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08-09 投稿


abaci 发音

英:[['æbəsaɪ]]  美:[['æbəsaɪ]]

英:  美:

abaci 中文意思翻译



abaci 短语词组

1、abaci login ─── 登入算盘

2、abaci grill ─── 烤腊肠

3、abaci otel ─── 阿巴奇酒店

4、abaci def ─── 专家模式

5、abaci group ─── 阿巴奇集团

6、abaci define ─── 定义选项卡

7、abaci uygar ─── 游戏

abaci 相似词语短语

1、abacas ─── n.马尼拉麻;麻蕉

2、abasia ─── n.[医]步行不能(神经系统疾病引发)

3、abacá ─── 鳄梨

4、aback ─── adv.向后;处于顶风位置;向后地;吓了一跳

5、abacus ─── n.算盘

6、abacs ─── n.座标网;[数]算图,列线图

7、abacist ─── n.用算盘者

8、abac ─── n.座标网;[数]算图,列线图

9、abaca ─── n.马尼拉麻;麻蕉

abaci 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Occurrence, damage and control technique of the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia abaci ─── 烟粉虱发生危害及控制技术

2、Disposing welding section steel cross bridging in the slab-column system is a good means to avoid disposing abaci and elevating shear resistance. ─── 合理设置型钢剪力架是避免设置柱帽和板托,同时有效提高板柱节点抗冲切承载力的最受欢迎的有效手段。

3、Drawing only some rats, rakes and abaci, Qi Baishi already astounded painting circles, however, in the western painting circle; ─── 而在西画领域中似乎没听说过因题材的改良而那么地引人瞩目的。

4、Nowadays, abaci are often constructed as a wooden frame with beads sliding on wires, but originally they were beads or stones moved in grooves in sand or on tablets of wood, stone, or metal. ─── 如今,算盘往往建造在电线与滑动珠子木框架,但是最初他们是珠子或石头,在沙槽移动或木材,石头或金属片。

5、Occurrence, damage and control technique of the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia abaci ─── 烟粉虱发生危害及控制技术

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