nourishes 发音
英:[ˈnʌrɪʃɪz] 美:[ˈnɜːrɪʃɪz]
英: 美:
nourishes 中文意思翻译
nourishes 词性/词形变化,nourishes变形
动词过去分词: nourished |名词: nourisher |动词第三人称单数: nourishes |动词现在分词: nourishing |动词过去式: nourished |
nourishes 相似词语短语
1、nourished ─── adj.有营养的;v.营养(nourish的过去式);抚养
2、flourishes ─── v.繁荣;夸耀(flourish的单三形式)
3、nourisher ─── 滋养,抚养,教养;养育,培育;鼓励,支持
4、nourices ─── 努尔斯
5、-nourished ─── adj.有营养的;v.营养(nourish的过去式);抚养
6、unfurnishes ─── v.剥夺(某人的)权利(或财物);(使某物)失去(特定的品质);为(某人)脱去;摆脱(股权或投资等);搬走……的家具
7、nourish ─── vt.滋养;怀有;使健壮
8、nourishment ─── n.食物;营养品;滋养品
9、noursles ─── 努尔
nourishes 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The devices that enwrap you serve to nourish and stimulate your senses. ─── 包裹(围绕,笼罩,连累,吸引住,使沉浸在...中,使...专心
2、Courage is like love, it must have hope to nourish it. ─── 勇气就象爱情,需要希望来浇灌!
3、"The world nourishes bodies, the spirit nourishes souls. ─── “物质世界滋养了肉体,精神滋养了灵魂。
4、It doesn't tell us to nourish product champions like the first buds in springtime. ─── 它没有告诉我们,应该象爱护阳春初绽的花蕾那样,去精心培育扶植那些革新闯将。
5、He will never know what it feels like to yean, to hope, to nourish a soul with the dream of something better. ─── 他永远也体会不到什么是渴望、期待以及对美好梦想的感悟。
6、Function: Massages partially, increases the renal function, balances endocrine, moistens and nourishes yin and body building. ─── 功效:局部按摩,强化肾功能,平衡内分泌,滋润养阴,强体健身。
7、To nourish blood and invigorate the spleen function, to soothe the depressed liver and remove heat. ─── 养血健脾,疏肝清热。
8、Using multi-capsule technology that imitates our skin structure, this age-defying eye cream nourishes and renews delicate eye areas. ─── 厄滴妈妈使用中。。西单君太专柜有此款眼霜的试用。。。
9、They needed good food to nourish their bodies. ─── 他们需要好食品滋养身体。
10、Nourish a raven and he will scratch out your eyes. ─── 喂饱的乌鸦,啄你的眼睛。
11、Milk: Liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young. ─── 奶:雌性哺乳动物在产后一段时期从乳腺分泌的汁液,可用来喂养幼雏。
12、Feel how the magnetic energy supplies you with the bearing love and it nourishes all the cells. ─── 感觉这磁性能量如何以浓厚的爱供应你,并滋养你每一个细胞。
13、elimination is shameless, In-depth nourishes, stretches the lip grain Improves the dark mute lip color. ─── 软化双唇,去除唇部死皮,深层滋养,舒展唇纹,改善暗哑唇色。
14、Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them. ─── 孩子们需要好的、新鲜的食物来滋养他们。
15、You will have plenty of goats' milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls. ─── 并有母山羊奶够你吃,也够你的家眷吃,且够养你的婢女。
16、The seasonal flood nourishes the land along the river. ─── 季节性洪水为两岸的大地带来营养。
17、As food nourishes the blood, so does reading nourish the mind. ─── 如同食物滋养血液一样,阅读培养思想。
18、A hot bowl of soup not only nourishes but also comforts people and we would not want to relinquish that. ─── 一碗热汤不仅有营养而且使人舒心,我们是不会舍弃的。
19、The beauty and white ingredient can purify and warm nourish the blood, highly decompose the inner layer chromatophore. ─── 丰富营养成份可重调肌肤营养结构,让美白效果更健康自然,奉献给您如白玉般常白雪肌。
20、She nourishes fruits and protects flowing of the water, stones, plant and animals. Sun and Moon moves around the sky. ─── 大地是建筑着的生产者,滋养其果实,守望着水流和岩石,植物和动物。
