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08-09 投稿


presides 发音

英:[prɪˈzaɪd]  美:[prɪˈzaɪd]

英:  美:

presides 中文意思翻译




presides 短语词组

1、presides over ─── 主持;负责

2、presides over her studio ─── 主持她的工作室

presides 词性/词形变化,presides变形


presides 常用词组

preside over ─── 主持;负责

preside at ─── 主持;负责

presides 相似词语短语

1、preside ─── vi.主持,担任会议主席;vt.管理

2、presidents ─── n.理事长,总统

3、firesides ─── n.炉边;家庭;adj.炉边的;非正式的;n.(Fireside)人名;(英)法尔赛德

4、foresides ─── n.前部;上部

5、resides ─── 居住;存在

6、president ─── n.总统;董事长;校长;主席;总裁

7、preguides ─── 预指南

8、presided ─── v.主持(preside的过去式)

9、presider ─── n.主席;主持者

presides 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He presides over the company. ─── 他管理这家公司。

2、The Executive Council normally meets once a week. The Chief Executive presides over its meetings. ─── 行政会议通常每周举行一次会议,由行政长官主持。

3、Midst: Wang Han-sheng, founder of Hsuan Yuan Chiao, presides over the worshiping ceremony. ─── 中图:创教人王寒生主持祭拜仪式。

4、The former deals with temporal matters such as business and commerce, while the latter presides over spiritual affairs as well as concerns of the lupus population. ─── 前者处理比如生意、商业之类的世俗事务,而后者主持比如狼人人口的利害关系之类的精神事务。

5、Mayor Huang Xingguo presides over the conference and speaks. ─── 市长黄兴国主持会议并讲话。

6、Make meeting minutes for the meetings that DGM presides over or participates when necessary. ─── 在必要的事后对副总经理主持、参加的会议进行记录。

7、The General Manager presides over the operation of a firm and reports to the board of the directors. ─── 总经理负责整个公司的经营并向董事会汇报工作。

8、The Chief Executive presides at its meetings. ─── 会议由行政长官主持。

9、This is the last meeting that Foreign languages department presides over. ─── 今天是毕业前夕外语系的最后一次党员发展会。

10、Bush presid ed over the unveiling of his portrait at a private club in Philadelphia. ─── 他在费城的一个私人俱乐部上主持了他自己肖像的揭幕仪式。

11、There and elsewhere, their vast production of photosynthesis and shade presides over a seasonal cycle of life and involves countless plant and animal species. ─── 这些林地光合作用为这个星球制造氧气,也同时为无数的动植物提供了生生不息的生存庇护。

12、Who presides over tomorrow's meeting hasn't been decided yet. ─── 谁主持明天的会议还没有决定.

13、A woman who presides over especially pagan rites. ─── 女祭司指专门主持,基督教以外宗教仪式的女人

14、presides over the Senate ─── 主持参议院

15、edward wilkerson, center, presides over one of his many dinner parties. ─── 爱德华威克森,中心,可用来主持宴会。

16、Whoever presides at the meeting will need patience and tact. ─── 无论谁主持会议,都既要 有耐性,又要机敏老练.

17、The manager presides over the business of the store. ─── 经理负责商店业务。

18、Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .(Franklin Roosevelt , American presid Dating ent ─── 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。(美国总统罗斯福.F.

19、[Fan club of Presid... ─── ] [世界最强的陆军!

