of Tiger Hill Zhuanta an octahedron. ─── 到了公元961年,虎丘顶上建了七层八面砖塔一座。

33、A series of convenient methods for the preparation of the paper-folded regular octahedron, regular tetrahedron, and regular cubic cone are presented here. ─── 介绍纸折正四面体、正八面体和正方锥形的简易制作方法,并推广应用于制作天然硅盐的多种复杂阴离子结构及某些多酸阴离子结构的模型。

34、In the 1960s the most popular pattern had 336 dimpled octahedrons in parallel circles around the ball. ─── 在20世纪六十年代最流行的式样是336个八面体酒窝(豆点)分布在环绕球面的平行圆周上。

35、truncated octahedron ─── 截顶正8面体

36、Keywords Co3O4;precipitation method;NH4HCO3;octahedron crystal; ─── 沉淀法;碳酸氢铵;八面体晶体;

37、The magnetic beads usually have rough surface with ferrous crystals, which presence as cubo octahedron or fishbone like. ─── 磁珠大部分表面粗糙,有铁晶体析出,晶体呈立方八面体状或鱼骨状。

38、Analytical Method for Workspace Analysis of Octahedron Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators ─── 八面体变几何桁架机器人工作空间分析的解析法

39、Keywords polyaluminum ferric chloride solution;nano-colloidal particle;blue shift of absorption edge;quantum size effect;surface effect;distorted octahedron; ─── 聚合氯化铝铁;纳米级胶体颗粒;光吸收边蓝移;量子尺寸效应;表面效应;畸变八面体;

40、In this paper,we consider the case of the dice made by octahedrons. ─── 该文考虑用正八面体来做骰子,证明了恰有4对正八面体骰子有相同的投掷效果。

41、The four-sided pyramids were essentially Temple complexes set as full octahedrons and used for healing, learning, regeneration and spiritual purposes. ─── 四面的金字塔其实是八面体的神殿复合体,用于医疗,学习,再生和灵性的目的。

42、Crystal Habits include the cube, octahedron and pyritohedron (a dodecahedron with pentagonal faces) and crystals with combinations of these forms. ─── 晶体形态常呈立方体、五角十二面体,较少呈八面体,或集合晶簇。

43、Yuwen Zhang, now at Baxter Healthcare, and I built another shape called a truncated octahedron, which is similar to but more complicated than a cube [see illustration on page 64]. ─── 现在任职于百特医疗用品公司的张裕文(音译,YuwenZhang)与我做了另一种叫截形八面体的构造,这种构造与立方体类似,但比较复杂(见72页图)。

44、A Octahedron Frame Model of Overall Decision for Manufacturing System ─── 制造系统的八面体总体决策框架模型

45、On Device of Octahedron Dice ─── 正八面体骰子的设计

46、While the FTIR and Raman spectrum can testfy the existence of [Si(OH)6] octahedron in thaumasite to distinguish the thaumasite and AFt. 2. ─── 而FTIR和Raman波谱分析可证实thaumasite中[Si(OH)6]八面体基团的存在,而有效区分thaumasite和/或钙矾石晶体。

47、orthogonal octahedron ─── 正交八面体

48、Since then, Seeman and other chemists have shown that they can use DNA to build really simple shapes such as cubes or octahedrons that are 1,000 times thinner than a human hair. ─── 从那时起,Seeman和其他一些化学家开始向人们展示他们可以用DNA来构造极微小的东西。例如,比头发细1000倍的立方体和八面体。

49、Keywords nickel(II);octahedron;chiral xanthalato; ─── 镍;八面体;手性黄原酸;

50、Each aggregate grew from a random spatial octahedron and always maintained a convex shape during the growth and packing processes. ─── 该算法中,投放骨料初始形状为任意空间八面体,并始终在最长边上不断生长。在整个生长和投放过程中,骨料始终保持"凸"型。

51、Keywords octahedron structural unit;K-B formula;distribution factor of structural unit; ─── 原子结构;奥氏体;八面体结构单元;K-B公式;结构分布因子;

52、Tower prior to the original coppertong dian 5, implied meaning five, is now only two left,shi san ceng octahedron, exquisite scenery, eye-catching. ─── 铜殿前原有铜塔五座,暗含五台之意,现仅留下两座,八面十三层,玲珑秀丽,引人注目。

53、The results show that the relative mechanical relationship deduced from “octahedron model” can well be as a token of the metal foams behavior feature the under biaxial equal-loading tension. ─── 研究结果显示,以“八面体模型”推导出来的有关力学关系,较好地表征了该材料在双向等载条件下的行为特点。

54、octahedron group ─── 八面体群

55、There are five and only five types of regular polyhedrons, i.e., tetrahedrons, hexahedrons, octahedrons, dodecahedrons and icosahedrons. ─── 古希腊哲学家柏拉图早就已经知道这一点。

56、The octahedron steel ingot and V-anvil forging bar can effectively prevent cracks in crystal boundary. ─── 因此采用八棱形钢锭锻造齿轮轴,并采取上下V形砧拔长圆坯的方式可以有效地防止轴心晶问裂纹的出现。




美 /koʊt/英 /kəʊt/



过去式 coated

过去分词 coated

现在分词 coating

第三人称单数 coats

复数 coats


This coat is thick enough to withstand the severe winter.


I quickly peeled the coat off the tomatoes.




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