21、FUNCTIONS: Dispels the acnes, youth small poxes, and wine dreg nose.At the same time, moisturizes and nourishes skin. ─── 消除粉刺、青春痘、酒渣鼻,同时补充肌肤所需水分和养分,回复细致水嫩的肤质;
22、A good book is similar to a plentiful spiritual dinner that nourishes the reader in many different ways. ─── 一本好书就像丰盛的精神大餐,它以各种不同的方式滋润着读者。
23、This herb nourishes the yin of the stomach , lungs and kidneys . Can be used for recovery from a long illness . ─── 该草本营养胃部、肺部及肾脏之阴。可被用于长期疾病的康复。
24、Milk:Liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young. ─── 奶:雌性哺乳动物在产后一段时期从乳腺分泌的汁液,可用来喂养幼雏。
25、Enriched natural moisture genes go deep into hair,nourish andrepair the damage hair. ─── 丰富的天然保湿因子,深入滋养发芯,修护头发毛鳞片。
26、I am reading a book to nourish my mind. ─── 养育,喂养,滋养;2.怀有(希望等),增强(希望等)
27、Vitamin E,70% organic hand and body lotion, fragrance-free formula, enriched with wheat germ oil, Vitamins A and C. Relieves and nourishes dry skin. ─── 含70%机成份,小麦胚芽油和维他命A、、等,绝无人工香料。即时保湿、润和保护乾燥肌肤。适合任何肌肤,每日洗手和沐浴后使用。
28、It has abundant Chrysophanol and Lecithin , which nourish the scalp , prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth . ─── 头皮的保养,要及早做起,否则时间拖久,毛囊发根严重萎缩,就很难挽回!
29、His word under girds and nourishes faith. ─── 祂的话能增强、滋养你的信心。
30、The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment. ─── 义人的口教养多人;愚昧人因无知而死亡。
31、Like the sunshine, she nourishes our healthy growth. ─── 就像洒向,洒向大地的阳光,哺育我们健康成长。
32、Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by. ─── 与那滋养过它的一切,一同褪去光辉。
33、The CGIAR supports ILRI and 14 other research centers worldwide conducting groundbreaking work to nourish the future. ─── CGIAR支持ILRI以及全球另外14个研究中心从事突破性的研究,从而养育未来。
34、It's specially suitable for youth spot, speck, wrinkle, and nourish the skin of deep layer . ─── 它特别适合青春痘,斑点,皱纹并对皮肤有深层滋养。
35、Function: Its used to stimulate the blood circulation of skin and nourish skin. ─── 功能:营养肌肤,提高皮肤细胞活力。
36、Chinese Ya-li pear nourish the lung, is the best choice in Autumn. ─── 天津鸭嘴梨,清肺润燥,生津止渴,是秋天天气乾燥最佳水果。
37、He will never know what it feels like to yearn, to hope, to nourish his soul with the dream of something better. ─── 他永远也体会不到什么是渴望、期待及如何用美好梦想滋养自己的灵魂。
38、He ate --but without relish, and food seemed no longer to nourish him. ─── 他虽然吃东西,但是辨不出滋味,食物似乎失去了营养作用。
39、If only there were harbours which could nourish great armies, here was the front on which to strike. ─── 只要我们获得能够容纳庞大军队的港口,这里就是展开攻势的前线。
40、As a Sagittarian, the world of news, ideas, and opinions nourishes your soul. ─── 作为射手座,充斥各种新闻、思想、和意见的世界滋养着你的灵魂。
41、The twice nourishes the composition, jet black and bright hair of ream. ─── 双倍滋养成份,令头发乌黑亮泽。
42、Effectiveness:Softened bilabial,elimination is shameless,In-depth nourishes,stretches the lip grain Improves the dark mute lip color. ─── 功效:软化双唇,去除唇部死皮,深层滋养,舒展唇纹,改善暗哑唇色。
43、They do not sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father nourishes them. ─── 你们看天空的飞鸟,它们既不种,也不收,又不收积在仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它们。