20、In London Mr Hirst presides over two large industrial units producing the butterfly-wing pictures and his photo-realist paintings. ─── 在伦敦,赫斯特先生负责两个大型的工业单位,以生产蝴蝶翅膀绘画与他自己的照片真实感绘画为主。

21、Deputy head Hou Jianguo、Dou Xiankang and dean of Asia Academe Hong Xiaowen have attended it.And the execute prior of Information and Science academy Wei Guo presides it. ─── 常务副校长侯建国、副校长窦贤康、微软亚洲研究院院长洪小文等出席揭牌仪式和报告会,会议由信息科学技术学院执行院长卫国主持。

22、someone who presides over a forum or debate. ─── 主持论坛法庭或辩论的人。

23、McNamee has served as a healthcare consultant for major pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, and currently presides over Healthcare Administration of a long-term care facility. ─── 此外,博士麦克纳米担任医疗顾问,主要的制药公司和健康保险公司,目前主持保健管理,长期护理设施。

24、She presides over the business of this store very well and I know it. ─── 她把这家商店的生意打理得井井有条,这一点我知道。

25、Autonomous region party committee secretary Chen Jianguo presides over the conference. ─── 自治区党委书记陈建国主持会议。

26、Prime ministers no longer host summits: Herman Van Rompuy presides instead. ─── 首相们不再主持峰会:取而代之的是赫尔曼•范龙佩。

27、The Premier convenes and presides over the executive meetings and plenary meetings of the State Council. ─── 总理召集和主持国务院常务会议和国务院全体会议。

28、Monday morning Jack presides over the meeting of management. ─── 星期一早上,杰克主持召开了中层干部会议。

29、With a quick computer key stroke, space station astronaut Leroy Chiao became the first American to vote for presid ─── 美国大选:华裔宇航员投出太空第一票

30、But grist to the mill of all those telling voters that the cool Mr Obama presides over a government of big-spending wild-eyed radicals bent on nationalising health care. ─── 但类似事情如果不断发生,选民会觉得不同凡响的奥巴马总统领导的政府里都是花钱大手大脚、决心要使医疗行业国有化的激进份子。

31、Only in times of crisis (e.g. when the gods are on strike, see the Atrahas顂 epic) it is Anum himself who presides the general assembly of the gods. ─── 只有在危机降临的时候(例如是众神在争斗的时候,见阿塔拉哈史诗),安努姆本人亲自主持众神会员大会。

32、As Presid , he appoint men to high govern posit whom he consid mo st capabl , even t hough some of t hem openli scorn him. ─── 段落的直线性发展围绕主题展开 , 先陈述中心思想 , 后分点论证说明 , 使主题句的内容展开。

33、Who presides over the meeting has not been decideded. ─── 这个会议要谁来主持还未决定。

34、The officer who presides at the meetings of an organization. ─── 主持一个团体的会议的官员。

35、The other period of relaxation in the school timetable was gardening, presid ed over by Miss Dutton, the biology teacher. ─── 学校的课程表中,可以使学生们放松一下的另一个时间是园艺劳动,由生物老师达顿小组负责组织。

36、Who presides over the department? ─── 谁负责管理这个部门?

37、The director presides over the meeting. There is no one over him in the department. ─── 董事主持会议。在这个部门没有人比他职位高

38、The Prime Minister presides at meetings of the Cabinet. ─── 首相主持内阁会议。

39、Well, Mark Sm th, who was the first presid cnt, founded the company in Ottawa in 1955. ─── 请说说你对我们公司的了解。

40、After all, Mr Fukuda's standing at home, where he presides over a shambolic and talentless administration, is fragile. ─── 毕竟福田康夫自己还立身未稳,他手下的本届政府办事无能、乱成一团。

41、A referee presides over a game and is in charge of implementing the Football rules. ─── 裁判员主持整场比赛,负责维持整场比赛的秩序。

42、Sam presides over the banquet.Lily is his interpreter. ─── 山姆负责主持宴会,莉莉负责翻译。

43、There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us ─── 公平的上帝主宰一切国家的命运,他会召唤我们的朋友起来和我们并肩战斗。

44、Chief of the General Staff Soong Chang-chih presides over the rank-conferring ceremony. ─── 参谋总长宋长志上将主持范义士授阶典礼。

45、She also presides over regular literary salons that are videotaped and can be viewed on her foundation's Web site. ─── 她还主持着几个文艺沙龙,这些沙龙被录下,并被放在其基金会网站上。

46、Long before he presides in White House, Kennedy has developed a systematic diplomatic concept from his daily dealing of the foreign affairs. ─── 入主白宫前,在国会里长期从事对外事务工作的肯尼迪逐渐形成了较为系统的外交思想。

47、The young worker presides over the furnace in the forge. ─── 这个青年工人负责管理锻工车间的炉子。

48、In the same way, Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion of all the Buddhas, in his eleven-headed aspect, has on his crown his teacher Amitabha Buddha, the one who presides over Western pureland. ─── 同样的,观世音菩萨,诸佛慈悲的总汇,在他的十一面的形像的头冠顶上有他的老师,掌理西方净土的阿弥陀佛。

49、President Yen Chia-kan presides over a rally in memory of the late President Chiang Kai-shek. ─── 中枢举行总统蒋公逝世纪念会,严总统亲临主持。

50、He presides over all the workshops. ─── 他管理全部工厂。

51、He now presides over one of the most prodigious wealth-generating machines in history. ─── 他目前执掌着有史以来最庞大的赚钱机器之一。

52、And President George W.Bush got a look at how history will remember him, at least in one artist's view.Bush presid ed over the unveiling of his portrait at a private club in Philadelphia. ─── 布什在费城他自己私人的俱乐部中为他的一座塑像揭幕,这样美国总统布什有个机会看看历史将如何记住他,至少是从艺术的角度。

53、The village was inhabited by theBani Yas tribe, who were led by the Maktoum family, the dynasty thatstill presides over Dubai today. ─── 这个阿拉伯湾海滨小镇当时是BANI YAS部落,头领是MAKTOUM家族,现任酋长也仍然是由马克图姆家族担任的。

54、In the case of an impeached president, the chief justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial. ─── 如果弹劾对象为总统,则由最高法院首席大法官主审。

55、organizes and presides over the auction; ─── 组织和主持拍卖;

56、There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. ─── 公正的上帝主宰着各国的命运,他将感召朋友们为我们而战。

57、52. Whoever presides at the meeting will need patience and tact. ─── 无论谁主持会议,都既要有耐性,又要机敏老练.

58、The director presides over the meeting. There is no one over him in the department. ─── 董事主持会议。在这个部门没有人比他职位高。

59、until you earn both. You will not make 40 thousand dollar a year right out of high school. You won"t be a vice presid with a car phone. ─── 并拥有一部装有电话的汽车,高中刚毕业你不会一年挣4万美元。不会成为一个公司的副总裁。直到将此职位和汽车电话都挣到手。

60、The construction company he presides over employs 145,000 people worldwide and got rich building highways, homes and high-speed trains. ─── 他的建筑公司目前在全球共有145,000名员工,通过建设公路、住房和高速列车而发展壮大。

61、Once a week the chapter assembles: the prioress presides;the vocal mothers assist. ─── 她们每星期集合一次,院长主持,参议嬷嬷们出席。

62、One who performs a religious rite or presides over a religious service or ceremony. ─── 司祭者执行宗教仪式的人或统领一次宗教仪式的人

63、The President represents the Assembly, presides over its sessions and supervises its affairs. ─── 议长代表议会,主持各项会议和对各项事务进行监督。

64、Who it is that presides over this new radio programme? ─── 是谁主持这套新的广播节目?