44、Christ’s love is sacrifice, sanctifying and satisfying.Christ nourishes the Church and cherishes it. ─── 基督的爱是舍己的爱,是使人成圣的爱和满足人心的爱。
45、Function: Use before making up, it nourishes the skin and facilitates makeup and remains the beautiful costume. ─── 功效:上妆前使用,滋养肌肤,使之利于上妆,且妆容持久、靓丽。
46、Christianity culture nourishes western literature in the external form and forms the internal spirit quality of western literature as well. ─── 基督教文化在滋养西方文学外在形式的同时,也构筑了西方文学内在的精神品质。
47、Efficacy: Relive yourself, remove fatigue, nourish feet, soften skin and then bring you into a sweet dream. ─── 功效:舒缓压力、消除疲劳,滋润足部肌肤,令足部肌肤柔嫩;令你甜蜜入梦乡。
48、Cleopatra and the ancient Romans used Aloe Vera to nourish their skin keeping it looking healthy and revitalized. ─── 埃及豔后和古老的罗马人使用芦荟保养皮肤,使皮肤看起来年轻有弹性。
49、To take jellied dates and longan constantly will supplement your qi and nourish your Blood. ─── 常服红枣桂圆羹,定令您益气养血。
50、The polygonum multiflorum, Mai Dong, the flax kernel nourishes yin . ─── 何首乌、麦冬、天冬、胡麻仁滋阴润燥。
51、Vitamin E, 70% organic hand and body lotion, fragrance-free formula, enriched with wheat germ oil, Vitamins A and C. Relieves and nourishes dry skin. ─── 含70%有机成份,小麦胚芽油和维他命A、C、E等,绝无人工香料。即时保湿、滋润和保护乾燥肌肤。适合任何肌肤,每日洗手和沐浴后使用。
52、A great variety of animals nourish themselves on vegetable foods. ─── 多种动物依靠素食生存。
53、He always eats things that nourish the kidneys to strenghen his Yang function. ─── 他经常吃些补肾的东西来壮阳。
54、Mt. 6:26 Look at the birds of heaven.They do not sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father nourishes them. ─── 太六26你们看天空的飞鸟,它们既不种,也不收,又不收积在仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它们。
55、You will have plenty of goats'milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls. ─── 并有母山羊奶够你吃,也够你的家眷吃,且够养你的婢女。
56、The graceful breeze, the azure blue sea water and the unique environment nourish the clean raw materials for dishes. ─── 婀娜的椰风、湛蓝的海水、独特的环境,滋养了纯净的菜肴原料。
57、A nutritious soup that is low in salt rehydrates as it nourishes and helps to flush waste from the body. ─── 一碗有营养的汤必须是低盐的,这样他才能再次水合化来滋养我们的身体和排除体内的毒素。
58、It's specially suitable for youth spot, speck, wrinkle, and nourish the skin of deep layer. ─── 它特别适合青春痘,斑点,皱纹并对皮肤有深层滋养。
59、She have long nourish the dream of return to her motherland. ─── 她一直盼望着回国。
60、Deeply nourishes the dry skin, prevents the yellow color coming out from the skin, lasting the beauty and white translucent skin for you. ─── 充沛的水份可深层润养干燥肌肤,预防黄气产生,长久维持如雪花般水润常白肌肤。
61、Good theater always nourishes the human spirit. ─── 好戏剧陶冶人们的情操。
62、In sheep, though, the gene seems to be involved in establishing the placenta that nourishes the embryo. ─── 而在绵羊体内,这一基因似乎与滋养胚胎的胎盘的建立有关。
63、Don't be sofussy with your food. It's nourish and good to you. ─── 别这样挑食,这很有营养,对你很有好处的。
64、It nourishes my soul, gives me perspective, calm and balance. ─── 寂静滋养我的灵魂,给予我希望、冷静和平衡。
65、When he got back, he switched labs to study how cerebrospinal fluid nourishes the developing nervous system. ─── 回来后,他将实验室里的研究课题转向了脑脊液如何滋养发发育中的神经系统。