65、Ogryns, although not famous for their cleanliness and hygiene, carry no diseases or infections. The strong smell that presides around is entirely natural and should be no cause for alarm. ─── 虽然欧根蛮人并不以干净卫生而出名,但身上从不携带病菌或传染疾病。他们身上浓重的气味完全是天生的,对此大可不必紧张。

66、God of wealth who presides over a vast bureaucracy with many minor deities under his authority.A majestic figure robed in exquisite silks. ─── 财富之神,管理一个在他的权威之下的,拥有很多位小神的巨大官僚机构,通常是一位庄严的人物,穿着精致的丝绸长袍。

67、Javier E. Yap Siu, son-in-law of the president and also a presid ential assistant, credits his current success to his parents' teaching. ─── 总统女婿,亦是总统特别助理的叶思良,将今日的成就归功于父母给予的良好教育。

68、The manager presides over the business of this store. ─── 经理主管本店的业务。

69、He presides at the meeting today . ─── 今天,他主持会议。

70、The Executive Council normally meets once a week, and its proceedings are confidential, although many of its decisions are made public. The Chief Executive presides at its meetings. ─── 行政会议通常每周举行会议一次,由行政长官主持。虽然会议事项保密,但很多决定都向外公布。

71、Who presides pover the Senate? ─── 谁主持参议院?

72、Over all presides the Queen Anne manor house, now the property of an egocentric actress and her fourth devoted husband ─── 这一切之中最显眼的是安妮女王的庄园,现在它归一个自以为是的演员和她第四任忠实的丈夫所有。

73、One who presides over a meeting, forum, or debate. ─── 主持人主持会议,论坛或讨论会的人

74、The earlier and pure Greek phase of her character, in which Aphrodite(or Venus) is called a daughter of Zeus and Dione, was that of a goddess who presides over human love; ─── 在较早纯希腊的神话里,阿佛洛狄忒 (维纳斯)被称为宙斯与狄俄涅之女,是掌管人类爱情的女神;

75、Kwong, as he presides over displays of the yellow-tinged liquor at the Angkor Rice Wine Workshop, a distillery and souvenir shop he owns. ─── 邝先生说,他在“吴哥窟米酒场坊”主持展示这种淡黄酒品,这家米酒礼品店是他开的。

76、The president is elected by popular vote to a term of 6 years, during which he or she appoints and presides over the cabinet. ─── 总统由全民投票选举产生,任期6年。在此期间总统任命和主持内阁。

77、She presides over the radio programme . ─── 她负责安排广播节目。

78、The officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian Church. ─── 主持官员主持基督教长老会的会议或大会的官员

79、Pope John Paul II prays on the altar as he presides over the midnight mass as part of Christmas celebrations in St. Peter's Basilica, December 24, 2001. ─── 老态龙钟的教皇依旧在平安夜主持午夜弥撒。

80、They do not have enough time for breakfast.They eat it on their way to school.Their parents worry a lot about their health.Good news came to them.The presid. ─── 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯宣布:委内瑞拉的全国时间正式调慢半小时,目的就是让住得比较偏远的孩子可以晚点起床,迎着阳光去上学。

81、Tables and chairs have raplaced the cushions of the past , and the lady of the house presides at one end of the table in the same way that Western women do. ─── 效行西方人,以前的坐垫被餐桌和椅子所代替,在用餐时,女主人像西方的妇女一样,站在餐桌的一头招待客人。

82、She also presides over regular literary salons that are videotaped and can be viewed on her foundation's Web site. ─── 她还主持着几个文艺沙龙,这些沙龙被录下,并被放在其基金会网站上。

83、The person who presides over a wedding ceremony coil and bind the a concentric thread to the bridegroom and bride's arms. ─── 主婚人把较长同心线栓在新郎新娘手臂上。

84、the judge who presides over a supreme court. ─── 主持最高法院的法官。

85、He presides at the meeting today. ─── 今天,他主持会议。

86、4. One who presides over a meeting, forum , or debate. ─── 这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。

87、One person, the Chair, presides. ─── 会议的主持人只有一个。

88、Even Mr. Lincoln was mocked as a country yokel at the beginning, but saved the union and still presides in marble on the edge of the Potomac. ─── 想当初,不是连林肯先生也曾被人讥笑为“乡巴佬”么? 而他却拯救了联邦,至今其大理石雕像仍然雄踞于波托马克河畔呢!

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