66、Point by point the winter cleanser nourishes it, that I have not used charcoal pollution, but the name that a bit of a clean too. ─── 冬天用点滋养点的洗面奶吧,那个竹炭污染的我没用过,不过一听这名字觉得就有点洁净过度。
67、Boxi Capsule: to resist fatigue, nourish yin and kidneys, balance and nurse men's physiological function. ─── 勃喜胶囊:抗疲劳、阴养肾,均衡调养男性生理机能。
68、It nourishes and whitens the skin, making skin fresh, fine and glossy greatly. ─── 令肌肤达到养颜美白、舒爽、细腻、亮泽的极佳效果。
69、Postpone aging, nourish the skin, stimulate saliva and reduce thirst, relax muscles and accelerate blood circulation. ─── 延缓衰老、美容护肤、生津止渴、舒筋活血。
70、Natural aloe to nourish your skin, glycerine lubrication factors, citric acid. ─── 天然芦荟滋润肌肤,甘油润滑因子,柠檬酸。
71、The food she eats nourishes both her and the baby. ─── 她吃的食物为她和婴儿提供营养。
72、Be helpful for nourish hair and eliminate scurf, relax tired. ─── 为秀发带来新的活力,深层滋养,有效去除顽固头屑,更可安抚心灵,缓解疲惫。
73、A rich formula for refreshing, luxurious bath or shower. Nourishes and prevents dryness with Dead Sea Minerals. ─── 天然成份,特殊的死海矿物质成份滋养全身肌肤,提供您高级的沐浴享受。
74、Boosts your skin's natural ability to nourish and oxygenate itself. ─── 加强皮肤本身的滋养及提供氧份的能力。
75、She nourishes fruits and protects flowing of the water, stones, plant and animals. Sun and Moon moves around the sky. ─── 大地是建筑着的生产者,滋养其果实,守望着水流和岩石,植物和动物。
76、B: As food nourishes the blood, so does reading nourish the mind. ─── 如同食物营养着我们身体的情况一样,阅读是大脑的精神食粮。
77、The chemisette is beautiful is what God's boon grant. God also wishes to nourish the woman! ─── 女人的美是上帝恩赐的。上帝也愿滋养女人!
78、Main ingredients: alga moisture essence, halobios nourish element, avocado, elastic polymer, nutrient and etc. ─── 主要成分:海藻保湿精华、海洋生物滋润素、鳄梨、弹性聚合体、营养元素等。
79、Dried Scallop Lean Meat Herbal Soup, it helps nourishes the spleen and improves appetite. ─── 干贝淮山瘦肉汤,滋润开胃而且火候十足,是炖汤补品类的代表。
80、To nourish yin of the lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. ─── 养阴润肺,化痰止咳。
81、More trees will be planted in the upper reaches of Miyun reservoir and Huairou reservoir to nourish the water source and eliminate soil erosion. ─── 完成密云、怀柔水库上游境内地区种植水源涵养林、水土流失治理等任务。
82、I will have different soups according to different seasons to nourish my body. ─── 不同的季节我会用不同汤水去调理自己的身体.
83、No matter how bad things are, we should always nourish a hope in our mind! ─── ---无纶遇到多么糟糕的事情,我们心里都要怀有希望!
84、When recovering from a serious illness, you have to nourish your body well. ─── 大病初愈,你要好好营养一下身体。
85、Nourish your life with a grateful heart. ─── 一颗感恩的心需要生活来滋养。
86、They want a fearful,chaotic frequency, which is what nourishes them. ─── 他们想要忧虑、混乱的频率,该频率是滋养他们的一切。
87、once liquefied, the candle transforms into a slow absorption, high-slip massage balm, that nourishes and hydrates the skin. ─── 一旦液化,蜡烛变成一个缓慢的吸收,高防滑按摩膏,是滋养和滋润皮肤。
88、Nourish, treasure and support our Master along this journey. ─── 在梁老师传播佛法的旅程中,我们要帮助、视并支持梁老师。
89、The sleep mask that can moisturize, nourish and repair your skin overnight. ─── 保湿,滋养,修护在一夜之间同步完成的睡眠面膜。
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